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New function CoRegStandAlone.m to co-register and segment MRS data (n…
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…ot necessarily edited) in all supported format. Small changes to SiemensDICOMRead.m and DICOMRead.m that fixed flawed post-processing of co-registering and segmenting DICOM MRS data.
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schorschinho committed Sep 19, 2018
1 parent 156813f commit 147f5b5
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214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions CoRegStandAlone/CoReg.m
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
function MRS_struct = CoReg(MRS_struct, nii_name)

%Coregistration of MRS voxel volumes to imaging datasets, based on headers.

MRS_struct.version.coreg = '180718';

% First check if SPM12 is installed and on the search path
spmversion = fileparts(which('spm'));
if isempty(spmversion)
error('SPM not found! Please install SPM12 ( and make sure it is on your search path.');
elseif strcmpi(spmversion(end-3:end),'spm8')
error(['SPM8 detected! Gannet 3.0 no longer supports SPM8. ' ...
'Please install SPM12 ( and make sure it is on your search path.']);

if MRS_struct.ii ~= length(nii_name)
error('The number of nifti files does not match the number of MRS files processed by CoRegStandAlone.');

numscans = numel(MRS_struct.metabfile);
vox = {MRS_struct.p.Vox{1}};

for ii = 1:numscans
% Loop over voxels if PRIAM
for kk = 1:length(vox)

%Ultimately this switch will not be necessary...
switch MRS_struct.p.vendor

case 'Philips'
fname = MRS_struct.metabfile{ii};
sparname = [fname(1:(end-4)) MRS_struct.p.spar_string];
MRS_struct = GannetMask_Philips(sparname, nii_name{ii}, MRS_struct, ii, vox, kk);

case 'Philips_data'
if exist(MRS_struct.metabfile_sdat,'file') % MM (170720)
MRS_struct.p.vendor = 'Philips';
MRS_struct.metabfile_data = MRS_struct.metabfile;
MRS_struct.metabfile = MRS_struct.metabfile_sdat;
MRS_struct = GannetCoRegister(MRS_struct,nii_name);
MRS_struct.metabfile = MRS_struct.metabfile_data;
MRS_struct.p.vendor = 'Philips_data';
error([MRS_struct.p.vendor ' format does not include voxel location information in the header. See notes in GannetCoRegister.']);
%If this comes up, once GannetLoad has been read:
%1. Switch vendor to Philips
% MRS_struct.p.vendor = 'Philips';
%2. Copy .data filenames.
% MRS_struct.metabfile_data = MRS_struct.metabfile;
%3. Replace the list with the corrsponding SDAT files (in correct order)
% MRS_struct.metabfile = {'SDATfile1.sdat' 'SDATfile2.SDAT'};
%4. Rerun GannetCoRegister
%5. Copy .sdat filenames and replace .data ones. Tidy up.
% MRS_struct.metabfile_sdat = MRS_struct.metabfile;
% MRS_struct.metabfile = MRS_struct.metabfile_data;
% MRS_struct.p.vendor = 'Philips_data'

case 'Siemens_rda'
fname = MRS_struct.metabfile{ii};
MRS_struct = GannetMask_SiemensRDA(fname, nii_name{ii}, MRS_struct, ii, vox, kk);

case {'Siemens_twix', 'Siemens_dicom'}
fname = MRS_struct.metabfile{ii};
MRS_struct = GannetMask_SiemensTWIX(fname, nii_name{ii}, MRS_struct, ii, vox, kk);

case 'GE'
fname = MRS_struct.metabfile{ii};
MRS_struct = GannetMask_GE(fname, nii_name{ii}, MRS_struct, ii, vox, kk);


% Build output figure
if ishandle(103)
clf(103); % MM (170720)
h = figure(103);
% MM (170629): Open figure in center of screen
scr_sz = get(0, 'ScreenSize');
fig_w = 1000;
fig_h = 707;
set(h, 'Position', [(scr_sz(3)-fig_w)/2, (scr_sz(4)-fig_h)/2, fig_w, fig_h]);
set(h,'Color',[1 1 1]);
figTitle = 'GannetCoRegister Output';

axis off;

tmp = 'Mask output: ';
text(0.5, 0.75, tmp,'HorizontalAlignment','right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);

[~,tmp,tmp2] = fileparts(MRS_struct.mask.(vox{kk}).outfile{ii});
text(0.5, 0.75, [' ' tmp tmp2], ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13,'Interpreter','none');

tmp = 'Spatial parameters: ';
text(0.5, 0.63, tmp, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);
tmp = ' [LR, AP, FH]';
text(0.5, 0.63, tmp, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);

tmp = 'Dimension: ';
text(0.5, 0.51, tmp, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);
tmp = [' [' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxdim(ii,1)) ', ' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxdim(ii,2)) ', ' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxdim(ii,3)) '] mm'];
text(0.5, 0.51, tmp, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);

tmp = 'Volume: ';
text(0.5, 0.39, tmp, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);
vol = MRS_struct.p.voxdim(ii,1)*MRS_struct.p.voxdim(ii,2)*MRS_struct.p.voxdim(ii,3)*.001;
tmp = [' ' num2str(vol) ' mL'];
text(0.5, 0.39, tmp, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);

tmp = 'Position: ';
text(0.5, 0.27, tmp, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);
tmp = [' [' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxoff(ii,1), '%3.1f') ', ' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxoff(ii,2), '%3.1f') ', ' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxoff(ii,3), '%3.1f') '] mm'];
text(0.5, 0.27, tmp, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);

tmp = 'Angulation: ';
text(0.5, 0.15, tmp, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);
tmp = [' [' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxang(ii,1), '%3.1f') ', ' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxang(ii,2), '%3.1f') ', ' num2str(MRS_struct.p.voxang(ii,3), '%3.1f') '] deg'];
text(0.5, 0.15, tmp, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);

tmp = 'CoRegVer: ';
text(0.5, 0.03, tmp, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);
tmp = [' ' MRS_struct.version.coreg];
text(0.5, 0.03, tmp, ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontName', 'Helvetica','FontSize',13);

h = subplot(2,3,1:3);

% MM (180112)
[~,tmp,tmp2] = fileparts(MRS_struct.metabfile{ii});
[~,tmp3,tmp4] = fileparts(MRS_struct.mask.(vox{kk}).T1image{ii});
t = ['Voxel from ' tmp tmp2 ' on ' tmp3 tmp4];

img = MRS_struct.mask.(vox{kk}).img{ii};
img = img(:);
caxis([0 mean(img(img>0.01)) + 3*std(img(img>0.01))]); % MM (180807)
axis equal;
axis tight;
axis off;
text(10,size(MRS_struct.mask.(vox{kk}).img{ii},1)/2,'L','Color',[1 1 1],'FontSize',20);
text(size(MRS_struct.mask.(vox{kk}).img{ii},2)-20,size(MRS_struct.mask.(vox{kk}).img{ii},1)/2,'R','Color',[1 1 1],'FontSize',20);
set(h,'pos',[0.0 0.15 1 1]);
title(t, 'FontName', 'Helvetica', 'FontSize', 15, 'Interpreter', 'none');

script_path = which('GannetLoad');
Gannet_logo = [script_path(1:(end-13)) '/Gannet3_logo.png'];
A2 = imread(Gannet_logo,'png','BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
axes('Position',[0.80, 0.05, 0.15, 0.15]);
axis off;
axis square;

% For Philips .data
if strcmpi(MRS_struct.p.vendor,'Philips_data')
fullpath = MRS_struct.metabfile{ii};
fullpath = regexprep(fullpath, '.data', '_data');
fullpath = regexprep(fullpath, '\', '_');
fullpath = regexprep(fullpath, '/', '_');

% MM (180112)
[~,metabfile_nopath] = fileparts(MRS_struct.metabfile{ii});

% Save PDF output
set(gcf,'PaperSize',[11 8.5]);
set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0 0 11 8.5]);
if strcmpi(MRS_struct.p.vendor,'Philips_data')
pdfname = fullfile('CoRegStandAlone_output', [fullpath '_' vox{kk} '_coreg.pdf']); % MM (180112)
pdfname = fullfile('CoRegStandAlone_output', [metabfile_nopath '_' vox{kk} '_coreg.pdf']); % MM (180112)
saveas(gcf, pdfname);



128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions CoRegStandAlone/CoRegStandAlone.m
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
function MRS_struct = CoRegStandAlone(metabfile,niifile)
% CoRegStandAlone(metabfile,niifile)
% Reads the relevant header information from MRS files, performs
% SPM-based co-registration to a 3D anatomical image in nifti (*.nii)
% format, and returns the tissue class fractions of gray matter, white
% matter, and cerebrospinal fluid in the MRS voxel.
% Requires:
% - SPM 12 (
% Input:
% metabfile - cell containing the path to an MRS data file in one of
% the following formats:
% Philips SDAT/SPAR, Siemens TWIX (*.dat), Siemens
% RDA (*.rda), GE (.7), DICOM (*.ima, *.dcm)
% niifile - cell containing the path to a *.nii file
% It is possible to batch process data. In this case, the number of
% elements of the metabfile cell needs to match the number of
% elements of the niifile cell, with matching order.
% Example:
% MRS_struct = CoRegStandAlone({'MRS1.dat, 'MRS2.dat'}, {'nii.dat', 'nii.dat'})
% This example will co-register and segment two Siemens MRS voxels to
% the same structural.
% Author:
% Dr. Georg Oeltzschner (Johns Hopkins University, 2018-09-19)
% History:
% 2018-09-19: First version of the code.

% 1. Pre-initialise

MRS_struct.version.load = '180326'; % set to date when final updates have been made
MRS_struct.ii = 0;
MRS_struct.metabfile = metabfile;

% Flags
MRS_struct.p.mat = 1; % Save results in *.mat output structure? (0 = NO, 1 = YES (default)).
MRS_struct.p.Vox = {'vox1'}; % Name of the voxel

% 2. Determine data parameters from header

% Discern input data format
MRS_struct = GannetDiscernDatatype(metabfile{1}, MRS_struct);

% Create output folder
if ~exist('CoRegStandAlone_output','dir')
mkdir CoRegStandAlone_output;

% 3. Load data from files

for ii = 1:length(metabfile) % Loop over all files in the batch (from metabfile)

MRS_struct.ii = ii;

switch MRS_struct.p.vendor

case 'GE'
MRS_struct = GERead(MRS_struct, metabfile{ii});

case 'Siemens_twix'
MRS_struct = SiemensTwixRead(MRS_struct, metabfile{ii});

case 'Siemens_dicom' % GO 11/01/2016
MRS_struct = SiemensDICOMRead(MRS_struct,metabfile{ii}); % GO 11/01/2016

case 'dicom' % GO 11/30/2016
MRS_struct = DICOMRead(MRS_struct,metabfile{ii}); % GO 11/01/2016

case 'Siemens_rda'
MRS_struct = SiemensRead(MRS_struct, metabfile{ii}, metabfile{ii});

case 'Philips'
MRS_struct = PhilipsRead(MRS_struct, metabfile{ii});

case 'Philips_data'
MRS_struct = PhilipsRead_data(MRS_struct, metabfile{ii});

case 'Philips_raw'
MRS_struct = PhilipsRawLoad(MRS_struct,metabfile{ii},3,0); % GO 11/02/2016

end % end of vendor switch loop for data load

end % end of load-and-processing loop over datasets

% 4. Call coregister function

for ii = 1:length(metabfile) % Loop over all files in the batch (from metabfile)
MRS_struct = CoReg(MRS_struct, niifile);

% 5. Call segment function

for ii = 1:length(metabfile) % Loop over all files in the batch (from metabfile)
MRS_struct = Seg(MRS_struct);

% 6. Clean up, save data

% Save MRS_struct as mat file
MRS_struct = rmfield(MRS_struct,'fids');
if ii == length(metabfile) && MRS_struct.p.mat
% Set up filename
mat_name = ['CoRegStandAlone_output/MRS_struct_CoRegStandAlone.mat'];


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