A minimal react boilerplate with webpack 5, babel v7 and SASS support.
Webpack 5 - All the good things from Webpack 5 including faster builds, smaller build sizes and more.
Babel 7
ESLint ( with prettier config ) - give the configuration a shot and thank me later. 😄
Husky - Pre-commit lint check for staged files to ensure 💩-code is never commited.
CSS and SASS support.
Easy and cleaner imports with babel module resolver.
For example, if you have a directory structure like this:
-- components
-- config
---- secret-config.js
-- pages
---- home
------ index.js
You can import secret-config.js
in index.js
as :
import config from "config/secret-config.js";
Environment files - environment variable imports are already configured and added! Just create
( inside config directory ) with your environment variables and start using them in your app! 🎉 -
Snapshots and DOM testing - Includes DOM testing with Jest and react-testing-library and also includes snapshot test examples with Jest.
is already included to run the tests on TravisCI.
- Clone the repository via SSH :
$ git clone git@github.com:rishichawda/minimal-react-boilerplate.git
or HTTPS :
$ git clone https://github.com/rishichawda/minimal-react-boilerplate.git
$ cd minimal-react-boilerplate
$ npm install
Simply click here to download the zip. Extract the .zip file and run the following commands inside the directory.
$ npm install
$ npm run start
To start the development server :
$ npm run start
To generate production build :
$ npm run build