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Scott Godin edited this page Jan 29, 2021
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As of reSIProcate 1.8, the repro proxy supports Mutual (client) TLS authentication.
This means various things:
- external users can be trusted based on the client certificate they present
- local users can be trusted based on the client certificate they present
- this works with or without a challenge password: you can still demand the local user to pass DIGEST authentication, or you can turn off DIGEST authentication and just rely on the client certificate
Jitsi is an excellent, free and open source softphone. It has support for mutual TLS authentication.
This guide explains how to use that feature with repro
- Require repro v1.8.2 or greater
- Require Jitsi build 3912 or later (tested with 4142, the nightly build from 31 July 2012)
- Jitsi on a Debian 6.0 (squeeze, amd64) system with Oracle JRE 1.6.24
- repro on a Debian 7.0 (wheezy pre-release, i386)
- Free 4096 bit RSA certificates from http://www.CACert.org used on both client and server
- Normal CN certificates were tested (without subjectAltName or other extensions - that is for another day)
- Install the latest Debian 7.0 wheezy build
- Install the repro package:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install repro openssl
- Create server certificates (note we are giving examples for pocock.com.au - insert your own domain instead)
# openssl genrsa -out /etc/repro/ssl/domain_key_pocock.com.au.pem 4096
# chmod 0640 /etc/repro/ssl/domain_key_pocock.com.au.pem
# chgrp repro /etc/repro/ssl/domain_key_pocock.com.au.pem
# openssl req -new -key /etc/repro/ssl/domain_key_pocock.com.au.pem -out /etc/repro/ssl/pocock.com.au.csr -subj '/CN=pocock.com.au'
# cat /etc/repro/ssl/pocock.com.au.csr
- Go to the CACert.org certificate request web form. Cut and paste the contents of the CSR file (the output of the cat command)
- The CA will now give you a certificate. Install it on the repro server:
# cat > /etc/repro/ssl/domain_cert_pocock.com.au.pem << EOF
- Now edit the repro config file, /etc/repro/repro.config
# vi /etc/repro/repro.config
- Here is a sample of the config settings that you change from defaults:
IPAddress = UDPPort = 0 TCPPort = 0 TLSPort = 5061 DTLSPort = 0 TLSDomainName = pocock.com.au TLSClientVerification = Mandatory TLSUseEmailAsSIP = true Transport1Interface = Transport1Type = TLS Transport1TlsDomain = pocock.com.au Transport1TlsClientVerification = Mandatory Transport1RecordRouteUri = sip:pocock.com.au;transport=TLS HttpAdminPassword = admin RecordRouteUri = sip:pocock.com.au;transport=tls ForceRecordRouting = true EnumSuffixes = e164.arpa, sip5060.net, e164.org DisableOutbound = false OutboundVersion = 5626 EnableFlowTokens = false ClientNatDetectionMode = DISABLED FlowTimer = 0 EnableCertificateAuthenticator = True DisableAuth = true
- Things you MUST change in the sample config file above:
- all instances of the domain pocock.com.au should be replaced with your domain
- all instances of the IP address should be replaced with your IP address
- all the passwords (HttpAdminPassword)
- Notice that UDP and TCP ports are 0 to disable them --- when you rely on TLS authentication, you don't want non-TLS users to connect.
- Now you can start the proxy
# /etc/init.d/repro start
- An email certificate is sufficient - it does not need to have a dedicated SIP extension in the certificate
- The email address can be in the Common Name (that is how it was for this test) - repro will accept email addresses in subjectAltName too
- You typically want to create the keystore on the machine where you will run Jitsi (or create it on another machine and then copy it to the Jitsi machine)
- Generate the keypair and the certificate request (CSR) for the CA, set a password (we use mysecret in these examples):
$ keytool -genkey -alias jitsi1 -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -keystore ~/.jitsi.keytool -dname 'CN=daniel@pocock.com.au'
Enter keystore password: Re-enter new password: Enter key password for <jitsi1></jitsi1> (RETURN if same as keystore password):
$ keytool -certreq -alias jitsi1 -file /tmp/jitsi1.csr -keystore ~/.jitsi.keytool -storepass mysecret $ cat /tmp/jitsi1.csr -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIEZDCCAkwCAQAwHzEdMBsGA1UEAwwUZGFuaWVsQHBvY29jay5jb20uYXUwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQC/ySJt3ZNulDnWG7MtrE+Y6Rkl6ln/ovdefxFdoaBSkg4Bqg8K . . . cfsbPXSEcdZTYKzPaQpTtkCeWMRKh5R4M61IOd40tANhVbZbf32sZlAeRos7 -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
- Log in to CAcert.org. Follow the link to create a Client certificate. Cut and paste the certificate request text into the CAcert.org web form.
- CACert.org will give you a certificate, put it on the Jitsi machine in a file called /tmp/jitsi1.crt:
- Import the CA root certificate into the keystore (otherwise keytool won't like the CAcert.org root that signs your client certificate). We assume you are on a Debian system with a copy of the CAcert.org roots in /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.org.pem:
$ keytool -import -alias root -keystore ~/.jitsi.keytool -storepass mysecret -trustcacerts -file /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.org.pem ... Trust this certificate? [no]: '''yes''' Certificate was added to keystore
- Now import the reply from the CA:
$ keytool -importcert -alias jitsi1 -file /tmp/jitsi1.crt -keystore ~/.jitsi.keytool -storepass jitsi1 Certificate reply was installed in keystore
- Go to the repro web interface, be default, it listens on port 5080
- Log in using the password you set in the repro.config file
- Click Domains and add your domain. Leave the port blank.
- Click Add User and add your user name (must match the user portion of the email address in your client certificate)
- At this point, you could check in the database, make sure the user exists in the users table. Check the syslog if it didn't work.
- Go to the Tools menu, click Options, and find the Advanced tab.
- Click SIP and then remove the check marks next to SSLv2Hello and SSLv3. Only the TLSv1 option should have a check mark.
- You must restart Jitsi after that change
- Click TLS Configuration and the Add button.
- In the Display Name, put some arbitrary name, for example testcert
- Click the Browse button and locate the file ~/.jitsi.keytool that you created. Click OK to dismiss the file chooser dialog.
- Click the Type pulldown and choose the jks options
- In the Password field, put mysecret, or whatever password you used with the keytool command in earlier steps.
- In the field Alias name in KeyStore, choose jitsi1 or whatever alias name you used with keytool in earlier steps.
- Now click OK
- Your certificate details should appear in the table in the Options window
- Now go to the Accounts tab and click the Add button
- In the Network menu, choose SIP.
- Enter the email address as the SIP Id. Leave the Password field blank.
- Click the Advanced button.
- Go to the Connection tab
- In the Client TLS certificate pull down, choose the name that matches the Display Name you chose when you were in the TLS Configuration panel.
- Click Next and accept the settings
- Jitsi will try and connect to your repro SIP proxy
- If it doesn't work, try restarting Jitsi, use the Quit option in the menu - sometimes it doesn't appear to recognise the certificate until after a restart
- You may get a warning to tell you that Jitsi doesn't trust the server's certificate. For testing, just click the Continue Anyway button.
- For production use, it is recommended that you either use a CA trusted by the JRE, or add your CA certificate to the JRE's built in keystore.
- You may get a popup for jks authentication, with a message like The jks server has requested your authentication. In the Password box, insert the password mysecret, or whatever password you used with the keytool command in earlier steps.
- You should now see the green light that says you are Online
- In the repro web interface, you can click the REGISTRATIONS menu link to see which users are connected successfully
- Look at any console output from Jitsi
- You can run repro from the command line, for example:
# /etc/init/repro stop # /usr/sbin/repro /etc/repro/repro.config --Daemonize=false --LoggingType=cout --LogLevel=STACK
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