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Optimized Grails Container

Docker image that will bootstrap an environment for running a Grails application using Docker optimized base images. By default, it will run the Grails app using the prod run-app (or prod run-war for Grails 2) directive which is the most optimized way of running Grails for production environments. However, you can easily change the default behaviour for your specific uses (see the Changing Behaviour section for more details on this).

Technologies / Versions Used

  • Grails 2/3
  • Java JDK 7+ (for Grails 2) or 8+ (for Grails 3)

Running Using Defaults

By default, the container will start inside Grails interactive mode. From here, you can run the app by simply typing run-app (Grails 2) or run (Grails 3) or execute any other valid Grails commands you may want to.

Use the following command to run on default mode (remember to ALWAYS specify your app folder in the -v command):

docker-compose build
docker-compose up app

Environment Variables

The image contains the following customizable Grails related environment variables that can be changed inside the image's Dockerfile.

  • GRAILS_VERSION: Specifies the version of Grails to download.

IMPORTANT: You have two Dockerfile: When using GRAILS_VERSION env var 2.x you need to use Dockerfile-grails2, and when using GRAILS_VERSION env var 3.x you need to use Dockerfile-grails3.

Building the Image

You can build the image by yourself by executing:

docker-compose build

How to use for your Grails apps

You can also leverage the use of this image for your internal apps if you want more freedom of customization and speed of initialization. To do this:

  1. Create a Dockerfile for your app.
  2. Use this image as the FROM: image of your app's Dockerfile.
  3. Put your app's Dockerfile on the root of the app's folder.
  4. Build your image using your own custom Dockerfile.

An example of a Dockerfile for a MyGrailsAPP app could be:

For Grails 3:

FROM reduardo7/grails:3.2.7

# Copy App files
COPY . /app

# Run Grails dependency-report command to pre-download dependencies but not 
# create unnecessary build files or artifacts.
RUN grails dependency-report

# Set Default Behavior
ENTRYPOINT ["grails"]
CMD ["run"]

For Grails 2:

FROM reduardo7/grails:2.5.3

# Copy App files
COPY . /app

# Run Grails refresh-dependencies command to 
# pre-download dependencies but not create
# unnecessary build files or artifacts.
RUN grails refresh-dependencies

# Set Default Behavior
ENTRYPOINT ["grails"]
CMD ["run-app"]

Then build your Docker image by executing:

docker build -t "{repo-name}/MyGrailsAPP" .

And finally run your app as a Docker container by executing:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 {repo-name}/MyGrailsAPP



This image was inspired by mozart/grails-docker.


Docker for Grails







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