Where's DogGo is a mobile dog-scouting game which uses your mobile device GPS to locate and capture virtual dogs, which appear as if they were in your real-time location.
Visit Where's DogGo to try it out!
Step by step guide for downloading repo:
cd <directory you want to download to>
git clone https://github.com/return-JSON/wheres-doggo
In the terminal:
npm install
npm run start
With your phone, scan the QR code in the terminal to use Where's DogGo!
Technologies used in this project:
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
React Native is a framework for building native apps using React.
Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for state management.
Redux works together with React Native and Node to build complex user interfaces and retrieve data from the database, while easily managing state.
- Cloud Firestore is a NoSQL, document-oriented database.
- Expo is an open-source platform for making universal native apps for Android, iOS, and the web with JavaScript and React.
APIs used in this project:
- Google Cloud’s Vision API offers powerful pre-trained machine learning models through REST and RPC APIs.
- The LocationIQ Geocoding API allows developers to perform geocoding and reverse geocoding operations. The API also allows developers to access maps, nearby points of interest, nearby countries. Map tiles provided by LocationIQ work on web, Android, and iOS platforms.
View your dogs...
Catch dogs...
Look for more dogs.
Github: https://github.com/cpascale43
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carrie-pascale-9862658a/
Github: https://github.com/NuriaLuz
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nrodriguezrios/
Github: https://github.com/Hilary-Ly
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hilary-ly/
Github: https://github.com/dreamwasp
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ceaspain/