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Add minimal doc for FRR
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pautiina committed Jan 29, 2018
1 parent b1e2b9b commit aaae55c
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 0 deletions.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# Looking Glass: FRRouting (FRR) configuration and tips.

FRR has its roots in the Quagga project. In fact, it was started by many
long-time Quagga developers who combined their efforts to improve on
Quagga's well-established foundation in order to create the best routing
protocol stack available. We invite you to participate in the FRRouting
community and help shape the future of networking.

## Instalation FRRouting


## Security and user access

Looking Glass directly calls `vtysh -c "frr command"`. Thus, the `lg` user
only needs to run `vtysh`, `ping` and `traceroute`. To achieve this, we
recommend the use of `rbash` (restricted bash, see [1]), ssh key based authentication
and a bit of dark magic.

## Configuration

Rough steps ahead (maybe more doc later):

# create the "lg" unix user and add it to 'frr' and 'frrvty' group's.
root@frr-router ~# adduser lg
(boring questions)
root@frr-router ~# pw group mod frr -m lg
root@frr-router ~# pw group mod frrvty -m lg
# log in as lg user
root@frr-router ~# su -l lg
# create ssh userdir and authorized the looking glass RSA pubkey with limited access and features
lg@frr-router ~# mkdir ~/.ssh/
lg@frr-router ~# echo 'from=",$IP4-OF-YOUR-LG",no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa $RSA-PUBKEY-HERE lg@looking-glass' >| ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
# truncate the profile dotfile
lg@frr-router ~# echo >| ~/.profile
# set up a limited PATH
lg@frr-router ~# echo "export PATH=/opt/lg-bin" >| ~/.profile
lg@frr-router ~# exit
# render the profile dotfile immutable, the lg user will not be able to truncate/edit it
root@frr-router ~# chattr +i ~lg/.profile
# change lg user shell to restricted bash
root@frr-router ~# chsh -s /bin/rbash lg
# set up the restricted PATH with the only necessary binaries simlinks
root@frr-router ~# mkdir -p /opt/lg-bin
root@frr-router ~# for cmd in vtysh ping traceroute; do ln -s $(which $cmd) /opt/lg-bin/; done
root@frr-router ~#

You can disable password authentication for the lg user in the sshd config:

Match user lg
PasswordAuthentication no

and reload sshd:

`service ssh reload`

## Debug

Test the SSH connection from the server where the looking glass is installed:

`ssh -i lg-user-id_rsa.key`

After successful login, verify that only built-in functions and `vtysh`, `ping`
and `traceroute` are available and functionnal.

## References

* [1]

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