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logspout-kinesis Circle CI

A Logspout adapter for writing Docker container logs to Amazon Kinesis.


After you created your custom Logspout build (see below), you can just run it as:

$ 	docker run --rm \
		-e LOGSPOUT=ignore \
		--name="logspout" \
		--volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
		mycompany/logspout kinesis://

You will need the Amazon credentials in the form of environment variables, or whatever suits you. You will also need to set the environment variables KINESIS_STREAM_TEMPLATE and KINESIS_PARTITION_KEY_TEMPLATE, see below.

streams and partition key configuration

You can decide to route your logs to one or multiple Kinesis Streams (and their names) via the the KINESIS_STREAM_TEMPLATE environment variable. Golang's text/template package is used for templating, where the model available for templating is the Message struct.

For instance, you can decide to assign a Kinesis stream for each of you app (assuming you have a app label on your running containers:

$ export KINESIS_STREAM_TEMPLATE={{ index .Container.Config.Labels "app" }}

Or you can use environment variables, with our provided lookUp template function:

$ export KINESIS_STREAM_TEMPLATE={{ lookUp .Container.Config.Env "APP_ID" }}

This will search through .Container.Config.Env for APP_ID=* and return the value after the =.

IMPORTANT: if executing the stream name template results in an empty string, logspout-kinesis won't stream the log message. If debug logging is activated (see below), it will tell you so.

You can similarly decide the format of your partition key for each of your stream (here the app name and process type):

$ export KINESIS_PARTITION_KEY_TEMPLATE={{ index .Container.Config.Labels "app" }}.{{ index .Container.Config.Labels "process.type" }}

IMPORTANT: if the partition key end up being an empty string, logspout-kinesis will default to set it as a uuid. If debug logging is activated (see below), it will tell you so.

stream creation

By default, logspout-kinesis will create a stream if it is missing from Kinesis.

stream tagging

By default, logspout-kinesis will tag a stream it just created.

You can set the KINESIS_STREAM_TAG_KEY environment variable to set the tag key, and the KINESIS_STREAM_TAG_VALUE variable to set the template you want to use for the tag value.

A complete example would be:

KINESIS_STREAM_TAG_VALUE={{ lookUp .Container.Config.Env "EMPIRE_APPNAME" }}


To activate logging, set the KINESIS_DEBUG environment variable to true.


logspout-kinesis is a custom logspout module. To use it, create an empty Dockerfile based on gliderlabs/logspout, and import this logspout-kinesis package into a new modules.go file. The gliderlabs/logspout base image will ONBUILD COPY and replace the original modules.go.

The following example creates a minimal logspout image capable of writing Dockers logs to Kinesis:

In modules.go:

package main

import (
	_ ""
	_ ""
	_ ""

In Dockerfile:

FROM gliderlabs/logspout:v3

Final step, build the image:

$ docker build -t mycompany/logspout .

More information on custom modules is available at the Logspout repo: Custom Logspout Modules


A Logspout adapter for writing logs to Amazon Kinesis







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