************* Module rbaccount rbaccount.py:133: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX Should check this before we rename user in ldap, have a rbaccount.py:29: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required before assignment __author__ = 'Cillian Sharkey' ^ rbaccount.py:65: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (112/100) rbaccount.py:73: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (122/100) rbaccount.py:82: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (124/100) rbaccount.py:116: [W0301(unnecessary-semicolon), ] Unnecessary semicolon rbaccount.py:117: [W0301(unnecessary-semicolon), ] Unnecessary semicolon rbaccount.py:143: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (136/100) rbaccount.py:182: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed before : except OSError as e : ^ rbaccount.py:189: [W0301(unnecessary-semicolon), ] Unnecessary semicolon rbaccount.py:190: [W0301(unnecessary-semicolon), ] Unnecessary semicolon rbaccount.py:191: [W0301(unnecessary-semicolon), ] Unnecessary semicolon rbaccount.py:192: [W0301(unnecessary-semicolon), ] Unnecessary semicolon rbaccount.py:220: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (136/100) rbaccount.py:236: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (164/100) rbaccount.py:251: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def disuser(self, username, disuser_period = None): ^ rbaccount.py:267: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (126/100) rbaccount.py:268: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (136/100) rbaccount.py:288: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (131/100) rbaccount.py:314: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (114/100) rbaccount.py:321: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (129/100) rbaccount.py:20: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rberror rbaccount.py:21: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rbopt rbaccount.py:22: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rbuser rbaccount.py:75: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.add] Invalid variable name "fd" rbaccount.py:86: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.add] Invalid variable name "fs" rbaccount.py:99: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.delete] Invalid variable name "fs" rbaccount.py:99: [C0201(consider-iterating-dictionary), RBAccount.delete] Consider iterating the dictionary directly instead of calling .keys() rbaccount.py:152: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.rename] Invalid variable name "e" rbaccount.py:157: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.rename] Invalid variable name "e" rbaccount.py:175: [C0200(consider-using-enumerate), RBAccount.rename] Consider using enumerate instead of iterating with range and len rbaccount.py:182: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.rename] Invalid variable name "e" rbaccount.py:262: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.quota_set] Invalid argument name "fs" rbaccount.py:262: [R0913(too-many-arguments), RBAccount.quota_set] Too many arguments (7/5) rbaccount.py:270: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.quota_delete] Invalid argument name "fs" rbaccount.py:280: [R0201(no-self-use), RBAccount.show] Method could be a function rbaccount.py:294: [R0201(no-self-use), RBAccount.check_accountfree] Method could be a function rbaccount.py:301: [R0201(no-self-use), RBAccount.check_account_byname] Method could be a function rbaccount.py:311: [W0622(redefined-builtin), RBAccount.list_add] Redefining built-in 'list' rbaccount.py:314: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.list_add] Invalid variable name "fd" rbaccount.py:318: [W0622(redefined-builtin), RBAccount.list_delete] Redefining built-in 'list' rbaccount.py:327: [R0201(no-self-use), RBAccount.shquote] Method could be a function rbaccount.py:344: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.runcmd] Invalid variable name "fd" rbaccount.py:367: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.wrapper] Invalid variable name "v" rbaccount.py:391: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.my_close] Invalid argument name "fd" rbaccount.py:401: [C0103(invalid-name), RBAccount.rberror] Invalid argument name "e" rbaccount.py:35: [R0904(too-many-public-methods), RBAccount] Too many public methods (22/20) rbaccount.py:9: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import grp rbaccount.py:11: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import pwd rbaccount.py:12: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import random rbaccount.py:20: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import RBError from wildcard import rbaccount.py:22: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import RBUser from wildcard import ************* Module rbconfig rbconfig.py:221: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX: need files for carbon now aswell. rbconfig.py:17: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required before assignment __author__ = 'Cillian Sharkey' ^ rbconfig.py:59: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'redbrick.dcu.ie', | ^ rbconfig.py:60: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'club.dcu.ie', | ^ rbconfig.py:61: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'soc.dcu.ie', | ^ rbconfig.py:66: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (129/100) rbconfig.py:90: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('/etc/group', 'Deathray'), | ^ rbconfig.py:91: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('/local/share/var/carbon/group', 'Carbon') | ^ rbconfig.py:97: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('/etc/hosts', 'Deathray'), | ^ rbconfig.py:98: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('/local/share/var/carbon/hosts', 'Carbon') | ^ rbconfig.py:104: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('/etc/mail/exim_aliases.txt', 'Mail alias'), | ^ rbconfig.py:118: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'founders': 'RedBrick founder', | ^ rbconfig.py:119: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'member': 'Normal member', | ^ rbconfig.py:120: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'associat': 'Graduate/associate member', | ^ rbconfig.py:121: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'staff': 'DCU staff member', | ^ rbconfig.py:122: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'society': 'DCU society', | ^ rbconfig.py:123: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'club': 'DCU club', | ^ rbconfig.py:124: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'projects': 'RedBrick/DCU/Course project account', | ^ rbconfig.py:125: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'guest': 'Guest account', | ^ rbconfig.py:126: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'intersoc': 'Account for society from another college', | ^ rbconfig.py:127: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'committe': 'Committee member or a position account', | ^ rbconfig.py:128: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'redbrick': 'RedBrick related account', | ^ rbconfig.py:129: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'dcu': 'DCU related account' | ^ rbconfig.py:135: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'member', 'associat', 'staff', 'committe', | ^ rbconfig.py:136: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'society', 'club', 'dcu', | ^ rbconfig.py:137: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'projects', 'redbrick', 'intersoc', 'guest' | ^ rbconfig.py:151: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'admin': 'Elected admin', | ^ rbconfig.py:152: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'webmaster': 'Elected webmaster', | ^ rbconfig.py:153: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'helpdesk': 'Elected helpdesk' | ^ rbconfig.py:161: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'admin': 'root,log', | ^ rbconfig.py:162: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'webmaster': 'root,log,webgroup', | ^ rbconfig.py:163: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'helpdesk': 'helpdesk' | ^ rbconfig.py:172: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'admin': 'committe', | ^ rbconfig.py:173: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'webmaster': 'committe', | ^ rbconfig.py:174: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'helpdesk': 'committe' | ^ rbconfig.py:199: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def gen_quotas(usertype = None): ^ rbconfig.py:214: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). '/storage': (1000000, 1100000, 800000, 1000000) | ^ rbconfig.py:224: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). '%s/%s' % (dir_signaway_state, username), | ^ rbconfig.py:225: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). '/var/mail/%s' % username, | ^ rbconfig.py:226: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). '/var/spool/cron/crontabs/%s' % username | ^ rbconfig.py:21: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dir_rrs" rbconfig.py:25: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "maxlen_uname" rbconfig.py:26: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "maxlen_group" rbconfig.py:30: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_default_objectClass" rbconfig.py:31: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_default_hosts" rbconfig.py:35: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_uri" rbconfig.py:36: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_root_dn" rbconfig.py:37: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_rootpw_file" rbconfig.py:38: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_tree" rbconfig.py:39: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_accounts_tree" rbconfig.py:40: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_group_tree" rbconfig.py:41: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_reserved_tree" rbconfig.py:45: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_dcu_uri" rbconfig.py:46: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_dcu_tree" rbconfig.py:47: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_dcu_rbdn" rbconfig.py:48: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_dcu_rbpw" rbconfig.py:49: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_dcu_students_tree" rbconfig.py:51: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_dcu_staff_tree" rbconfig.py:53: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "ldap_dcu_alumni_tree" rbconfig.py:58: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dns_zones" rbconfig.py:66: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "mailman_list_suffixes" rbconfig.py:70: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dir_home" rbconfig.py:71: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dir_webtree" rbconfig.py:72: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dir_signaway_state" rbconfig.py:73: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dir_daft" rbconfig.py:74: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dir_skel" rbconfig.py:75: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "dir_mailman" rbconfig.py:79: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "file_uidNumber" rbconfig.py:80: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "file_pre_sync" rbconfig.py:81: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "file_rrslog" rbconfig.py:82: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "file_shells" rbconfig.py:83: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "file_backup_passwd" rbconfig.py:84: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "shell_default" rbconfig.py:85: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "shell_expired" rbconfig.py:89: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "files_group" rbconfig.py:96: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "files_host" rbconfig.py:103: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "files_alias" rbconfig.py:109: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "command_setquota" rbconfig.py:110: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "command_chown" rbconfig.py:111: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "command_chgrp" rbconfig.py:112: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "command_cp" rbconfig.py:113: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "command_sendmail" rbconfig.py:117: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "usertypes" rbconfig.py:134: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "usertypes_list" rbconfig.py:142: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "usertypes_paying" rbconfig.py:146: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "usertypes_dcu" rbconfig.py:150: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "convert_usertypes" rbconfig.py:160: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "convert_extra_groups" rbconfig.py:171: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "convert_primary_groups" rbconfig.py:181: [C0111(missing-docstring), gen_passwd] Missing function docstring rbconfig.py:188: [W0622(redefined-builtin), gen_homedir] Redefining built-in 'hash' rbconfig.py:199: [W0613(unused-argument), gen_quotas] Unused argument 'usertype' rbconfig.py:10: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import random ************* Module rberror rberror.py:21: [W0231(super-init-not-called), RBError.__init__] __init__ method from base class 'Exception' is not called ************* Module rbopt rbopt.py:12: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required before assignment __author__ = 'Cillian Sharkey' ^ rbopt.py:43: [C0103(invalid-name), RBOpt.__init__] Invalid attribute name "id" rbopt.py:46: [C0103(invalid-name), RBOpt.__init__] Invalid attribute name "yearsPaid" rbopt.py:48: [C0103(invalid-name), RBOpt.__init__] Invalid attribute name "loginShell" rbopt.py:41: [C0103(invalid-name), RBOpt.__init__] Invalid attribute name "cn" rbopt.py:18: [R0902(too-many-instance-attributes), RBOpt] Too many instance attributes (25/7) rbopt.py:18: [R0903(too-few-public-methods), RBOpt] Too few public methods (0/2) ************* Module rbuserdb rbuserdb.py:164: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX still needed ? rbuserdb.py:322: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX: this overrides committe people (typically back to member) rbuserdb.py:448: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX Use old passwd.backup file FTTB. Should use rbuserdb.py:1087: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX: is this correct way to disable password? rbuserdb.py:35: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required before assignment __author__ = 'Cillian Sharkey' ^ rbuserdb.py:54: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (126/100) rbuserdb.py:55: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (172/100) rbuserdb.py:55: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def connect(self, uri = rbconfig.ldap_uri, dn = rbconfig.ldap_root_dn, password = None, dcu_uri = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_uri,dcu_dn = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_rbdn, dcu_pw = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:55: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def connect(self, uri = rbconfig.ldap_uri, dn = rbconfig.ldap_root_dn, password = None, dcu_uri = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_uri,dcu_dn = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_rbdn, dcu_pw = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:55: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def connect(self, uri = rbconfig.ldap_uri, dn = rbconfig.ldap_root_dn, password = None, dcu_uri = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_uri,dcu_dn = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_rbdn, dcu_pw = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:55: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def connect(self, uri = rbconfig.ldap_uri, dn = rbconfig.ldap_root_dn, password = None, dcu_uri = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_uri,dcu_dn = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_rbdn, dcu_pw = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:55: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma def connect(self, uri = rbconfig.ldap_uri, dn = rbconfig.ldap_root_dn, password = None, dcu_uri = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_uri,dcu_dn = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_rbdn, dcu_pw = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:55: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def connect(self, uri = rbconfig.ldap_uri, dn = rbconfig.ldap_root_dn, password = None, dcu_uri = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_uri,dcu_dn = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_rbdn, dcu_pw = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:55: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def connect(self, uri = rbconfig.ldap_uri, dn = rbconfig.ldap_root_dn, password = None, dcu_uri = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_uri,dcu_dn = rbconfig.ldap_dcu_rbdn, dcu_pw = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:92: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma self.ldap_dcu.simple_bind_s(dcu_dn,dcu_pw) ^ rbuserdb.py:122: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (140/100) rbuserdb.py:130: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (111/100) rbuserdb.py:157: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (103/100) rbuserdb.py:169: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (128/100) rbuserdb.py:184: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (102/100) rbuserdb.py:200: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_userinfo_new(self, usr, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:206: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment tmpusr = RBUser(id = usr.id) ^ rbuserdb.py:212: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (112/100) rbuserdb.py:216: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_userinfo_renew(self, usr, curusr = None, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:216: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_userinfo_renew(self, usr, curusr = None, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:240: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment dcuusr = RBUser(uid = usr.uid, usertype = usr.usertype, id = usr.id) ^ rbuserdb.py:240: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment dcuusr = RBUser(uid = usr.uid, usertype = usr.usertype, id = usr.id) ^ rbuserdb.py:240: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment dcuusr = RBUser(uid = usr.uid, usertype = usr.usertype, id = usr.id) ^ rbuserdb.py:242: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment self.get_dcu_byid(dcuusr, override = 1) ^ rbuserdb.py:262: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.merge(dcuusr, override = override) ^ rbuserdb.py:264: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.merge(RBUser(curusr, updatedby = None)) ^ rbuserdb.py:280: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (125/100) rbuserdb.py:283: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_userdefaults_renew(self, usr, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:291: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_dcu_byid(self, usr, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:349: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_student_byid(self, usr, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:361: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (119/100) rbuserdb.py:368: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_alumni_byid(self, usr, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:380: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (105/100) rbuserdb.py:387: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_staff_byid(self, usr, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:402: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (132/100) rbuserdb.py:414: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (129/100) rbuserdb.py:438: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (101/100) rbuserdb.py:488: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (103/100) rbuserdb.py:556: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (101/100) rbuserdb.py:557: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (101/100) rbuserdb.py:705: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (119/100) rbuserdb.py:710: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (115/100) rbuserdb.py:715: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment tmpusr = RBUser(uid = usr.uid) ^ rbuserdb.py:768: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (151/100) rbuserdb.py:778: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'homeDirectory': data['homeDirectory'][0], | ^ rbuserdb.py:779: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'usertype': i | ^ rbuserdb.py:786: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (120/100) rbuserdb.py:792: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (126/100) rbuserdb.py:798: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (127/100) rbuserdb.py:804: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (108/100) rbuserdb.py:810: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (107/100) rbuserdb.py:816: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (114/100) rbuserdb.py:822: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (116/100) rbuserdb.py:828: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (134/100) rbuserdb.py:834: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (137/100) rbuserdb.py:848: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (108/100) rbuserdb.py:854: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (107/100) rbuserdb.py:860: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (109/100) rbuserdb.py:866: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (156/100) rbuserdb.py:877: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (130/100) rbuserdb.py:887: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (148/100) rbuserdb.py:903: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (137/100) rbuserdb.py:928: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (137/100) rbuserdb.py:954: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (174/100) rbuserdb.py:956: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (152/100) rbuserdb.py:957: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (135/100) rbuserdb.py:993: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'paid', 'unpaid', 'nonpay', 'newbie', | ^ rbuserdb.py:994: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'signed_paid', 'signed_unpaid', 'signed_nonpay', 'signed_newbie', | ^ rbuserdb.py:995: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'nosign_paid', 'nosign_unpaid', 'nosign_nonpay', 'nosign_newbie', | ^ rbuserdb.py:996: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'TOTAL' | ^ rbuserdb.py:999: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma usertypes[k] = dict([(c,0) for c in categories]) ^ rbuserdb.py:1007: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (107/100) rbuserdb.py:1017: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (127/100) rbuserdb.py:1044: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma category_totals = dict([(c,0) for c in categories]) ^ rbuserdb.py:1071: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (137/100) rbuserdb.py:1072: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (184/100) rbuserdb.py:1079: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (127/100) rbuserdb.py:1082: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (103/100) rbuserdb.py:1102: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (126/100) rbuserdb.py:1128: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (112/100) rbuserdb.py:1186: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('uid', usr.uid), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1187: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('objectClass', usr.objectClass), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1188: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('newbie', usr.newbie and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1189: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('cn', usr.cn), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1190: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('altmail', usr.altmail), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1191: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('updatedby', usr.updatedby), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1192: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('updated', usr.updated), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1193: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('createdby', usr.updatedby), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1194: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('created', usr.created), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1195: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('uidNumber', str(usr.uidNumber)), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1196: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('gidNumber', str(usr.gidNumber)), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1197: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('gecos', usr.gecos), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1198: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('loginShell', usr.loginShell), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1199: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('homeDirectory', usr.homeDirectory), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1200: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('userPassword', usr.userPassword), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1201: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('host', usr.host) | ^ rbuserdb.py:1222: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'newbie', usr.newbie and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1223: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'cn', usr.cn), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1224: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'altmail', usr.altmail), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1225: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updatedby', usr.updatedby), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1226: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updated', usr.updated), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1247: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'newbie', usr.newbie and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1248: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'cn', usr.cn), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1249: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'altmail', usr.altmail), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1250: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updatedby', usr.updatedby), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1251: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updated', usr.updated) | ^ rbuserdb.py:1272: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'homeDirectory', usr.homeDirectory), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1273: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updatedby', usr.updatedby), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1274: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updated', usr.updated) | ^ rbuserdb.py:1283: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'objectClass', usr.objectClass), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1284: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'gidNumber', str(usr.gidNumber)), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1285: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'homeDirectory', usr.homeDirectory), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1286: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updatedby', usr.updatedby), | ^ rbuserdb.py:1287: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'updated', usr.updated) | ^ rbuserdb.py:1354: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def set_user_dcu(self, usr, res, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:1375: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def set_user_dcu_student(self, usr, res, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:1390: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def set_user_dcu_staff(self, usr, res, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:1400: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def set_user_dcu_alumni(self, usr, res, override = 0): ^ rbuserdb.py:1439: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def execute(self, sql, params = None): ^ rbuserdb.py:1: [C0302(too-many-lines), ] Too many lines in module (1469/1000) rbuserdb.py:21: [E0401(import-error), ] Unable to import 'ldap' rbuserdb.py:26: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rberror rbuserdb.py:27: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rbopt rbuserdb.py:28: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rbuser rbuserdb.py:55: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.connect] Invalid argument name "dn" rbuserdb.py:55: [R0913(too-many-arguments), RBUserDB.connect] Too many arguments (7/5) rbuserdb.py:68: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.connect] Invalid variable name "fd" rbuserdb.py:76: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.connect] Invalid variable name "fd" rbuserdb.py:139: [W0622(redefined-builtin), RBUserDB.check_user_byid] Redefining built-in 'id' rbuserdb.py:139: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.check_user_byid] Invalid argument name "id" rbuserdb.py:212: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.get_userinfo_new] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'cn' member rbuserdb.py:232: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.get_userinfo_renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member rbuserdb.py:243: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.get_userinfo_renew] Invalid variable name "e" rbuserdb.py:277: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.get_userdefaults_new] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:280: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.get_userdefaults_new] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:266: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.get_userdefaults_new] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:288: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.get_userdefaults_renew] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:283: [W0613(unused-argument), RBUserDB.get_userdefaults_renew] Unused argument 'override' rbuserdb.py:283: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.get_userdefaults_renew] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:309: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.get_dcu_byid] Invalid variable name "e" rbuserdb.py:312: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.get_dcu_byid] Invalid variable name "e" rbuserdb.py:414: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.get_dummyid] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:416: [E0602(undefined-variable), RBUserDB.get_dummyid] Undefined variable 'results' rbuserdb.py:451: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.get_backup_shell] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:453: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.get_backup_shell] Invalid variable name "fd" rbuserdb.py:455: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.get_backup_shell] Invalid variable name "pw" rbuserdb.py:478: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_username] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:493: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_usertype] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:502: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_convert_usertype] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:508: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_renewal_usertype] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:519: [C0123(unidiomatic-typecheck), RBUserDB.check_id] Using type() instead of isinstance() for a typecheck. rbuserdb.py:514: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_id] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:531: [C0123(unidiomatic-typecheck), RBUserDB.check_years_paid] Using type() instead of isinstance() for a typecheck. rbuserdb.py:526: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_years_paid] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:538: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_name] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:569: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_birthday] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:576: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.check_disuser_period] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:606: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.add] Invalid variable name "fd" rbuserdb.py:717: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.reset_shell] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'loginShell' member rbuserdb.py:728: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.show] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:734: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.info] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:750: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.show_diff] Invalid variable name "v" rbuserdb.py:752: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.show_diff] Invalid variable name "ov" rbuserdb.py:741: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.show_diff] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:770: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.list_pre_sync] Invalid variable name "dn" rbuserdb.py:779: [W0631(undefined-loop-variable), RBUserDB.list_pre_sync] Using possibly undefined loop variable 'i' rbuserdb.py:770: [W0612(unused-variable), RBUserDB.list_pre_sync] Unused variable 'dn' rbuserdb.py:879: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.dict_reserved_desc] Invalid variable name "dn" rbuserdb.py:879: [W0612(unused-variable), RBUserDB.dict_reserved_desc] Unused variable 'dn' rbuserdb.py:889: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.dict_reserved_static] Invalid variable name "dn" rbuserdb.py:889: [W0612(unused-variable), RBUserDB.dict_reserved_static] Unused variable 'dn' rbuserdb.py:903: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.search_users_byusername] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:903: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_users_byusername] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:904: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_users_byusername] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:906: [W0622(redefined-builtin), RBUserDB.search_users_byid] Redefining built-in 'id' rbuserdb.py:906: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.search_users_byid] Invalid argument name "id" rbuserdb.py:912: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.search_users_byid] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:920: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.search_users_byname] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:928: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.search_users] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:928: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_users] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:929: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_users] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:931: [W0622(redefined-builtin), RBUserDB.search_dcu_byid] Redefining built-in 'id' rbuserdb.py:931: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.search_dcu_byid] Invalid argument name "id" rbuserdb.py:937: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.search_dcu_byid] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:945: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.search_dcu_byname] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:953: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.search_dcu] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:954: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_dcu] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:955: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_dcu] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:956: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_dcu] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:957: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.search_dcu] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:975: [W0101(unreachable), RBUserDB.newyear] Unreachable code rbuserdb.py:982: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.newyear] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'dbh' member rbuserdb.py:1005: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member rbuserdb.py:1008: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.stats] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1008: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member rbuserdb.py:1008: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member rbuserdb.py:1010: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member rbuserdb.py:1011: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member rbuserdb.py:1013: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'newbie' member rbuserdb.py:1014: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member rbuserdb.py:1015: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.stats] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member rbuserdb.py:1022: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "c" rbuserdb.py:1030: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "c" rbuserdb.py:1046: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "u" rbuserdb.py:1048: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "ut" rbuserdb.py:1049: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "c" rbuserdb.py:1060: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "c" rbuserdb.py:1065: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "t" rbuserdb.py:1066: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "u" rbuserdb.py:1067: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.stats] Invalid variable name "t" rbuserdb.py:1038: [W0612(unused-variable), RBUserDB.stats] Unused variable 'i' rbuserdb.py:988: [R0912(too-many-branches), RBUserDB.stats] Too many branches (15/12) rbuserdb.py:1075: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.crypt] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1081: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.userPassword] Invalid method name "userPassword" rbuserdb.py:1090: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.uid2dn] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1095: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_findmax] Invalid method name "uidNumber_findmax" rbuserdb.py:1112: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_getnext] Invalid method name "uidNumber_getnext" rbuserdb.py:1119: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_getnext] Invalid variable name "fd" rbuserdb.py:1133: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_getnext] Invalid variable name "n" rbuserdb.py:1112: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.uidNumber_getnext] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1137: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_savenext] Invalid method name "uidNumber_savenext" rbuserdb.py:1137: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_savenext] Invalid argument name "fd" rbuserdb.py:1137: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_savenext] Invalid argument name "uidNumber" rbuserdb.py:1149: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_unlock] Invalid method name "uidNumber_unlock" rbuserdb.py:1149: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.uidNumber_unlock] Invalid argument name "fd" rbuserdb.py:1149: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.uidNumber_unlock] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1164: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.valid_shell] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1167: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.valid_shell] Invalid variable name "fd" rbuserdb.py:1180: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.usr2ldap_add] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1216: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.usr2ldap_renew] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1241: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.usr2ldap_update] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1266: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.usr2ldap_rename] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1277: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.usr2ldap_convert] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1290: [C0111(missing-docstring), RBUserDB.gen_accinfo] Missing method docstring rbuserdb.py:1295: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.gen_accinfo] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1309: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.set_updated] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1335: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.set_user] Invalid variable name "v" rbuserdb.py:1336: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1319: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.set_user] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1366: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1372: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1354: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1385: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_student] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1387: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_student] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1375: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_student] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1397: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_staff] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1390: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_staff] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1410: [C0200(consider-using-enumerate), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_alumni] Consider using enumerate instead of iterating with range and len rbuserdb.py:1412: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_alumni] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1414: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_alumni] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1418: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_alumni] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1400: [R0201(no-self-use), RBUserDB.set_user_dcu_alumni] Method could be a function rbuserdb.py:1433: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.wrapper] Invalid variable name "v" rbuserdb.py:1442: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUserDB.execute] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuserdb.py:1447: [E1101(no-member), RBUserDB.execute] Instance of 'RBUserDB' has no 'cur' member rbuserdb.py:1453: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.rberror] Invalid argument name "e" rbuserdb.py:41: [R0904(too-many-public-methods), RBUserDB] Too many public methods (96/20) rbuserdb.py:17: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import types ************* Module rbuser rbuser.py:28: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX NOT IN LDAP: contains primary rbuser.py:67: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX remove usr.override rbuser.py:79: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX NOT IN LDAP: contains primary rbuser.py:132: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX set list attributes to empty list [] or None ?? rbuser.py:12: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required before assignment __author__ = 'Cillian Sharkey' ^ rbuser.py:25: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). # Attributes associated with user. | ^ rbuser.py:27: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'uid', # Username | ^ rbuser.py:28: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'usertype', # XXX NOT IN LDAP: contains primary | ^ rbuser.py:32: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'objectClass', # List of classes. | ^ rbuser.py:33: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'newbie', # New this year (boolean) | ^ rbuser.py:34: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'cn', # Full name | ^ rbuser.py:35: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'altmail', # Alternate email | ^ rbuser.py:36: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'id', # DCU ID number (integer) | ^ rbuser.py:37: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'course', # DCU course code | ^ rbuser.py:38: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'year', # DCU course year number/code | ^ rbuser.py:39: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'yearsPaid', # Number of years paid (integer) | ^ rbuser.py:40: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'updatedby', # Username | ^ rbuser.py:41: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'updated', # Timestamp | ^ rbuser.py:42: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'createdby', # Username | ^ rbuser.py:43: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'created', # Timestamp | ^ rbuser.py:44: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'birthday', # Date | ^ rbuser.py:46: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). # Attributes associated with Unix account. | ^ rbuser.py:48: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'uidNumber', | ^ rbuser.py:49: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'gidNumber', | ^ rbuser.py:50: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'gecos', | ^ rbuser.py:51: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'loginShell', | ^ rbuser.py:52: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'homeDirectory', | ^ rbuser.py:53: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'userPassword', # Crypted password. | ^ rbuser.py:54: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'host', # List of hosts. | ^ rbuser.py:55: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'shadowLastChange' # Last time password was changed. | ^ rbuser.py:61: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'passwd', # Plaintext password | ^ rbuser.py:62: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'oldusertype', # Used when converting usertype? | ^ rbuser.py:63: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'bday', # Birthday day | ^ rbuser.py:64: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'bmonth', # Birthday month | ^ rbuser.py:65: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'byear', # Birthday year | ^ rbuser.py:66: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'disuser_period', # at(1) timespec | ^ rbuser.py:67: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation. #XXX remove usr.override | ^ | rbuser.py:76: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). # Attributes associated with user to be used for the useradm info command | ^ rbuser.py:78: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'uid', # Username | ^ rbuser.py:79: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'usertype', # XXX NOT IN LDAP: contains primary | ^ rbuser.py:83: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'newbie', # New this year (boolean) | ^ rbuser.py:84: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'cn', # Full name | ^ rbuser.py:85: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'altmail', # Alternate email | ^ rbuser.py:86: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'id', # DCU ID number (integer) | ^ rbuser.py:87: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'course', # DCU course code | ^ rbuser.py:88: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'year', # DCU course year number/code | ^ rbuser.py:89: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'yearsPaid', # Number of years paid (integer) | ^ rbuser.py:90: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'updatedby', # Username | ^ rbuser.py:91: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'updated', # Timestamp | ^ rbuser.py:92: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'createdby', # Username | ^ rbuser.py:93: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'created', # Timestamp | ^ rbuser.py:94: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'birthday', # Date | ^ rbuser.py:96: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). # Attributes associated with Unix account. | ^ rbuser.py:98: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'gecos', | ^ rbuser.py:99: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'loginShell', | ^ rbuser.py:100: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'homeDirectory', | ^ rbuser.py:106: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'objectClass', | ^ rbuser.py:107: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'host' | ^ rbuser.py:110: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def __init__(self, usr = None, **attrs): ^ rbuser.py:138: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def merge(self, usr, override = 0): ^ rbuser.py:147: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (102/100) rbuserdb.py:226: [C0103(invalid-name), RBUserDB.get_userinfo_renew] Invalid attribute name "id" rbuser.py:129: [E1101(no-member), RBUser.__init__] Instance of 'dict' has no 'has_key' member rbuser.py:147: [C0121(singleton-comparison), RBUser.merge] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' rbuser.py:18: [R0903(too-few-public-methods), RBUser] Too few public methods (1/2) ************* Module useradm useradm.py:410: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX: check id not already in use useradm.py:884: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX: Set override by default ? useradm.py:2155: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX: gross hack to make dizer happy. preloads /etc/shells so we can useradm.py:2164: [W0511(fixme), ] XXX: valid_shell should raise an exception? useradm.py:31: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required before assignment __author__ = 'Cillian Sharkey' ^ useradm.py:36: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'add': ('Add new user', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:37: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'renew': ('Renew user', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:38: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'update': ('Update user', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:39: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'altmail': ('Change Alternate Email', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:40: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'activate': ('Re-Enable a club/soc account', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:41: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'delete': ('Delete user', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:42: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'resetpw': ('Set new random password and mail it to user', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:43: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'setshell': ('Set user\'s shell', '[username [shell]]'), | ^ useradm.py:44: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'resetsh': ('Reset user\'s shell', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:45: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'rename': ('Rename user', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:46: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'convert': ('Change user to a different usertype', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:47: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'disuser': ('Disuser a user', '[username [new username]]'), | ^ useradm.py:48: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'reuser': ('Re-user a user', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:49: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'show': ('Show user details', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:50: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'info': ('Show shorter user details', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:51: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'freename': ('Check if a username is free', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:52: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'search': ('Search user and dcu databases', '[username]'), | ^ useradm.py:53: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'pre_sync': ('Dump LDAP tree for use by sync before new tree is loaded', ''), | ^ useradm.py:54: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'sync': ('Synchronise accounts with userdb (for RRS)', '[rrs-logfile [presync-file]]'), | ^ useradm.py:54: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (111/100) useradm.py:55: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'sync_dcu_info': ('Interactive update of userdb using dcu database info', ''), | ^ useradm.py:56: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_users': ('List all usernames', ''), | ^ useradm.py:57: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_unavailable': ('List all usernames that are unavailable', ''), | ^ useradm.py:58: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_newbies': ('List all paid newbies', ''), | ^ useradm.py:59: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_renewals': ('List all paid renewals (non-newbie)', ''), | ^ useradm.py:60: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_unpaid': ('List all non-renewed users', ''), | ^ useradm.py:61: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_unpaid_normal': ('List all normal non-renewed users', ''), | ^ useradm.py:62: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_unpaid_reset': ('List all normal non-renewed users with reset shells', ''), | ^ useradm.py:63: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'list_unpaid_grace': ('List all grace non-renewed users', ''), | ^ useradm.py:64: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'newyear': ('Prepare database for start of new academic year', ''), | ^ useradm.py:65: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'unpaid_warn': ('Warn (mail) all non-renewed users', ''), | ^ useradm.py:66: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'unpaid_disable': ('Disable all normal non-renewed users', ''), | ^ useradm.py:67: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'unpaid_delete': ('Delete all grace non-renewed users', ''), | ^ useradm.py:68: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'checkdb': ('Check database for inconsistencies', ''), | ^ useradm.py:69: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'stats': ('Show database and account statistics', ''), | ^ useradm.py:70: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'create_uidNumber': ('Create uidNumber text file with next free uidNumber', ''), | ^ useradm.py:80: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (176/100) useradm.py:86: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (cmds_single_user, 'Single user commands'), | ^ useradm.py:86: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma (cmds_single_user, 'Single user commands'), ^ useradm.py:87: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (cmds_single_account, 'Single account commands'), | ^ useradm.py:87: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma (cmds_single_account, 'Single account commands'), ^ useradm.py:88: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (cmds_single_user_info, 'Single user information commands'), | ^ useradm.py:89: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (cmds_interactive_batch,'Interactive batch commands'), | ^ useradm.py:89: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma (cmds_interactive_batch,'Interactive batch commands'), ^ useradm.py:90: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (cmds_batch, 'Batch commands'), | ^ useradm.py:90: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma (cmds_batch, 'Batch commands'), ^ useradm.py:91: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (cmds_batch_info, 'Batch information commands'), | ^ useradm.py:91: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma (cmds_batch_info, 'Batch information commands'), ^ useradm.py:92: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). (cmds_misc, 'Miscellaneous commands') | ^ useradm.py:92: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma (cmds_misc, 'Miscellaneous commands') ^ useradm.py:102: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('h', '', 'Display this usage', cmds_all), | ^ useradm.py:103: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('T', '', 'Test mode, show what would be done', cmds_all), | ^ useradm.py:104: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('d', '', 'Perform database operations only', cmds_single_user), | ^ useradm.py:105: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('a', '', 'Perform unix account operations only', cmds_single_user), | ^ useradm.py:106: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('u', 'username', 'Unix username of who updated this user', cmds_single_user + ('disuser', 'reuser')), | ^ useradm.py:106: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (110/100) useradm.py:107: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('f', '', 'Set newbie (fresher) to true', ('add', 'update')), | ^ useradm.py:108: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('F', '', 'Opposite of -f', ('add', 'update')), | ^ useradm.py:109: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('m', '', 'Send account details to user\'s alternate email address', ('add', 'renew', 'rename', 'resetpw')), | ^ useradm.py:109: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (116/100) useradm.py:110: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('M', '', 'Opposite of -m', ('add', 'renew', 'rename', 'resetpw')), | ^ useradm.py:111: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('o', '', 'Override warning errors', cmds_all), | ^ useradm.py:112: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('p', '', 'Set new random password', ('add', 'renew')), | ^ useradm.py:113: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('P', '', 'Opposite of -p', ('add', 'renew')), | ^ useradm.py:114: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('t', 'usertype', 'Type of account', ('add', 'renew', 'update', 'convert')), | ^ useradm.py:115: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('n', 'name', 'Real name or account description', ('add', 'renew', 'update', 'search')), | ^ useradm.py:116: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('e', 'email', 'Alternative email address', ('add', 'renew', 'update')), | ^ useradm.py:117: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('i', 'id', 'Student/Staff ID', ('add', 'renew', 'update', 'search')), | ^ useradm.py:118: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('c', 'course', 'DCU course (abbreviation)', ('add', 'renew', 'update')), | ^ useradm.py:119: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('y', 'year', 'DCU year', ('add', 'renew', 'update')), | ^ useradm.py:120: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('s', 'years', 'paid Number of years paid (subscription)', ('add', 'renew', 'update')), | ^ useradm.py:121: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('b', 'birthday', 'Birthday (format YYYY-MM-DD)', ('add', 'renew', 'update')), | ^ useradm.py:122: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). ('q', '', 'Quiet mode', ('reuser',)) | ^ useradm.py:125: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (142/100) useradm.py:286: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment udb.get_userinfo_new(usr, override = 1) ^ useradm.py:399: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (remove 4 spaces). 'New details of user to be renewed are shown above with any differences\n' \ | ^ useradm.py:409: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment udb.get_userinfo_renew(usr, override = 1) ^ useradm.py:478: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment newusr = RBUser(id = usr.id) ^ useradm.py:518: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment newusr = RBUser(id = usr.id) ^ useradm.py:562: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment newusr = RBUser(id = usr.id) ^ useradm.py:743: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment get_username(usr, check_user_exists = 0) ^ useradm.py:758: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment get_username(usr, check_user_exists = 0) ^ useradm.py:787: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment username = ask('Enter username to search user database', optional = 1) ^ useradm.py:789: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment opt.id = ask('Enter DCU Id number to search user and DCU databases', optional = 1) ^ useradm.py:791: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment opt.cn = ask('Enter name to search user and DCU databases', optional = 1) ^ useradm.py:796: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (132/100) useradm.py:803: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (128/100) useradm.py:806: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (130/100) useradm.py:811: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (127/100) useradm.py:814: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (129/100) useradm.py:824: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (173/100) useradm.py:825: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (154/100) useradm.py:827: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (220/100) useradm.py:971: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment oldusr = RBUser(uid = olduid, homeDirectory = old_ldap[olduid]['homeDirectory']) ^ useradm.py:971: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment oldusr = RBUser(uid = olduid, homeDirectory = old_ldap[olduid]['homeDirectory']) ^ useradm.py:972: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment newusr = RBUser(uid = newuid) ^ useradm.py:998: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (129/100) useradm.py:998: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment oldusr = RBUser(uid = olduid, homeDirectory = old_ldap[olduid]['homeDirectory'], usertype = old_ldap[olduid]['usertype']) ^ useradm.py:998: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment oldusr = RBUser(uid = olduid, homeDirectory = old_ldap[olduid]['homeDirectory'], usertype = old_ldap[olduid]['usertype']) ^ useradm.py:998: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment oldusr = RBUser(uid = olduid, homeDirectory = old_ldap[olduid]['homeDirectory'], usertype = old_ldap[olduid]['usertype']) ^ useradm.py:999: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment newusr = RBUser(uid = newuid) ^ useradm.py:1014: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (112/100) useradm.py:1016: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (101/100) useradm.py:1048: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr = RBUser(uid = username) ^ useradm.py:1083: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment newusr = RBUser(uid = newuid) ^ useradm.py:1092: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (103/100) useradm.py:1220: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr = RBUser(uid = username) ^ useradm.py:1234: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment udb.set_shell(RBUser(uid = username, loginShell = rbconfig.shell_expired)) ^ useradm.py:1234: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment udb.set_shell(RBUser(uid = username, loginShell = rbconfig.shell_expired)) ^ useradm.py:1244: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr = RBUser(uid = username) ^ useradm.py:1283: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (116/100) useradm.py:1292: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (119/100) useradm.py:1299: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (114/100) useradm.py:1301: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (109/100) useradm.py:1338: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (126/100) useradm.py:1343: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (114/100) useradm.py:1348: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (123/100) useradm.py:1352: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (142/100) useradm.py:1387: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def ask(prompt, default = None, optional = 0, hints = None): ^ useradm.py:1387: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def ask(prompt, default = None, optional = 0, hints = None): ^ useradm.py:1387: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def ask(prompt, default = None, optional = 0, hints = None): ^ useradm.py:1446: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (116/100) useradm.py:1466: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def yesno(prompt, default = None): ^ useradm.py:1542: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """From: Redbrick Admin Team Subject: Welcome to Redbrick! - Your Account Details To: %s Reply-To: admin-request@redbrick.dcu.ie """ % usr.altmail) ^ | useradm.py:1560: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma fd.write('%21s: %s\n' % ('id number', usr.id)) ^ useradm.py:1567: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- your Redbrick webpage: https://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~%s your Redbrick email: %s@redbrick.dcu.ie You can find out more about our services at: https://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/about/welcome """ % (usr.uid, usr.uid)) ^ | useradm.py:1578: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """ We recommend that you change your password as soon as you login. Problems with your password or wish to change your username? Contact: admin-request@redbrick.dcu.ie Problems using Redbrick in general or not sure what to do? Contact: helpdesk-request@redbrick.dcu.ie Have fun! - Redbrick Admin Team """) ^ | useradm.py:1599: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """From: Redbrick Admin Team Subject: Time to renew your Redbrick account! - Note our Bank A/C Details have changed. To: %s@redbrick.dcu.ie """ % usr.uid) ^ | useradm.py:1608: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """Reply-To: accounts@redbrick.dcu.ie Hey there, It's that time again to renew your Redbrick account! Membership prices, as set by the SLC, are as follows: Members EUR 4 Associates EUR 8 Staff EUR 8 Guests EUR 10 Note: if you have left DCU, you need to apply for associate membership. You can pay in person, by lodging money into our account, electronic bank transfer, or even PayPal! All the details you need are here: https://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/help/joining/ Our bank details are: a/c name: DCU Redbrick Society IBAN: IE59BOFI90675027999600 BIC: BOFIIE2D a/c number: 27999600 sort code: 90 - 67 - 50 Please Note! ------------""") ^ | useradm.py:1644: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 12 spaces). """ If you do not renew by the 30th October 2016, your account will be disabled. Your account will remain on the system for a grace period of a year - you just won't be able to login. So don't worry, it won't be deleted any time soon! You can renew at any time during the year. """) ^ | useradm.py:1652: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 12 spaces). """ If you do not renew within the following month, your account WILL BE DELETED at the start of the new year. This is because you were not recorded as having paid for last year and as such are nearing the end of your one year 'grace' period to renew. Please make sure to renew as soon as possible otherwise please contact us at: accounts@redbrick.dcu.ie. """) ^ | useradm.py:1660: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """ If in fact you have renewed and have received this email in error, it is important you let us know. Just reply to this email and tell us how and when you renewed and we'll sort it out. For your information, your current Redbrick account details are: username: %s account type: %s name: %s alternative email: %s """ % (usr.uid, usr.usertype, usr.cn, usr.altmail)) ^ | useradm.py:1674: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] Exactly one space required after comma fd.write('%21s: %s\n' % ('id number', usr.id)) ^ useradm.py:1681: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """ If any of the above details are wrong, please correct them when you renew! - Redbrick Admin Team """) ^ | useradm.py:1694: [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation (add 8 spaces). """From: Redbrick Admin Team Subject: %s To: committee@redbrick.dcu.ie %s """ % (subject, body)) ^ | useradm.py:1721: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_username(usr, check_user_exists = 1): ^ useradm.py:1738: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment tmpusr = RBUser(uid = usr.uid) ^ useradm.py:1794: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (159/100) useradm.py:1794: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.usertype = ask('Enter usertype', defans, hints = [i for i in rbconfig.usertypes_list if opt.mode != 'renew' or i in rbconfig.usertypes_paying]) ^ useradm.py:1825: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (140/100) useradm.py:1825: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.usertype = ask('Enter conversion usertype', hints = list(rbconfig.usertypes_list) + list(rbconfig.convert_usertypes.keys())) ^ useradm.py:1850: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (121/100) useradm.py:1850: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.id = ask('Enter student/staff id', defans, optional = opt.mode == 'update' or usr.usertype == 'committe') ^ useradm.py:1861: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_name(usr, hints = None): ^ useradm.py:1874: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.cn = ask("Enter name (or account description)", defans, hints = hints) ^ useradm.py:1955: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (143/100) useradm.py:1955: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.yearsPaid = ask('Enter number of years paid', defans, optional = opt.mode == 'update' or usr.usertype in ('committe', 'guest')) ^ useradm.py:1966: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_course(usr, hints = None): ^ useradm.py:1974: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (126/100) useradm.py:1974: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.course = ask('Enter course', usr.course, optional = opt.mode == 'update' or usr.usertype == 'committe', hints = hints) ^ useradm.py:1974: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.course = ask('Enter course', usr.course, optional = opt.mode == 'update' or usr.usertype == 'committe', hints = hints) ^ useradm.py:1976: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_year(usr, hints = None): ^ useradm.py:1984: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (120/100) useradm.py:1984: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.year = ask('Enter year', usr.year, optional = opt.mode == 'update' or usr.usertype == 'committe', hints = hints) ^ useradm.py:1984: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.year = ask('Enter year', usr.year, optional = opt.mode == 'update' or usr.usertype == 'committe', hints = hints) ^ useradm.py:1986: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def get_email(usr, hints = None): ^ useradm.py:1999: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.altmail = ask('Enter email', defans, hints = hints) ^ useradm.py:2054: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.birthday = ask("Enter birthday as 'YYYY-MM-DD'", defans, optional = 1) ^ useradm.py:2074: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (199/100) useradm.py:2074: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.disuser_period = ask("If the account is to be automatically re-enabled, enter a valid at(1) timespec,\ne.g: '5pm', '12am + 2 weeks', 'now + 1 month' (see at man page).", optional = 1) ^ useradm.py:2092: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (149/100) useradm.py:2162: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (105/100) useradm.py:2162: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment usr.loginShell = ask('Enter shell', defans, hints = [defans] + list(udb.valid_shells.keys())) ^ useradm.py:2174: [C0301(line-too-long), ] Line too long (117/100) useradm.py:2181: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def rberror(e, interactive = 0): ^ useradm.py:2223: [C0326(bad-whitespace), ] No space allowed around keyword argument assignment def error(e, mesg = None): ^ useradm.py:1: [C0302(too-many-lines), ] Too many lines in module (2243/1000) useradm.py:23: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rbaccount useradm.py:24: [W0401(wildcard-import), ] Wildcard import rbuserdb useradm.py:35: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds" useradm.py:75: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_single_user" useradm.py:76: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_single_account" useradm.py:77: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_single_user_info" useradm.py:78: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_interactive_batch" useradm.py:79: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_batch" useradm.py:80: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_batch_info" useradm.py:81: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_misc" useradm.py:85: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_group_desc" useradm.py:97: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_all" useradm.py:101: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "cmds_opts" useradm.py:125: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "input_instructions" useradm.py:129: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "opt" useradm.py:130: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "udb" useradm.py:130: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "acc" useradm.py:131: [C0103(invalid-name), ] Invalid constant name "header_mesg" useradm.py:147: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:152: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid variable name "o" useradm.py:152: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid variable name "a" useradm.py:204: [W0603(global-statement), main] Using the global statement useradm.py:204: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid constant name "udb" useradm.py:204: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid constant name "acc" useradm.py:209: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:224: [W0123(eval-used), main] Use of eval useradm.py:229: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:232: [C0103(invalid-name), main] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:137: [R0912(too-many-branches), main] Too many branches (30/12) useradm.py:137: [R0915(too-many-statements), main] Too many statements (83/50) useradm.py:241: [C0321(multiple-statements), shutdown] More than one statement on a single line useradm.py:253: [W0621(redefined-outer-name), usage] Redefining name 'grp' from outer scope (line 13) useradm.py:281: [E1101(no-member), add] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:287: [C0103(invalid-name), add] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:288: [C0121(singleton-comparison), add] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:302: [E1101(no-member), add] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'cn' member useradm.py:305: [E1101(no-member), add] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:333: [E1111(assignment-from-no-return), add] Assigning to function call which doesn't return useradm.py:336: [E1101(no-member), add] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:336: [E1101(no-member), add] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'cn' member useradm.py:340: [E1101(no-member), add] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:275: [R0912(too-many-branches), add] Too many branches (13/12) useradm.py:275: [R0915(too-many-statements), add] Too many statements (52/50) useradm.py:381: [C0103(invalid-name), renew] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:382: [C0121(singleton-comparison), renew] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:387: [C0103(invalid-name), renew] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:388: [C0121(singleton-comparison), renew] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:395: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:395: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:411: [C0103(invalid-name), renew] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:412: [C0121(singleton-comparison), renew] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:423: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'cn' member useradm.py:425: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'course' member useradm.py:426: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'year' member useradm.py:443: [E1111(assignment-from-no-return), renew] Assigning to function call which doesn't return useradm.py:447: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:447: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:449: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:452: [E1101(no-member), renew] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:372: [R0912(too-many-branches), renew] Too many branches (18/12) useradm.py:372: [R0915(too-many-statements), renew] Too many statements (63/50) useradm.py:481: [C0103(invalid-name), update] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:482: [C0121(singleton-comparison), update] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:488: [E1101(no-member), update] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'cn' member useradm.py:490: [E1101(no-member), update] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'course' member useradm.py:491: [E1101(no-member), update] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'year' member useradm.py:521: [C0103(invalid-name), altmail] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:522: [C0121(singleton-comparison), altmail] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:565: [C0103(invalid-name), activate] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:566: [C0121(singleton-comparison), activate] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:588: [E1111(assignment-from-no-return), activate] Assigning to function call which doesn't return useradm.py:636: [E1101(no-member), convert] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:639: [E1101(no-member), convert] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:652: [E1111(assignment-from-no-return), resetpw] Assigning to function call which doesn't return useradm.py:692: [W0101(unreachable), disuser] Unreachable code useradm.py:702: [E1101(no-member), disuser] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'disuser_period' member useradm.py:709: [W0101(unreachable), reuser] Unreachable code useradm.py:781: [W0101(unreachable), search] Unreachable code useradm.py:795: [C0103(invalid-name), search] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:800: [C0103(invalid-name), search] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:826: [W0622(redefined-builtin), show_search_results] Redefining built-in 'id' useradm.py:820: [C0103(invalid-name), show_search_results] Invalid argument name "fd" useradm.py:826: [C0103(invalid-name), show_search_results] Invalid variable name "id" useradm.py:839: [C0103(invalid-name), pre_sync] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:844: [R0914(too-many-locals), sync] Too many local variables (17/15) useradm.py:882: [W0122(exec-used), sync] Use of exec useradm.py:900: [C0103(invalid-name), sync] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:949: [C0103(invalid-name), sync] Invalid variable name "v" useradm.py:954: [C0201(consider-iterating-dictionary), sync] Consider iterating the dictionary directly instead of calling .keys() useradm.py:959: [C0103(invalid-name), sync] Invalid variable name "v" useradm.py:960: [C0321(multiple-statements), sync] More than one statement on a single line useradm.py:971: [E0602(undefined-variable), sync] Undefined variable 'old_ldap' useradm.py:992: [C0201(consider-iterating-dictionary), sync] Consider iterating the dictionary directly instead of calling .keys() useradm.py:994: [E0602(undefined-variable), sync] Undefined variable 'old_ldap' useradm.py:998: [E0602(undefined-variable), sync] Undefined variable 'old_ldap' useradm.py:998: [E0602(undefined-variable), sync] Undefined variable 'old_ldap' useradm.py:1006: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1006: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1014: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1014: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1016: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1016: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1053: [E1111(assignment-from-no-return), sync] Assigning to function call which doesn't return useradm.py:1056: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1064: [E1101(no-member), sync] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1079: [E0602(undefined-variable), sync] Undefined variable 'old_ldap' useradm.py:1105: [E1111(assignment-from-no-return), sync] Assigning to function call which doesn't return useradm.py:1077: [W0612(unused-variable), sync] Unused variable 'action' useradm.py:894: [W0612(unused-variable), sync] Unused variable 'user_rename_stages' useradm.py:844: [R0912(too-many-branches), sync] Too many branches (37/12) useradm.py:844: [R0915(too-many-statements), sync] Too many statements (130/50) useradm.py:1137: [W0101(unreachable), sync_dcu_info] Unreachable code useradm.py:1206: [W0101(unreachable), newyear] Unreachable code useradm.py:1311: [W0622(redefined-builtin), checkdb] Redefining built-in 'dir' useradm.py:1328: [W0621(redefined-outer-name), checkdb] Redefining name 'grp' from outer scope (line 13) useradm.py:1258: [C0103(invalid-name), checkdb] Invalid variable name "uidNumbers" useradm.py:1273: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'uidNumber' member useradm.py:1274: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'uidNumber' member useradm.py:1276: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'uidNumber' member useradm.py:1278: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1285: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1286: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1288: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1290: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'newbie' member useradm.py:1290: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1292: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1294: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1297: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1300: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1301: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1303: [C0121(singleton-comparison), checkdb] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1303: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'yearsPaid' member useradm.py:1303: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1307: [C0121(singleton-comparison), checkdb] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1307: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1311: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'homeDirectory' member useradm.py:1317: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'uidNumber' member useradm.py:1317: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'gidNumber' member useradm.py:1328: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'gidNumber' member useradm.py:1330: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'gidNumber' member useradm.py:1332: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'gidNumber' member useradm.py:1334: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1338: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1345: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1346: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1348: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1350: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'homeDirectory' member useradm.py:1350: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1352: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'homeDirectory' member useradm.py:1352: [E1101(no-member), checkdb] Instance of 'RBUser' has no 'usertype' member useradm.py:1362: [C0103(invalid-name), checkdb] Invalid variable name "uidNumber" useradm.py:1255: [R0912(too-many-branches), checkdb] Too many branches (28/12) useradm.py:1255: [R0915(too-many-statements), checkdb] Too many statements (81/50) useradm.py:1374: [C0103(invalid-name), create_uidNumber] Invalid function name "create_uidNumber" useradm.py:1377: [C0103(invalid-name), create_uidNumber] Invalid variable name "n" useradm.py:1379: [C0103(invalid-name), create_uidNumber] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:1424: [W0603(global-statement), ask] Using the global statement useradm.py:1424: [C0103(invalid-name), ask] Invalid constant name "input_instructions" useradm.py:1429: [C0121(singleton-comparison), ask] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1432: [C0121(singleton-comparison), ask] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1452: [C0121(singleton-comparison), ask] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1469: [W0603(global-statement), yesno] Using the global statement useradm.py:1469: [C0103(invalid-name), yesno] Invalid constant name "input_instructions" useradm.py:1474: [C0121(singleton-comparison), yesno] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1477: [C0321(multiple-statements), yesno] More than one statement on a single line useradm.py:1491: [C0121(singleton-comparison), yesno] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1521: [W0603(global-statement), set_header] Using the global statement useradm.py:1521: [C0103(invalid-name), set_header] Invalid constant name "header_mesg" useradm.py:1528: [W0603(global-statement), show_header] Using the global statement useradm.py:1528: [C0103(invalid-name), show_header] Invalid constant name "header_mesg" useradm.py:1540: [C0103(invalid-name), mailuser] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:1597: [C0103(invalid-name), mail_unpaid] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:1692: [C0103(invalid-name), mail_committee] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:1711: [C0103(invalid-name), sendmail_close] Invalid argument name "fd" useradm.py:1742: [C0103(invalid-name), get_username] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:1765: [C0103(invalid-name), get_freeusername] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:1800: [C0103(invalid-name), get_usertype] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:1828: [C0103(invalid-name), get_convert_usertype] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:1855: [C0103(invalid-name), get_id] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:1877: [C0103(invalid-name), get_name] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:1901: [W0613(unused-argument), get_createaccount] Unused argument 'usr' useradm.py:1911: [W0613(unused-argument), get_setpasswd] Unused argument 'usr' useradm.py:1949: [C0121(singleton-comparison), get_years_paid] Comparison to None should be 'expr is None' useradm.py:1960: [C0103(invalid-name), get_years_paid] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2002: [C0103(invalid-name), get_email] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2032: [C0103(invalid-name), get_updatedby] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2057: [C0103(invalid-name), get_birthday] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2077: [C0103(invalid-name), get_disuser_period] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2091: [C0103(invalid-name), get_disuser_message] Invalid variable name "fd" useradm.py:2118: [C0103(invalid-name), get_rrslog] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2138: [C0103(invalid-name), get_pre_sync] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2167: [C0103(invalid-name), get_shell] Invalid variable name "e" useradm.py:2173: [C0111(missing-docstring), check_paid] Missing function docstring useradm.py:2181: [C0103(invalid-name), rberror] Invalid argument name "e" useradm.py:2196: [W0612(unused-variable), rberror] Unused variable 'res' useradm.py:2223: [C0103(invalid-name), error] Invalid argument name "e" useradm.py:12: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import getpass useradm.py:13: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import grp useradm.py:16: [W0611(unused-import), ] Unused import pwd useradm.py:23: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import shutil from wildcard import useradm.py:23: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import random from wildcard import useradm.py:24: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import types from wildcard import useradm.py:24: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import fcntl from wildcard import useradm.py:24: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import crypt from wildcard import useradm.py:24: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import math from wildcard import useradm.py:24: [W0614(unused-wildcard-import), ] Unused import time from wildcard import useradm.py:1: [R0801(duplicate-code), ] Similar lines in 2 files ==rbaccount:354 ==rbuserdb:1420 def wrapper(self, function, *keywords, **arguments): """Wrapper method for executing other functions. If test mode is set, print function name and arguments. Otherwise call function with arguments. """ if self.opt.test: sys.stderr.write("TEST: %s(" % function.__name__) for i in keywords: sys.stderr.write("%s, " % (i,)) for k, v in list(arguments.items()): sys.stderr.write("%s = %s, " % (k, v)) sys.stderr.write(")\n") else: return function(*keywords, **arguments) Report ====== 2241 statements analysed. Statistics by type ------------------ +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |type |number |old number |difference |%documented |%badname | +=========+=======+===========+===========+============+=========+ |module |7 |7 |= |100.00 |0.00 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |class |7 |7 |= |100.00 |0.00 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |method |127 |127 |= |99.21 |3.94 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |function |80 |80 |= |97.50 |1.25 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ External dependencies --------------------- :: rbconfig (rbaccount,rbuserdb) Raw metrics ----------- +----------+-------+------+---------+-----------+ |type |number |% |previous |difference | +==========+=======+======+=========+===========+ |code |2449 |53.01 |2449 |= | +----------+-------+------+---------+-----------+ |docstring |723 |15.65 |723 |= | +----------+-------+------+---------+-----------+ |comment |577 |12.49 |577 |= | +----------+-------+------+---------+-----------+ |empty |871 |18.85 |871 |= | +----------+-------+------+---------+-----------+ Duplication ----------- +-------------------------+------+---------+-----------+ | |now |previous |difference | +=========================+======+=========+===========+ |nb duplicated lines |18 |18 |= | +-------------------------+------+---------+-----------+ |percent duplicated lines |0.392 |0.392 |= | +-------------------------+------+---------+-----------+ Messages by category -------------------- +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ |type |number |previous |difference | +===========+=======+=========+===========+ |convention |622 |622 |= | +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ |refactor |53 |53 |= | +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ |warning |89 |89 |= | +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ |error |96 |96 |= | +-----------+-------+---------+-----------+ % errors / warnings by module ----------------------------- +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ |module |error |warning |refactor |convention | +==========+======+========+=========+===========+ |useradm |75.00 |41.57 |22.64 |41.48 | +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ |rbuserdb |23.96 |29.21 |60.38 |29.26 | +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ |rbuser |1.04 |4.49 |1.89 |9.49 | +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ |rbaccount |0.00 |19.10 |11.32 |4.66 | +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ |rbconfig |0.00 |4.49 |0.00 |14.31 | +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ |rberror |0.00 |1.12 |0.00 |0.00 | +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ |rbopt |0.00 |0.00 |3.77 |0.80 | +----------+------+--------+---------+-----------+ Messages -------- +------------------------------+------------+ |message id |occurrences | +==============================+============+ |bad-continuation |203 | +------------------------------+------------+ |invalid-name |176 | +------------------------------+------------+ |bad-whitespace |98 | +------------------------------+------------+ |line-too-long |97 | +------------------------------+------------+ |no-member |83 | +------------------------------+------------+ |singleton-comparison |33 | +------------------------------+------------+ |no-self-use |33 | +------------------------------+------------+ |unreachable |14 | +------------------------------+------------+ |fixme |14 | +------------------------------+------------+ |unused-wildcard-import |9 | +------------------------------+------------+ |wildcard-import |8 | +------------------------------+------------+ |unused-import |8 | +------------------------------+------------+ |redefined-builtin |8 | +------------------------------+------------+ |unused-variable |7 | +------------------------------+------------+ |unnecessary-semicolon |6 | +------------------------------+------------+ |undefined-variable |6 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-many-branches |6 | +------------------------------+------------+ |assignment-from-no-return |6 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-many-statements |5 | +------------------------------+------------+ |global-statement |5 | +------------------------------+------------+ |unused-argument |4 | +------------------------------+------------+ |multiple-statements |3 | +------------------------------+------------+ |missing-docstring |3 | +------------------------------+------------+ |consider-iterating-dictionary |3 | +------------------------------+------------+ |unidiomatic-typecheck |2 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-many-public-methods |2 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-many-lines |2 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-many-arguments |2 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-few-public-methods |2 | +------------------------------+------------+ |redefined-outer-name |2 | +------------------------------+------------+ |consider-using-enumerate |2 | +------------------------------+------------+ |undefined-loop-variable |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-many-locals |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ |too-many-instance-attributes |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ |super-init-not-called |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ |import-error |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ |exec-used |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ |eval-used |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ |duplicate-code |1 | +------------------------------+------------+ Global evaluation ----------------- Your code has been rated at 4.45/10 (previous run: 4.45/10, +0.00)