diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md deleted file mode 100644 index 073932a..0000000 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -name: Bug report -about: Create a report to help us improve ---- - -## Description - -A small description of the bug, if possible provide a set of bullet points to be more precise. - -## Expected vs. Observed - -| - | - | -| --- | --- | -| **Expected** | The expected state at the end of the repro steps. | -| **Observed** | The observed state at the end of the repro steps. | - -## Repro Steps - -1. The first step -2. The second step -3. ... - -## Environment - -| Key | Value | -| --- | --- | -| **Device** | | -| **Operating System** | | -| **Browser** | | -| **Instance (URL)** | | - -## Screens - -A GIF showing how to reproduce the bug and/or a stacktrace, use http://recordit.co/. - -Try to embed the gif using `![URL](URL)` that way it's going to be embedded in an inline manner allowing immediate evaluation. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8e9cb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +name: Bug report +about: Create a report to help us improve +title: '' +labels: bug, triage +assignees: '' + +--- + +**Describe the bug** +A clear and concise description of what the bug is. + +**Impact** +Describe the impact that bug has on the users/clients/you/your team. + +**To Reproduce** +Steps to reproduce the behavior: +1. Go to '...' +2. Click on '....' +3. Scroll down to '....' +4. See error + +**Expected behavior** +A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. + +**Screenshots** +If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. + +**Desktop (please complete the following information):** +This is more relevant when reporting bugs with user interface features and interactions. + + - OS: [e.g. iOS] + - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] + - Version [e.g. 22] + +**Smartphone (please complete the following information):** + - Device: [e.g. iPhone6] + - OS: [e.g. iOS8.1] + - Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari] + - Version [e.g. 22] + +**Additional context** +Add any other context about the problem here. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..982a4dc --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +name: Feature request +about: Suggest an idea for this project +title: '' +labels: feature-request +assignees: '' + +--- + +**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** +A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] + +**Describe the solution you'd like** +A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. + +**Describe alternatives you've considered** +A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. + +**Additional context** +Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/user_story.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/user_story.md deleted file mode 100644 index 49a1c60..0000000 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/user_story.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -name: User story -about: New piece of functionality ---- - -## Rationale - -Why are we implementing this feature and what are the key concepts someone must understand to make sense of it. -It's critical that after reading this section the reader understands *why this feature is relevant for business*. - -## Description - -What the feature actually is, describes in detail the new functionality. Explaining how it should work from a stakeholder point of view. - -## Implementation - -How is it being implemented, both in terms of UI/UX design and software development. - -### UI/UX design - -Provide a brief description about the layout expected for this feature and that it's supposed to work. -If possible provide some visual information (eg: mockup using [Balsamiq Wireframes](https://balsamiq.com/wireframes/)). - -### Software development - -Give references and ideas on how this functionality may be implemented and the code areas that are going to be affected by these changes. - -## Reference - -Links that might be required to complement some of the information above, which might include documentation or other user stories. - -## Estimation - -| Discipline | Estimation | -| --- | --- | -| **UI/UX Design** | X days | -| **Software Development** | X days | diff --git a/.github/pull_request_template.md b/.github/pull_request_template.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64be9a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/pull_request_template.md @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +| - | - | +| --- | --- | +| Issue | https://github.com/ripe-tech/ripe-core/issues/XXX | +| Dependencies | | +| Decisions | | +| Animated GIF | |