A JS /HTML5 timeline editing visualisation tool.
Uses the webpack, babel compiler and few other bit and pieces to make webpack handle other assets.
Builds are done through 'npm run-script build'
Dependencies are managed with npm.
Make sure you have a node environment, I recommend at least node V5.8 so the npx command is available.
If you don't want to or can't install a recent version on node, but have reasonably up to date version of python you can use nodeenv.
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install nodeenv
nodeenv -p #Can take a long time
npm i
All the deliverables are build into dist/
A demo page of the built application is on my website at http://backslashat.org/timeline/html/timeline.html
Add lots of CSS to make the forms look pretty. Allow relative setting f the end, and references of the end value of other events. Fix save bug with relative events created the UI.