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ParkingSpot documentation
ParkingSpot documentation
to document your team's ParkingSpot Smart Data Model project
ParkingSpot visualization
ParkingSpot visualization
to visualize FIWARE ParkingSpot Smart Model Data using tools of your choice
PhreaticObserved data
PhreaticObserved data
to import PhreaticObserved Smart Model Data into a FIWARE context broker
PhreaticObserved deployment
PhreaticObserved deployment
to deploy a FIWARE context broker on OpenShift Local and PhreaticObserved Smart Model Data apps
PhreaticObserved documentation
PhreaticObserved documentation
to document your team's PhreaticObserved Smart Data Model project
PhreaticObserved visualization
PhreaticObserved visualization
to visualize FIWARE PhreaticObserved Smart Model Data using tools of your choice
PointOfInterest data
PointOfInterest data
to import PointOfInterest Smart Model Data into a FIWARE context broker
PointOfInterest deployment
PointOfInterest deployment
to deploy a FIWARE context broker on OpenShift Local and PointOfInterest Smart Model Data apps
PointOfInterest documentation
PointOfInterest documentation
to document your team's PointOfInterest Smart Data Model project
PointOfInterest visualization
PointOfInterest visualization
to visualize FIWARE PointOfInterest Smart Model Data using tools of your choice
RainFallRadarObserved data
RainFallRadarObserved data
to import RainFallRadarObserved Smart Model Data into a FIWARE context broker
RainFallRadarObserved deployment
RainFallRadarObserved deployment
to deploy a FIWARE context broker on OpenShift Local and RainFallRadarObserved Smart Model ...
RainFallRadarObserved documentation
RainFallRadarObserved documentation
to document your team's RainFallRadarObserved Smart Data Model project
RainFallRadarObserved visualization
RainFallRadarObserved visualization
to visualize FIWARE RainFallRadarObserved Smart Model Data using tools of your choice
RestrictedTrafficArea data
RestrictedTrafficArea data
to import RestrictedTrafficArea Smart Model Data into a FIWARE context broker
RestrictedTrafficArea deployment
RestrictedTrafficArea deployment
to deploy a FIWARE context broker on OpenShift Local and RestrictedTrafficArea Smart Model ...
RestrictedTrafficArea documentation
RestrictedTrafficArea documentation
to document your team's RestrictedTrafficArea Smart Data Model project
RestrictedTrafficArea visualization
RestrictedTrafficArea visualization
to visualize FIWARE RestrictedTrafficArea Smart Model Data using tools of your choice
RoadAccident data
RoadAccident data
to import RoadAccident Smart Model Data into a FIWARE context broker
RoadAccident deployment
RoadAccident deployment
to deploy a FIWARE context broker on OpenShift Local and RoadAccident Smart Model Data apps
RoadAccident documentation
RoadAccident documentation
to document your team's RoadAccident Smart Data Model project
RoadAccident visualization
RoadAccident visualization
to visualize FIWARE RoadAccident Smart Model Data using tools of your choice
SeaConditions data
SeaConditions data
to import SeaConditions Smart Model Data into a FIWARE context broker
SeaConditions deployment
SeaConditions deployment
to deploy a FIWARE context broker on OpenShift Local and SeaConditions Smart Model Data apps
SeaConditions documentation
SeaConditions documentation
to document your team's SeaConditions Smart Data Model project
SeaConditions visualization
SeaConditions visualization
to visualize FIWARE SeaConditions Smart Model Data using tools of your choice
SpecialRestriction data
SpecialRestriction data
to import SpecialRestriction Smart Model Data into a FIWARE context broker
SpecialRestriction deployment
SpecialRestriction deployment
to deploy a FIWARE context broker on OpenShift Local and SpecialRestriction Smart Model Data apps
SpecialRestriction documentation
SpecialRestriction documentation
to document your team's SpecialRestriction Smart Data Model project
SpecialRestriction visualization
SpecialRestriction visualization
to visualize FIWARE SpecialRestriction Smart Model Data using tools of your choice