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reSIProcate 0.9.0 Release
Scott Godin edited this page Jan 7, 2022
1 revision
2005-07-06 | RjS <at></at> estacado.net | (editor) |
2006-07-11 | alan.resiprocate <at></at> polyphase.ca | (wiki editor) |
- Summary of changes between the 0.4.0 release and the 0.9.0 release
- Renamed h_CallId to h_CallID
- TuIM and Dialog (renamed to DeprecatedDialog) are deprecated
- Removed all references to Preparser
- Removed many unused files
- Reorganized ParserCategories into seperate files for each ParserCategory
- Renamed Log::CERR to Log::Cerr (similar for DEBUG->Debug, etc)
- Removed Executive
- Changed the branch parameter encoding (fixed many bugs)
- Used HashMap instead of map in many places
- Used vector instead of list in many places
- Used vector instead of map in many places
- Fifo changed to use deque instead of list
- Complete reimplementation (and refactoring) of Security
- Changed use of windows Mutex to CriticalSection for efficiency
- Added IpVersion enum to transports replacing a bool for v4/v6
- Increased bits in transaction-id from 31 to 64
- Created a StackThread to run SipStack in its own thread
- Added DUM
- Added DTLS Transport
- Added support for draft-sip-identity
- Added auth-int support
- Added Transport abstraction to allow plugging in external transports which may share the process/select/buildfdset of the SipStack or directly insert into the TuFifo
- Added abstract connection class to facilitate working with external streaming transports
- Added a StackLog logging level
- Added Windows memory leak detection mechanism
- Implemented a TuSelector to allow more than one TU to reside above a single instance of a SipStack
- Added ExternalLogger to permit custom logging
- Added Statistics Collection for SIP Messaging (StatisticsManager)
- Added a pluggable DNS interface
- Generalized Data's sharing to {Share, Borrow, Take} (read/write overlay)
- Added URL encoding/decoding to Data
- Added helper methods to perform DIGEST with A1 instead of password
- Added helper methods to build responses on a provided SipMessage object instead of having the helper build a new one on the heap
- Improved backpressure support at the transaction layer (503 if too busy)
- Added TimeLimitFifo to aid with backpressure
- Added a pluggable keep-alive manager (focusing on NAT issues)
- Allowed for non-busy, non-blocking wait handshakes with TLS
- Included hostname in Call-ID
- Added CNAME support to DNS resolution
- Added v6 support to DNS resolution (both using DNS over v6 and supporting AAAA records
- Added v6 ntop and pton support
- Created an application accessible timer queue
- Added SipStack::postMS interface to allow application messages to be posted with subsecond timing requirements
- Added vs.net project files for 7.0, 7.1, 8.0
- Tweaked things to allow compilation with gcc 3.4 and 4.0
- Added support for google-perftools and google-malloc
- Added a merge interface to Pidf
- Added support for message/external-body
- Added several test programs (particularly around security objects)
- Added Headers:
Accept-Contact | ContentId | Identity | Identity-Info | Join |
Min-SE | P-Asserted-Identity | P-Associated-URI | P-Called-Party-ID | P-Media-Authorization |
P-Preferred-Identity | Path | Privacy | RAck | Reason |
Refer-To | Referred-By | Reject-Contact | Request-Disposition | RSeq |
Service-Route | Session-Expires | SIP-ETag | SIP-IfMatch | Target-Dialog |
r - Compact form of Refer-To | b - Compact form of Referred-By |
- Added parameters:
+sip.instance | actor | app-id | application | control |
description | document | early-only | effective-by | events |
extensions | gruu | isfocus | language | methods |
model | network-user | priority | profile-type | refresher |
schemes | text | type | url | vendor |
version | video |
- Fixed several memory leaks (TransactionState, SdpContents, others)
- Fixed retransmit timers
- Fixed several flaws in XMLCursor (simple xml parser)
- Fixed mismatched cancel problem with 481 in TransactionState
- Improved graceful shutdown logic in transaction layer
- Generalized TimerQueue code
- Fixed IPv6 handling errors througout code - tested IPv6 at SIPIts (both windows and *nix)
- Fixed problem with TimerF producing a 408 to the TU when not in Calling state
- Fixed problem with TransportSelector messing with route headers
- Fixed bug in TransactionState where transmissions were being delivered to TU
- Fixed assertion bug when trying to retransmit something that hasn't been transmitted yet
- Fixed incompatibilities with earlier versions of windows in TransportSelector::determineSourceInterface
- Fixed windows use of udp sendto
- Corrected use of sip:/sips: and their effect on DNS lookups (3263)
- Corrected use of resolver to do appropriate things for the currently available transports (per interface)
- Fixed a SipFrag encoding problem
- Added a Warning header to 503 responses
- Improved robustness of QuotedDataParameter (will accept unquoted arguments and automatically add the needed quotes)
- Fixed many S/MIME issues (and tested the results at SIPIts)
- Throws when no Via appears in a message (instead of asserting)
- Improved robustness of SDP parser (survives lack of final \r\n,survives lack of m lines, better e and p line parsing)
- Reworked ThreadIf
- Fixed a nasty bug in Condition::wait that was passing an incorrectly rounded value of tv_nsec into pthread_cond_timedwait and causing an assertion in some versions of linux
- Removed unnecessary recomputations of 2543 transaction ids
- Fixed socket leak in ares (close vs socketclose on windows)
- Several fixes (particularly around USE_IPV6) to keep objects from changing size depending on stack configuration
- Many fixes to TLS (tested at SIPITs) - In particular, fixed checks of subjectaltname/cname during TLS setup
- Navigation
- Developers
- Packages
- Community