This plugin allows you to add a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation element to your experiment. The plugin can be used, for example, in a concealed information test (CIT). The RSVP plugin allows for pupil size measurements during a CIT. Previous research has shown that pupil size cannot be actively manipulated, while CITs that measure other bodily sensations can be manipulated (Chen et al., 2021).
The project included research into the implementation of pupil size measurements in CIT and the development of open source tools (preseting stimuli (text/images) on the screen, preparation of the stimuli, and analysis of the data) to be used in CIT. The project is funded by Police & Science (Politie & Wetenschap).
The RSVP plugin provides an easy tool that can be implemented in an experiment. It contains the following features:
- An automated rapid serial visual Presentation
- Compatible with both text and image stimuli
- Contains an inter stimulus interval
- Targets and distractors can shuffle
- Number of targets and distractors can be adjusted
- Position of the targets and distractors can be adjusted
The plugin works for OpenSesame, so make sure to have installed OpenSesame on your computer.
Next, install the RSVP plugin in OpenSesame as follows: (note: on Windows machines, you need to launch OpenSesame as Administrator!)
import pip
pip.main(['install', 'opensesame-plugin-rsvp'])
The plugin looks as follows:
The plugin shows several elements that can be adjusted to one's wishes. The following elements can be adjusted:
- mode (text or images)
- targets
- number of targets
- shuffle targets
- distractors
- number of distractors
- shuffle distractors
- stimulus duration
- fixation duration
- positions of the targets
- inter stimulus interval
If the stimuli are text, one can type in the target text in the widget, separated by a semicolon (';').Another option is to make a textfile ('.txt') with a list of all target words, separated by a new line ('/n'). This textfile should be added to the filepool, and the name of this textfile can be filled in in the widget. For example, the file can be named 'targets.txt' and this should be filled in in the widget, of course without the quotes. The same goes for the distractors.
If the stimuli are images, one should always add all images of the experiment to the filepool. In addition, a textfile can be created with a list of all targets. This textfile contains all filenams of the images and these files are separated by an enter. The textfile is also added to the filepool and can be referred to in the widget, instead of listing all files separated by a semicolon. This is the same for the distractors.
No rights reserved. All files in this repository are released into the public domain.