2019: i've been too cheap to get https://xoxo.bingo in previous years, but andy noticed a thread on slack and hooked us up. thx andy!
2018: xoxo was in the midst of changing their infrastructure, so i lost access to the attendee directory. hannah, jason and i met in a cafe before the kickoff ceremony and designed a static version with input from the community. hannah and jason made 25 icons in like two minutes, it was incredible!!!
2017: no xoxo, no bingo… missed u all
2016: we made the cards prettier by pulling in people’s twitter photos and doing imgmagick to them 🔮
2015: first bingo! eli and i used the attendee
directory to generate a unique card for everyone (twitter login kept it private
🔒). squares on your card were other attendees - if you met someone on your
card you got to check it off. we made it cuz we’re shy. most of it is in the
each year pre-2019, this was coded on day 1 of the festival, a few hours before kickoff. plz lower your expectations before reading the source 🔥
in 2019 i grew up so i'm starting in august.
check the git history and the pre-2019
folder for how the old site worked.
if you want to run it, rename old.package.json
to package.json
to package.lock
is where it's at now!