allows point-free style with the closure library
takes a function to return the curry function of
the minLength says how many defined variables at least are passed before a value instead of a function is returned
the opt_args are the starting arguments.
the return function can then be called with any amount of arguments (use undefined to skip that particular argument) and will continue to return a curried function until the minimum length is satisfied or you invoke it with no arguments.
// notice that as soon as there is a second argument we get a value back
var max = func.curry(Math.max, 2);
biggerThan10 = max(10);
biggerThan10(20); // 20
max(4)(2); // 4
max(4,6,3) // 6
max(8)(10, 4) // 10
// no minLength so need to execute with no arguments
var anyNumberMax = func.curry(Math.max);
anyNumberMax(1)(2)(3)(4, 5)() //5
var curryFilter = func.curry(goog.array.filter, 2);
var filterOdd = curryFilter(undefined, function(num) {
return num % 2 == 1;
filterOdd([3,4,5,6,7]); // [3,5,7]
notice how we needed to use the undefined to skip the array? well we can also use flip
var flipFilter = func.curry(func.flip(goog.array.filter), 2);
var filterEven = flipFilter(function(num) {
return num % 2 == 0;
filterEven([3,4,5,6,7]); // [4,6]
pass in several functions or string lambdas (they will be run as map) and they will be applied to the list backwards.
var addOne = function(x) {return x + 1};
var addOneToAll =;
var isOdd = function(x) {return x % 2};
var filterOdd = func.filter(isOdd);
var addThenGetOdd = func.compose(filterOdd, addOneToAll);
addThenGetOdd([1,2,3,4,5,6]); // [3,5,7]
a curried filter function where first parameter is the function or string lambda and second array (will return value).
a curried function where first parameter is array and second is element to search the array for
a curried function where first parameter is the element we're trying to match and the second is the array of elements to check
returns !argument
a curried function where first element is a list and second is the function to run on the list
a curried function where first element is a function and second is a list to run the function on
a curried function where first element is the mapping function or string lambda and second is the list to map.
transforms a string to a function, put in x as the passed in arg