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technomancy committed Mar 13, 2010
1 parent e9862ce commit e535fe8
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# Introduction to JVM Packaging Concepts

For those of you new to the JVM who have never touched Maven in anger:
don't panic. Leiningen is designed with you in mind. Leiningen is
built on some Maven libraries; specifically the dependency resolution
parts. These aspects of Maven are not nearly as complex as the build
features that have given it its somewhat fearsome reputation. Think of
it as the package manager of the JVM world, much like Rubygems, CPAN,
etc. There is a central canonical repository, a Clojure-specific
repository called Clojars, and projects often also make their jars
available through project-specific public repositories. It allows you
to define the dependencies of your project, which it then goes and
retrieves, stores in a local repository ("~/.m2" on Unix by default),
and copies into your project's "lib/" directory. This makes it so that
you don't have to check your dependent jar files into your SCM or make
developers hunt down dependency jars by hand.

Leiningen describes packages using identifiers that look like:

org.clojure/swank-clojure "1.0"

* "org.clojure" is called the 'group-id'
* "swank-clojure" is called the 'artifact-id'
* "1.0" is the version of the jar file you require

Sometimes versions will end in "-SNAPSHOT". This means that it is not
an official release but a development build. In general relying on
snapshot dependencies is discouraged, but sometimes its necessary if
you need bug fixes etc. that have not made their way into a release
yet. Adding a snapshot dependency to your project will cause Leiningen
to actively go seek out the latest version of the dependency every
time you run "lein deps", (whereas normal release versions just use
the local cache) so if you have a lot of snapshots it will slow things

While it's customary to make group IDs match either artifact IDs or
the Java package, it's not required. Let's take for an example the
[JYaml jar]( Looking at their javadocs,
the Java package name is "org.ho.yaml". If you try to add the
following dependency in your project.clj file:

[org.ho.yaml/jyaml "1.3"]

You'll get an error when you run "lein deps". One way to find the
correct group id is to use a maven search web site like
[Jarvana]( In the "project search" box, enter
"jyaml", and you'll see results that indicate the correct group-id
("org.jyaml") and artifact id ("jyaml").

If the jar you're looking for is published in a project's own public
repository instead of the central one, you can use the :repositories
option in project.clj. For instance, if we wanted to use the jars from
the HornetQ project:

(defproject com.motionbox.hornetq/dashboard "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description "a simple web interface to the hornetq jmx API"
;; this repository will be referred to in log messages as "jboss-release"
:repositories {"jboss-release" ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[commons-logging "1.1.1"]
[org.hornetq/hornetq-core "2.0.0.GA"]
[org.hornetq/hornetq-jms-client "2.0.0.GA"]
[org.hornetq/hornetq-transports "2.0.0.GA"]
[org.hornetq/hornetq-logging "2.0.0.GA"]
[org.jboss.netty/netty "3.1.0.GA"]
[org.jboss.javaee/jboss-jms-api "1.1.0.GA"]
[log4j "1.2.15" :exclusions [javax.mail/mail
:dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.1.0"]]
:namespaces [com.motionbox.hornetq])

For an in-depth walkthrough see the Full Disclojure screencast:
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions NEWS
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Leiningen NEWS -- history of user-visible changes

= 1.2.0 / ???

* Added file for introductory concepts.

= 1.1.0 / 2010-02-16

* Added "lein upgrade" task
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Expand Up @@ -26,13 +26,21 @@ rather than copying and pasting among each of your projects.

## Installation

Leiningen bootstraps itself using the 'lein' shell script you
download, there is no separate 'install script'. It installs its
dependencies in $HOME/.m2/repository.

1. [Download the script](
2. Place it on your path and chmod it to be executable.
3. Run: <tt>lein self-install</tt>

This only works with stable versions of Leiningen; for development
versions see "Hacking" below.

On Windows you can download
instead, though support on that platform is still experimental.

## Usage

$ lein deps # install dependencies in lib/
Expand All @@ -59,7 +67,7 @@ versions see "Hacking" below.

## Configuration

Place a project.clj file in the project root that looks something like this:
Place a project.clj file in the project root that looks something like this:

(defproject leiningen "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A build tool designed not to set your hair on fire."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,6 +112,11 @@ Other keys accepted:
functions and are able to write it with a more pleasing syntax, it's
not bad.

**Q:** What's a group ID? How do snapshots work?
**A:** See the
for background on JVM dependency concepts.

**Q:** What if my project depends on jars that aren't in any repository?
**A:** Open-source jars can be uploaded to Clojars (see "Publishing"
below), though be sure to use the groupId of "org.clojars.$USERNAME"
Expand All @@ -112,6 +125,19 @@ Other keys accepted:
Alternatively you can install into your local repository in ~/.m2
with Maven for Java libs or "lein install" for Clojure libs.

**Q:** What does java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: clojure.lang.RestFn.<init>(I)V mean?
**A:** It means you have some code that was AOT (ahead-of-time)
compiled with a different version of Clojure than the one you're
currently using. If it persists after running "lein clean" then it
is a problem with your dependencies. If you depend on contrib, make
sure the contrib version matches the Clojure version. Also note for
your own project that AOT compilation in Clojure is much less
important than it is in other languages. There are a few
language-level features that must be AOT-compiled to work, generally
for Java interop. If you are not using any of these features, you
should not AOT-compile your project if other projects may depend
upon it.

**Q:** It looks like the classpath isn't honoring project.clj.
**A:** Leiningen runs many things in a subclassloader so it can
control the classpath and other things. Because of this, the
Expand All @@ -137,10 +163,6 @@ Other keys accepted:
and the Plexus Classworlds container was an ornery beast causing
much frustration. The maven-ant-tasks API is much more manageable.

**Q:** What about Windows?
**A:** Try the bin/lein.bat script. Note that Windows support is still
experimental; not all features (notably self-install) are implemented.

## Publishing

If your project is a library and you would like others to be able to
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