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Try libraries without specifying a version

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@avescodes avescodes released this 29 Jul 14:09
· 30 commits to master since this release

Thanks to #7 and #8 by @xsc, lein-try now lets you try libraries without specifying a version number. This will cause leiningen to load the latest release of the library in question.

To use this feature, just exclude the version number from your lein try call:

$ lein try clj-time
Retrieving clj-time/clj-time/0.5.1/clj-time-0.5.1.pom from clojars
Retrieving clj-time/clj-time/0.5.1/clj-time-0.5.1.jar from clojars
# ...

You can even mix and match versions and no-versions.

$ lein try http-kit "2.1.8" clj-time
Retrieving http-kit/http-kit/2.1.8/http-kit-2.1.8.pom from clojars
Retrieving http-kit/http-kit/2.1.8/http-kit-2.1.8.jar
# ...


Update to this latest version by updating your ~/.lein/profiles.clj to say:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-try "0.3.0"]]}}