PM2 (the process manager) snippets for Sublime Text
In order to use the snippets, just enter the shortcode and press the Tab (or whatever you have set as completion key) to use the snippets.
Included are all snippets listed below. $1, $2, etc. show the position where the caret will appear whenever you press the tab key inside the snippet.
You're free to alter the snippets in any way imaginable.
"script" : "${1:server.js}",
"name" : "${2:node-app}",
"exec_mode" : "${3:cluster}",
"instances" : ${4:-1} // number of CPUs -1
}, {
"script" : "${5:worker.js}",
"name" : "${6:worker}",
"exec_mode" : "${7:fork}",
"watch" : ${0:true}, // auto restart app on change,
"env" : { // common env variables
"INTERVAL" : 1000
"env_production" : { // Used if --env prod
"INTERVAL" : 60000
Default shortcode is [{
var pm2 = require('pm2');
pm2.connect(function(err) {
pm2.start('${1:server.js}', { name: '${2:my-app}' }, function(err, proc) {
if (err) { throw new Error('There was a problem starting your application ' + err); }
pm2.list(function(err, process_list) {
if (err) { throw new Error('There was a problem listing your applications ' + err); }
Default shortcode is pm2
Made with love in Dhaka, Bangladesh by Riyadh Al Nur