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Is an open source simulator based on ARGoS framework for Thymio robotic platform. It uses an interface, which is developed using core libraries from ASEBA and DaSHEL.

Installing Thymio on a desktop computer:

This version of Thymio on a desktop computer is mainly used for simulation. First clone this repository:

git clone

Then change directory to the repository you have cloned and create "build" directory using:

mkdir build

Then move to this directory:

cd build

Now execute:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

If cmake cannot find your lua includes, please set the environment variable:

export LUA_DIR=<your lua include directory>

Now compile the code using:


Now install from binaries using:

sudo make install

You have now installed Thymio's simulator

To execute the examples: Go to the parent directory of "build".


argos3 -c src/testing/thymio_diffusion/testexperiment.argos

Or any other example present inside the testing directory.

For A Raspberry Pi :

First you should prepare the environment. You need internet connection and to configure WLAN use information from the official documentation

IMPORTANT: character encoding must be US-UTF8. Can be changed using raspi-config.

First install all dependencies for ARGoS, ASEBA:

sudo apt-get install cmake\
                        g++ \
                        git \
                        make \
                        libxml2-dev \
                        libudev-dev \
                        libdashel-dev \

It is necessary to build Aseba from source on Rasberry Pi (on Debian it is sufficient to do sudo apt-get install aseba)

First clone the 1.6.x Aseba release:

git clone -b release-1.6.x --single-branch

change to the cloned repository

cd aseba

Create the build directory:

mkdir build_aseba
cd build_aseba

Execute cmake:

cmake ..

Then make and install:

sudo make install

Aseba is now installed on the Raspberry Pi

To build ARGoS on Raspberry Pi specifically for Thymio:

First clone ARGoS from its repository:

git clone -b 3.0.0-beta54 --single-branch

Change directory to the cloned repository and create a build_thymio directory:

cd argos3
mkdir build_thymio
cd build_thymio

Execute cmake using following options:


Then build and install ARGoS. This will only compile and build necessary libraries for the execution of the controller codes.

sudo make install

For Thymio: First clone this repository:

git clone

Change the current directory to the cloned directory again and create a build_thymio directory there.

cd thymio
mkdir build_thymio
cd build_thymio

Now run cmake with the following options:

cmake -DARGOS_BUILD_FOR=thymio -DThymio_LIBS=<Path to the build_thymio directory inside the ARGoS repository> ..

Then build and install Thymio.

sudo make install

Running Experiments on the Raspberry Pi:

To run thymio_diffusion example or any other example follow the following procedure.

Make sure you are in the thymio directory then execute it using:

build_thymio/src/testing/thymio_diffusion/thymio_diffusion -c src/testing/thymio_diffusion/realtestexperiment.argos -i thymio

The first argument is the path to the experiment's configuration file (.argos). The second argument is the controller's name, which is specified as a tag in the configuration file.


Thymio simulator based on ARGoS framework






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