App::RemotePerlJobs - get job feeds and post to mastodon
is an application to fetch remote perl job feeds and post them to mastodon.
To install on a Debian/Ubuntu system:
$ apt install git cpanminus sqlite3 make
$ cd
$ mkdir git
$ cd git
$ git clone
$ cd app-remoteperljobs
$ make install
Are you sure? [y/N] y
checking system dependencies
git - found
cpanm - found
sqlite3 - found
installing perl dependencies
App::Toot is up to date. (0.04)
bareword::filehandles is up to date. (0.007)
Cwd is up to date. (3.89)
DBD::SQLite is up to date. (1.74)
DBI is up to date. (1.643)
indirect is up to date. (0.39)
LWP::Protocol::https is up to date. (6.14)
multidimensional is up to date. (0.014)
strictures is up to date. (2.000006)
Time::Piece is up to date. (1.3401_01)
Try::Tiny is up to date. (0.31)
URI is up to date. (5.28)
XML::Feed is up to date. (0.65)
FindBin is up to date. (1.54)
File::Path is up to date. (2.18)
File::Temp is up to date. (0.2311)
Test::Deep is up to date. (1.204)
Test::Exception is up to date. (0.43)
Test::More is up to date. (1.302200)
Test::Warnings is up to date. (0.033)
creating sqlite3 database
applying db/schema/2023-03-15_add_schema.sqlite3
applying db/data/2023-03-10_add_source_jobsperlorg.sqlite3
installation is complete
create the cronjob and add the mastodon credentials to automate posting
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/toot
$ vi ~/.config/toot/config.ini
instance =
username = youruser
client_id = OKE98_kdno_NOTAREALCLIENTID
client_secret = mkjklnv_NOTAREALCLIENTSECRET
access_token = jo83_NOTAREALACCESSTOKEN
$ crontab -e
# remoteperljobs
@hourly /usr/bin/perl -I /home/user/perl5/lib/perl5 -I /home/user/git/app-remoteperljobs/lib /home/user/git/app-remoteperljobs/bin/run
To upgrade the local install, update perl dependencies, and apply database patches which haven't been applied:
$ cd git/app-remoteperljobs
$ make upgrade
Are you sure? [y/N] y
checking system dependencies
git - found
cpanm - found
sqlite3 - found
updating repo
Already up to date.
installing perl dependencies
App::Toot is up to date. (0.04)
bareword::filehandles is up to date. (0.007)
Cwd is up to date. (3.89)
DBD::SQLite is up to date. (1.74)
Successfully installed DBI-1.644 (upgraded from 1.643)
indirect is up to date. (0.39)
LWP::Protocol::https is up to date. (6.14)
multidimensional is up to date. (0.014)
strictures is up to date. (2.000006)
Time::Piece is up to date. (1.3401_01)
Successfully installed Try-Tiny-0.32 (upgraded from 0.31)
URI is up to date. (5.28)
XML::Feed is up to date. (0.65)
FindBin is up to date. (1.54)
File::Path is up to date. (2.18)
File::Temp is up to date. (0.2311)
Test::Deep is up to date. (1.204)
Test::Exception is up to date. (0.43)
Successfully installed Test-Simple-1.302201 (upgraded from 1.302200)
Test::Warnings is up to date. (0.033)
1 distribution installed
applying database patches
is Copyright (c) 2022 Blaine Motsinger under the MIT license.
Blaine Motsinger