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Error handling

In this section we'll see how to handle the failure case from the previous example. Let's suppose that our API function Api.fetch returns a Future which gets rejected when the remote fetch fails for some reason.

We want to handle those errors inside our Saga by dispatching a ProductsRequestFailed action to the Store.

We can catch errors inside the Saga using by Try effect like try/catch syntax.

import 'package:redux_saga/redux_saga.dart';
import 'api.dart';

// ...

fetchProducts() sync* {
  yield Try(() sync* {
    var products = Result();
    yield Call(Api.fetch, args: ['/products'], result: products);
    yield Put(ProductsReceived(products.value));
  }, Catch: (e, s) sync* {
    yield Put(ProductsRequestFailed(e));

In order to test the failure case, we'll use the Catch Generator ot the Try effect.

import 'package:redux_saga/redux_saga.dart';
import 'api.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

import 'package:redux_saga/redux_saga.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../bin/reduxtest.dart';

void main() {
  group('Middleware tests', () {
    test('fetchProducts Saga test', () {
      Iterable gen = fetchProducts();

      var iterator = gen.iterator;


      expect(iterator.current, equals(TypeMatcher<Try>()),
          reason: "fetchProducts should return a Try effect");

      //get body iterator
      var iteratorTry = iterator.current.fn().iterator;


      expect(iteratorTry.current, equals(TypeMatcher<Call>()),
          reason: "fetchProducts should return a Call effect");

      expect(iteratorTry.current.args, equals(['/products']),
          reason: "Call effect arguments must be './products'");


      expect(iteratorTry.current, equals(TypeMatcher<Put>()),
          reason: 'fetchProducts should return a Put effect');

      expect(iteratorTry.current.action, equals(TypeMatcher<ProductsReceived>()),
          reason: "Put must dispatch a 'ProductsReceived' action");


      expect(iteratorTry.moveNext(), false, reason: 'fetchProducts Try Saga must be done');

      //get Catch iterator with a fake error
      var iteratorCatch = iterator.current.Catch(Exception('fake'), null).iterator;


      expect(iteratorCatch.current, equals(TypeMatcher<Put>()),
          reason: 'fetchProducts Catch should return a Put effect');

      expect(iteratorCatch.current.action, equals(TypeMatcher<ProductsRequestFailed>()),
          reason: "Put must dispatch a 'ProductsRequestFailed' action");


      expect(iteratorCatch.moveNext(), false, reason: 'fetchProducts Catch Saga must be done');


In this case, we're call Catch method by passing a fake error. Testing of Try block is same as testing of Catch block.

Of course, you're not forced to handle your API errors inside Try/Catch blocks. You can also make your API service return a normal value with some error flag on it. For example, you can catch Future rejections and map them to an object with an error field.

import 'package:redux/redux.dart';
import 'package:redux_saga/redux_saga.dart';


//Mock Api
class Api {
  static Future fetch(url) {
    return Future(() => 'data');

class FetchResult {
  final dynamic response;
  final dynamic error;
  final bool success;

  FetchResult({this.response, this.success, this.error});

Future<FetchResult> fetchProductsApi() {
  return Api.fetch('/products')
      .then((value) => FetchResult(response: value, success: true))
      .catchError((error) => FetchResult(error: error, success: false));

fetchProducts() sync* {
  var products = Result<FetchResult>();
  yield Call(fetchProductsApi, result: products);
  if (products.value.success) {
    yield Put(ProductsReceived(products.value.response));
  } else {
    yield Put(ProductsRequestFailed(products.value.error));

onError hook

Errors in forked tasks bubble up to their parents - Error propagation until it is caught or reaches the root saga. If an error propagates to the root saga the whole saga tree is already terminated. The preferred approach, in this case, to use onError hook to report an exception, inform a user about the problem and gracefully terminate your app.

Why can't I use onError hook as a global error handler? Usually, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, as exceptions are context dependent. Consider onError hook as the last resort that helps you to handle unexpected errors.