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File metadata and controls

105 lines (84 loc) · 6.62 KB

MP4 → MP3 Converter


  • This project converts an uploaded video-file into a mp3 audio file.
  • This project is based on a Microservice architecture comprised of four services - auth,gateway,converter and notification.
  • The API gateway and auth services are Flask servers, and the converter and notification services are RabbitMQ consumers. All services run in kubernetes pods within our local minikube cluster.
  • The services communicate between each other with RESTful API calls.
  • Before a user can use this application, they must login, and if validated, they will receive a jwt token- which they must supply in all subsequent API calls. The admin users are stored locally on a mysql database.
  • The uploaded video file and the converted audio file are stored as binary-json (bson) objects in our local MongoDB.
  • This project provides asynchronous inter-service communication between the gateway and converter services via a RabbitMQ message-queue.

Architecture and Control Flow

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Control Flow :

  1. User hits /login end-point with username & password.
  2. Credentials are sent to the auth service.
  3. auth service validates that the credentials are legitimate.
  4. jwt token is sent to the user.
  5. User hits the /upload endpoint with the provided jwt as a bearer token.
  6. The gateway service uploads the video to MongoDB.
  7. Once the upload is complete, the gateway service puts a message (with file-id) into the video-queue.
  8. The converter consumer pulls the message from the video queue.
  9. Using the file-id, the converter pulls the video from MongoDB.
  10. The converter converts the video into a MP3 and uploads it back to MongoDB.
  11. The converter puts a message with the converted mp3 file id into the mp3 message-queue.
  12. The notification consumer reads these messages.
  13. The notification consumer logs the file-id so user can access it.
  14. User uses the file-id and jwt to hit the /download end-point.
  15. The gateway takes the file-id, and pulls the mp3 from MongoDB.
  16. The mp3 is returned to the user and is downloaded locally.

Project Dependencies

  • Python 3.9+
  • Docker : brew install docker
  • Kubernetes CMD tools (kubectl) : brew install kubectl
  • Minikube : brew install minikube
  • Make sure the docker daemon is up, then minikube start --driver = docker
  • K9S : brew install k9s
  • MySQL
    • Make sure you install mysql running the same architecture of your system python, or else, some packages we use to interface with mysql will not operate correctly.
    • For instance, if you python is built for x86 (check with import platform,platform.machine()), then first make sure your homebrew is x86 homebrew and not arm64 homebrew.
    • which brew will either return /opt/homebrew/bin/brew (Apple Silicon/ARM64) or /usr/local/bin/brew (Intel x86).
    • For Arm64 Macs, you will have to specifically install x86 homebrew, add an alias in .zshrc as brew86 and then brew86 install mysql
    • Start mysql: brew86 services start mysql / brew86 services restart mysql
    • Use the init.sql script to set-up mysql: mysql -u root < init.sql
  • Create a dockerhub account, and login via CLI: docker login -u user_name -p password
  • Make sure you have curl / Postman etc installed to make API calls.
  • Install mongodb and mongosh : Install Instructions

Service Descriptions

Auth Service

Checks for login credentials and returns a JWT if user is authenticated. Also helps validate whether a supplied JWT is legitimate.

Notification Service

RabbitMQ consumer - basically reads the messages off the queue and logs the converted file-ids.

Converter Service

RabbitMQ consumer and producer - reads messages off the video queue, picks up the file from MongoDB, converts to MP3, stores it back in MongoDB and publishes a message to the mp3 queue with the converted file-id.

API Gateway

Services the /login , /upload and /download endpoints. Acts as the point of entry into the Kubernetes cluster.

Build and Deploy a Service

  • Navigate to a service directory, for example: /python/src/auth
  • docker build . to build the image. Store the SHA returned at the end of the build.
  • docker tag {SHA_value} {dockerhub_username}/auth:{tag}
  • docker push {dockerhub_username}/auth:{tag}
  • cd into manifests and kubectl apply -f ./
  • Go into k9s and verify that the service is up and logs are available.
  • If we want to scale-up/down replicas : kubectl scale deployment --replicas={new_replica_number} {service_name}

Running the Project

  • Start-up the docker daemon.
  • Ensure mysql and mongodb are up and running. Run init.sql as described above in the dependencies section.
  • Start minikube: minikube start
  • Add and in your etc/hosts file so that requests to those urls resolve to localhost.
  • Configure minikube to allow the ingress addon : minikude addons enable ingress and start a minikube tunnel: minikube tunnel - only with this, we can have external requests be routed to our gateway which is inside the cluster.
  • Deploy the rabbit container.
  • Go to and create two queues: video and mp3 and set them both to 'durable'.
  • Deploy services in this order: auth, converter, notification.
  • Deploy the gateway service.
  • Use kubectl logs -f {service_name} for logs to debug.
  • Note- any changes to code of any service requires a image-rebuild, re-tag, push to docker repo and re-apply of kubectl. Only then will kubernetes pull the updated image while running the containers.

Now that all our services are up, lets convert a video. Download a video and put it in python/src/converter.

  • Login : curl -X POST -u {email}:{password} - this is the email-password combo used in init.sql. This returns a JWT- store it.
  • Upload video : navigate to /converter where the video is and : curl -X POST -F 'file=@./{video_name}.mp4' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {JWT}'
  • Go to the notification service logs and pick up the file-id.
  • Nav to the directory where you want the mp3 and : curl --output {require_mp3_name}.mp3 -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer {JWT}' "{file_id}"

Areas of Improvement

  • Use an ORM like sqlalchemy instead of string SQL queries.
  • Use github secrets to store passwords/secrets etc rather than check it in plain-text.
  • Have a smtp server mail the converted file-id to the user instead of picking it up from logs.