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GPS logger

The software/hardware system provides a non cloud based GPS logger application, ideal for vehicle usage. It is not a "live" tracker, but a logger - providing automatic upload of logs when returning to base, via WiFi.

Main application is installed in vehicles, such as company car, etc, for automatic logging of all journeys without any manual intervention.


This is an open source project, but bear in mind you cannot sell boards bearing the Andrews & Arnold Ltd name, the A&A logo, the registered trademark AJK logo, or the GS1 allocated EANs assigned to Andrews & Arnold Ltd.


Available now on A&A web site

Also, the PCBs are included here - if making your own, remove trademark logos.

Logger board

This code is designed to work on the GPS Logger board (see PCB directory). The logger board connects to a GPS module which is based on the Quectel L86 GNSS, which is a powerful GPS module that can track NAVSTAR (US GPS), GLONASS (Russian GPS), and Galileo (EU GPS) Satellites.

The two boards can be directly connected to make a compact unit, or connected via a 5 core lead (or 4 core as PPS signal is not needed). This allows the smaller GPS module to be installed on a dash board or somewhere with a better view of the sky, and the main logger to be separate.

The logger board is powered vi a USB-C connector, but also supports a small LiPo battery, with built in battery charger, ideal for cases where USB is switched with car ignition.

An SD card is needed (up to 16GB) for logs to be stored until uploaded. Do not drop power whilst logging as log file will be lost (this may be improved in future). This is another reason for using a LiPo as well as USB power.

Initial set up

The s/w uses the RevK library which provides a format for commands and settings over MQTT. It means it will provide a WiFi AP to allow initial config (if not automatically shown, access the router IP via web page once connected). This allows WiFi, MQTT, and the URL for log uploads.

Note: Remove SD card to enable WiFi, WiFi AP mode, and settings. While SD is inserted WiFi AP and settings are disabled, and WiFi only when stationary (and at home if home set).

File upload

When back on WiFi, and not moving, all log files on the SD card are uploaded as a POST to specified URL (which can be https if using known certificates, including Let's Encrypt). Once uploaded it is deleted from the SD card. If no URL is set, the file stays on the SD card and can be accesses using a card reader as needed.

The post includes a query string that is the MAC and start date/time as a filename. But this is included in the JSON data.

File email

The file can, instead, be emailed. Fill in email settings and put an email address in url.

Important settings

Settings can be sent via MQTT, as per the revK library, e.g. sending setting/GPS/packdist 2 to set packdist to 2. Settings can also be sent in JSON format. To see settings, send just settings/GPS.

Note that the full list of settings are now documented in the Advanced settings in the web interface, this is a summary of some of the ones people usually need to consider

Setting Meaning
url Upload URL or email address
minmove Seconds moving before we start, if slow
minstop Seconds not moving before we stop, if not home, to allow for traffic lights, etc
powerman Shutdown to deep sleep when USB power is off (after a few minutes)
powerstop Stop journey quickly if USB power goes off and not moving
emailhost Host name/IP of email server
emailport Host port of email server
emailuser Username for email server
emailpass Password for email server
emailfrom From email address


There is one LED by the SD card that shows the status of the SD card (on older boards this is first LED on LED strip). This pulses if data ready to send.

Colour Meaning
Red Some problem with SD card
Magenta Card not present
Yellow Card mounted
Green Card being written to - don't power off in this state if possible
Blue Card unmounted, safe to remove
Cyan Data being uploaded from card

There is a string of LEDs to show satellite status, in order...

  • If SBAS then a magenta LED shows
  • Green LEDs show for NAVSTAR GPS, 2 sats per LED, last is dim if odd number
  • Yellow LEDs show for GLONASS GPS, 2 sats per LED, last is dim if odd number
  • Cyan LEDs show for GALILEO GPS, 2 sats per LED, last is dim if odd number
  • If no active satellites and no SBAS a single red LED shows
  • If there is less than a 3D fix the satellite LEDs pulse

Also, the last LED is over written with RED if no GPS receiver (YELLOW if some data but no clock yet), or ORANGE if stationary at home, or MAGENTA if stationary not at home (or home not set). This pulses if charging.

There are also special situations where the LEDs show a bar graph, this starts at the other end to avoid confusion with satellite status.

  • Yellow for progress of software upgrade.
  • Cyan for progress of log upload (per file).

Point reduction

The optional pack logic uses a modified Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm. It does not work on fixed time periods - allowing a packmin minimum samples, but up to packmax if no corners found. It also packs to the corner, and then considers from that with more points.

The effect is that if you go at constant speed in a straight line you may only see a point every 10 minutes. If you stop/start or turn, then that point is logged. Lost points are discarded if within a distance from a straight line that is logged, this allows detail and concise logs.

Point reduction on device is optional, and only if packdist is set. packtime being set (seconds) allows time to be included in the calculations. However, packing can be done as a port processing operation using the json2gpx tool.

Log format

The log format is a simple JSON object.

Top level fields Meaning
start Start information including timestamp
end End information including timestamp
id MAC of logger
version S/W version of logger
distance Distance covered by log file from odometer readings
gps Array of fix points

The fix point data is generally self explanatory. speed is kph. odo and alt are metres. ECEF is metres. lat/lon/course are degrees.

Note that the odometer logic is internal to the L86, and may track distance travelled if stationary without clear satellite coverage (such as indoors). As such it makes sense to use this for each journey only. It may also be reset under some circumstances.

Whilst location data (lat/lon/alt/ecef) is per fix, some data is slower, such as course, speed, epe, vdop/pdop, and active sats, and as such they do not change every fix.

CSV Format

The CSV contains a line for start and a line for end of each journey uploaded - where multiple files have been recorded, one CSV provides details of all the journeys.

The data includes timestamp, grid reference, and distance travelled.


If the POSTCODE.DAT file is placed on to the microSD then postcodes are added for start and end of journey. This is the nearest postcode to the location based on the centre of the postcode from ordnance survey data. Some postcodes are an odd shape so this may be an adjacent postcode to the one you expect. This is included in the JSON and CSV files.


WiFi is enabled when not moving. If a home location is set it is only enabled within 100m of home (confuigurable).

Normally access point mode, and web based settings are disabled. These are enabled, along with WiFI, when the SD card is removed. This is to provide some physical security.

Settings can also have a password set.


A button connected between and 0 pads on the back of the board can be used to log a waypoint. This is logged as "waypoint":true in JSON and a line in the CSV (not in the GPX).

Accessories and cases

3D printable case desigsn are included, but you can also make a simple case from standard parts: Tested case and battery options are documented here.

-- Copyright © 2019-24 Andrews & Arnold Ltd, Adrian Kennard. See LICENSE file (GPL).


Simple GPS+display







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