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54 lines (35 loc) · 1.52 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (35 loc) · 1.52 KB

How to contribute

Thanks for taking the time to contribute to the project!

How to submit changes

To get started on this project, follow these steps

  1. Install and set up Git along with other dependencies you can find in

  2. Fork the Itineratr repository to your GitHub account and get the source code using:

    $ git clone<your_username>/itineratr
    $ cd itineratr
  3. Install node.js dependencies

    $ npm install
  4. Run the tests

    $ mocha
  5. Create a new branch to fix on the issue

    $ git checkout -b fix-issue-12345 master
  6. Push the branch on your fork on GitHub and create a pull request.


Welcome to the ItineratR developer community! We have a couple standards that we hope you'll follow:

  • Be nice
  • Be concise

Reporting bugs

If you find a bug, please follow these steps:

  1. Search through open issues to confirm that the issue has not already been reported.
  2. Write a clear description of the steps needed to produce the issue
  3. Open the issue on Github

Style Guide / Coding conventions

Please refer to the Airbnb Javascript Styel Guide to follow javascript conventions in this project.

For frontend developers, we have documented routes which you can access under /docs. Backend developers should maintain this document by using apiDoc