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rickyepoderi edited this page Jun 22, 2013 · 15 revisions

Version 0.2 for the couchbase-manager. The branch for this version is located here. Download and installation instructions are detailed in the following page. The couchbase-manager-0.2.0.jar library can also be download from this site but remember it is absolutely useless without glassfish and all the rest of dependencies.

More information about the manager and its development can be found in this blog.

New Features

The main features of the manager are the following:

  • Added properties persistTo and replicateTo properties for the manager in order to configure the number of nodes to consider (new features of new couchbase client).

  • The default transcoder has been moved to a factory level. Now the transcoder is assigned using a CouchbaseConnectionFactory.

  • Added an empty class in order to avoid ClassNotFoundException. Workaround until a proper fix for [the following glassfish bug] (

  • Fixes for some issues when shutting down the manager. Now it works well.

  • Mavenize the project. Right now it is using this [url for glassfish] ( but it seems it is not being updated right now. Let's see what happens when a new version of glassfish comes. Some tests have been integrated using a web services application.

  • Update to newer versions: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition, Couchbase community edition 2.0.1, spymemcached-2.8.12 and couchbase-client-1.1.5 (it needs commons-codec-1.6, netty-3.5.5.Final, httpcore-4.1.1, httpcore-nio-4.1.1). The new versions of the couchbase client have added new dependencies.

Current Status

Now no weird exceptions are shown. The application can be deployed as many times as you want (no errors). But more tests are needed for production environments. Please test and submit bugs.

Known Issues

  • The manager cannot maintain a principal which has been logged using an LDAP realm. See [this glassfish bug for more information] (

  • The name of the manager should be coherence-web til glassfish properly manages the managers. See [this bug for more information] (

  • In non-sticky configuration if the level of concurrency is high enough some exceptions could be thrown at invalidating (deleting) a session. Cos couchbase api has no unlockAndDelete operation the manager is forced to first unlock and then delete the session, in high concurrency situations errors could be reported. Couchbase guys are dealing with the issue in this [bug] (

Some informational links

How to install it?
Sticky vs Non-Sticky
[External atttibutes] (wiki/External-Attributes)
[JavaEE session listeners] (wiki/JavaEE-Session-Listeners)
[Compiling from github] (wiki/Compiling-from-github)



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