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Adding Sphinx documentation for config and core
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This patch moves all of the Doxygen documentation into a new Sphinx
document collection.  This makes it a lot easier to write the
documentation as running text, that happens to include a reference entry
for each type and function, rather than as an API reference that happens
to have explanatory text thrown in in places.
  • Loading branch information
Douglas Creager committed Dec 2, 2011
1 parent e4a2fcf commit e00cd51
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,838 additions and 1,904 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions README.markdown
Expand Up @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ on the library's design. In particular, we don't want to make any
assumptions about which build system you're embedding libcork into. We
happen to use CMake, but you might be using autotools, waf, scons, or
any number of others. Most cross-platform libraries follow the
autotools model of perform some checks at compile time (maybe during a
separate “configure” phase, maybe not) to choose the right API
autotools model of performing some checks at compile time (maybe during
a separate “configure” phase, maybe not) to choose the right API
implementation for the current platform. Since we can't assume a build
system, we have to take a different approach, and do as many checks as
we can using the C preprocessor. Any check that we can't make in the
Expand Down
323 changes: 323 additions & 0 deletions docs/allocation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
.. _allocation:

Custom allocation

.. highlight:: c


#include <libcork/core.h>

The types and functions in this section let you customize how libcork
allocates objects and memory regions from the heap.

There tend to be two common strategies prevelant in the wild for
allowing the users of a library to provide custom allocation functions:
the *global variable* approach, and the *context parameter* approach.
In the global variable approach, there's a function that lets you
register a custom allocator, which is then used for all allocations made
by any function in the library. In the context parameter approach, the
custom allocator is provided as a parameter to every function that needs
to allocate memory. The global variable approach is usually seen as
more convenient, since each function call is simpler, while the context
parameter approach is more flexible, since you can use different
allocators in different parts of a large program.

In libcork, we use the context parameter approach; most libcork
functions will take in a :c:type:`cork_alloc` pointer as their first
parameter. This incurs a slight overhead in typing when you write code
that uses libcork, but we feel that the increased flexibility is worth

This means that if you're writing a library that uses libcork, you
should write your functions to take in :c:type:`cork_alloc` pointers as
parameters, just like libcork's functions do. This way, your library
isn't tied to any particular custom allocator.

If you're writing a program that uses libcork (or uses some other
library that uses libcork), then part of your program's initialization
will be to choose a particular allocator implementation to use, and then
to pass that allocator object into any libcork functions that you call
later on.

This gives you a nice separation of concerns: choosing an allocator
(whether :ref:`builtin <builtin-allocators>` or :ref:`custom
<custom-allocators>`) is completely orthogonal to :ref:`using
<using-allocators>` the allocator.

.. _using-allocators:

Using an allocator

Given a custom allocator, you can use the functions in this section to
allocate, reallocate, or free objects and memory regions.

.. note::

One major difference between libcork's allocation functions and the
standard ``malloc``/``free`` function calls is that you need to
remember how large a memory region is when you reallocate or free it.
This tends not to be a problem, since in most cases, you're either
working with a fixed-size type (so you know at compile time what size
to pass into :c:func:`cork_free()`\ ), or you'll need to maintain the
size of a variable-size buffer anyway.

Size-based functions

.. function:: void \*cork_malloc(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, size_t size)

Allocates a new memory region of the given *size*. Returns ``NULL``
if the region can't be allocated.

.. function:: void \*cork_realloc(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, void \*ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size)

Reallocates a memory region to a different size. If the memory
region can't be resized, then we free the existing memory region and
return ``NULL``. Otherwise we return a pointer to the reallocated
memory region. We don't make any guarantees about whether the
existing memory region can be reused, so the return value may or may
not be equal to *ptr*.

.. function:: void cork_free(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, void \*ptr, size_t old_size)

Frees a memory region of the given size. It is your responsibility
to ensure that *old_size* matches the size that was used to allocate
(or most recently reallocate) *ptr*.

Type-based functions

.. function:: type \*cork_new(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, TYPE type)

Allocates a new instance of *type*. The size of the memory region to
allocate is calculated using the ``sizeof`` operator, and the result
will be automatically cast to ``type *``. Returns ``NULL`` if the
region can't be allocated.

.. function:: void cork_delete(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, TYPE type, type \*instance)

Frees an instance of *type*. The size of the memory region is
calculated using the ``sizeof`` operator.

String-related functions

.. function:: const char \*cork_strdup(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, const char \*str)

Creates a copy of the given C string. You shouldn't modify the
contents of the copied string. You must use :c:func:`cork_strfree()`
to free the string when you're done with it.

.. function:: void cork_strfree(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, const char \*str)

Frees *str*, which must have been created using

.. _builtin-allocators:

Built-in allocators

When writing an application, you'll often just want to use the standard
``malloc`` allocator provided by your C library. The functions in this
section provide libcork custom allocator wrappers for this use case.

.. note::

You'll still need to free your custom allocator object using
:c:func:`cork_allocator_free` as part of your program's cleanup.

.. function:: struct cork_alloc \*cork_allocator_new_malloc(void)

Creates a new allocator object that uses the standard ``malloc``,
``realloc``, and ``free`` functions.

.. function:: struct cork_alloc \*cork_allocator_new_debug(void)

Creates a new allocator object that uses the standard ``malloc``,
``realloc``, and ``free`` functions, and also performs the following
tests on the memory regions that are created by allocator:

* When an object is freed, we verify that the size of the object
that's passed into :c:func:`cork_free()` matches the size that was
used to allocate the object.

.. note::

This function is useful for test cases, but probably shouldn't be
used in production code.

.. _custom-allocators:

Writing a custom allocator

.. note::

You can safely ignore the contents of this section if you only plan
on using one of the :ref:`builtin-allocators`.

No extra state

In the simplest case, your custom allocator is simply a wrapper around
an existing allocation library. In this case, you just need to provide
a function whose signature matches :c:type:`cork_alloc_func`, and then
use :c:func:`cork_allocator_new()` to create your custom allocator

This approach works great if you can call global functions in your
wrapper function. (This is how the standard ``malloc``/``free`` wrapper
is written, for instance.) If you need to maintain additional state,
you'll have to write your own :c:type:`cork_alloc` :ref:`subclass

.. type:: void \* (\*cork_alloc_func)(struct cork_alloc \*alloc, void \*ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)

A function that can allocate, reallocate, or free a memory buffer.
*ptr* is a pointer to an existing memory location, *osize* is the
allocated size of this existing memory location, and *nsize* is the
desired new size of the allocation. (The caller will guarantee that
*ptr* is ``NULL`` iff *osize* is 0, and that *osize* and *nsize* will
not both be 0.)

This single function definition encompasses the standard ``malloc``,
``realloc``, and ``free`` calls. If *osize* is 0, then the function
should allocate a new heap object, similar to ``malloc``. If neither
*osize* nor *nsize* are 0, then the function should reallocate an
existing heap object, similar to ``realloc``. If *osize* is not 0,
but *nsize* is 0, then the function should free an existing heap
object, similar to ``free``.

If the function is asked to allocate or reallocate a heap object, it
should return ``NULL`` if the allocation fails. If a reallocation
fails, it is the function's responsibility to free the existing heap
object, to prevent memory leaks.

If the function is asked to free an existing heap object, the
function must always returns ``NULL``.

.. function:: struct cork_alloc \*cork_allocator_new(cork_alloc_func alloc_func)

Creates a new custom allocator object from the given allocation
function. You can use this function if you don't need to maintain
any additional state in your custom allocator object. In this case,
the ``struct cork_alloc`` type is completely sufficient for your

We'll allocate the ``struct cork_alloc`` instance using the
allocation function. You don't need to provide a :c:member:`free
<>` function; since we know how big the allocation
object will be, we can provide the correct ``free`` function for you.

.. function:: void cork_allocator_free(struct cork_alloc \*alloc)

Finalizes and frees an allocator object. You should call this
function on any custom allocator object when you're done with it;
regardless of whether it's a custom implementation you've written
yourself, or one of the :ref:`builtin-allocators`.

.. note::

Don't confuse this function with :c:func:`cork_free()`. This
function is used to free the *allocator itself* when you're done
with it, whereas :c:func:`cork_free()` uses the custom allocator
to free some other memory region.

.. _allocator-subclass:

Allocator subclasses

If you need to maintain any additional state, you should embed a
``struct cork_alloc`` instance inside of some other type::

struct my_custom_alloc {
struct cork_alloc parent;
/* additional fields */

static void *
my_custom_alloc_func(struct cork_alloc *valloc, void *ptr, size_t os, size_t ns)
struct my_custom_alloc *alloc =
cork_container_of(valloc, struct my_custom_alloc, parent);
/* work some magic */

Note how your :c:member:`allocation function <cork_alloc.alloc>` will
always be given a pointer to a ``struct cork_alloc``. You can use the
:c:func:`cork_container_of()` macro to obtain a pointer to your “real”
allocator instance.

You'll also need to provide functions for creating and destroying your
custom allocator object. Notice how the finalizer function is
``static``, since you'll still use the public
:c:func:`cork_allocator_free()` function to free the allocator object.


static void
my_custom_alloc_free(struct cork_alloc *valloc)
struct my_custom_alloc *alloc =
cork_container_of(valloc, struct my_custom_alloc, parent);
/* do any necessary cleanup */

/* Use the allocator to free itself */
cork_delete(valloc, struct my_custom_alloc, valloc);

struct cork_alloc *
/* Mimic a call to cork_new to create the allocator */
struct my_custom_alloc *alloc =
my_custom_alloc_func(NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(struct my_custom_alloc));
if (alloc == NULL) {
return NULL;

/* Perform any additional initialization */

/* We need this trick since the alloc field is const in struct
* cork_alloc. (And by using a union, we don't violate any strict
* aliasing rules.) */
union {
struct cork_alloc *original;
cork_alloc_func *alloc;
} mutable;
mutable.original = &alloc->parent;
*mutable.alloc = my_custom_alloc_func;

alloc-> = my_custom_alloc_free;
return &alloc->parent;

.. type:: struct cork_alloc

.. member:: const cork_alloc_func alloc

The allocation function that we'll call to allocate and deallocate
memory regions.

.. member:: void (\*free)(struct cork_alloc \*alloc)

A function that will be used to free the ``struct cork_alloc``
instance when it's no longer needed. (We need a customizable
function here because we don't know how big the overall type is if
you embed the ``struct cork_alloc`` within some other type.)

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