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Merge pull request xapi-project#1199 from jonludlam/SCTX-1334
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SCTX-1334 - reviewed by @djs55
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Jon Ludlam committed May 8, 2013
2 parents 85ab949 + a2c26fb commit 2ecfc77
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Showing 7 changed files with 74 additions and 52 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -1369,6 +1369,10 @@ module Forward = functor(Local: Custom_actions.CUSTOM_ACTIONS) -> struct
let local_fn = Local.VM.hard_shutdown ~vm in
with_vm_operation ~__context ~self:vm ~doc:"VM.hard_shutdown" ~op:`hard_shutdown
(fun () ->
List.iter (fun (task,op) ->
if op = `clean_shutdown then
try Local.Task.cancel ~__context ~task:(Ref.of_string task) with _ -> ()) (Db.VM.get_current_operations ~__context ~self:vm);

(* If VM is actually suspended and we ask to hard_shutdown, we need to
forward to any host that can see the VDIs *)
let policy =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1413,6 +1417,11 @@ module Forward = functor(Local: Custom_actions.CUSTOM_ACTIONS) -> struct
let local_fn = Local.VM.hard_reboot ~vm in
with_vm_operation ~__context ~self:vm ~doc:"VM.hard_reboot" ~op:`hard_reboot
(fun () ->
List.iter (fun (task,op) ->
if op = `clean_reboot then
try Local.Task.cancel ~__context ~task:(Ref.of_string task) with _ -> ()) (Db.VM.get_current_operations ~__context ~self:vm);

with_vbds_marked ~__context ~vm ~doc:"VM.hard_reboot" ~op:`attach
(fun vbds ->
with_vifs_marked ~__context ~vm ~doc:"VM.hard_reboot" ~op:`attach
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ let pool_db_sync_interval = ref 300.
let pool_data_sync_interval = ref 86400.

let domain_shutdown_ack_timeout = ref 10.
let domain_shutdown_total_timeout = ref 720.
let domain_shutdown_total_timeout = ref 1200.

(* The actual reboot delay will be a random value between base and base + extra *)
let emergency_reboot_delay_base = ref 60.
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15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -233,16 +233,23 @@ let hard_shutdown ~__context ~vm =
Xapi_xenops.shutdown ~__context ~self:vm None

let clean_reboot ~__context ~vm =
Xapi_xenops.reboot ~__context ~self:vm (Some 1200.0)
Xapi_xenops.reboot ~__context ~self:vm (Some !Xapi_globs.domain_shutdown_total_timeout)

let clean_shutdown ~__context ~vm =
let clean_shutdown_with_timeout ~__context ~vm timeout =
Db.VM.set_ha_always_run ~__context ~self:vm ~value:false;
Xapi_xenops.shutdown ~__context ~self:vm (Some 1200.0)
Xapi_xenops.shutdown ~__context ~self:vm (Some timeout)

let clean_shutdown ~__context ~vm =
clean_shutdown_with_timeout ~__context ~vm !Xapi_globs.domain_shutdown_total_timeout

let shutdown ~__context ~vm =
clean_shutdown ~__context ~vm
let db_timeout = Db.VM.get_shutdown_delay ~__context ~self:vm in
clean_shutdown_with_timeout ~__context ~vm
(if db_timeout > 0L
then Int64.to_float db_timeout
else !Xapi_globs.domain_shutdown_total_timeout)
with e ->
warn "Failed to perform clean_shutdown on VM:%s due to exception %s. Now attempting hard_shutdown." (Ref.string_of vm) (Printexc.to_string e);
hard_shutdown ~__context ~vm
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Expand Up @@ -105,13 +105,15 @@ let is_allowed_concurrently ~(op:API.vm_operations) ~current_ops =
and allowed_operations = (* a list of valid state -> operation *)
[ [`snapshot_with_quiesce], `snapshot;
[`reverting], `hard_shutdown;
[`migrate_send], `metadata_export;
[`migrate_send], `metadata_export;
[`migrate_send], `hard_shutdown;
[`migrate_send], `clean_shutdown;
[`migrate_send], `hard_reboot;
[`migrate_send], `hard_reboot;
[`migrate_send], `clean_reboot;
[`migrate_send], `start;
[`migrate_send], `start_on;] in
[`migrate_send], `start;
[`migrate_send], `start_on;
[`clean_shutdown], `hard_shutdown;
[`clean_reboot], `hard_reboot;] in
let state_machine () =
let current_state = snd current_ops in
List.exists (fun (state, transition) -> state = current_state && transition = op) allowed_operations
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10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions ocaml/xenops/
Expand Up @@ -304,12 +304,10 @@ let shutdown ~xc ~xs domid req =
let shutdown_wait_for_ack (t: Xenops_task.t) ?(timeout=60.) ~xc ~xs domid req =
let di = Xenctrl.domain_getinfo xc domid in
let uuid = get_uuid ~xc domid in
if di.Xenctrl.Domain_info.hvm_guest then begin
if not (Xenctrl.hvm_check_pvdriver xc domid)
then begin
debug "VM = %s; domid = %d; HVM guest without PV drivers: not expecting any acknowledgement" (Uuid.to_string uuid) domid;
Xenctrl.domain_shutdown xc domid (shutdown_to_xc_shutdown req)
if ((di.Xenctrl.Domain_info.hvm_guest)
&& not (Xenctrl.hvm_check_pvdriver xc domid)) then begin
debug "VM = %s; domid = %d; HVM guest without PV drivers: not expecting any acknowledgement" (Uuid.to_string uuid) domid;
Xenctrl.domain_shutdown xc domid (shutdown_to_xc_shutdown req)
end else begin
debug "VM = %s; domid = %d; Waiting for PV domain to acknowledge shutdown request" (Uuid.to_string uuid) domid;
let path = control_shutdown ~xs domid in
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50 changes: 24 additions & 26 deletions ocaml/xenops/
Expand Up @@ -240,36 +240,34 @@ let t_of_rpc rpc =
m = Mutex.create ();

let get dbg from timeout t =
let get dbg ?(with_cancel=(fun _ f -> f ())) from timeout t =
let from = Opt.default U.initial from in
let cancel = ref false in
let id = (fun timeout ->
Scheduler.one_shot (Scheduler.Delta timeout) dbg
let cancel_fn () =
debug "Cancelling: Update.get";
Mutex.execute t.m
(fun () ->
debug "Cancelling: Update.get after %d" timeout;
Mutex.execute t.m
(fun () ->
cancel := true;
Condition.broadcast t.c
cancel := true;
Condition.broadcast t.c
let id = (fun timeout ->
Scheduler.one_shot (Scheduler.Delta timeout) dbg cancel_fn
) timeout in
(fun () ->
Mutex.execute t.m
(fun () ->
let is_empty (x,y,_) = x=[] && y=[] in

let rec wait () =
let result = U.get from t.u in
if is_empty result && not (!cancel) then
begin Condition.wait t.c t.m; wait () end
else result
wait ()
) (fun () -> Opt.iter Scheduler.cancel id)
with_cancel cancel_fn (fun () ->
finally (fun () ->
Mutex.execute t.m (fun () ->
let is_empty (x,y,_) = x=[] && y=[] in

let rec wait () =
let result = U.get from t.u in
if is_empty result && not (!cancel) then
begin Condition.wait t.c t.m; wait () end
else result
wait ()
) (fun () -> Opt.iter Scheduler.cancel id))

let last_id dbg t =
Mutex.execute t.m
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30 changes: 19 additions & 11 deletions ocaml/xenops/
Expand Up @@ -119,16 +119,24 @@ end
let updates = Updates.empty ()

let event_wait task timeout p =
let finished = ref false in
let success = ref false in
let event_id = ref None in
while not !finished do
let _, deltas, next_id = Updates.get (Printf.sprintf "event_wait task %s" !event_id timeout updates in
if deltas = [] then finished := true;
List.iter (fun d -> if p d then (success := true; finished := true)) deltas;
event_id := Some next_id;
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let rec inner remaining event_id =
if (remaining > 0.0) then begin
let _, deltas, next_id = Updates.get (Printf.sprintf "event_wait task %s"
~with_cancel:(Xenops_task.with_cancel task) event_id (Some (remaining |> ceil |> int_of_float)) updates in
let success = List.fold_left (fun acc d -> acc || (p d)) false deltas in
let finished = success || deltas = [] in
if not finished
let elapsed = Unix.gettimeofday () -. start in
inner (timeout -. elapsed) (Some next_id)
end else false
let result = inner timeout None in
Xenops_task.check_cancelling task;

let safe_rm xs path =
debug "xenstore-rm %s" path;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1140,7 +1148,7 @@ module VM = struct
) Oldest task vm

let wait_shutdown task vm reason timeout =
event_wait task (Some (timeout |> ceil |> int_of_float))
event_wait task timeout
| Dynamic.Vm id when id = ->
debug "EVENT on our VM: %s" id;
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