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Guide to cross-compiling the native project

1. Prerequisites

Refer to the links under References for more information about these packages

  • Debian x86_64 (64bit) Linux OS. This is the host OS where the compilation will take place. (Ubuntu 18.04 recommended)
  • GCC v7.4 above
  • CMake 3.10+
  • CLang v9 (LLVM Based)
  • GCC/G++ Multilib
  • Autoconf/Automake
  • Latest Apache Maven version
  • Latest Apache Ant version
  • OSXCROSS Toolchain (For cross compiling mac osx binaries from a Linux x86_64 machine). Provided by the project.
  • Raspberry Pi Toolchain (For cross compiling arm binaries frpom a Linux x86_64 machine). Provided by the project.
  • MingW-w64 Toolchain (For cross compiling windows binaries from a Linux x86_64 machine).

2. Package installation

Package sources

Ubuntu Toolchain

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test

LLVM/Clang 9

Add gpg key.

wget -O -|sudo apt-key add -

Add sources. Create a file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.listand paste the line below.

Note: This is for Ubuntu 18.04, if you have a different version please check out

deb llvm-toolchain-bionic-9 main
Required Linux Packages (Debian)
- build-essential
- autoconf
- autoconf-archive
- automake
- cmake (v3.10+)
- gcc-multilib
- g++-multilib
- mingw-w64
- llvm-9-dev
- clang-9
- libssl1.0-dev
- libtool
- python-setuptools
- python3-setuptools
- pkg-config

Install the required packages for cross-compilation

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential autoconf autoconf-archive automake cmake gcc-multilib g++-multilib mingw-w64 llvm-9-dev clang-9 libssl1.0-dev libtool python-setuptools python3-setuptools pkg-config

3. Environment Settings

  • Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to your current JDK

  • ExportLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/llvm-9/lib"

    Note: This is only needed if you encounter issues cross-compiling for the OSX build targets. See Troubleshooting section below for more details.

4. Clone the source from the repository

Pick a working directory for your build and clone the project source using the following commands below

Clone the latest from master branch (Submodules included)

git clone --recurse-submodules -j4

Clone from a specific branch (Submodules included)

git clone --recurse-submodules --branch 1.5.0-alpha-dev -j4

5. Building the project

Cross-compiling with Maven (Java + Native) [RECOMMENDED]

If you compile with maven, you will compile all Java sources including the native libraries of all supported platforms.

Maven Compile Parameters

  • Set compile.native to true to tell maven that we also want to compile the native c++ library. Without this property set, the will have no effect and only the java sources will be compiled.
  • Use the target native-build-cc-all to cross-compile for all supported platforms
  • The possible values for the build.type are Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel (More Info).
mvn clean install -Dcompile.native=true -Dbuild.type=Debug

Note: All available ANT targets are listed below.

Cross-compiling with Apache ANT (Native Only)

With ant, you can select a specific c++ module to cross-compile.

Note: Build files are located under root 'scripts' directory

Building only the C++ graphics library for all supported platforms

cd scripts
ant -file build-graphics.xml -Droot.dir=<project root directory> native-build-cc-all

Building only the C++ input library for all supported platforms

cd scripts
ant -file build-input.xml -Droot.dir=<project root directory> native-build-cc-all

Building for a specific platform/architecture

cd scripts
ant -file build-graphics.xml -Droot.dir=<project root directory> native-build-linux-arm32

All generated binaries are located at <proj root>/native/modules/graphics/target/classes/natives/ directory

List of available ANT Build Targets

All targets with the -cc suffix needs to be executed from a 64 bit Linux operating system.

Ant Target Module Description
native-build-cc-all Graphics Cross-compile everything
native-build-cc-linux-arm32 Graphics Cross-compile for Linux ARM 32 bit
native-build-cc-linux-arm64 Graphics Cross-compile for Linux ARM 64 bit
native-build-cc-osx-x86_32 Graphics Cross-compile for OSX x86 32 bit
native-build-cc-osx-x86_64 Graphics Cross-compile for OSX x86 64 bit
native-build-cc-windows-x86_32 Graphics Cross-compile for Windows x86 32 bit
native-build-cc-windows-x86_64 Graphics Cross-compile for Windows x86 64 bit
native-build-linux-arm32 Graphics Compile for ARM 32 (Needs an ARM 32/64 bit host)
native-build-linux-x86_32 Graphics Compile for Linux 32 bit (Needs a Linux x86 32/64 bit host)
native-build-linux-x86_64 Graphics Compile for Linux 64 bit (Needs a Linux x86 64 bit host)
native-build-macosx-x86_64 Graphics Compile for OSX 64 bit (Needs an OSX 64 bit host)
native-build-windows-x86_32 Graphics Compile for Windows 32 bit (Needs a Windows 32/64 bit host)
native-build-windows-x86_64 Graphics Compile for Windows 64 bit (Needs a Windows 64 bit host)

Cross-compiling with CMake (Native Only)

CMake is the tool of choice for building the native c++ library. Minimum required version is 3.10.


Property Description Example
project root dir The root project directory /home/user/projects/ucgdisplay

CMake build process:

Note: Set working directory to /native/modules/graphics/src/main/cpp

  1. Refresh/generate the necessary build files
  2. Start make build process
Linux - ARM 32 bit
cmake --target ucgdisp
      -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<project root dir>/native/cmake/RpiToolchain-linux-32.cmake
      -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <arm32 build dir path>/linux/arm_32 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4
Linux - ARM 64 bit
cmake --target ucgdisp
      -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<project root dir>/native/cmake/RpiToolchain-linux-64.cmake
      -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <arm64 build dir path>/linux/arm_64 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4
Linux - x86_32 (32 bit / Virtual Mode)
cmake --target ucgdisp
      -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <x86_32 build dir path>/linux/x86_32 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4
Linux - x86_64 (64 bit / Virtual Mode)
cmake --target ucgdisp
      -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <x86_64 build dir path>/linux/x86_64 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4
Windows - x86_32 (32 bit / Virtual Mode)
cmake --target ucgdisp 
       -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<native directory path>/cmake/MingWToolchain-32.cmake
       -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <win32 build dir path>/windows/x86_32 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4
Windows - x86_64 (64 bit / Virtual Mode)
cmake --target ucgdisp 
       -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<native directory path>/cmake/MingWToolchain-64.cmake
       -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <win64 build dir path>/windows/x86_64 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4
Mac OS X - x86_32 (32 bit / Virtual Mode)
cmake --target ucgdisp
      -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<project root dir>/native/cmake/OSXToolchain-32.cmake 
      -DOSXCROSS_TARGET_DIR=<project root dir>/native/tools/osxcross 
      -DOSXCROSS_SDK=<project root dir>/native/tools/osxcross/SDK/MacOSX10.11.sdk 
      -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <osx32 build dir path>/osx/x86_32 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4
Mac OS X x86_64 (64 bit / Virtual Mode)
cmake --target ucgdisp
      -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<project root dir>/native/cmake/OSXToolchain-64.cmake 
      -DOSXCROSS_TARGET_DIR=<project root dir>/native/tools/osxcross 
      -DOSXCROSS_SDK=<project root dir>/native/tools/osxcross/SDK/MacOSX10.11.sdk 
      -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles'
cmake --build <osx64 build dir path>/osx/x86_64 --target ucgdisp -- -j 4


OSX: not found

If you get an error such as:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  1. Make sure llvm-9-dev is installed (typically under /usr/lib/llvm-9)

  2. Make sure the build system will be able to find all the required libraries in /usr/lib/llvm-9/lib. If it doesn't, then you need to explicitly export the library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/llvm-9/lib" 

OSX: Libxar not found

If you encounter this error, you need to install the xar package.

  • Required system dependencies: libssl1.0-dev

    git clone
    cd xar/xar
    sudo make install

Configuring Development Environment

CLion IDE (Coming soon)

  • Environment Settings (File -> Settings)
    • Coming soon

Eclipse CDT (Coming soon)

  • Environment Settings
    • Coming soon

Building your own cross-compiler tool-chain

  • Crosstools-NG
  • OSX Cross
