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Etherscan request times out when requesting constructor args #39
Hmm that is interesting. When I copy the link in your debug logs (https://api-ropsten.etherscan.io/api?apiKey=my_api_key&module=account&action=txlist&address=0x4C9D6ed005bfB301726cA23adE690890B853fB60&page=1&sort=asc&offset=1) and replace "my_api_key" with my own API key, the request works. Are you sure you set up your Etherscan API key in your
I should probably update the plugin to display the Etherscan response message to the debug logs so that it shows why the request failed 😅 |
@rkalis Yes!I have set up my Etherscan API key in truffle-config.js.
and in file .env
Can you try going to this link (https://api-ropsten.etherscan.io/api?apiKey=my_api_key&module=account&action=txlist&address=0x4C9D6ed005bfB301726cA23adE690890B853fB60&page=1&sort=asc&offset=1), with your api key filled in? Browser or curl should work. |
Alternatively, do you have a repository that I can look at to reproduce this issue? |
i meet the same problem..how to slove this issue? |
yes! |
Please provide some more information. Do you have a repository that can reproduce this issue? Can you run the verify command using the |
D:\contract\pet>truffle run verify Adoption@0x830dAef5E0f6D39aD689F979bb3AB468c58017FF --network rinkeby --debug |
Could you tell me what happens if you enter the link above (api-rinkeby.etherscan.io/api?apiKey=My_API_Key&module=account&action=txlist&address=0x830dAef5E0f6D39aD689F979bb3AB468c58017FF&page=1&sort=asc&offset=1) into a browser (but with your own API key instead of |
{"status":"1","message":"OK","result":[{"blockNumber":"7552433","timeStamp":"1605444916","hash":"0x3a7ac408893c111ff3b2f703e020b42f6c11ae2e34166b112086aa51528b85c3","nonce":"9","blockHash":"0x930411e35437b48869009ddd5056acc1c4e5f22fc564231de1e7e50fc0aa6f07","transactionIndex":"2","from":"0xd683358a0d2250f8f3efcaa649192e580c877af3","to":"","value":"0","gas":"4500000","gasPrice":"10000000000","isError":"0","txreceipt_status":"1","input":"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","contractAddress":"0x830daef5e0f6d39ad689f979bb3ab468c58017ff","cumulativeGasUsed":"487596","gasUsed":"199279","confirmations":"3176"}]} |
Hmm that's odd. I just released v0.5.1 of the plugin which should log the actual error that was thrown in the Etherscan request. Could you update to use v0.5.1 and try to verify again using the |
how to update to latest version of truffle-plugin-verify on windows 10? |
I don't know a lot about windows, but I assume you have NPM installed, so you can run |
D:\contract\pet>truffle run verify Adoption --network rinkeby --debug |
Thanks for the update! Interesting, so the connection is timing out. I'm assuming that this is also the cause for @BruceChar and perhaps also for #40 🤔 @Enigmatic331 do you have an idea why this request might be returning an ETIMEDOUT (it's working in the browser). |
Hey Rosco sorry that I missed this (and the other one). I'll take a look to see what might be missing here. |
Looking at the other issue #40, they are getting a timed out when using |
Hey @JoyCood, could you give it a quick check to see if it's currently still persisting for you? Likewise also, @white-black-hong - Is this still happening? Thanks. |
unfortunaly, it is not work yet, the output after command run:
same thing to me
I'm getting it myself as well every now and then. Sometimes it also returns an ETIMEDOUT at later requests (e.g. retrieving constructor args is fine, sending verify request as well, but getting verification status fails). Any idea what could be happening here @Enigmatic331? |
You can run the command |
generate a new API key on etherscan. At least that solved the issue for me. |
It has been a long time without activity on this issue and I don't think timeouts from Etherscan are something I'll be able to do something about in the plugin. So I will close this issue as a wontfix. |
I miss the same problem. That's get domain name mapping IP network. |
same here, this issue related to our network but not caused by the code in this repo |
The problem for me was the parameter I sent was wrong. It's supposed to be contractaddress=0xcontractaddress and NOT address=contractaddress |
I followed the instructions but failed.
It seems the network problem. But It migrated successfully. when I try to connect to the verify url, it returns right:
truffle version: v5.1.48
OS: windows 10
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: