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Using Repro

Scott Godin edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 4 revisions

Table of Contents

Getting the Software

Running repro

Run the executable from the command line. A number of command line options are available. For a summary of options run repro with the help option:

See the discussion page

  WARNING:  The command line options interface discussed on this page has been updated to a config file format.
            While the information here is mostly valid, the specific command line option formats information needs to be updated.
            For information on the newer config file format, please check out the following document:

repro 1.8 Overview

> ./repro --help

Usage: repro [OPTION...]

  -l, --log-type=syslog|cerr|cout                       where to send logging messages (default: "cout")
  -v, --log-level=STACK|DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ALERT        specify the default log level (default: "INFO")
  --db-path=STRING                                      path to databases (default: "./")
  -r,                    specify uri to use as Record-Route 
  --force-record-route                                  force record-routing
  --assume-path                                         assume path option
  --Udp=5060                                            listen on UDP port (default: 5060)
  --tcp=5060                                            listen on TCP port (default: 5060)
  -t,                          act as a TLS server for specified domain
  --tls=5061                                            add TLS transport on specified port (default: 5061)
  --dtls=0                                              add DTLS transport on specified port (default: 0)
  --enable-cert-server                                  run a cert server
  -c, --cert-path=STRING                                path for certificates (default: "C:\sipCerts" or 
  --enable-v6                                           enable IPV6
  --disable-v4                                          disable IPV4
  --disable-auth                                        disable DIGEST challenges
  --disable-auth-int                                    disable auth-int DIGEST challenges
  --reject-bad-nonces                                   Send 403 if a client sends a bad nonce in their credentials 
                                                        (will send a new challenge otherwise)
  --disable-web-auth                                    disable HTTP challenges
  --disable-reg                                         disable registrar
  --disable-identity                                    disable adding identity headers
  -i, --interfaces=sip:;transport=tls;      specify interfaces to add transports to
  -d,,                     specify domains that this proxy is authorative
  -R,,     specify where to route requests that are in this proxy's domain
  --http=5080                                           run HTTP server on specified port (default: 5080)
  --http-hostname=STRING                                http hostname for this server (used in Identity headers)
  --recursive-redirect                                  Handle 3xx responses in the proxy
  --q-value                                             Enable sequential q-value processing
  --q-value-behavior=STRING                             Specify forking behavior for q-value targets:
                                                        EQUAL_Q_PARALLEL, or
  --q-value-cancel-btw-fork-groups                      Whether to cancel groups of parallel forks after the period
                                                        specified by the --q-value-ms-before-cancel parameter.
  --q-value-wait-for-terminate-btw-fork-groups          Whether to wait for parallel fork groups to terminate before
                                                        starting new fork-groups.
  --q-value-ms-between-fork-groups=INT                  msec to wait before starting new groups of parallel forks
  --q-value-ms-before-cancel=INT                        msec to wait before cancelling parallel fork groups
  -e,                           specify enum suffix to search
  -b, --allow-bad-reg                                   allow To tag in registrations 
  -p, --parallel-fork-static-routes                     parallel fork to all matching static routes and (first batch) 
  --timer-C=180                                         specify length of timer C in sec (0 or negative will disable
                                                        timer C)
  -a, --admin-password=                                 set web administrator password
  --disable-outbound                                    disable outbound support (RFC5626)
  --outbound-version=INT                                set the draft version of outbound to support (default: 11/RFC5626)
  --enable-flow-tokens                                  enable use of flow-tokens in non-outbound cases (This is a 
                                                        workaround, and it is broken. Only use it if you have to.)
  --nat-detection-mode=STRING                           enable use of flow-tokens in non-outbound cases for clients detected 
                                                        to be behind a NAT (This is a workaround, and it is broken. Only use 
                                                        it if you have to.).  This a more selective flow token hack mode to 
                                                        repro for clients not supporting RFC5626.  The original flow token 
                                                        hack (--enable-flow-tokens) will use flow tokens on all client requests.  
                                                        This may not always be desired.  Consider a case where repro is used on 
                                                        a public IP, has individual UA softphones behind residential NATs (where 
                                                        flow token use is desired) and is also used to communicate with a peering 
                                                        provider (such as IP trunking).  If the peering provider uses TCP but 
                                                        disconnects the TCP connection after each request, then using flow tokens 
                                                        is not desired.  Assuming the peering provider is running on a public IP, 
                                                        this mode can help to selectively enable flow token use.  Possible values 
                                                        DISABLED (default) - do nothing special
                                                        ENABLED - Any request to be forwarded will be examined for a difference 
                                                                  between the host in the top via and the source host of the message 
                                                                  (from the IP packet header).  If they are different, then we assume 
                                                                  the sending client is behind a NAT and we use double record routing 
                                                                  with flow tokens, to help ensure that messaging for this client uses 
                                                                  the same connection
                                                        PRIVATE_TO_PUBLIC - Same as above except we add a check to ensure that the 
                                                                  address in the Via is a private address (ala RFC1918 and RFC4193), 
                                                                  and the source address is a non-private address (public).  This allows 
                                                                  us to ignore cases of private-private NAT'ing or false detections, 
                                                                  when an internal (to repro) server behind a load balancer is sending 
                                                                  us requests and using the load balancer address in the Via, instead 
                                                                  of the real of the adapter.
  --flow-timer=INT                                      set to greater than 0 to enable addition of Flow-Timer header 
                                                        to REGISTER responses if outbound is enabled (default: 0)
  --xmlrpcport=INT                                      port on which to listen for and send XML RPC messaging (used for 
                                                        registration sync) - 0 to disable (default: 0)
  --regsyncpeer=STRING                                  hostname/ip address of another instance of repro to synchronize 
                                                        registrations with (note xmlrpcport must also be specified)
  --server-text=STRING                                  Value of server header for local UAS responses
  --internalepoll                                       Only enabled if OS has epoll support.  Enables epoll support for
                                                        supporting a large number of TCP/TLS connections.
  --eventthread                                         Only enabled if OS has epoll support.  Use EventThread for stack.
  --override-T1                                         Override the default value of T1 (you probably should not do this).
  -V, --version                                         show the version number

Help options:

  -?, --help                                            Show this help message
  --usage                                               Display brief usage message

Running the proxy server with the default options is fine. If you are troubleshooting, we recommend that you enable DEBUG level logging:

> ./repro -v DEBUG


Installing on Windows

After Getting the Software just run the installation file following the installer instructions.

Installing on Linux OS or Unix-Like Systems

Repro is available both as a package on Debian and Ubuntu, and a Fedora RPM build is expected soon

All Linux/UNIX users can build from source code.

On Debian/Ubuntu:

   apt-get install repro

On Fedora 18 or above, make sure you have an RPM building environment (e.g. create ~/.rpmmacros) and do:

   rpmbuild -tb resiprocate-1.8.6.tar.gz

and then install the RPM files.

For source build, please see AutotoolsBuild

Configuring repro using the Web Admin

Once repro is running additional configuration are avalible using the WebAdmin pages. The WebAdmin runs on port 5080 by default, or a specific port if you specified it on the command line with the "--http" command-line option.

To view the pages use any Web Browser and open the url: "<repro_address></repro_address>:<port></port>" i.e. if you are running repro on your local machine and you are using the default web access port just open: "http://localhost:5080/". To Login use the initial username: admin and the password "admin" or use the password that you specified on the command line.

Setting Up Admin Account

Adding Users

To add users click on the add user page, this page allows you to add users that will be able to use repro. The mandatory fields are the username and the domain. The password is the SIP Digest password

Adding Routes to Gateways

Routes are used by repro to send certain requests to a particular location. The static routes use (POSIX-standard) regular expression to match and rewrite SIP URIs. The screenshot shows an example of sending all requests that consist of only digits in the userpart of the SIP URI to a gateway. Note that to match characters that have a special meaning in regular expression (like a "."), you need to escape these. You can also use variable substitution in the rewrite expression. The string inside the first set of parentheses () is referenced in the rewrite string as $1, the second is $2, etc.

Since it is easy to make mistakes entering regular expressions, you can test your static routes in the Show Routes page. Type in a SIP URI, click Test Route. You should see the rewritten URL below.

See Common rePro Routes and Patterns for some commonly used routes and regular expressions used in routes.

Note: Repro processes all routes and adds ALL matching route destinations to the target route set. The order number will determine the order that the matching destinations will be attempted.

Configuring the Address Control List

The Address Control List allows you to add trusted nodes that will not require any authentication. Identification of the node is done using the incoming address (masks allowed) or Tls peer name. Note: If hostnames or FQDN's are used then a TLS transport type is assumed. All other transport types must specify ACLs by address. To add a trusted node open the ACLs page under configure menu and edit the address and port boxes then click add button.

Configuring SIP user agents to work with repro

Configure a SIP user agent (softphone or appliance) with the same user information entered for the user in the rePro configuration interface. The address of record (AOR) for the user will be sip:user-name@repro-domain where the user-name part is the value entered on in the User Name field on the USERS -> ADD USER page. The repro-domain part is the valued entered on the CONFIGURE -> DOMAINS page. Note: you can also see the users' AORs listed on the USERS -> SHOW USERS page. The authentication user id that is expected by rePro is the user-name part of the AOR (no @ or domain name). The parameters for your specific user agent may be labeled differently but typically the following information is required:

  • User Address of Record
  • Proxy
  • User Authorization Id
  • User Password
The values for these parameters assuming the above examples for domain and user would be as follows:

User Address of Record: Proxy: User Authorization Id: alicedoe User Password: 1234

Setting Up Repro for TLS

  1. Please keep in mind that the information below is a little out of date with respect to configuration. See note at the top of this page.
  2. A domain certificate and private key certificate for the domain FQDN used to reach your repro server must be present in the certificate path. The files must be named as specified in Certificates. Note: see the --cert-path option.
  3. The certificate must contain the Server Authentication key usage and the tls FQDN in the Subject Common name and/or SubjectAltName (DNS) fields. Note: If multiple names can be used to reach this server, they can be added to the SubjectAltName field.
  4. Enable tls transport on command line: --tls=5061
  5. Ensure you tell repro what your tls domain is on the command line: -t=<tlsfqdn></tlsfqdn>. If you require multiple TLS domains and transports use the -i command line option (see above).
  6. The tls domain should also be added to the Domain list, either via the HTTP gui or command line option: -d=<tlsfqdn></tlsfqdn>
  7. The openssl package can be used to test your repro instance. Assuming repro is listening on HOST:PORT and has been configured to provide a certificate (you've provided both domain_cert_*.pem and domain_key_*.pem) and that you are not requiring client certs, then run:
     openssl s_client -connect HOST:PORT -tls1 -CAfile ROOTPEM

where ROOTPEM is the root cert of your CA (whatever cert with which your client will be configured in order to validate the repro cert), and HOST:PORT is repro's listening port (e.g., -i option). If everything is good, it should report "Verify return code: 0 (ok)".

Configuring DNS

Setting up multiple domains

You must add at least one "domain" before you can use the proxy server. The domains are names that the proxy recognizes after the at-sign (@) in the SIP URI. The list of domains is used by the proxy and the registrar to decide if repro is responsible for SIP requests it receives. The WebAdmin also uses the list of domains to make sure users you add are in one of the domains.

For example, if you want the proxy to answer requests for, you need to add to the list of domains. You still need to make sure that you configure DNS so that SIP requests for that domain resolve to repro.

If you don't have a fully qualified domain name, you can use your IP address as a "domain".

 NOTE:  TLS Port is currently not used.
 WARNING:  repro must be restarted after adding domains here.

Configuring Logging

(this should be a pointer to the resip docs)

Setting up Repro to be an Edge Server

Since repro supports, TCP, TLS and RFC5626 it is an excellent choice to be used as an edge proxy to add RFC 5626 (Outbound) support to any PBX/Registrar, or for any other reason. The following command line options should be used when configuring repro as an edge proxy that supports "outbound":

  • -d <sipdomainname></sipdomainname> -> the SIP domain that this edge proxy operates under
  • -r sip:<fqdn></fqdn> -> to be used in Record-Route headers
  • -R sip:<domain></domain>;lr -> Note the ;lr parameter is important to ensure that the request-uri is unaltered as requests pass through this edge
  • --disable-reg -> to disable the built-in registrar in repro
  • --disable-auth -> to disable digest-challenges if authentication is handled by next hop (optional)
  • --http=0 -> to disable the built in HTTP configuration server (optional)
  • --assume-path -> only required if the clients using this edge do not have RFC5626 support
  • --enable-flow-tokens -> only required if the clients using this edge do not have RFC5626 support

Specifying Record-Route Behavior

A number of repro features require Record-Routing to be enabled, these include:

  1. RFC5626 flow routing.
  2. The --assume-path option.
  3. The --force-record-routing option.
  4. The --enable-flow-tokens option
  5. The --nat-detection-mode option
The URI to use for record routing can be specified in one of 2 ways:
  1. -r command line option - this should be used when proper RFC3263 DNS routing is deployed. The record-route should be set to a FQDN that maps correctly on all interfaces/sides of the proxy.
  2. Specify a specific record-route per interface. The -i command line option must be used. The customer parameter ;rr is used to specify the interface specific record-route. If no specific value is specified, then the transport/interface parameters are used to form the record-route URI. If you need to specify a parameter on the record-route (such as ;transport), then you must encode the ';' as %3b.
  A. -i "sip:;transport=tcp;,sip:;transport=udp;"
      Defines 2 transports:  
      - TCP: using Record-Route:;transport=tcp
      - UDP: using Record-Route:;transport=udp
  B. -i "sip:;transport=tls;;rr,sip:;transport=udp;rr"
      Defines 2 transports:  
      - TLS: using Record-Route:
      - UDP: using Record-Route: sip:;transport=udp

Active Registration Replication

Repro keeps an in-memory database of all active registrations. This database is updated when a new SIP Registration message arrives that modifies a particular registration (ie. new registration, registration update, or registration removal). When repro is started it attempts to get a complete copy of the in-memory registration database from the configured reg-sync peer. Once this is obtained it receives updates in real-time to ensure the two instances are synchronized. This design supports a setup where there are two proxy servers live at any one time. Clients could then use DNS SRV records to load balance registrations and routing between the two proxies.

Note: resip/repro supports RFC5766 which has a mode that allows clients to request that a proxy only routes messaging down an existing client initiated TCP connection. This type of registration cannot be meaningfully replicated to another proxy, since it will not contain the socket connection. Clients that support this RFC, are required to register with multiple proxies for fault tolerance. For these reasons – repro will not attempt to replicate any registrations that are using RFC5766 (ie. tagged as 'use existing connection only').

Initial Synchronization

If configured for reg-sync, when repro first starts, it will attempt to connect to the RPC port on the paired node to obtain the initial list of currently active registrations. If it is unable to connect to the paired node, then it will assume the node is offline and that no registration information is available. The registration sync process with move to a disconnected state, where it will periodically attempt to connect to the paired node. Once a connection succeeds it will retrieve the entire list of active registrations on the pair node, and then move to the Synchronized state where push synchronization will be used. If we are doing an initial synchronization with active registrations in our local store, then conflicts are resolved by looking at the LastUpdated time of each contact in order to know which record has the latest information.

Real-time Synchronization

Once a complete copy of the registration database is obtained, we move to the Synchronized state. In this state the RPC server will send updates to the client whenever they occur in its local store. This way we can be assured that the instances are synchronized in real-time.

Transport Mechanism

Repro will form a TCP connection to its peer node (server). Once connected the client will send an InitialSync xml rpc request in order to retrieve a snapshot of all existing registrations, following this all communication will be one way from the server to the client. The initial and real-time registration update messaging will be sent from the server to the client as XML formatted stream data.

Data to Synchronize

The following data is stored in the InMemoryRegistrationDatabase class and is transported over the wire to the other instance of repro:

  • AOR - Address of Record for a particular registration
    • Operation - Add/Update or Remove
    • Contact List - List of contacts for the AOR
      • Contact - URI used to contact this registration instance for the given AOR
      • Expires - The time that this registration will expire. In order to avoid requiring that machines have a synchronized clock, this field will be encoded as the number of seconds until the registration will expire.
      • Last Update - The time that this registration was last updated. In order to avoid requiring that machines have a synchronized clock, this field will be encoded as the number of seconds since the last update.
      • ReceivedFrom - Source IP address and port of the last endpoint to register if 'outbound' is used.
      • SipPath - Path header from registration
      • Instance - Instance parameter from the contact header
      • RegId - Registration Id parameter from the contact header
See the following doc for sample XML that is transported: repro 1.8 Overview
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