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Petals of the mountain rose

Fall now and then,

To the sound of the waterfall?


Raiku is to Riak as a waterfall is to Akka; a simple Riak client which lets Riak flow to your Scala applications.

It's targeted as a non-blocking, performance focused, full-scale alternative to the java Riak driver.

Based on Akka IO and Sentinel, it uses the pipelines and actors to create the best throughput possible.


The client should be stable enough for day to day usage, but should still be treated as beta software. Until version 1.0, the API of the client can and will change over versions, but shouldn't result in dramatic code changes.

Currently available in the client:

  • Writing low-level protobuf style read-write objects through a RaikuClient;
  • Doing this non-blocking through multiple connections handled by multiple actors (through Sentinel).
  • Writing, fetching and deleting single or multiple objects at once;
  • Querying items on 2i, based on binary or integral indexes (ranges also supported);
  • Pagination and streaming of 2i queries;
  • Setting and getting counters;
  • Sequencing and continuing multiple operations using Tasks;
  • Reactive Map/Reduce functionality;
  • Auto-Reconnecting client;
  • Different actor pools for normal and MR requests;
  • Naive Reactive bucket for reactive data flows.

The following is currently missing in the client, but will be added soon:

  • More solid, better reactive implementation;
  • Additional documentation for specific use cases;
  • Link walking;
  • Search support.

Riak 1.4.1+

From version Raiku version 0.6.1 and on, only Riak version 1.4.1+ is tested and supported. It's possible that the client will work perfectly with older versions, but isn't tested and could result in unexpected behavior.

Please use Raiku 0.5.1 for usage with older versions of Riak.


The client uses Akka IO and pipelines to send and receive protocol buffer encoded data streams over TCP sockets.

Protocol Buffer messages are transformed into case classes using ScalaBuff, Riak PBC Content classes are serialized into RaikuRawValue, a type containing all information and metadata needed to write objects back into Riak.

You can use the client to fetch, store and delete these "low level" objects, but it's wiser to use the RaikuBucket to store objects converted using a RaikuConverter implementation.

You are free to use any value serialisation method available, but I recommended to use the Spray JSON package (behaves very good in multi-threaded environments).

Values returned from a RaikuBucket are of a RaikuValue[T] type. RaikuValue wraps the raw converted type into a container without losing any of the information present in the RaikuRawValue. To retain the actual value of type T from the RaikuValue, a value property is available, containing the optional value of T (for cases where only the head was fetched from Riak).

In the package object of Raiku, a implicit function unwrapRaikuValue is available and combined with some shapeless magic, Raiku makes you able to use RaikuValue[T] as a normal T anywhere in your code (while throwing a exception when the value isn't available) and is able to handle both boxed as unboxed T values using the same functions.

All operations return a value in a Task. Task combines a Try, Future and IO Monad into one type: exceptions will be caught in the Try, all async actions are abstracted into a future monad and all IO actions are as pure as possible by using the Scalaz IO monad.

You can use run to expose the Future, or use start(d: Duration) to perform IO and wait (blocking) on the future.

For more information about the inner workings of Raiku, a blog post is available through the LAB050 site: The anatomy of Raiku (will be updated soon with the newer sentinel based inner workings)


You can use Raiku by source (by publishing it into your local Ivy repository):

./sbt publish-local

Or by adding the repo:

to your SBT configuration and adding Raiku to your library dependencies:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
	"nl.gideondk" %% "raiku" % "0.6.1"

Play Framework 2.0

For usage in combination with Play2.0, you have to use a Play2.0 version compiled against Akka 2.2, until Akka 2.2 integration is pushed into mainstream, you can find a version at:

When using the trunk version, remember to set:

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.2-akka22-SNAPSHOT")

In your plugins.sbt to actually use the new Play version in your project.


Using the client / bucket is quite simple, check the code of the tests to see all functionality. But it basically comes down to this:

Create a client:

implicit val system = ActorSystem("system")
val client = RaikuClient("localhost", 8087, 4)

Create a converter:

implicit val yFormat = jsonFormat4(Y)

implicit val yConverter = RaikuConverter.newConverter(
  reader = (v: RaikuRWValue) String(,
  writer = (o: Y)  RaikuRWValue(, o.toJson.toString.getBytes, "application/json"),
  binIndexes = (o: Y)  Map("group_id" -> Set(o.groupId)),
  intIndexes = (o: Y)  Map("age" -> Set(o.age)))

Finally, create the bucket:

val bucket = RaikuBucket[Y]("raiku_test_y_bucket", client)


You can use the normal functions to store, fetch or delete objects:

fetch / fetchMany

store / storeMany

delete / deleteMany

Or to fetch keys on 2i:





If you like to take a walk on the wild side, you can try the (currently quite primitive) DSL to do these actions:

Fetching objects

persons ?   personId
persons ?* 	List(personIdA, personIdB)

Storing objects

persons <<   Person("Basho", 42, "Japan")
persons <<*  List(Person("Basho", 42, "Japan"), Person("Shiki", 52, "Japan"))

Deleting objects

persons - 	Person("Basho", 42, "Japan")
persons -* 	 List(Person("Basho", 42, "Japan"), Person("Shiki", 52, "Japan"))

Querying objects based on 2i

persons idx  ("age", 42)
persons idx	 ("country", "Japan")
persons idx	 ("age", 39 to 50)
persons idx 	("group_id", "A" to "B")


Raiku supports the newer 2i functionality available in Riak 1.4.0 through pagination and result streaming.


When using secondary indexes, it's possible to set a maximum number of results for both integral as binary index queries (ranges also supported):

bucket idx ("age", 20 to 50, maxResults = 20) 

bucket idx ("group_id", "A", 40)

Queries with a maximum in results not only return the normal List[String] containing the keys, but also returns a option on a continuation, combining the result to a Task[(Option[String], List[String])].

This continuation value can be used to get the succeeding values of a specific query, making it able to paginate through values:

val (cont, items) = (bucket idx ("age", 20, 10).copoint
val (secCont, items) = (bucket idx ("age", 20, maxResults = 10, continuation = cont)).copoint

Passing a None to the index query as the continuation value, treats the query as to paginate from start. When taking results through this pagination functionality, treat a None as returning continuation key as a end-of-content.


For each non-paging 2i query, a streamIdx equivalent is available. Instead of returning a Task[List[String]] for index values, keys are streamed back using a Enumerator, wrapping each result into a Task[Enumerator].

This Play powered enumerator can directly be used to directly stream results to (web)clients, but can also be used to be composed into more complex pipelines (see the MapReduce and Reactive API chapters later on):

val persons: Task[List[Person]] = (bucket streamIdx ("age", 25)).flatMap(x  Task(x &> reactiveBucket.fetchEnumeratee() |>>> Iteratee.getChunks))


Raiku features full MapReduce support through both a Reactive API as through normal Futures.

One important thing to note is that the MapReduce functionality is run through different actors / sockets then the normal functionality. MapReduce jobs therefor won't consume or block the normal flow of the client.

MapReduce can be used through a unique DSL, starting with the creation of input for the MapReduce job, for instance (all options can be found in source and tests):

MR.bucket(bucketName: String): for a bucket based job

MR.items(bucketAndKeys: Set[(String, String)]): for a item based job

MR.binIdx(bucketName: String, idx: String, idxv: String): for a index based job


After creation of the specific input, several functions can be defined to be used as phases within the MapReduce job.

val a = BuildInMapFunction("Riak.mapValuesJson")
val b = BuildInMapFunction("Riak.filterNotFound")
val c = BuildInReduceFunction("Riak.reduceSum")
val d = BuildInReduceFunction("Riak.reduceMin")

The defined input can be used to be injected into the several phases:

val job = input |>> a >-> b >=> c >-> d

By Riak default, the last phase is automatically returned. Other phases can be returned by using the >=> between two phases (as opposed to the normal >->).

The run the job, the job is send to the client using the mapReduce function.

client mapReduce job
res0: Tuple2[List[JsValue], List[JsValue]]

This enables you to use the MapReduce results in a type safe manner (without run-time checking on the amount of phases). If you want to use the results from a MapReduce job in a Reactive manner, the streamMapReduce function can be send to the client:

client streamMapReduce job
res0: Tuple2[Enumerator[JsValue], Enumerator[JsValue]]

Returning a Tuple of Play powered broadcast Enumerators, streaming multiple results in a map phase and streaming a single result during a reduce phase.


Raiku exposes the counter functionality from Riak in a easy to use solution for auto-resolving counters in highly distributed environments.

Counter functionality is directly exposed through two functions on a RaikuBucket:

getCount(key: String, ...): Task[Long]
incrementCount(key: String, amount: Long, ...): Task[Option[Long]]

Counters can also be used in a more natural way by creating and using a RaikuCounter:

val counter = bucket counter "person_count"
val tpl = for {
  a  counter += 5
  b  counter += 20
  c  counter += 70
  _  counter -= 40
  v  counter.get
} yield v

The RaikuCounter class has a get method, to return the current value from Riak as a Task[Long], but also exposes both += and -= methods (both also returning a Task[Long]) for increasing or decreasing of counter values.

Reactive API

Word of caution: the current reactive API will change heavily in the 0.7.0 release of Raiku

To expose further reactive functionality for usage in your favorite reactive web stack, the client is implementing a naive Reactive API.

Because Riak doens't support bulk inserts, bulk fetches or cursors, the Reactive API won't give you additional performance on top of the multi-fetch & multi-store Future implementation. But enables you to compose data flows in a more natural way, leveraging the awesome Reactive API Play2.0 exposes.

Because of the nature of Riak and Iteratees, fetching isn't done in parallel, resulting in (possible) lower performance then the normal API but shouldn't consume additional resources as opposed to the normal functionality.

The RaikuReactiveBucket exposes the normal fetch, store and delete functionality to be used in combination with Enumerators instead of Lists of keys. Iteratees are added as end-points for a reactive data flow. Enumeratees are implemented to be used in more complex compositions:

Enumerator(randomObjects: _*) &>
bucket.storeEnumeratee(returnBody = true) &>
Enumeratee.filter(_.isDefined) &>  x.get) &> bucket.deleteEnumeratee() |>>>
Iteratee.fold(0) { (result, chunk)  result + 1 }

(Co)Monadic behavior

You can use the monadic behavior of Task[RaikuValue[T]] to combine multiple requests:

val objs: Task[List[RaikuValue[Person]]] = for {
	keys <- persons idx ("age", 39 to 50)
	objs <- persons ?* keys
} yield objs

Or better, using Scalaz:

persons idx ("age", 39 to 50) >>= ((x: List[String]) => bucket ?* x)

Or if you want to run queries in parrallel:

val storePersons = persons <<* perObjs
val storeCountries = countries <<* countryObjs
Task.sequenceSuccesses(List(storePersons, storeCountries))

Because Task is both a Monad as a Comonad, it's also possible to use (Scalaz powered) comonadic operations on Task:

val a: Task[Int] = 2.point[Task] 
val b: Int = a.copoint


Lots of credits go to Jordan West for the structure of his Scaliak driver, and to Sandro Gržičić for the ScalaBuff implementation.


Copyright © 2013 Gideon de Kok

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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A non-blocking - Akka IO driven - Riak client for Scala with a cute DSL







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