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149 lines (112 loc) · 5.65 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (112 loc) · 5.65 KB
  • Feature Name: cluster::controller 2-phase local node bootstrap
  • Status: draf
  • Start Date: 2019-09-26
  • Authors: alex
  • Issue: (one or more # from the issue tracker)


two-phase local node bootstrap.

controller is our global partition. It is a model::ntp("redpanda", "controller", 0) alias. controller is effectively a global metadata cache. It is a compacted topic.

Upon local node start, restart, crash, etc, we bootstrap by read the controller contents entirely. We expect the ammount of data to be actually small, i.e.: less than 1GB of content.

While we are reading the contents, we delegate to sharded<cluster::partition_manager> pm the recovery of particular ntp via cluster::partition_manager>::manage(model::ntp, raft::group_id). This partition manager holds one storage::log_manager instance. The storage::log_manager::manage(ntp) will perform the filesystem recovery of the log segments for a given ntp. Note that a ntp may have thousands of individual log segments.

This proposal removes the knowledge from the storage about which core ntp belong to. It pushes this to the place of knowledge cluster::controller

              +               Kafka +-----------+
              |                 +               |
              |                 |               |
              |          (a)    |               |
              |                 |               |
              |                 |               |  (h)
              |                 |               |
              |                 v               |
              |               cluster           |
              |                 +               |
              |                 |               |
              |          (b)    |               |
              |                 |               |
              |                 v               | read-path [h]
              |           consensus::raft       |
write-path    |            +          +         |
 [ a-g ]      |       (d)  |       (e)|         |
              |            v          v         |
              |           RPC       storage<----+
              |            +
              |            |        (leader / replica 1)
              |            |
              |            |
              |            |
              |     (f)    |    (g)
              |     +------v-------+
              |     |              |
              |     v              v
              +  replica-2      replica-3


We need to have a sound bootstraping and log recovery mechanism upon a machine restart (from shutdown, reboot, crash, etc)

Guide-level explanation

cluster::controller reads the full cluster::partition. It will scan for all the assignments for model::node_id belongs to the machine.

It will build 2 indexes. model::ntp -> seastar::shard_id and a raft::group_id -> seastar::shard_id. This abstraction is captured by the cluster::shard_table.

cluster::controller copies the full assignment to all cores. Once cluster::shard_table is built (and copied to all cores).

We will do a concurrent recovery of all the model::ntp. First, we delegate the recovery to the sharded<cluster::partition_manager>. Every time we ask the cluster::partition_manager>::manage(model::ntp, raft::group_id) to manage an ntp and raft group, it will create an entry on the storage::log_manager via the storage::log_manager::manage(ntp).

The storage::log_manager::manage(ntp) will perform the particular ntp recovery of all log segments on disk.

Note that this operation is happening concurrently. Currently the storage::log_manager::manage(ntp) uses the seastar::default_priority so it means that recovery is happening fairly across all cores and within each core doing all the IO for recovery.

Reference-level explanation

This RFC is attached to an interface prototype.

Detailed design

  1. cluster::controller must perform the bootstrap
  2. storage must remove the core-assignment lookup or defer to interface
  3. We must wire the protocol through redpanda/
  4. We must include a e2e test for it.


Why should we not do this?

Recovery now has a constant cost before actual machine bootstrap can occur. However, as long as controller is small (1GB), two-phase recovery will be a negligible cost since the majority of the cost will be on recovering the actual log segments.

In addition, when we hit this bottleneck, we can create a secondary log with only the assignments for this machine which maybe quite small (thousands) A cache of assignments.

Rationale and Alternatives

  • Why is this design the best in the space of possible designs?
  • First, we have no node bootstrapping yet.
  • This design is iterative. It is a simple & correct design for node bootstrap.
  • The process can be expanded with time, it just sets up the correct expectations for subsystems, namely: ** storage does not need to know the cluster assignment at the log_manager level ** Wiring of components happens at
  • What other designs have been considered and what is the rationale for not choosing them?
  • Static partitioning: model::parition_id::type % smp::core_count is fragile and offers no real load balacing system. For example, core0 will always do a little more work in most systems because it is the only core guaranteed to exist. Second, having a cluster level knowledge gives us the opportunity to optimize physical core placement. Third, having a global component allows us to do global optimization strategies rather than node-local-maxima strategies

Unresolved questions

  • Wiring through the Kafka API is out of scope. Both in the current form and for the Management API