A content-first, Jekyll powered blog for Uni, study period 4 2014 - 15. Served up by Poole, Jekyll's diligent butler.
layout: post
title: First Week of NET102
description: Today I start my new subject NET102.
tags: [NET102, Uni, week 1]
categories: [NET102, WEB101]
date: 2014-12-10
Use: page - gets added to main site Nav automatically
Use: subpage - inner pages, not on main menu
Use: post - for its duh!
That's it, now you can use GFM and footnotes[^1] in your Jekyll MarkDown posts!
[^1]: Example footnote.
That's it, now you can use GFM and footnotes1 in your Jekyll MarkDown posts!
Example footnote. ↩