diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/CMakeLists.txt b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/CMakeLists.txt
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index 00000000..2d0a60ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+register_mdl(MODELNAME "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/README.md b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/README.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+## Module description
+This module implements a torque control balancing strategy. It computes the interaction forces at the feet in order to stabilise a desired `centroidal momentum` dynamics, which implies the tracking of a desired center-of-mass trajectory. A cost function penalizing high joint torques - that generate the feet forces - is added to the control framework.
+For details see also: [iCub whole-body control through force regulation on rigid non-coplanar contacts](http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frobt.2015.00006/abstract) and [Stability Analysis and Design of Momentum-Based Controllers for Humanoid Robots](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7759126).
+### Compatibility
+The folder contains the Simulink model `torqueControlBalancing.mdl`, which is generated by using Matlab R2017b.
+### Supported robots
+Currently, supported robots are: `iCubGenova04`, `iCubGenova02`, `icubGazeboSim`, `iCubGazeboV2_5`.
+## Module details
+### How to run the demo
+For information on how to use the controllers both in **simulation** and with the **real robot**, please refer to the **wiki** of the repo.
+### Configuration file
+At start, the module calls the initialization file initTorqueControlBalancing.m. Once opened, this file contains some configuration variables. Please follow the instruction inside the script to properly configure your simulation.
+### Robot and demo specific configurations
+The gains and references for a specific robot (specified by the variable YARP_ROBOT_NAME) or a specific demo can be found in the folder `app/robots/YARP_ROBOT_NAME`.
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configRobot.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configRobot.m
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+% CONFIGROBOT initializes parameters specific of a particular robot
+% (e.g., icubGazeboSim)
+%% --- Initialization ---
+Config.ON_GAZEBO = true;
+ROBOT_DOF = 23;
+Config.GRAV_ACC = 9.81;
+% Robot configuration for WBToolbox
+WBTConfigRobot = WBToolbox.Configuration;
+WBTConfigRobot.RobotName = 'icubSim';
+WBTConfigRobot.UrdfFile = 'model.urdf';
+WBTConfigRobot.LocalName = 'WBT';
+% Controlboards and joints list. Each joint is associated to the corresponding controlboard
+WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames = {'torso','left_arm','right_arm','left_leg','right_leg'};
+WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints = [];
+Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [];
+ControlBoards = struct();
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{1}) = {'torso_pitch','torso_roll','torso_yaw'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{2}) = {'l_shoulder_pitch','l_shoulder_roll','l_shoulder_yaw','l_elbow'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{3}) = {'r_shoulder_pitch','r_shoulder_roll','r_shoulder_yaw','r_elbow'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{4}) = {'l_hip_pitch','l_hip_roll','l_hip_yaw','l_knee','l_ankle_pitch','l_ankle_roll'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{5}) = {'r_hip_pitch','r_hip_roll','r_hip_yaw','r_knee','r_ankle_pitch','r_ankle_roll'};
+for n = 1:length(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames)
+ WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints = [WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints, ...
+ ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{n})];
+ Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard; length(ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobot.ControlBoardsNames{n}))];
+% Total degrees of freedom
+Config.N_DOF = numel(WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints);
+% Frames list
+Frames.BASE = 'root_link';
+Frames.IMU = 'imu_frame';
+Frames.LEFT_FOOT = 'l_sole';
+Frames.RIGHT_FOOT = 'r_sole';
+Frames.COM = 'com';
+% Config.SATURATE_TORQUE_DERIVATIVE: if true, the derivative of the control
+% input is saturated. In this way, it is possible to reduce high frequency
+% oscillations and discontinuities in the control input.
+% if TRUE, the controller will STOP if the joints hit the joints limits
+% and/or if the (unsigned) difference between two consecutive joints
+% encoders measurements is greater than a given threshold.
+% Config.USE_MOTOR_REFLECTED_INERTIA: if set to true, motors reflected
+% inertias are included in the system mass matrix. If
+% Config.INCLUDE_COUPLING is true, then the coupling effect (some joints
+% motion is the result of more than one motor motion) is taken into account.
+% Config.INCLUDE_HARMONIC_DRIVE_INERTIA is true, then the harmonic drive
+% reflected inertia is also considered
+Config.INCLUDE_COUPLING = false;
+% Config.USE_IMU4EST_BASE: if set to false, the base frame is estimated by
+% assuming that either the left or the right foot stay stuck on the ground.
+% Which foot the controller uses depends on the contact forces acting on it.
+% If set to true, the base orientation is estimated by using the IMU, while
+% the base position by assuming that the origin of either the right or the
+% left foot do not move.
+Config.USE_IMU4EST_BASE = false;
+% Config.YAW_IMU_FILTER when the flag Config.USE_IMU4EST_BASE = true, then
+% the orientation of the floating base is estimated as explained above. However,
+% the foot is usually perpendicular to gravity when the robot stands on flat
+% surfaces, and rotation about the gravity axis may be affected by the IMU drift
+% in estimating this angle. Hence, when either of the flags Config.YAW_IMU_FILTER
+% is set to true, then the yaw angle of the contact foot is ignored and kept
+% equal to the initial value.
+Config.FILTER_IMU_YAW = true;
+% Config.CORRECT_NECK_IMU: when set equal to true, the kinematics from the
+% IMU and the contact foot is corrected by using the neck angles. If it set
+% equal to false, recall that the neck is assumed to be in (0,0,0). Valid
+% ONLY while using the ICUB HEAD IMU!
+Config.CORRECT_NECK_IMU = false;
+% Config.USE_QP_SOLVER: if set to true, a QP solver is used to account for
+% inequality constraints of contact wrenches.
+Config.USE_QP_SOLVER = true;
+% Ports name list
+Ports.WRENCH_LEFT_FOOT = '/wholeBodyDynamics/left_leg/cartesianEndEffectorWrench:o';
+Ports.WRENCH_RIGHT_FOOT = '/wholeBodyDynamics/right_leg/cartesianEndEffectorWrench:o';
+Ports.IMU = ['/' WBTConfigRobot.RobotName '/inertial'];
+Ports.NECK_POS = ['/' WBTConfigRobot.RobotName '/head/state:o'];
+% Ports dimensions
+Ports.IMU_PORT_SIZE = 12;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configRobotSim.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configRobotSim.m
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index 00000000..44b1c405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configRobotSim.m
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %
+% %
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Init simulator core physics paramaters
+physics_config.GRAVITY_ACC = [0,0,-9.81];
+physics_config.TIME_STEP = Config.tStepSim;
+% Robot configuration for WBToolbox
+WBTConfigRobotSim = WBToolbox.Configuration;
+WBTConfigRobotSim.RobotName = 'icubSim';
+WBTConfigRobotSim.UrdfFile = 'model.urdf';
+WBTConfigRobotSim.LocalName = 'WBT';
+WBTConfigRobotSim.GravityVector = physics_config.GRAVITY_ACC;
+% Controlboards and joints list. Each joint is associated to the corresponding controlboard
+WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames = {'torso','left_arm','right_arm','left_leg','right_leg'}; %,'head'};
+WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints = [];
+numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [];
+ControlBoards = struct();
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{1}) = {'torso_pitch','torso_roll','torso_yaw'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{2}) = {'l_shoulder_pitch','l_shoulder_roll','l_shoulder_yaw','l_elbow'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{3}) = {'r_shoulder_pitch','r_shoulder_roll','r_shoulder_yaw','r_elbow'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{4}) = {'l_hip_pitch','l_hip_roll','l_hip_yaw','l_knee','l_ankle_pitch','l_ankle_roll'};
+ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{5}) = {'r_hip_pitch','r_hip_roll','r_hip_yaw','r_knee','r_ankle_pitch','r_ankle_roll'};
+% ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{6}) = {'neck_pitch','neck_roll','neck_yaw'};
+for n = 1:length(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames)
+ WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints = [WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints, ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{n})];
+ numOfJointsForEachControlboard = [numOfJointsForEachControlboard; length(ControlBoards.(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlBoardsNames{n}))];
+% structure used to configure the Robot class
+robot_config.jointOrder = WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints;
+robot_config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard = numOfJointsForEachControlboard;
+% Note: Since iDynTree 3.0.0, if meshFilePrefix='', the standard iDynTree workflow of locating the
+% mesh via the ExternalMesh.getFileLocationOnLocalFileSystem method is used. The iCub model meshes
+% file tree is compatible with this workflow.
+robot_config.meshFilePrefix = '';
+robot_config.fileName = WBTConfigRobotSim.UrdfFile;
+robot_config.N_DOF = numel(WBTConfigRobotSim.ControlledJoints);
+robot_config.N_DOF_MATRIX = eye(robot_config.N_DOF);
+% Initial condition of iCub and for the integrators.
+initialConditions.base_position = [0; 0; 0.619];
+initialConditions.orientation = diag([-1, -1, 1]);
+initialConditions.w_H_b = mwbs.State.Rp2H(initialConditions.orientation, initialConditions.base_position);
+% joint (inital) position
+initialConditions.s = [
+ 0; 0; 0; ...
+ -35.97; 29.97; 0.06; 50.00; ...
+ -35.97; 29.97; 0.06; 50.00; ...
+ 10; 0; 0; -20; -10; 0; ...
+ 10; 0; 0; -20; -10; 0]*pi/180;
+% velocty initial conditions
+initialConditions.base_linear_velocity = [0; 0; 0];
+initialConditions.base_angular_velocity = [0; 0; 0];
+initialConditions.base_pose_dot = [initialConditions.base_linear_velocity; initialConditions.base_angular_velocity];
+initialConditions.s_dot = zeros(robot_config.N_DOF, 1);
+robot_config.initialConditions = initialConditions;
+% Reflected inertia
+% Robot frames list
+FramesSim.BASE = 'root_link';
+FramesSim.IMU = 'imu_frame';
+FramesSim.LEFT_FOOT = 'l_sole';
+FramesSim.RIGHT_FOOT = 'r_sole';
+FramesSim.COM = 'com';
+robot_config.robotFrames = FramesSim;
+% structure used to configure the Contacts class
+% foot print of the feet (iCub)
+vertex = zeros(3, 4);
+vertex(:, 1) = [-0.06; 0.04; 0];
+vertex(:, 2) = [0.11; 0.04; 0];
+vertex(:, 3) = [0.11; -0.035; 0];
+vertex(:, 4) = [-0.06; -0.035; 0];
+contact_config.foot_print = vertex;
+contact_config.total_num_vertices = size(vertex,2)*2;
+% friction coefficient for the feet
+contact_config.friction_coefficient = 0.1;
+%% Motors reflected inertia
+% transmission ratio (1/N)
+Gamma = 0.01*eye(ROBOT_DOF);
+% modify the value of the transmission ratio for the hip pitch.
+% TODO: avoid to hard-code the joint numbering
+Gamma(end-5, end-5) = 0.0067;
+Gamma(end-11,end-11) = 0.0067;
+% motors inertia (Kg*m^2)
+legsMotors_I_m = 0.0827*1e-4;
+torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m = 0.0827*1e-4;
+torsoYawMotors_I_m = 0.0585*1e-4;
+armsMotors_I_m = 0.0585*1e-4;
+% add harmonic drives reflected inertia
+legsMotors_I_m = legsMotors_I_m + 0.054*1e-4;
+torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m = torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m + 0.054*1e-4;
+torsoYawMotors_I_m = torsoYawMotors_I_m + 0.021*1e-4;
+armsMotors_I_m = armsMotors_I_m + 0.021*1e-4;
+I_m = diag([torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m*ones(2,1);
+ torsoYawMotors_I_m;
+ armsMotors_I_m*ones(8,1);
+ legsMotors_I_m*ones(12,1)]);
+% parameters for coupling matrices. Updated according to the wiki:
+% http://wiki.icub.org/wiki/ICub_coupled_joints
+% and corrected according to https://github.com/robotology/robots-configuration/issues/39
+t = 0.615;
+r = 0.022;
+R = 0.04;
+% coupling matrices
+T_LShoulder = [-1 0 0;
+ -1 -t 0;
+ 0 t -t];
+T_RShoulder = [ 1 0 0;
+ 1 t 0;
+ 0 -t t];
+T_torso = [ 0.5 -0.5 0;
+ 0.5 0.5 0;
+ r/(2*R) r/(2*R) r/R];
+ T = blkdiag(T_torso,T_LShoulder,1,T_RShoulder,1,eye(12));
+ T = eye(robot_config.N_DOF);
+motorsReflectedInertia = wbc.computeMotorsReflectedInertia(Gamma,T,I_m);
+% Joint friction
+% === Mapping ===
+jointDefaultOrder = {...
+ 'torso_pitch','torso_roll','torso_yaw', ...
+ 'l_shoulder_pitch','l_shoulder_roll','l_shoulder_yaw','l_elbow', ...
+ 'r_shoulder_pitch','r_shoulder_roll','r_shoulder_yaw','r_elbow', ...
+ 'l_hip_pitch','l_hip_roll','l_hip_yaw','l_knee','l_ankle_pitch','l_ankle_roll', ...
+ 'r_hip_pitch','r_hip_roll','r_hip_yaw','r_knee','r_ankle_pitch','r_ankle_roll'};
+KvmechMappingTorso = 0.2*ones(3,1);
+KvmechMappingLeftArm = 0.2*ones(4,1);
+KvmechMappingRightArm = 0.2*ones(4,1);
+KvmechMappingLeftLeg = [0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6]';
+KvmechMappingRightLeg = [0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6]';
+KvmechMapping = containers.Map(...
+ jointDefaultOrder, ...
+ [
+ KvmechMappingTorso
+ KvmechMappingLeftArm
+ KvmechMappingRightArm
+ KvmechMappingLeftLeg
+ KvmechMappingRightLeg
+ ]);
+KvmechMat = diag(cell2mat(KvmechMapping.values(robot_config.jointOrder)));
+jointFrictionMat = wbc.computeMotorsReflectedInertia(eye(robot_config.N_DOF),T,KvmechMat);
+%% size of the square you see around the robot
+visualizerAroundRobot = 1; % mt
+clear ControlBoards numOfJointsForEachControlboard FramesSim initialConditions vertex
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configStateMachine.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configStateMachine.m
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index 00000000..0c4cc531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/configStateMachine.m
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+% CONFIGSTATEMACHINE configures the state machine (type of demo, velocity
+% of the demo, repeat movements, and so on).
+%% --- Initialization ---
+% If true, the robot CoM will follow a desired reference trajectory (COORDINATOR DEMO ONLY)
+% If equal to one, the desired values of the center of mass are smoothed internally
+Config.SMOOTH_COM_DES = true;
+% If equal to one, the desired values of the postural tasks are smoothed internally
+Config.SMOOTH_JOINT_DES = true;
+% Joint torques saturation [Nm]
+Sat.torque = 60;
+% Joint torques rate of change saturation
+Sat.uDotMax = 300;
+% max unsigned difference between two consecutive (measured) joint positions,
+% i.e. delta_qj = abs(qj(k) - qj(k-1))
+Sat.maxJointsPositionDelta = 15*pi/180; % [rad]
+%% Regularization parameters
+Reg.pinvDamp_baseVel = 1e-7; % For the base velocity estmation.
+Reg.pinvDamp = 1; % Used in the null space calculation. The higher the value and the more coupled the postural task is with the momentum control.
+Reg.pinvTol = 1e-5; % Related to the pseudo-inverse computation for the momentum control before the QP.
+Reg.KP_postural = 0.1; % Not the actual postural gains.
+Reg.KD_postural = 0; % Not the actual postural gains.
+Reg.HessianQP = 1e-7;
+%% State Machine configuration
+% time between two yoga positions
+StateMachine.joints_pauseBetweenYogaMoves = 5;
+% contact forces threshold
+StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOn = 50;
+StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOff = 100;
+% threshold on CoM and joints error
+StateMachine.CoM_threshold = 0.01;
+StateMachine.joints_thresholdNotInContact = 5;
+StateMachine.joints_thresholdInContact = 50;
+% initial state for state machine
+StateMachine.initialState = 1;
+% other configuration parameters for state machine
+StateMachine.tBalancing = 1;
+StateMachine.tBalancingBeforeYoga = 1;
+StateMachine.yogaExtended = true;
+StateMachine.skipYoga = false;
+StateMachine.demoOnlyBalancing = false;
+StateMachine.demoStartsOnRightSupport = false; % If false, the Yoga demo is performed on the left foot first
+StateMachine.yogaAlsoOnRightFoot = false; % TO DO: yoga on both feet starting from right foot (not available for now)
+%%%% List of possible "Yoga in loop" %%%%
+% the robot will repeat the FULL DEMO (two feet balancing, yoga on left
+% foot, back on two feet, yoga right foot, back on two feet). The demo is
+% repeated until the user stops the Simulink model. This option is ignored
+% if Sm.demoStartsOnRightSupport = true.
+StateMachine.twoFeetYogaInLoop = false;
+% the robot will repeat the ONE FOOT yoga for the number of times the user
+% specifies in the Sm.yogaCounter option. The robot WILL NOT go back to two
+% feet balancing in between to consecutive yoga. WARNING: if the option
+% Sm.yogaAlsoOnRightFoot is true, then the robot will repeat first the yoga
+% on left foot for the number of times the user specifies in the Sm.yogaCounter,
+% and then it will repeat the yoga on the right foot for the same number of times.
+StateMachine.oneFootYogaInLoop = false;
+StateMachine.yogaCounter = 5;
+%% Parameters for motors reflected inertia
+% transmission ratio (1/N)
+Config.Gamma = 0.01*eye(ROBOT_DOF);
+% modify the value of the transmission ratio for the hip pitch.
+% TODO: avoid to hard-code the joint numbering
+Config.Gamma(end-5, end-5) = 0.0067;
+Config.Gamma(end-11,end-11) = 0.0067;
+% motors inertia (Kg*m^2)
+legsMotors_I_m = 0.0827*1e-4;
+torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m = 0.0827*1e-4;
+torsoYawMotors_I_m = 0.0585*1e-4;
+armsMotors_I_m = 0.0585*1e-4;
+% add harmonic drives reflected inertia
+ legsMotors_I_m = legsMotors_I_m + 0.054*1e-4;
+ torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m = torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m + 0.054*1e-4;
+ torsoYawMotors_I_m = torsoYawMotors_I_m + 0.021*1e-4;
+ armsMotors_I_m = armsMotors_I_m + 0.021*1e-4;
+Config.I_m = diag([torsoPitchRollMotors_I_m*ones(2,1);
+ torsoYawMotors_I_m;
+ armsMotors_I_m*ones(8,1);
+ legsMotors_I_m*ones(12,1)]);
+% parameters for coupling matrices. Updated according to the wiki:
+% http://wiki.icub.org/wiki/ICub_coupled_joints
+% and corrected according to https://github.com/robotology/robots-configuration/issues/39
+t = 0.615;
+r = 0.022;
+R = 0.04;
+% coupling matrices
+T_LShoulder = [-1 0 0;
+ -1 -t 0;
+ 0 t -t];
+T_RShoulder = [ 1 0 0;
+ 1 t 0;
+ 0 -t t];
+T_torso = [ 0.5 -0.5 0;
+ 0.5 0.5 0;
+ r/(2*R) r/(2*R) r/R];
+ Config.T = blkdiag(T_torso,T_LShoulder,1,T_RShoulder,1,eye(12));
+ Config.T = eye(ROBOT_DOF);
+% gain for feedforward term in joint torques calculation. Valid range: a
+% value between 0 and 1
+Config.K_ff = 0;
+% Config.USE_DES_JOINT_ACC_FOR_MOTORS_INERTIA if true, the desired joints
+% accelerations are used for computing the feedforward term in joint
+% torques calculations. Not effective if Config.K_ff = 0.
+%% Constraints for QP for balancing
+% The friction cone is approximated by using linear interpolation of the circle.
+% So, numberOfPoints defines the number of points used to interpolate the circle
+% in each cicle's quadrant
+numberOfPoints = 4;
+forceFrictionCoefficient = 1/3;
+torsionalFrictionCoefficient = 1/75;
+fZmin = 10;
+% physical size of the foot
+feet_size = [-0.07 0.12 ; % xMin, xMax
+ -0.045 0.05 ]; % yMin, yMax
+% Compute contact constraints (friction cone, unilateral constraints)
+[ConstraintsMatrix, bVectorConstraints] = wbc.computeRigidContactConstraints ...
+ (forceFrictionCoefficient, numberOfPoints, torsionalFrictionCoefficient, feet_size, fZmin);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/gainsAndReferences.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/gainsAndReferences.m
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index 00000000..47555122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/app/robots/iCubGazeboV2_5/gainsAndReferences.m
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+% GAINSANDREFERENCES compute gains matrices, references and other control
+% related quantities for each state of the state machine.
+%% --- Initialization ---
+% CoM gains
+Gain.KP_CoM = [50 50 10 % state == 1 TWO FEET BALANCING
+ 50 50 10 % state == 2 COM TRANSITION TO LEFT
+ 50 50 10 % state == 3 LEFT FOOT BALANCING
+ 50 50 10 % state == 4 YOGA LEFT FOOT
+ 50 50 10 % state == 5 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 50 50 10 % state == 6 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 50 50 10 % state == 7 TRANSITION TO INITIAL POSITION
+ 50 50 10 % state == 8 COM TRANSITION TO RIGHT FOOT
+ 50 50 10 % state == 9 RIGHT FOOT BALANCING
+ 50 50 10 % state == 10 YOGA RIGHT FOOT
+ 50 50 10 % state == 11 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 50 50 10 % state == 12 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 50 50 10]; % state == 13 TRANSITION TO INITIAL POSITION
+% The KD gain is usually lowered w.r.t. the critical damping value for compensating the velocity
+% measurement noise on the real robot and on gazebo.
+Gain.KD_CoM = 2*sqrt(Gain.KP_CoM)/2;
+% Angular momentum gains
+Gain.KI_AngularMomentum = 0.25 ;
+Gain.KP_AngularMomentum = 2*sqrt(Gain.KI_AngularMomentum);
+% Postural task gains
+Gain.KP_postural = [10 30 20, 10 10 10 8, 10 10 10 8, 30 30 20 20 100 100, 30 50 30 60 100 100 % state == 1 TWO FEET BALANCING
+ 10 30 20, 10 10 10 8, 10 10 10 8, 30 30 20 20 100 100, 30 50 30 60 100 100 % state == 2 COM TRANSITION TO LEFT
+ 10 30 20, 10 10 10 8, 10 10 10 8, 30 50 30 60 100 100, 30 30 20 20 100 100 % state == 3 LEFT FOOT BALANCING
+ 30 30 30, 10 10 10 10, 10 10 10 10, 100 200 100 400 100 100, 100 50 30 100 100 100 % state == 4 YOGA LEFT FOOT
+ 30 30 30, 5 5 10 10, 10 10 20 10, 200 250 20 20 10 50, 220 350 120 200 65 100 % state == 5 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 30 30 30, 10 10 20 10, 10 10 20 10, 100 350 20 200 10 100, 220 350 120 200 65 100 % state == 6 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 10 30 20, 10 10 10 8, 10 10 10 8, 30 50 60 30 5 5, 30 30 30 20 5 5 % state == 7 TRANSITION TO INITIAL POSITION
+ 10 30 20, 10 10 10 8, 10 10 10 8, 30 50 60 30 100 100, 30 30 30 20 100 100 % state == 8 COM TRANSITION TO RIGHT FOOT
+ 10 30 20, 10 10 10 8, 10 10 10 8, 30 30 20 20 100 100, 30 50 30 60 100 100 % state == 9 RIGHT FOOT BALANCING
+ 30 30 30, 10 10 10 10, 10 10 10 10, 100 200 100 400 100 100, 100 50 30 100 100 100 % state == 10 YOGA RIGHT FOOT
+ 30 30 30, 5 5 10 10, 10 10 20 10, 200 250 20 20 10 50, 220 350 120 200 65 100 % state == 11 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 30 30 30, 10 10 20 10, 10 10 20 10, 100 350 20 200 10 100, 220 350 120 200 65 100 % state == 12 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 10 30 20, 10 10 10 8, 10 10 10 8, 30 30 20 20 100 100, 30 50 30 60 100 100]; % state == 13 TRANSITION TO INITIAL POSITION
+Gain.KD_postural = 2*sqrt(Gain.KP_postural(1,:))/2;
+% symmetric gains
+Gain.KP_postural(8:12,:) = Gain.KP_postural(2:6,:);
+Gain.KP_postural(8:12,12:17) = Gain.KP_postural(2:6,18:23);
+Gain.KP_postural(8:12,18:23) = Gain.KP_postural(2:6,12:17);
+%% Smoothing times
+% Smoothing time gain scheduling
+Config.SmoothingTimeGainScheduling = 2;
+% Smoothing time CoM references
+StateMachine.CoMSmoothingTime = [1; %% state == 1 TWO FEET BALANCING
+ 1; %% state == 2 COM TRANSITION TO LEFT FOOT
+ 1; %% state == 3 LEFT FOOT BALANCING
+ 2; %% state == 4 YOGA LEFT FOOT
+ 2; %% state == 5 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 2; %% state == 6 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 1; %% state == 9 RIGHT FOOT BALANCING
+ 2; %% state == 10 YOGA RIGHT FOOT
+ 2; %% state == 11 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 2; %% state == 12 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 10]; %% state == 13 TRANSITION INIT POSITION
+% Smoothing time for joints references
+StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime = [1; %% state == 1 TWO FEET BALANCING
+ 1; %% state == 2 COM TRANSITION TO LEFT FOOT
+ 1; %% state == 3 LEFT FOOT BALANCING
+ 2; %% state == 4 YOGA LEFT FOOT
+ 2; %% state == 5 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 2; %% state == 6 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 1; %% state == 9 RIGHT FOOT BALANCING
+ 2; %% state == 10 YOGA RIGHT FOOT
+ 2; %% state == 11 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 2; %% state == 12 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 10]; %% state == 13 TRANSITION INIT POSITION
+% scale factor smoothing time multiplies the smoothing factor during the
+% Yoga (state 4 and 10). The purpose is to reduce the time necessary for
+% the reference to converge to the next position, but without changing also
+% the valuse stored in Sm.joints_leftYogaRef/Sm.joints_rightYogaRef
+StateMachine.scaleFactorSmoothingTime = 0.9;
+%% CoM delta
+% To be summed to the reference CoM position
+ 0.0, 0.00, 0.0; %% NOT USED
+ 0.0, 0.00, -0.0; %% state == 2 COM TRANSITION TO LEFT FOOT
+ 0.0, 0.00, -0.0; %% state == 3 LEFT FOOT BALANCING
+ 0.0, 0.005,-0.0; %% state == 4 YOGA LEFT FOOT
+ 0.0, 0.00, -0.0; %% state == 5 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 0.0, -0.09, -0.0; %% state == 6 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 0.0, 0.00, -0.0; %% state == 7 TWO FEET BALANCING
+ 0.0, 0.00, -0.0; %% state == 8 COM TRANSITION TO RIGHT FOOT
+ 0.0, 0.00, -0.0; %% state == 9 RIGHT FOOT BALANCING
+ 0.0, -0.005,-0.0; %% state == 10 YOGA RIGHT FOOT
+ 0.0, 0.00, -0.0; %% state == 11 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ 0.0, 0.09, -0.0; %% state == 12 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 0.0, 0.00, 0.0]; %% NOT USED
+%% Joint references
+StateMachine.joints_references = [ zeros(1,ROBOT_DOF); %% THIS REFERENCE IS IGNORED
+ [-0.0348,0.0779,0.0429, ... %% state == 2 COM TRANSITION TO LEFT
+ -0.1493,0.8580,0.2437,0.8710, ... %
+ -0.1493,0.8580,0.2437,0.8710, ... %
+ -0.0015,-0.1109,-0.0001,0.0003,0.0160,0.1630, ... %
+ 0.0005,0.0793,-0.0014,-0.0051,0.0073,-0.1151]; %
+ [ 0.0864,0.0258,0.0152, ... %% state == 3 LEFT FOOT BALANCING
+ 0.1253,0.8135,0.3051,0.7928, ... %
+ 0.0563,0.6789,0.3340,0.6214, ... %
+ -0.0015,-0.1109,-0.0001,0.0003,0.0160,0.1630, ... %
+ 0.0005,0.0793,-0.0014,-0.0051,0.0073,-0.1151]; %
+ [-0.0348,0.0779,0.0429, ... %% state == 5 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ -0.1493,0.8580,0.2437,0.8710, ... %
+ -0.1493,0.8580,0.2437,0.8710, ... %
+ -0.0015,-0.1109,-0.0001,0.0003,0.0160,0.1630, ... %
+ 0.0005,0.0793,-0.0014,-0.0051,0.0073,-0.1151]; %
+ [ 0.0864,0.0258,0.0152, ... %% state == 6 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 0.1253,0.8135,0.3051,0.7928, ... %
+ 0.0563,0.6789,0.3340,0.6214, ... %
+ 0.0107,-0.0741,-0.0001,-0.0120,0.0252,0.1369, ... %
+ -0.0026,0.0225,0.0093,-0.0020,0.0027,-0.0277]; %
+ [ 0.0864,0.0258,0.0152, ... %% state == 8 COM TRANSITION TO RIGHT FOOT
+ 0.1253,0.8135,0.3051,0.7928, ... %
+ 0.0563,0.6789,0.3340,0.6214, ... %
+ 0.0107,-0.0741,-0.0001,-0.0120,0.0252,0.1369, ... %
+ -0.0026,0.0225,0.0093,-0.0020,0.0027,-0.0277]; %
+ [ 0.0864,0.0258,0.0152, ... %% state == 9 RIGHT FOOT BALANCING
+ 0.1253,0.8135,0.3051,0.7928, ... %
+ 0.0563,0.6789,0.3340,0.6214, ... %
+ 0.0005,0.0793,-0.0014,-0.0051,0.0073,-0.1151, ... %
+ -0.0015,-0.1109,-0.0001,0.0003,0.0160,0.1630]; %
+ [-0.0348,0.0779,0.0429, ... %% state == 11 PREPARING FOR SWITCHING
+ -0.1493,0.8580,0.2437,0.8710, ... %
+ -0.1493,0.8580,0.2437,0.8710, ... %
+ 0.0005,0.0793,-0.0014,-0.0051,0.0073,-0.1151, ... %
+ -0.0015,-0.1109,-0.0001,0.0003,0.0160,0.1630]; %
+ [ 0.0864,0.0258,0.0152, ... %% state == 12 LOOKING FOR CONTACT
+ 0.1253,0.8135,0.3051,0.7928, ... %
+ 0.0563,0.6789,0.3340,0.6214, ... %
+ -0.0026,0.0225,0.0093,-0.0020,0.0027,-0.0277, ... %
+ 0.0107,-0.0741,-0.0001,-0.0120,0.0252,0.1369]; %
+% YOGA MOVESET (joint references during state 4 and 10)
+q1 = [-0.0790,0.2279, 0.4519, ...
+ -1.1621,0.6663, 0.4919, 0.9947, ...
+ -1.0717,1.2904,-0.2447, 1.0948, ...
+ 0.2092,0.2060, 0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3484,0.4008,-0.0004,-0.3672,-0.1060,-0.0875];
+q2 = [-0.0790,0.2279, 0.4519, ...
+ -1.1621,0.6663, 0.4965, 0.9947, ...
+ -1.0717,1.2904,-0.2493, 1.0948, ...
+ 0.2092,0.2060, 0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044,0.0700, ...
+ 0.3714,0.9599, 1.3253,-1.6594,-0.1060,-0.0614];
+q3 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821,...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092,0.2060, 0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044,0.0700, ...
+ 0.3714,0.9599, 1.3253,-1.6594, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q4 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821,...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.3473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3514, 1.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q5 = [-0.0790,-0.2273, 0.4519, ...
+ -1.1621,0.6663, 0.4965, 0.9947, ...
+ -1.0717,1.2904,-0.2493, 1.0948, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.4473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3514, 1.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q6 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3514, 1.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q7 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3514, 1.3107,1.3253, -1.6217, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q8 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3514, 1.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q9 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3514, 0.0107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q10 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.3514, 1.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q11 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.8514, 1.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q12 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.8514, 0.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q13 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.8514, 1.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q14 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.8514, 0.0107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q15 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 1.5514, 0.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q16 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ 0.2514, 0.0107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+q17 = [-0.0852,-0.4273,0.0821, ...
+ 0.1391, 1.4585,0.2464, 0.3042, ...
+ -0.4181, 1.6800,0.7373, 0.3031, ...
+ 0.2092, 0.6473,0.0006,-0.1741,-0.1044, 0.0700, ...
+ -0.3514, 0.3107,1.3253,-0.0189, 0.5000,-0.0614];
+StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef = [ 0, q1;
+ 1*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q2;
+ 2*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q3;
+ 3*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q4;
+ 4*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q5;
+ 5*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q6;
+ 6*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q7;
+ 7*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q8;
+ 8*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q9;
+ 9*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q10;
+ 10*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q11;
+ 11*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q12;
+ 12*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q13;
+ 13*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q14;
+ 14*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q15;
+ 15*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q16;
+ 16*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q17;
+ 17*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q10;
+ 18*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q11;
+ 19*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q12;
+ 20*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q13;
+ 21*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q14;
+ 22*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q15;
+ 23*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q16;
+ 24*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q17;
+ 25*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4),q8];
+StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef = StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef;
+StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(:,1) = [0;
+ 1*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 2*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 3*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 4*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 5*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 6*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 7*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 8*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 9*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 10*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 11*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 12*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 13*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 14*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 15*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 16*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 17*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 18*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 19*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 20*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 21*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 22*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 23*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 24*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+ 25*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10)];
+% if the demo is not "yogaExtended", stop at the 8th move
+if ~StateMachine.yogaExtended
+ StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef = StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(1:8,:);
+ StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef = StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(1:8,:);
+ StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(8,1) = 15*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(4);
+ StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(8,1) = 15*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(10);
+for i = 1:size(StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef,1)
+ StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,2:4) = [StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,2) -StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,3) -StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,4)];
+ rightArm = StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-15:end-12);
+ StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-15:end-12) = StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-19:end-16);
+ StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-19:end-16) = rightArm;
+ rightLeg = StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-5:end);
+ StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-5:end) = StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-11:end-6);
+ StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,end-11:end-6) = rightLeg;
+%% References for CoM trajectory (COORDINATOR DEMO ONLY)
+% that the robot waits before starting the left-and-right
+Config.noOscillationTime = 0;
+Config.directionOfOscillation = [0;1;0];
+Config.amplitudeOfOscillation = 0.02; % [m]
+Config.frequencyOfOscillation = 0.2; % [Hz]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/images/initNeckPosBlock.jpeg b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/images/initNeckPosBlock.jpeg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d1b18eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/images/initNeckPosBlock.jpeg differ
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/initTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/initTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ef27f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/initTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu.m
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% /**
+% * Copyright (C) 2016 CoDyCo
+% * @author: Daniele Pucci, Gabriele Nava
+% * Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this program
+% * under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any
+% * later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
+% *
+% * A copy of the license can be found at
+% * http://www.robotcub.org/icub/license/gpl.txt
+% *
+% * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+% * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% * Public License for more details
+% */
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+clearvars -except sl_synch_handles simulinkStaticGUI
+% Add path to local source code
+% If you are simulating the robot with Gazebo, remember that it is required
+% to launch Gazebo as follows:
+% gazebo -slibgazebo_yarp_clock.so
+% and properly set the environmental variable YARP_ROBOT_NAME in the .bashrc.
+% Simulation time in seconds. For long simulations, put an high number
+% (not inf) for allowing automatic code generation
+Config.SIMULATION_TIME = 600000;
+% Controller period [s]
+Config.tStep = 0.01; % 10 ms
+Config.tStepSim = 0.001; % 1 ms
+% DEMO_TYPE: defines the kind of demo that will be performed.
+% 'YOGA': the robot will perform the YOGA++ demo (highly dynamic movements
+% while balancing on one foot and two feet)
+% 'COORDINATOR': the robot can either balance on two feet or move from left
+% to right follwing a desired center-of-mass trajectory.
+% Config.SCOPES: debugging scopes activation
+Config.SCOPES_WRENCHES = true;
+Config.SCOPES_MAIN = true;
+Config.SCOPES_QP = true;
+% Save the Matlab workspace after stopping the simulation
+Config.SAVE_WORKSPACE = false;
+% Verify that the integration time has been respected during the simulation
+% Run robot-specific configuration parameters
+supportedMmodels = {'iCubGazeboV2_5'};
+ case 'iCubGazeboV2_5'
+ otherwise
+ error(['Unsupported robot model. Supported models are listed below:',repmat('\n- %s',[1 numel(supportedMmodels)])],supportedMmodels{:});
+% Deactivate/activate the internal coordinator
+ Config.COORDINATOR_DEMO = true;
+elseif strcmpi(DEMO_TYPE, 'YOGA')
+ Config.COORDINATOR_DEMO = false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src-static-gui/closeModel.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src-static-gui/closeModel.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..496418a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src-static-gui/closeModel.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Save and close the Simulink model through Matlab command line.
+% It also closes the associate static GUI
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+disp('[closeModel]: closing the Simulink model...')
+% save and close the Simulink model
+% close all figures
+close all
+% remove paths (optional)
+disp('[closeModel]: done.')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src-static-gui/compileModel.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src-static-gui/compileModel.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6e31a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src-static-gui/compileModel.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Compile the Simulink model through Matlab command line.
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+disp('Compiling the Simulink model...')
+ torqueControlBalancing([], [], [], 'compile')
+ torqueControlBalancing([], [], [], 'term')
+catch ME
+ errorMessages = ME;
+disp('Compilation done.')
+% warning about Simulink timing
+warning('The model will anyways start with FEW SECONDS OF DELAY after pressing the ''Start Model'' button.')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/initVisualizer.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/initVisualizer.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d7d8ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/initVisualizer.m
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% configuration for the matlab iDyntree visualizer
+%% Specific parameters
+% Do you want to enable the Visualizer?
+confVisualizer.visualizeRobot = true;
+% size of the square you see around the robot
+confVisualizer.aroundRobot = 1; % [m]
+% refresh rate of the picure
+confVisualizer.tStep = 0.010; % here equal to the time step used in the simulink model
+%% Parameters copied from robot_config
+% Robot description
+confVisualizer.fileName = robot_config.fileName;
+confVisualizer.meshFilePrefix = robot_config.meshFilePrefix;
+confVisualizer.jointOrder = robot_config.jointOrder;
+confVisualizer.robotFrames = robot_config.robotFrames;
+% initial joints configuration specified in configRobot
+confVisualizer.joints_positions = robot_config.initialConditions.s;
+confVisualizer.world_H_base = robot_config.initialConditions.w_H_b;
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/momentumBasedController.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/momentumBasedController.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22f8f628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/momentumBasedController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+function [HessianMatrixOneFoot, gradientOneFoot, ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot, bVectorConstraintsOneFoot, ...
+ HessianMatrixTwoFeet, gradientTwoFeet, ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet, bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet, ...
+ tauModel, Sigma, Na, f_LDot] = ...
+ momentumBasedController(feetContactStatus, ConstraintsMatrix, bVectorConstraints, jointPos, jointPos_des, nu, M, h, L, intL_angMomError, w_H_l_sole, w_H_r_sole, ...
+ J_l_sole, J_r_sole, JDot_l_sole_nu, JDot_r_sole_nu, pos_CoM, J_CoM, desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM, KP_CoM, KD_CoM, KP_postural, Config, Reg, Gain)
+ % MOMENTUMBASEDCONTROLLER implements a momentum-based whole body
+ % balancing controller for humanoid robots.
+ %
+ % REFERENCES: G. Nava and F. Romano and F. Nori and D. Pucci,
+ % "Stability Analysis and Design of Momentum Based Controllers for Humanoid Robots",
+ % Available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7759126/
+ %% --- Initialization ---
+ % Compute the momentum rate of change. The momentum rate of change
+ % equals the summation of the external forces and moments, i.e.:
+ %
+ % LDot = A*f + f_grav (1)
+ %
+ % where A is the matrix mapping the forces and moments into the
+ % momentum equations, f_grav is the gravity force, f is a vector stacking
+ % all the external forces and moments acting on the robot as follows:
+ %
+ % f = [f_left; f_right]
+ %
+ % where f_left are the forces and moments acting on the left foot and
+ % f_right are the forces and moments acting on the right foot.
+ % Compute the gravity force
+ m = M(1,1);
+ gravAcc = Config.GRAV_ACC;
+ f_grav = [zeros(2,1);
+ -m*gravAcc;
+ zeros(3,1)];
+ % Compute matrix A in Eq. (1)
+ pos_leftFoot = w_H_l_sole(1:3,4);
+ pos_rightFoot = w_H_r_sole(1:3,4);
+ % Distance between the application points of the contact forces w.r.t. CoM
+ r_left = pos_leftFoot - pos_CoM;
+ r_right = pos_rightFoot - pos_CoM;
+ % Partition matrix A into the part that multiplies the left foot
+ % wrenches and the right foot wrenches, i.e. A = [A_left, A_right]
+ A_left = [eye(3), zeros(3);
+ wbc.skew(r_left), eye(3)];
+ A_right = [eye(3), zeros(3);
+ wbc.skew(r_right), eye(3)];
+ A = [A_left, A_right];
+ %
+ % We would like to achieve a desired momentum's dynamics:
+ %
+ % LDot_star = LDot_des - KP_momentum*(L-LDes) - KI_momentum*(intL-intLDes)
+ %
+ % where intL is the integral of the momentum. Assume the contact forces
+ % and moments can be considered as control inputs of Eq. (1). Then, the
+ % problem is to find f such that:
+ %
+ % LDot_star = A*f + f_grav (2)
+ %
+ % We must now distinguish two different cases:
+ %
+ % CASE 1: the robot is balancing on one foot. In this case, the solution
+ % to Eq. (2) is:
+ %
+ % f = A^(-1)*(LDot_star - f_grav) (3)
+ %
+ % CASE 2: the robot is balancing on two feet. In this case, there is
+ % redundancy as there are more control inputs (12) than variables
+ % to control (6). Therefore one can write:
+ %
+ % f = pinvA*(LDot_star - f_grav) + Na*f_0 (4)
+ %
+ % where pinvA is the pseudoinverse of matrix A and Na is its null space
+ % projector. f_0 is a free variable that does not affect the momentum
+ % dynamics Eq (1).
+ % Gains mapping.
+ %
+ % KP_momentum = blkdiag(KD_CoM, KP_angMom)
+ % KD_momentum = blkdiag(KP_CoM, KI_angMom)
+ %
+ KP_angMom = Gain.KP_AngularMomentum*eye(3);
+ KI_angMom = Gain.KI_AngularMomentum*eye(3);
+ % Desired CoM dynamics (conseguently, linear momentum)
+ vel_CoM = J_CoM(1:3,:) * nu;
+ acc_CoM_star = desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM(:,3) - KP_CoM*(pos_CoM - desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM(:,1)) - KD_CoM*(vel_CoM - desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM(:,2));
+ % Desired momentum dynamics
+ LDot_star = [m * acc_CoM_star;
+ (-KP_angMom * L(4:end) -KI_angMom * intL_angMomError)];
+ %% CASE 1: one foot balancing
+ %
+ % In this case, we make use of a QP solver. In particular, Eq. (3) is rewritten as:
+ %
+ % f^T*A^T*A*f - f^T*A^T*(LDot_star - f_grav) = 0 (5)
+ %
+ % that is the quadratic problem associated with Eq. (3). Now rewrite
+ % Eq. (5) as:
+ %
+ % f^T*Hessian*f + f^T*gradient = 0
+ %
+ % where Hessian = A^T*A and gradient = - A^T*(LDot_star - f_grav). Now
+ % it is possible to solve the folowing QP problem:
+ %
+ % f_star = argmin_f |f^T*Hessian*f + f^T*gradient|^2
+ %
+ % s.t. C*f < b
+ %
+ % where the inequality constraints represent the unilateral, friction
+ % cone and local CoP constraints at the foot.
+ % Hessian matrix and gradient QP one foot
+ A_oneFoot = A_left*feetContactStatus(1)*(1 - feetContactStatus(2)) + A_right*feetContactStatus(2)*(1 - feetContactStatus(1));
+ HessianMatrixOneFoot = A_oneFoot'*A_oneFoot + eye(size(A_oneFoot,2))*Reg.HessianQP;
+ gradientOneFoot = -A_oneFoot'*(LDot_star - f_grav);
+ % Update constraint matrices. The contact wrench associated with the
+ % left foot (resp. right foot) is subject to the following constraint:
+ %
+ % ConstraintMatrixLeftFoot * l_sole_f_left < bVectorConstraints
+ %
+ % In this case, however, f_left is expressed w.r.t. the frame l_sole,
+ % which is solidal to the left foot. The contact forces f used in the
+ % controller however are expressed w.r.t. the frame l_sole[w], that is
+ % a frame with the origin at the contact location but the orientation
+ % of the inertial frame. For this reason, the mapping between the two
+ % frames is given by:
+ %
+ % l_sole_f_left = blkdiag(l_sole_R_w, l_sole_R_w) * l_sole[w]_f_left
+ %
+ % therefore we rewrite the contact constraints as:
+ %
+ % ConstraintMatrixLeftFoot * blkdiag(l_sole_R_w, l_sole_R_w) * l_sole[w]_f_left < bVectorConstraints
+ %
+ % and this in the end results in updating the constraint matrix as follows:
+ %
+ % ConstraintMatrixLeftFoot = ConstraintMatrixLeftFoot * blkdiag(l_sole_R_w, l_sole_R_w)
+ %
+ % The same holds for the right foot.
+ %
+ w_R_r_sole = w_H_r_sole(1:3,1:3);
+ w_R_l_sole = w_H_l_sole(1:3,1:3);
+ ConstraintMatrixLeftFoot = ConstraintsMatrix * blkdiag(w_R_l_sole', w_R_l_sole');
+ ConstraintMatrixRightFoot = ConstraintsMatrix * blkdiag(w_R_r_sole', w_R_r_sole');
+ % One foot constraints
+ ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot = feetContactStatus(1) * (1 - feetContactStatus(2)) * ConstraintMatrixLeftFoot + ...
+ feetContactStatus(2) * (1 - feetContactStatus(1)) * ConstraintMatrixRightFoot;
+ bVectorConstraintsOneFoot = bVectorConstraints;
+ %% CASE 2: two feet balancing
+ %
+ % In this case, we solve Eq (4) by means of the matrix pseudoinverse and
+ % NOT through the QP. The QP is instead used to calculate the vector
+ % projected in the null space (f_0). In particular, we choose f_0 in
+ % order to minimize the joint torques magnitude. To do so, it is necessary
+ % to write down the relationship between the joint torques and the
+ % contact forces:
+ %
+ % tau = pinvLambda*(Jc*invM*(h - Jc^T*f) -JcDot_nu) + NLambda*tau_0 (6)
+ %
+ % where tau_0 is given by the following equation:
+ %
+ % tau_0 = hs - Msb*invMb*hb - (Js^T - Msb*invMb*Jb^T)*f + u_0
+ %
+ % where we have:
+ %
+ % M = [Mb, Mbs; h = [hb; Jc = [Jb, Js]
+ % Msb, Ms]; hs];
+ %
+ % obtained by partitioning the dynamics in order to split the first
+ % six rows and the remaining NDOF rows.
+ %
+ % u_0 instead are the feedback terms associated with the postural task,
+ % and therefore are given by the following expression (for more info,
+ % look at the reference paper):
+ %
+ % u_0 = -KP_postural*NLambda*Mbar*jointPosTilde -KD_postural*NLambda*Mbar*jointVel
+ %
+ % where Mbar = Ms-Msb/Mb*Mbs.
+ %
+ % Now, let us rewrite Eq. (6) in order to isolate the terms which
+ % depend on the contact forces:
+ %
+ % tau = Sigma*f + tauModel (7)
+ %
+ % where Sigma = -(pinvLambda*Jc*invM*Jc^T + NLambda*(Js^T - Msb*invMb*Jb^T))
+ %
+ % tauModel = pinvLambda*(Jc*invM*h -JcDot_nu) + ...
+ % NLambda*(hs - Msb*invMb*hb + u_0)
+ %
+ % Finally, we substitute Eq. (4) into Eq. (7) which gives:
+ %
+ % tau = Sigma*pinvA*(LDot_star - f_grav) + Sigma*Na*f_0 + tauModel (8)
+ %
+ % minimizing the torques implies we would like to have tau = 0 in Eq.
+ % (8) (note that it is not possible to achieve tau = 0 by choosing f_0)
+ %
+ % It is possible to write down Eq. (8) as a QP problem, as we
+ % did for Eq. (5):
+ %
+ % f_0^T*Hessian*f_0 + f_0^T*gradient = 0 (9)
+ %
+ % where Hessian = transpose(Sigma*Na)*Sigma*Na
+ % gradient = transpose(Sigma*Na)*(Sigma*pinvA*(LDot_star - f_grav) + tauModel)
+ %
+ % The associated QP formulation is now:
+ %
+ % f_0_star = argmin_f_0 |f_0^T*Hessian*f_0 + f_0^T*gradient|^2
+ %
+ % s.t. C*f_0 < b
+ %
+ % Note that in this way we are assuming that the part of the contact
+ % forces dedicated to stabilize the momentum dynamics, i.e. the term
+ %
+ % f_LDot = pinvA*(LDot_star - f_grav)
+ %
+ % is does not violate the constraints.
+ % Compute f_LDot
+ pinvA = pinv(A, Reg.pinvTol);
+ f_LDot = pinvA*(LDot_star - f_grav);
+ % Null space of the matrix A
+ Na = (eye(12,12) - pinvA*A).*feetContactStatus(1).*feetContactStatus(2);
+ %% Compute Sigma and tauModel
+ %
+ % NOTE that the formula Eq (7) will be used for computing the torques
+ % also in case the robot is balancing on ONE foot. In fact, in that
+ % case, f will be a vector of the form (left foot balancing):
+ %
+ % f = [f_left (from QP); zeros(6,1)];
+ %
+ % same holds for the right foot balancing. The additional zeros are
+ % required in order to match the dimension of Sigma (NDOF x 12).
+ % Contact jacobians
+ NDOF = size(J_l_sole(:,7:end),2);
+ Jc = [J_l_sole.*feetContactStatus(1);
+ J_r_sole.*feetContactStatus(2)];
+ % Jacobian derivative dot(Jc)*nu
+ JcDot_nu = [JDot_l_sole_nu.*feetContactStatus(1);
+ JDot_r_sole_nu.*feetContactStatus(2)];
+ % Selector of actuated DoFs
+ B = [zeros(6,NDOF);
+ eye(NDOF,NDOF)];
+ % The mass matrix is partitioned as:
+ %
+ % M = [ Mb, Mbs
+ % Mbs', Ms ];
+ %
+ % where: Mb \in R^{6 x 6}
+ % Mbs \in R^{6 x 6+NDOF}
+ % Ms \in R^{NDOF x NDOF}
+ %
+ Mb = M(1:6,1:6);
+ Mbs = M(1:6,7:end);
+ Ms = M(7:end,7:end);
+ % Get matrix Sigma
+ Jc_invM = Jc/M;
+ Lambda = Jc_invM*B;
+ pinvLambda = wbc.pinvDamped(Lambda, Reg.pinvDamp);
+ NullLambda = eye(NDOF) - pinvLambda*Lambda;
+ Sigma = -(pinvLambda*Jc_invM*Jc' + NullLambda*(transpose(Jc(:,7:end)) -Mbs'/Mb*transpose(Jc(:,1:6))));
+ % Mbar is the mass matrix associated with the joint dynamics, i.e.
+ Mbar = Ms-Mbs'/Mb*Mbs;
+ NullLambda_Mbar = NullLambda*Mbar;
+ % Adaptation of the control gains for back compatibility with the older
+ % versions of the controller
+ KP_postural = KP_postural*pinv(NullLambda_Mbar, Reg.pinvTol) + Reg.KP_postural*eye(NDOF);
+ KD_postural = diag(Gain.KD_postural)*pinv(NullLambda_Mbar,Reg.pinvTol) + Reg.KD_postural*eye(NDOF);
+ % Joints velocity and joints position error
+ jointVel = nu(7:end);
+ jointPosTilde = jointPos - jointPos_des;
+ % Get the vector tauModel
+ u_0 = -KP_postural*NullLambda_Mbar*jointPosTilde -KD_postural*NullLambda_Mbar*jointVel;
+ tauModel = pinvLambda*(Jc_invM*h - JcDot_nu) + NullLambda*(h(7:end) - Mbs'/Mb*h(1:6) + u_0);
+ %% QP parameters for two feet standing
+ %
+ % In the case the robot stands on two feet, the control objective is
+ % the minimization of the joint torques through the redundancy of the
+ % contact forces. See Previous comments.
+ % Get the inequality constraints matrices
+ ConstraintsMatrixBothFeet = blkdiag(ConstraintMatrixLeftFoot,ConstraintMatrixRightFoot);
+ bVectorConstraintsBothFeet = [bVectorConstraints;bVectorConstraints];
+ % The optimization problem Eq. (9) seeks for the redundancy of the external
+ % wrench that minimize joint torques. Recall that the contact wrench can
+ % be written as:
+ %
+ % f = f_LDot + Na*f_0
+ %
+ % Then, the constraints on the contact wrench is of the form
+ %
+ % ConstraintsMatrixBothFeet*f < bVectorConstraints
+ %
+ % which in terms of f0 is:
+ %
+ % ConstraintsMatrixBothFeet*Na*f0 < bVectorConstraints - ConstraintsMatrixBothFeet*f_LDot
+ %
+ ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet = ConstraintsMatrixBothFeet*Na;
+ bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet = bVectorConstraintsBothFeet - ConstraintsMatrixBothFeet*f_LDot;
+ % Evaluation of Hessian matrix and gradient vector for solving the
+ % optimization problem Eq. (9)
+ Sigma_Na = Sigma*Na;
+ HessianMatrixTwoFeet = Sigma_Na'*Sigma_Na + eye(size(Sigma_Na,2))*Reg.HessianQP;
+ gradientTwoFeet = Sigma_Na'*(tauModel + Sigma*f_LDot);
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/processOutputQP_oneFoot.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/processOutputQP_oneFoot.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27a00f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/processOutputQP_oneFoot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+function f_star = processOutputQP_oneFoot(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,feetContactStatus,Config)
+ % PROCESSOUTPUTQP_ONEFOOT evaluates the output of the WBToolbox QP block.
+ % In case the QP block exited with an error, a
+ % "default", user defined solution to the QP problem
+ % is provided instead of the one coming from the QP block.
+ %
+ % FORMAT: f_star = processOutputQP_oneFoot(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,feetContactStatus,Config)
+ %
+ % INPUT: - analyticalSolution = the alternative user defined solution to the QP
+ % problem to be used when the QP block fails;
+ % - primalSolution = the solution to the QP problem provided by the
+ % WBToolbox QP block;
+ % - QPStatus = the status check returned by the QP block.
+ %
+ % - feetContactStatus = [2 x 1] a vector describing the feet contact
+ % status. Format: [leftFoot; rightFoot];
+ % - Config = a structure containing the robot-related configuration
+ % parameters;
+ %
+ % OUTPUT: - f_star = the final solution to the QP problem that will be used in
+ % the controller.
+ %
+ % Authors: Daniele Pucci, Marie Charbonneau, Gabriele Nava
+ %
+ % all authors are with the Italian Istitute of Technology (IIT)
+ % email: name.surname@iit.it
+ %
+ % Genoa, Dec 2017
+ %
+ %% --- Initialization ---
+ % if the robot is balancing on one foot, extend the QP solution to
+ % have the correct dimension of f_star for matrix multiplication
+ if feetContactStatus(1) > (1 - CONTACT_THRESHOLD)
+ % left foot balancing
+ updated_primalSolution = [primalSolution; zeros(6,1)];
+ updated_analyticalSolution = [analyticalSolution; zeros(6,1)];
+ else
+ % right foot balancing
+ updated_primalSolution = [zeros(6,1); primalSolution];
+ updated_analyticalSolution = [zeros(6,1); analyticalSolution];
+ end
+ f_star = updated_primalSolution;
+ else
+ f_star = updated_analyticalSolution;
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/processOutputQP_twoFeet.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/processOutputQP_twoFeet.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b328705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/processOutputQP_twoFeet.m
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+function f_star = processOutputQP_twoFeet(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,Config)
+ % PROCESSOUTPUTQP_TWOFEET evaluates the output of the WBToolbox QP block.
+ % In case the QP block exited with an error, a
+ % "default", user defined solution to the QP problem
+ % is provided instead of the one coming from the QP block.
+ %
+ % FORMAT: f_star = processOutputQP_twoFeet(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,feetContactStatus,Config)
+ %
+ % INPUT: - analyticalSolution = the alternative user defined solution to the QP
+ % problem to be used when the QP block fails;
+ % - primalSolution = the solution to the QP problem provided by the
+ % WBToolbox QP block;
+ % - QPStatus = the status check returned by the QP block.
+ %
+ % - feetContactStatus = [2 x 1] a vector describing the feet contact
+ % status. Format: [leftFoot; rightFoot];
+ % - Config = a structure containing the robot-related configuration
+ % parameters;
+ %
+ % OUTPUT: - f_star = the final solution to the QP problem that will be used in
+ % the controller.
+ %
+ % Authors: Daniele Pucci, Marie Charbonneau, Gabriele Nava
+ %
+ % all authors are with the Italian Istitute of Technology (IIT)
+ % email: name.surname@iit.it
+ %
+ % Genoa, Dec 2017
+ %
+ %% --- Initialization ---
+ f_star = primalSolution;
+ else
+ f_star = analyticalSolution;
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/stateMachineMomentumControl.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/stateMachineMomentumControl.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e3078df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/src/stateMachineMomentumControl.m
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+function [w_H_b, pos_CoM_des, jointPos_des, feetContactStatus, KP_postural_diag, KP_CoM_diag, KD_CoM_diag, state, smoothingTimeJoints, smoothingTimeCoM] = ...
+ stateMachineMomentumControl(pos_CoM_0, jointPos_0, pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole, pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole, jointPos, ...
+ time, wrench_rightFoot, wrench_leftFoot, l_sole_H_b, r_sole_H_b, StateMachine, Gain, Config)
+ % STATEMACHINEMOMENTUMCONTROL generates the references for performing
+ % two demos:
+ %
+ % YOGA: (highly dynamic movements) on one
+ % foot and two feet;
+ %
+ % COORDINATOR: balancing on two feet while
+ % performing left-right oscillations.
+ %% --- Initialization ---
+ persistent currentState;
+ persistent t_switch;
+ persistent w_H_fixedLink;
+ persistent yogaMovesetCounter;
+ if isempty(currentState)
+ currentState = StateMachine.initialState;
+ end
+ if isempty(t_switch)
+ t_switch = 0;
+ end
+ if isempty(w_H_fixedLink)
+ w_H_fixedLink = eye(4);
+ end
+ if isempty(yogaMovesetCounter)
+ yogaMovesetCounter = 1;
+ end
+ % initialize outputs
+ pos_CoM_des = pos_CoM_0;
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 1];
+ jointPos_des = jointPos_0;
+ w_H_b = eye(4);
+ if currentState == 1
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * l_sole_H_b;
+ % if the demo is COORDINATOR, keep balancing or start to perform
+ % left-right movements with the CoM
+ if time > Config.noOscillationTime
+ Amplitude = Config.amplitudeOfOscillation;
+ else
+ Amplitude = 0;
+ end
+ frequency = Config.frequencyOfOscillation;
+ pos_CoM_des = pos_CoM_0 + Amplitude*sin(2*pi*frequency*time)*Config.directionOfOscillation;
+ end
+ else
+ % after tBalancing time start moving the weight to the left
+ if time > StateMachine.tBalancing
+ currentState = 2;
+ if StateMachine.demoStartsOnRightSupport
+ w_H_fixedLink = w_H_fixedLink*l_sole_H_b/r_sole_H_b;
+ currentState = 8;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 2
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * l_sole_H_b;
+ % Set the center of mass projection onto the x-y plane to be
+ % coincident to the origin of the left foot (l_sole) plus a
+ % configurable delta
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ fixed_link_CoMDes = w_H_fixedLink\[pos_CoM_des; 1];
+ pos_CoM_error = fixed_link_CoMDes(1:3) - pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole(1:3);
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ if norm(pos_CoM_error(2)) < StateMachine.CoM_threshold && wrench_rightFoot(3) < StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOff
+ currentState = 3;
+ t_switch = time;
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 3
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * l_sole_H_b;
+ % Set the center of mass projection onto the x-y plane to be
+ % coincident to the origin of the left foot (l_sole) plus a
+ % configurable delta
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ % right foot is no longer in contact
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 0];
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ if time > (t_switch + StateMachine.tBalancingBeforeYoga)
+ currentState = 4;
+ t_switch = time;
+ if StateMachine.skipYoga
+ currentState = 5;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 4
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * l_sole_H_b;
+ % Set the center of mass projection onto the x-y plane to be
+ % coincident to the origin of the left foot (l_sole) plus a
+ % configurable delta
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 0];
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ % iterate over the yoga positions
+ for i = 1: size(StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef,1)-1
+ % positions for the yoga movements
+ if time > (StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(i,1) + t_switch) && time <= (StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(i+1,1)+ t_switch)
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(i,2:end)';
+ end
+ end
+ if time > (StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(end,1) + t_switch)
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(end,2:end)';
+ % if StateMachine.yogaCounter > 1, yoga in the loop. Repeat the Yoga movements N times
+ if time > (StateMachine.joints_leftYogaRef(end,1) + t_switch + StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(currentState) + StateMachine.joints_pauseBetweenYogaMoves)
+ t_switch = time;
+ yogaMovesetCounter = yogaMovesetCounter +1;
+ % if the robot repeated the Yoga moveset for the number of
+ % times required by the user, then exit the loop
+ if yogaMovesetCounter > StateMachine.yogaCounter || ~StateMachine.oneFootYogaInLoop
+ currentState = 5;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 5
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * l_sole_H_b;
+ % Set the center of mass projection onto the x-y plane to be
+ % coincident to the origin of the left foot (l_sole) plus a
+ % configurable delta
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 0];
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ jointPos_errorRLeg = jointPos(end-5:end) - jointPos_des(end-5:end);
+ jointPos_errorLLeg = jointPos(end-11:end-6) - jointPos_des(end-11:end-6);
+ if norm(jointPos_errorRLeg)*180/pi < StateMachine.joints_thresholdNotInContact && norm(jointPos_errorLLeg)*180/pi < StateMachine.joints_thresholdInContact
+ currentState = 6;
+ t_switch = time;
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 6
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * l_sole_H_b;
+ % Set the center of mass projection onto the x-y plane to be
+ % coincident to the origin of the left foot (l_sole) plus a
+ % configurable delta
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 0];
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ if wrench_rightFoot(3) > StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOn
+ currentState = 7;
+ t_switch = time;
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 7
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * l_sole_H_b;
+ pos_CoM_des = pos_CoM_0 + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ % right foot is in contact
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 1];
+ if norm(pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole(1:2) -pos_CoM_des(1:2)) < 10*StateMachine.CoM_threshold && StateMachine.yogaAlsoOnRightFoot && time > t_switch + StateMachine.tBalancing
+ w_H_fixedLink = w_H_fixedLink*l_sole_H_b/r_sole_H_b;
+ currentState = 8;
+ t_switch = time;
+ end
+ end
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%
+ if currentState == 8
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * r_sole_H_b;
+ % Set the center of mass projection onto the x-y plane to be
+ % coincident to the origin of the right foot (r_sole) plus a
+ % configurable delta
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 1];
+ fixed_link_CoMDes = w_H_fixedLink\[pos_CoM_des;1];
+ pos_CoM_error = fixed_link_CoMDes(1:3) - pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole(1:3);
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ if norm(pos_CoM_error(2)) < StateMachine.CoM_threshold && wrench_leftFoot(3) < StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOff
+ currentState = 9;
+ t_switch = time;
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 9
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * r_sole_H_b;
+ % left foot is no longer in contact
+ feetContactStatus = [0; 1];
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ if time > (t_switch + StateMachine.tBalancingBeforeYoga)
+ currentState = 10;
+ t_switch = time;
+ if StateMachine.skipYoga
+ currentState = 11;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 10
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink*r_sole_H_b;
+ feetContactStatus = [0; 1];
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ % iterate over the yoga positions
+ for i = 1: size(StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef,1)-1
+ % positions for the yoga movements
+ if time > (StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,1) + t_switch) && time <= (StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i+1,1)+ t_switch)
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(i,2:end)';
+ end
+ end
+ if time > (StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(end,1) + t_switch)
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(end,2:end)';
+ % if StateMachine.yogaCounter > 1, yoga in the loop. Repeat the Yoga movements N times
+ if time > (StateMachine.joints_rightYogaRef(end,1) + t_switch + StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(currentState) + StateMachine.joints_pauseBetweenYogaMoves)
+ t_switch = time;
+ yogaMovesetCounter = yogaMovesetCounter +1;
+ % if the robot repeated the Yoga moveset for the number of
+ % times required by the user, then exit the loop
+ if yogaMovesetCounter > StateMachine.yogaCounter || ~StateMachine.oneFootYogaInLoop
+ currentState = 11;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 11
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * r_sole_H_b;
+ feetContactStatus = [0; 1];
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ jointPos_errorRLeg = jointPos(end-5:end) -jointPos_des(end-5:end);
+ jointPos_errorLLeg = jointPos(end-11:end-6) -jointPos_des(end-11:end-6);
+ if norm(jointPos_errorRLeg)*180/pi < StateMachine.joints_thresholdInContact && norm(jointPos_errorLLeg)*180/pi < StateMachine.joints_thresholdNotInContact
+ currentState = 12;
+ t_switch = time;
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 12
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * r_sole_H_b;
+ feetContactStatus = [0; 1];
+ pos_CoM_des = [w_H_fixedLink(1:2,4); pos_CoM_0(3)] + StateMachine.CoM_delta(currentState,:)';
+ jointPos_des = StateMachine.joints_references(currentState,:)';
+ if wrench_leftFoot(3) > StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOn
+ currentState = 13;
+ t_switch = time;
+ end
+ end
+ if currentState == 13
+ w_H_b = w_H_fixedLink * r_sole_H_b;
+ % left foot is in contact
+ feetContactStatus = [1; 1];
+ if (time -t_switch) > StateMachine.tBalancing
+ if StateMachine.twoFeetYogaInLoop
+ currentState = 2;
+ w_H_fixedLink = w_H_fixedLink*r_sole_H_b/l_sole_H_b;
+ if StateMachine.demoStartsOnRightSupport
+ currentState = 8;
+ w_H_fixedLink = w_H_fixedLink*l_sole_H_b/r_sole_H_b;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ % Update joints and CoM smoothing time
+ if currentState == 4 || currentState == 10
+ % during the yoga, reduce the time necessary for the joints
+ % reference to converge to the next position
+ smoothingTimeJoints = StateMachine.scaleFactorSmoothingTime*StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(currentState);
+ else
+ smoothingTimeJoints = StateMachine.jointsSmoothingTime(currentState);
+ end
+ smoothingTimeCoM = StateMachine.CoMSmoothingTime(currentState);
+ % update gain matrices
+ KP_postural_diag = Gain.KP_postural(currentState,:);
+ KP_CoM_diag = Gain.KP_CoM(currentState,:);
+ KD_CoM_diag = Gain.KD_CoM(currentState,:);
+ % update current state
+ state = currentState;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/startModelWithStaticGui.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/startModelWithStaticGui.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89496c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/startModelWithStaticGui.m
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+clear variables
+% add the path to the static gui and to some utility functions
+disp('[startModel]: loading the model...')
+% open the model
+% add message to tell the user that the model has been opened correctly
+disp('[startModel]: model loaded correctly')
+disp('[startModel]: the "Start Model" button is enabled only after compiling the model.')
+% add warning to warn the user NOT to close the GUI
+warning('DO NOT CLOSE the GUI. The model won''t be closed! Use "Exit Model" button instead.')
+% check if the GUI is correctly opened
+if ~exist('sl_synch_handles', 'var')
+ error('The GUI did not load correctly, or it is already opened. Close the GUI, run "closeModel.m" or restart Matlab')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/stopTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu.m b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/stopTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17d8c535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/stopTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu.m
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% In the Simulink model, this script is run every time the user presses
+% the 'terminate' button.
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Create a folder for collecting data
+ if (~exist(['experiments',date],'dir'))
+ mkdir(['experiments',date]);
+ end
+ matFileList = dir(['./experiments',date,'/*.mat']);
+ c = clock;
+ save(['./experiments',date,'/exp_',num2str(c(4)),'-',num2str(c(5)),'.mat'])
+% Compare the Yarp time with the Simulink time to catch if the required
+% integration time step is respected during the simulation
+if Config.CHECK_INTEGRATION_TIME && exist('yarp_time','var')
+ sim_time = yarp_time.time;
+ % normalize the yarp time over the first value (at t_sim = 0)
+ yarp_time0 = yarp_time.signals.values - yarp_time.signals.values(1);
+ % fast check of yarp time vs. Simulink time
+ figure
+ hold on
+ plot(yarp_time0,0:length(yarp_time0)-1,'o')
+ plot(sim_time,0:length(sim_time)-1,'o-')
+ xlabel('Time [s]')
+ ylabel('Iterations')
+ grid on
+ legend('Yarp Time','Simulink Time')
+ title('Yarp time vs. Simulink time')
+ end
+ % number of times the real time step was bigger than twice the
+ % desired time step value
+ numOfTimeStepViolations = sum(diff(yarp_time0) > 2*Config.tStep);
+ if numOfTimeStepViolations > 1 && numOfTimeStepViolations <= 50
+ warning(['The time step tolerance of ', num2str(Config.tStep), '[s] has been violated at least once.'])
+ elseif numOfTimeStepViolations > 50
+ warning(['The time step tolerance of ', num2str(Config.tStep), '[s] has been violated more than 50 times.'])
+ end
+% If a joint hits the limits or an encoder spike is detected, print a
+% warning message displaying the name of the joint
+if Config.EMERGENCY_STOP_WITH_ENCODER_SPIKES && exist('res_check_spikes','var')
+ if ~isempty(res_check_spikes.signals.values)
+ checkEachJoint = res_check_spikes.signals.values(end,:);
+ for k = 1:length(checkEachJoint)
+ if checkEachJoint(k)
+ warning(['A spike occurred on joint ', WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints{k}])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if Config.EMERGENCY_STOP_WITH_JOINTS_LIMITS && exist('res_check_range','var')
+ if ~isempty(res_check_range.signals.values)
+ checkEachJoint = res_check_range.signals.values(end,:);
+ for k = 1:length(checkEachJoint)
+ if checkEachJoint(k)
+ warning(['Joint ', WBTConfigRobot.ControlledJoints{k}, ' exited the range'])
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/torqueControlBalancingWithSimu.mdl b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/torqueControlBalancingWithSimu.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b451127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/floating-base-balancing-torque-control-with-simulator/torqueControlBalancingWithSimu.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,24968 @@
+Model {
+ Name "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu"
+ Version 10.2
+ SavedCharacterEncoding "UTF-8"
+ ModelUUID "79a42ce4-6d16-4906-af88-8f5d6a197ba1"
+ GraphicalInterface {
+ NumRootInports 0
+ NumRootOutports 0
+ ParameterArgumentNames ""
+ ComputedModelVersion "3.123"
+ NumModelReferences 0
+ NumTestPointedSignals 0
+ NumProvidedFunctions 0
+ NumRequiredFunctions 0
+ NumResetEvents 0
+ HasInitializeEvent 0
+ HasTerminateEvent 0
+ PreCompExecutionDomainType "Unset"
+ IsExportFunctionModel 0
+ IsArchitectureModel 0
+ IsAUTOSARArchitectureModel 0
+ NumParameterArguments 0
+ NumExternalFileReferences 46
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/Configuration"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/Configuration"
+ SID "4537"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MatchSignalSizes"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desire"
+ "d Torques/QPSolver/QP One Foot/MatchSignalSizes"
+ SID "4691"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/QP"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desire"
+ "d Torques/QPSolver/QP One Foot/QP One Foot"
+ SID "4693"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MatchSignalSizes"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desire"
+ "d Torques/QPSolver/QP Two Feet/MatchSignalSizes"
+ SID "4679"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/QP"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desire"
+ "d Torques/QPSolver/QP Two Feet/QP Two Feet"
+ SID "4681"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/CentroidalMomentum"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angula"
+ "r momentum integral error/CentroidalMomentum"
+ SID "3718"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angula"
+ "r momentum integral error/Compute base to fixed link transform/l_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ SID "4450"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angula"
+ "r momentum integral error/Compute base to fixed link transform/r_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ SID "4475"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angula"
+ "r momentum integral error/Jacobian"
+ SID "3719"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angula"
+ "r momentum integral error/Jacobian1"
+ SID "3720"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/CentroidalMomentum"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Dynamics/Centr"
+ "oidalMomentum"
+ SID "2345"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/GetBiasForces"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Dynamics/GetBi"
+ "asForces"
+ SID "2348"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/MassMatrix"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Dynamics/MassM"
+ "atrix"
+ SID "2349"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/CoM"
+ SID "4363"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/DotJNu"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/Dot"
+ "JNu l_sole"
+ SID "2375"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/DotJNu"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/Dot"
+ "JNu r_sole"
+ SID "2376"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/Jac"
+ "obian com"
+ SID "2378"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/Jac"
+ "obian l_sole"
+ SID "2379"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/Jac"
+ "obian r_sole"
+ SID "2380"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/l_s"
+ "ole"
+ SID "2405"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Kinematics/r_s"
+ "ole"
+ SID "2406"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Joint Torque Saturation/holder 7"
+ SID "4996"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute Sta"
+ "te Velocity/Feet Jacobians/Jacobian l_sole"
+ SID "4219"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute Sta"
+ "te Velocity/Feet Jacobians/Jacobian r_sole"
+ SID "4220"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/LFoot to base link transform /Fixe d base to root link transform"
+ SID "4251"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/LFoot to base link transform /Fixed base to imu transform"
+ SID "4250"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/LFoot to base link transform /holder 1"
+ SID "4982"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/LFoot to base link transform /holder 2"
+ SID "4983"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/RFoot to base link transform/Fixed base to imu transform"
+ SID "4855"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/RFoot to base link transform/Fixed base to root link transform"
+ SID "4856"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/RFoot to base link transform/holder 3"
+ SID "4984"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/RFoot to base link transform/holder 4"
+ SID "4985"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/Relative transform l_sole_H_base"
+ SID "4269"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute bas"
+ "e to fixed link transform/Relative transform r_sole_H_base"
+ SID "4306"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/State Machi"
+ "ne/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ SID "2176"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/State Machi"
+ "ne/holder 5"
+ SID "4993"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/State Machi"
+ "ne/holder 6"
+ SID "4994"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/State Machi"
+ "ne/xCom/CoM"
+ SID "4229"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/State Machi"
+ "ne/xCom2/CoM"
+ SID "4735"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gain"
+ "s and References/Smooth reference CoM/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator2"
+ SID "2153"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gain"
+ "s and References/Smooth reference joint position/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator1"
+ SID "2152"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/States/GetLimits"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/emergency stop: joint limits/STOP IF J"
+ SID "4921"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "mwbs_visualizers_lib/RobotVisualizer"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/Robot Visualizer/RobotVisualizer"
+ SID "4939"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/Configuration"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/Subsystem/Configuration"
+ SID "4962"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "mwbs_robotSensors_lib/IMUsensor"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/Subsystem/IMUsensor"
+ SID "4938"
+ }
+ ExternalFileReference {
+ Reference "mwbs_robotDynamicsWithContacts_lib/RobotDynWithContacts"
+ Path "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu/Subsystem/RobotDynWithContacts"
+ SID "4937"
+ }
+ OrderedModelArguments 1
+ }
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+ PostLoadFcn "%% Try to open the static GUI and try to adjust it \ntry\n\n staticGUI = simulinkStaticGUI;\n\nend"
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+ CloseFcn "%% Try to close the GUI (the user might have already closed it)\ntry\n\n close(simulinkStaticGUI)\n\nend"
+ InitFcn "%% initialize the simulation\ncd(fileparts(which(bdroot)));\ninitTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu;\n\n%% T"
+ "ry to edit the GUI (the user may have already closed it)\ntry\n\n %% Update Start Button\n set(sl_synch_handle"
+ "s.startButton,'Backgroundcolor',[0.0,1.0,0.0]);\n set(sl_synch_handles.startButton,'Enable','on');\n\nend"
+ StartFcn "%% Try to edit the GUI (the user may have already closed it)\ntry\n\n %% Update Start Button\n se"
+ "t(sl_synch_handles.startButton,'Backgroundcolor',[0.8,0.8,0.8]);\n set(sl_synch_handles.startButton,'Enable','off"
+ "');\n\n %% Update Compile Button\n set(sl_synch_handles.compileButton,'Backgroundcolor',[0.8,0.8,0.8]);\n s"
+ "et(sl_synch_handles.compileButton,'Enable','off');\n\n %% Update Exit Button\n set(sl_synch_handles.exitButton"
+ ",'Backgroundcolor',[0.8,0.8,0.8]);\n set(sl_synch_handles.exitButton,'Enable','off');\n\nend\n\n"
+ StopFcn "%% stop the simulation\ncd(fileparts(which(bdroot)));\nstopTorqueControlBalancingWithSimu;\n\n%% Try to "
+ "edit the GUI (the user may have already closed it)\ntry\n\n %% Update Start Button\n if get(sl_synch_handles.c"
+ "heckbox_recompile, 'Value') \n set(sl_synch_handles.startButton,'Backgroundcolor',[0.0,1.0,0.0]);\n s"
+ "et(sl_synch_handles.startButton,'Enable','on');\n end\n\n %% Update Compile Button\n set(sl_synch_handles.c"
+ "ompileButton,'Backgroundcolor',[1.0,0.6,0.0]);\n set(sl_synch_handles.compileButton,'Enable','on');\n\n %% Upd"
+ "ate Exit Button\n set(sl_synch_handles.exitButton,'Backgroundcolor',[0.0,1.0,1.0]);\n set(sl_synch_handles.exi"
+ "tButton,'Enable','on');\n\nend\n\n\n"
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+ LastModifiedDate "Fri May 07 17:27:52 2021"
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+ AutoScaleAbsTol on
+ FixedStep "Config.tStepSim"
+ InitialStep "auto"
+ MaxOrder 5
+ ZcThreshold "auto"
+ ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
+ MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000"
+ ExtrapolationOrder 4
+ NumberNewtonIterations 1
+ MaxStep "auto"
+ MinStep "auto"
+ MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1"
+ RelTol "1e-3"
+ EnableMultiTasking off
+ ConcurrentTasks off
+ SolverName "FixedStepDiscrete"
+ SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto"
+ ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll"
+ ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings"
+ ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive"
+ AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion"
+ SolverInfoToggleStatus on
+ IsAutoAppliedInSIP off
+ SolverResetMethod "Fast"
+ PositivePriorityOrder off
+ AutoInsertRateTranBlk off
+ SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained"
+ InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible"
+ SampleTimeProperty []
+ DecoupledContinuousIntegration off
+ MinimalZcImpactIntegration off
+ ODENIntegrationMethod "ode3"
+ }
+ Simulink.DataIOCC {
+ $ObjectID 95
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ DisabledProps []
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ Decimation "1"
+ ExternalInput "[t, u]"
+ FinalStateName "xFinal"
+ InitialState "xInitial"
+ LimitDataPoints on
+ MaxDataPoints "1000"
+ LoadExternalInput off
+ LoadInitialState off
+ SaveFinalState off
+ SaveOperatingPoint off
+ SaveFormat "Array"
+ SignalLoggingSaveFormat "Dataset"
+ SaveOutput on
+ SaveState off
+ SignalLogging on
+ DSMLogging on
+ InspectSignalLogs off
+ VisualizeSimOutput on
+ StreamToWorkspace off
+ StreamVariableName "streamout"
+ SaveTime on
+ ReturnWorkspaceOutputs off
+ StateSaveName "xout"
+ TimeSaveName "tout"
+ OutputSaveName "yout"
+ SignalLoggingName "logsout"
+ DSMLoggingName "dsmout"
+ OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"
+ OutputTimes "[]"
+ ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out"
+ Refine "1"
+ LoggingToFile off
+ DatasetSignalFormat "timeseries"
+ LoggingFileName "out.mat"
+ LoggingIntervals "[-inf, inf]"
+ }
+ Simulink.OptimizationCC {
+ $ObjectID 96
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ Array {
+ Type "Cell"
+ Dimension 9
+ Cell "BooleansAsBitfields"
+ Cell "PassReuseOutputArgsAs"
+ Cell "PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold"
+ Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
+ Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
+ Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
+ Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
+ Cell "UseSpecifiedMinMax"
+ Cell "EfficientTunableParamExpr"
+ PropName "DisabledProps"
+ }
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ BlockReduction on
+ BooleanDataType on
+ ConditionallyExecuteInputs on
+ DefaultParameterBehavior "Tunable"
+ UseDivisionForNetSlopeComputation "off"
+ GainParamInheritBuiltInType off
+ UseFloatMulNetSlope off
+ DefaultUnderspecifiedDataType "double"
+ UseSpecifiedMinMax off
+ InlineInvariantSignals off
+ OptimizeBlockIOStorage on
+ BufferReuse on
+ EnhancedBackFolding off
+ CachingGlobalReferences off
+ GlobalBufferReuse on
+ StrengthReduction off
+ AdvancedOptControl ""
+ ExpressionFolding on
+ BooleansAsBitfields off
+ BitfieldContainerType "uint_T"
+ BitwiseOrLogicalOp "Same as modeled"
+ EnableMemcpy on
+ MemcpyThreshold 64
+ PassReuseOutputArgsAs "Structure reference"
+ PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold 12
+ ExpressionDepthLimit 2147483647
+ LocalBlockOutputs on
+ RollThreshold 5
+ StateBitsets off
+ DataBitsets off
+ ActiveStateOutputEnumStorageType "Native Integer"
+ ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup off
+ ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup off
+ InitFltsAndDblsToZero off
+ NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
+ EfficientFloat2IntCast off
+ EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on
+ LifeSpan "inf"
+ MaxStackSize "Inherit from target"
+ BufferReusableBoundary on
+ SimCompilerOptimization "off"
+ AccelVerboseBuild off
+ OptimizeBlockOrder "off"
+ OptimizeDataStoreBuffers on
+ BusAssignmentInplaceUpdate on
+ DifferentSizesBufferReuse off
+ UseRowMajorAlgorithm off
+ OptimizationLevel "level2"
+ OptimizationPriority "Balanced"
+ OptimizationCustomize on
+ LabelGuidedReuse off
+ MultiThreadedLoops off
+ DenormalBehavior "GradualUnderflow"
+ EfficientTunableParamExpr off
+ }
+ Simulink.DebuggingCC {
+ $ObjectID 97
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ Array {
+ Type "Cell"
+ Dimension 1
+ Cell "UseOnlyExistingSharedCode"
+ PropName "DisabledProps"
+ }
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ RTPrefix "error"
+ ConsistencyChecking "none"
+ ArrayBoundsChecking "none"
+ SignalInfNanChecking "none"
+ StringTruncationChecking "error"
+ SignalRangeChecking "none"
+ ReadBeforeWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
+ WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
+ WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings"
+ AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
+ ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
+ SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
+ SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "warning"
+ CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
+ UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic"
+ MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none"
+ CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
+ CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
+ SignalResolutionControl "UseLocalSettings"
+ BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
+ MinStepSizeMsg "warning"
+ TimeAdjustmentMsg "none"
+ MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg "error"
+ MaskedZcDiagnostic "warning"
+ IgnoredZcDiagnostic "warning"
+ SolverPrmCheckMsg "warning"
+ InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning"
+ MultiTaskDSMMsg "error"
+ MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error"
+ MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error"
+ SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"
+ TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
+ ExportedTasksRateTransMsg "none"
+ SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
+ CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
+ IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"
+ Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"
+ ParameterDowncastMsg "error"
+ ParameterOverflowMsg "error"
+ ParameterUnderflowMsg "none"
+ ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
+ ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
+ FixptConstUnderflowMsg "none"
+ FixptConstOverflowMsg "none"
+ FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none"
+ UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"
+ UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
+ VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
+ FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "warning"
+ SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"
+ UnconnectedInputMsg "warning"
+ UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning"
+ UnconnectedLineMsg "warning"
+ UseOnlyExistingSharedCode "error"
+ SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none"
+ FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "error"
+ UniqueDataStoreMsg "none"
+ BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning"
+ RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
+ AssertControl "UseLocalSettings"
+ AllowSymbolicDim off
+ RowMajorDimensionSupport off
+ ModelReferenceIOMsg "none"
+ ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error"
+ ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"
+ ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
+ UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning"
+ ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"
+ ModelReferenceNoExplicitFinalValueMsg "none"
+ ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
+ ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
+ StateNameClashWarn "warning"
+ OperatingPointInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning"
+ NonCurrentReleaseOperatingPointMsg "error"
+ ChecksumConsistencyForSSReuse "none"
+ PregeneratedLibrarySubsystemCodeDiagnostic "warning"
+ MatchCodeGenerationContextForUpdateDiagram "none"
+ InitInArrayFormatMsg "warning"
+ StrictBusMsg "ErrorLevel1"
+ BusNameAdapt "WarnAndRepair"
+ NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none"
+ SymbolicDimMinMaxWarning "warning"
+ LossOfSymbolicDimsSimulationWarning "warning"
+ LossOfSymbolicDimsCodeGenerationWarning "error"
+ SymbolicDimsDataTypeCodeGenerationDiagnostic "error"
+ BlockIODiagnostic "none"
+ SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning"
+ SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning"
+ SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning"
+ SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning"
+ SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning"
+ SFUnreachableExecutionPathDiag "warning"
+ SFUndirectedBroadcastEventsDiag "warning"
+ SFTransitionActionBeforeConditionDiag "warning"
+ SFOutputUsedAsStateInMooreChartDiag "error"
+ SFTemporalDelaySmallerThanSampleTimeDiag "warning"
+ SFSelfTransitionDiag "warning"
+ SFExecutionAtInitializationDiag "none"
+ SFMachineParentedDataDiag "warning"
+ IntegerSaturationMsg "warning"
+ AllowedUnitSystems "all"
+ UnitsInconsistencyMsg "warning"
+ AllowAutomaticUnitConversions on
+ RCSCRenamedMsg "warning"
+ RCSCObservableMsg "warning"
+ ForceCombineOutputUpdateInSim off
+ UnitDatabase ""
+ UnderSpecifiedDimensionMsg "none"
+ DebugExecutionForFMUViaOutOfProcess off
+ ArithmeticOperatorsInVariantConditions "warning"
+ VariantConditionMismatch "none"
+ }
+ Simulink.HardwareCC {
+ $ObjectID 98
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ DisabledProps []
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ ProdBitPerChar 8
+ ProdBitPerShort 16
+ ProdBitPerInt 32
+ ProdBitPerLong 32
+ ProdBitPerLongLong 64
+ ProdBitPerFloat 32
+ ProdBitPerDouble 64
+ ProdBitPerPointer 32
+ ProdBitPerSizeT 32
+ ProdBitPerPtrDiffT 32
+ ProdLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
+ ProdLargestAtomicFloat "None"
+ ProdIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
+ ProdEndianess "Unspecified"
+ ProdWordSize 32
+ ProdShiftRightIntArith on
+ ProdLongLongMode off
+ ProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic"
+ TargetBitPerChar 8
+ TargetBitPerShort 16
+ TargetBitPerInt 32
+ TargetBitPerLong 32
+ TargetBitPerLongLong 64
+ TargetBitPerFloat 32
+ TargetBitPerDouble 64
+ TargetBitPerPointer 32
+ TargetBitPerSizeT 32
+ TargetBitPerPtrDiffT 32
+ TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
+ TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None"
+ TargetShiftRightIntArith on
+ TargetLongLongMode off
+ TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
+ TargetEndianess "Unspecified"
+ TargetWordSize 32
+ TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
+ TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
+ TargetHWDeviceType "Specified"
+ TargetUnknown off
+ ProdEqTarget on
+ UseEmbeddedCoderFeatures on
+ UseSimulinkCoderFeatures on
+ HardwareBoardFeatureSet "EmbeddedCoderHSP"
+ }
+ Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
+ $ObjectID 99
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ DisabledProps []
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
+ EnableRefExpFcnMdlSchedulingChecks on
+ CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
+ EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
+ ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
+ ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None"
+ ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
+ PropagateVarSize "Infer from blocks in model"
+ ModelDependencies ""
+ ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
+ ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
+ PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off
+ SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
+ }
+ Simulink.SFSimCC {
+ $ObjectID 100
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ DisabledProps []
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ SimCustomSourceCode ""
+ SimCustomHeaderCode ""
+ SimCustomInitializer ""
+ SimCustomTerminator ""
+ SimReservedNameArray []
+ SimUserSources ""
+ SimUserIncludeDirs ""
+ SimUserLibraries ""
+ SimUserDefines ""
+ SimCustomCompilerFlags ""
+ SimCustomLinkerFlags ""
+ SFSimEcho on
+ SimCtrlC on
+ SimIntegrity on
+ SimUseLocalCustomCode off
+ SimParseCustomCode off
+ SimAnalyzeCustomCode off
+ SimGenImportedTypeDefs off
+ ModelFunctionsGlobalVisibility "on"
+ CompileTimeRecursionLimit 50
+ EnableRuntimeRecursion on
+ MATLABDynamicMemAlloc on
+ MATLABDynamicMemAllocThreshold 65536
+ CustomCodeFunctionArrayLayout []
+ DefaultCustomCodeFunctionArrayLayout "NotSpecified"
+ CustomCodeUndefinedFunction "UseInterfaceOnly"
+ CustomCodeGlobalsAsFunctionIO off
+ SimTargetLang "C++"
+ GPUAcceleration off
+ SimGPUMallocThreshold 200
+ SimGPUStackLimitPerThread 1024
+ SimGPUErrorChecks off
+ SimGPUCustomComputeCapability ""
+ SimGPUCompilerFlags ""
+ SimDLTargetLibrary "mkl-dnn"
+ SimDLAutoTuning on
+ }
+ Simulink.RTWCC {
+ $BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC"
+ $ObjectID 101
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ Array {
+ Type "Cell"
+ Dimension 16
+ Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"
+ Cell "GenerateTraceInfo"
+ Cell "GenerateTraceReport"
+ Cell "GenerateTraceReportSl"
+ Cell "GenerateTraceReportSf"
+ Cell "GenerateTraceReportEml"
+ Cell "PortableWordSizes"
+ Cell "GenerateWebview"
+ Cell "GenerateCodeMetricsReport"
+ Cell "GenerateCodeReplacementReport"
+ Cell "GenerateErtSFunction"
+ Cell "CreateSILPILBlock"
+ Cell "CodeExecutionProfiling"
+ Cell "CodeProfilingSaveOptions"
+ Cell "CodeProfilingInstrumentation"
+ Cell "GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport"
+ PropName "DisabledProps"
+ }
+ Description ""
+ SystemTargetFile "grt.tlc"
+ HardwareBoard "None"
+ ShowCustomHardwareApp off
+ ShowEmbeddedHardwareApp off
+ TLCOptions ""
+ GenCodeOnly on
+ MakeCommand "make_rtw"
+ GenerateMakefile on
+ PackageGeneratedCodeAndArtifacts off
+ PackageName ""
+ TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf"
+ PostCodeGenCommand ""
+ GenerateReport off
+ RTWVerbose on
+ RetainRTWFile off
+ RTWBuildHooks []
+ ProfileTLC off
+ TLCDebug off
+ TLCCoverage off
+ TLCAssert off
+ RTWUseLocalCustomCode off
+ RTWUseSimCustomCode off
+ CustomSourceCode ""
+ CustomHeaderCode ""
+ CustomInclude ""
+ CustomSource ""
+ CustomLibrary ""
+ CustomDefine ""
+ CustomBLASCallback ""
+ CustomLAPACKCallback ""
+ CustomFFTCallback ""
+ CustomInitializer ""
+ CustomTerminator ""
+ Toolchain "Automatically locate an installed toolchain"
+ BuildConfiguration "Faster Builds"
+ CustomToolchainOptions []
+ IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
+ LaunchReport off
+ PortableWordSizes off
+ CreateSILPILBlock "None"
+ CodeExecutionProfiling off
+ CodeExecutionProfileVariable "executionProfile"
+ CodeProfilingSaveOptions "SummaryOnly"
+ CodeProfilingInstrumentation "off"
+ SILDebugging off
+ TargetLang "C++"
+ GenerateGPUCode "None"
+ IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap off
+ GenerateTraceInfo off
+ GenerateTraceReport off
+ GenerateTraceReportSl off
+ GenerateTraceReportSf off
+ GenerateTraceReportEml off
+ GenerateWebview off
+ GenerateCodeMetricsReport off
+ GenerateCodeReplacementReport off
+ GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport off
+ RTWCompilerOptimization "off"
+ ObjectivePriorities []
+ RTWCustomCompilerOptimizations ""
+ CheckMdlBeforeBuild "Off"
+ SharedConstantsCachingThreshold 1024
+ GPUKernelNamePrefix ""
+ GPUDeviceID -1
+ GPUMallocMode "discrete"
+ GPUMallocThreshold 200
+ GPUStackLimitPerThread 1024
+ GPUcuBLAS on
+ GPUcuFFT on
+ GPUErrorChecks off
+ GPUComputeCapability "3.5"
+ GPUCustomComputeCapability ""
+ GPUCompilerFlags ""
+ DLTargetLibrary "none"
+ DLAutoTuning on
+ DLArmComputeVersion "19.05"
+ DLArmComputeArch "unspecified"
+ Array {
+ Type "Handle"
+ Dimension 2
+ Simulink.CodeAppCC {
+ $ObjectID 102
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ Array {
+ Type "Cell"
+ Dimension 28
+ Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
+ Cell "IgnoreTestpoints"
+ Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
+ Cell "InsertPolySpaceComments"
+ Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
+ Cell "MATLABFcnDesc"
+ Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
+ Cell "DefineNamingRule"
+ Cell "SignalNamingRule"
+ Cell "ParamNamingRule"
+ Cell "InternalIdentifier"
+ Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrType"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrField"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcnArg"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro"
+ Cell "ReqsInCode"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrModelFcn"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrUtil"
+ Cell "CustomUserTokenString"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrEmxType"
+ Cell "CustomSymbolStrEmxFcn"
+ Cell "BlockCommentType"
+ PropName "DisabledProps"
+ }
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ Comment ""
+ ForceParamTrailComments off
+ GenerateComments on
+ CommentStyle "Auto"
+ IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on
+ IgnoreTestpoints off
+ MaxIdLength 31
+ PreserveName off
+ PreserveNameWithParent off
+ ShowEliminatedStatement off
+ OperatorAnnotations off
+ SimulinkDataObjDesc off
+ SFDataObjDesc off
+ MATLABFcnDesc off
+ MangleLength 1
+ SharedChecksumLength 8
+ CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
+ CustomSymbolStrType "$N$R$M_T"
+ CustomSymbolStrField "$N$M"
+ CustomSymbolStrFcn "$R$N$M$F"
+ CustomSymbolStrModelFcn "$R$N"
+ CustomSymbolStrFcnArg "rt$I$N$M"
+ CustomSymbolStrBlkIO "rtb_$N$M"
+ CustomSymbolStrTmpVar "$N$M"
+ CustomSymbolStrMacro "$R$N$M"
+ CustomSymbolStrUtil "$N$C"
+ CustomSymbolStrEmxType "emxArray_$M$N"
+ CustomSymbolStrEmxFcn "emx$M$N"
+ CustomUserTokenString ""
+ CustomCommentsFcn ""
+ DefineNamingRule "None"
+ DefineNamingFcn ""
+ ParamNamingRule "None"
+ ParamNamingFcn ""
+ SignalNamingRule "None"
+ SignalNamingFcn ""
+ InsertBlockDesc off
+ InsertPolySpaceComments off
+ SimulinkBlockComments on
+ BlockCommentType "BlockPathComment"
+ StateflowObjectComments on
+ MATLABSourceComments off
+ EnableCustomComments off
+ InternalIdentifierFile ""
+ InternalIdentifier "Shortened"
+ InlinedPrmAccess "Literals"
+ ReqsInCode off
+ UseSimReservedNames off
+ ReservedNameArray []
+ EnumMemberNameClash "error"
+ }
+ Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
+ $BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC"
+ $ObjectID 103
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ Array {
+ Type "Cell"
+ Dimension 18
+ Cell "GeneratePreprocessorConditionals"
+ Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
+ Cell "GenerateAllocFcn"
+ Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
+ Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
+ Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
+ Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces"
+ Cell "ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant"
+ Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
+ Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
+ Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
+ Cell "SupportComplex"
+ Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
+ Cell "CPPClassGenCompliant"
+ Cell "RemoveResetFunc"
+ Cell "ExistingSharedCode"
+ Cell "RemoveDisableFunc"
+ Cell "PreserveStateflowLocalDataDimensions"
+ PropName "DisabledProps"
+ }
+ Description ""
+ Array {
+ Type "Handle"
+ Dimension 1
+ Simulink.CPPComponent {
+ $ObjectID 104
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ Array {
+ Type "Cell"
+ Dimension 10
+ Cell "Description"
+ Cell "Components"
+ Cell "Name"
+ Cell "GenerateDestructor"
+ Cell "GenerateExternalIOAccessMethods"
+ Cell "ParameterMemberVisibility"
+ Cell "InternalMemberVisibility"
+ Cell "GenerateParameterAccessMethods"
+ Cell "GenerateInternalMemberAccessMethods"
+ Cell "UseOperatorNewForModelRefRegistration"
+ PropName "DisabledProps"
+ }
+ Description ""
+ Components []
+ Name "CPPClassGenComp"
+ GenerateDestructor on
+ ExternalIOMemberVisibility "private"
+ GenerateExternalIOAccessMethods "None"
+ ParameterMemberVisibility "private"
+ InternalMemberVisibility "private"
+ GenerateParameterAccessMethods "None"
+ GenerateInternalMemberAccessMethods "None"
+ UseOperatorNewForModelRefRegistration off
+ IncludeModelTypesInModelClass on
+ }
+ PropName "Components"
+ }
+ TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat"
+ TargetLibSuffix ""
+ TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
+ GenFloatMathFcnCalls "NOT IN USE"
+ TargetLangStandard "C++03 (ISO)"
+ CodeReplacementLibrary "None"
+ UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto"
+ MultiwordTypeDef "System defined"
+ MultiwordLength 2048
+ DynamicStringBufferSize 256
+ GenerateFullHeader on
+ InferredTypesCompatibility off
+ ExistingSharedCode ""
+ GenerateSampleERTMain off
+ GenerateTestInterfaces off
+ ModelReferenceCompliant on
+ ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on
+ CompOptLevelCompliant on
+ ConcurrentExecutionCompliant on
+ IncludeMdlTerminateFcn on
+ CombineOutputUpdateFcns on
+ CombineSignalStateStructs off
+ GroupInternalDataByFunction off
+ SuppressErrorStatus off
+ IncludeFileDelimiter "Auto"
+ ERTCustomFileBanners off
+ SupportAbsoluteTime on
+ LogVarNameModifier "rt_"
+ MatFileLogging off
+ CodeInterfacePackaging "C++ class"
+ PurelyIntegerCode off
+ SupportNonFinite off
+ SupportComplex on
+ SupportContinuousTime on
+ SupportNonInlinedSFcns on
+ RemoveDisableFunc off
+ RemoveResetFunc off
+ SupportVariableSizeSignals off
+ ParenthesesLevel "Nominal"
+ CastingMode "Nominal"
+ MATLABClassNameForMDSCustomization "Simulink.SoftwareTarget.GRTCustomization"
+ ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
+ CPPClassGenCompliant on
+ AutosarCompliant off
+ MDXCompliant off
+ GRTInterface off
+ GenerateAllocFcn off
+ UseToolchainInfoCompliant on
+ GenerateSharedConstants on
+ CoderGroups []
+ AccessMethods []
+ LookupTableObjectStructAxisOrder "1,2,3,4,..."
+ LUTObjectStructOrderExplicitValues "Size,Breakpoints,Table"
+ LUTObjectStructOrderEvenSpacing "Size,Breakpoints,Table"
+ ArrayLayout "Column-major"
+ UnsupportedSFcnMsg "error"
+ ERTHeaderFileRootName "$R$E"
+ ERTSourceFileRootName "$R$E"
+ ERTDataFileRootName "$R_data"
+ UseMalloc off
+ ExtMode off
+ ExtModeStaticAlloc off
+ ExtModeTesting off
+ ExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000
+ ExtModeTransport 0
+ ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
+ ExtModeMexArgs ""
+ ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1"
+ RTWCAPISignals off
+ RTWCAPIParams off
+ RTWCAPIStates off
+ GenerateASAP2 off
+ MultiInstanceErrorCode "Error"
+ }
+ PropName "Components"
+ }
+ }
+ SlCovCC.ConfigComp {
+ $ObjectID 105
+ Version "20.1.0"
+ DisabledProps []
+ Description "Simulink Coverage Configuration Component"
+ Components []
+ Name "Simulink Coverage"
+ CovEnable off
+ CovScope "EntireSystem"
+ CovIncludeTopModel on
+ RecordCoverage off
+ CovPath "/"
+ CovSaveName "covdata"
+ CovCompData ""
+ CovMetricSettings "dw"
+ CovFilter ""
+ CovHTMLOptions ""
+ CovNameIncrementing off
+ CovForceBlockReductionOff on
+ CovEnableCumulative on
+ CovSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on
+ CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on
+ CovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeData"
+ CovCumulativeReport off
+ CovSaveOutputData on
+ CovOutputDir "slcov_output/$ModelName$"
+ CovDataFileName "$ModelName$_cvdata"
+ CovReportOnPause on
+ CovModelRefEnable "off"
+ CovModelRefExcluded ""
+ CovExternalEMLEnable off
+ CovSFcnEnable on
+ CovBoundaryAbsTol 1e-05
+ CovBoundaryRelTol 0.01
+ CovUseTimeInterval off
+ CovStartTime 0
+ CovStopTime 0
+ CovMcdcMode "Masking"
+ }
+ PropName "Components"
+ }
+ Name "Configuration"
+ CurrentDlgPage "Data Import//Export"
+ ConfigPrmDlgPosition [ 200, 140, 1722, 1010 ]
+ ExtraOptions "-aBlockCommentType=\"BlockPathComment\" -aIgnoreTestpoints=0 "
+ }
+ PropName "ConfigurationSets"
+ }
+ Simulink.ConfigSet {
+ $PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet"
+ $ObjectID 93
+ }
+ Object {
+ $PropName "DataTransfer"
+ $ObjectID 106
+ $ClassName "Simulink.GlobalDataTransfer"
+ DefaultTransitionBetweenSyncTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (maximum delay)"
+ DefaultTransitionBetweenAsyncTasks "Ensure data integrity only"
+ DefaultTransitionBetweenContTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (minimum delay)"
+ DefaultExtrapolationMethodBetweenContTasks "None"
+ }
+ ExplicitPartitioning off
+ BlockDefaults {
+ ForegroundColor "black"
+ BackgroundColor "white"
+ DropShadow off
+ NameLocation "bottom"
+ FontName "Helvetica"
+ FontSize 10
+ FontWeight "normal"
+ FontAngle "normal"
+ ShowName on
+ HideAutomaticName on
+ BlockRotation 0
+ BlockMirror off
+ }
+ AnnotationDefaults {
+ HorizontalAlignment "center"
+ VerticalAlignment "middle"
+ ForegroundColor "black"
+ BackgroundColor "white"
+ DropShadow off
+ FontName "Helvetica"
+ FontSize 10
+ FontWeight "normal"
+ FontAngle "normal"
+ MarkupType "model"
+ UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off
+ AnnotationType "note_annotation"
+ FixedHeight off
+ FixedWidth off
+ Interpreter "off"
+ }
+ LineDefaults {
+ FontName "Helvetica"
+ FontSize 9
+ FontWeight "normal"
+ FontAngle "normal"
+ }
+ MaskDefaults {
+ SelfModifiable "off"
+ IconFrame "on"
+ IconOpaque "opaque"
+ RunInitForIconRedraw "analyze"
+ IconRotate "none"
+ PortRotate "default"
+ IconUnits "autoscale"
+ }
+ MaskParameterDefaults {
+ Evaluate "on"
+ Tunable "on"
+ NeverSave "off"
+ Internal "off"
+ ReadOnly "off"
+ Enabled "on"
+ Visible "on"
+ ToolTip "on"
+ }
+ BlockParameterDefaults {
+ Block {
+ BlockType Assertion
+ Enabled on
+ StopWhenAssertionFail on
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType BusCreator
+ DisplayOption "none"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
+ NonVirtualBus off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType BusSelector
+ OutputAsBus off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Clock
+ DisplayTime off
+ Decimation "10"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Value "1"
+ VectorParams1D on
+ SamplingMode "Sample based"
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
+ LockScale off
+ SampleTime "inf"
+ FramePeriod "inf"
+ PreserveConstantTs off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Outputs "4"
+ DisplayOption "bar"
+ BusSelectionMode off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType EnablePort
+ StatesWhenEnabling "held"
+ PropagateVarSize "Only when enabling"
+ ShowOutputPort off
+ ZeroCross on
+ DisallowConstTsAndPrmTs off
+ PortDimensions "1"
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "double"
+ Interpolate on
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType From
+ GotoTag "A"
+ IconDisplay "Tag"
+ TagVisibility "local"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Gain
+ Gain "1"
+ Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
+ ParamMin "[]"
+ ParamMax "[]"
+ ParamDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+ LockScale off
+ RndMeth "Floor"
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Goto
+ GotoTag "A"
+ IconDisplay "Tag"
+ TagVisibility "local"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Ground
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Port "1"
+ IconDisplay "Port number"
+ OutputFunctionCall off
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
+ LockScale off
+ BusOutputAsStruct off
+ Unit "inherit"
+ PortDimensions "-1"
+ VarSizeSig "Inherit"
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ SignalType "auto"
+ SamplingMode "auto"
+ LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off
+ LatchInputForFeedbackSignals off
+ Interpolate on
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Logic
+ Operator "AND"
+ Inputs "2"
+ IconShape "rectangular"
+ AllPortsSameDT on
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimization)"
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Memory
+ InitialCondition "0"
+ InheritSampleTime off
+ LinearizeMemory off
+ LinearizeAsDelay off
+ StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Mux
+ Inputs "4"
+ DisplayOption "none"
+ UseBusObject off
+ BusObject "BusObject"
+ NonVirtualBus off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Port "1"
+ IconDisplay "Port number"
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
+ LockScale off
+ BusOutputAsStruct off
+ Unit "inherit"
+ PortDimensions "-1"
+ VarSizeSig "Inherit"
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ SignalType "auto"
+ SamplingMode "auto"
+ EnsureOutportIsVirtual off
+ SourceOfInitialOutputValue "Dialog"
+ OutputWhenDisabled "held"
+ InitialOutput "[]"
+ MustResolveToSignalObject off
+ OutputWhenUnConnected off
+ OutputWhenUnconnectedValue "0"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected on
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Product
+ Inputs "2"
+ Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
+ CollapseMode "All dimensions"
+ CollapseDim "1"
+ InputSameDT off
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+ LockScale off
+ RndMeth "Floor"
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reshape
+ OutputDimensionality "1-D array"
+ OutputDimensions "[1,1]"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ FunctionName "system"
+ SFunctionModules "''"
+ PortCounts "[]"
+ MultiThreadCoSim "auto"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Saturate
+ UpperLimit "0.5"
+ LowerLimit "-0.5"
+ LinearizeAsGain on
+ ZeroCross on
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
+ LockScale off
+ RndMeth "Floor"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ DefaultConfigurationName "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ NumberOfDimensions "1"
+ IndexMode "One-based"
+ InputPortWidth "-1"
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon"
+ Permissions "ReadWrite"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit off
+ MinAlgLoopOccurrences off
+ ScheduleAs "Sample time"
+ SystemSampleTime "-1"
+ RTWSystemCode "Auto"
+ RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"
+ RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"
+ FunctionInterfaceSpec "void_void"
+ FunctionWithSeparateData off
+ MatchGraphicalInterface off
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ SimViewingDevice off
+ ActiveForDiff off
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+ DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
+ MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"
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+ VariantActivationTime "update diagram"
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+ PropagateVariantConditions off
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+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ IsWebBlock off
+ IsInjectorSS off
+ Latency "0"
+ AutoFrameSizeCalculation off
+ IsWebBlockPanel off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ IconShape "round"
+ Inputs "++"
+ CollapseMode "All dimensions"
+ CollapseDim "1"
+ InputSameDT off
+ AccumDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+ LockScale off
+ RndMeth "Floor"
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Criteria "u2 >= Threshold"
+ Threshold "0"
+ InputSameDT on
+ OutMin "[]"
+ OutMax "[]"
+ OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
+ LockScale off
+ RndMeth "Floor"
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
+ ZeroCross on
+ SampleTime "-1"
+ AllowDiffInputSizes off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType ToWorkspace
+ VariableName "simulink_output"
+ MaxDataPoints "1000"
+ Decimation "1"
+ SaveFormat "Array"
+ Save2DSignal "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)"
+ FixptAsFi off
+ NumInputs "1"
+ SampleTime "0"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType UnitDelay
+ InitialCondition "0"
+ InputProcessing "Elements as channels (sample based)"
+ SampleTime "1"
+ StateMustResolveToSignalObject off
+ HasFrameUpgradeWarning off
+ }
+ }
+ System {
+ Name "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType BusCreator
+ Name "Bus\nCreator"
+ SID "4944"
+ Ports [6, 1]
+ Position [1730, 400, 1735, 570]
+ ZOrder 1276
+ Inputs "6"
+ DisplayOption "bar"
+ InheritFromInputs on
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType BusSelector
+ Name "Bus\nSelector1"
+ SID "5013"
+ Ports [1, 2]
+ Position [1465, 396, 1470, 454]
+ ZOrder 1290
+ OutputSignals "joints_position,joints_velocity"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name ""
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType BusSelector
+ Name "Bus\nSelector2"
+ SID "4945"
+ Ports [1, 6]
+ Position [760, 404, 765, 596]
+ ZOrder 1277
+ OutputSignals "joints_position,joints_velocity,nuDot,signal6,wrench_RFoot,wrench_LFoot"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 6
+ Name ""
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Clock
+ Name "Clock1"
+ SID "2166"
+ Position [875, 595, 895, 615]
+ ZOrder 1285
+ ShowName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "Configuration"
+ SID "4537"
+ Ports []
+ Position [955, 325, 1020, 345]
+ ZOrder 553
+ ForegroundColor "magenta"
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/Configuration"
+ SourceType ""
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ ConfigSource "Workspace"
+ ConfigObject "'WBTConfigRobot'"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant"
+ SID "5003"
+ Position [815, 380, 880, 410]
+ ZOrder 1287
+ Value "zeros(3,1)"
+ Object {
+ $PropName "MaskObject"
+ $ObjectID 107
+ $ClassName "Simulink.Mask"
+ Type "Fixed neck position"
+ Description "we assume that the neck position is fixed (\"lumped\" head and torso) in the [0 0 0] position."
+ Display "image('images/initNeckPosBlock.jpeg'); % Use \"Edit Image\" on toolstrip to change."
+ RunInitForIconRedraw "off"
+ Object {
+ $PropName "DialogControls"
+ $ObjectID 108
+ $ClassName "Simulink.dialog.Group"
+ Prompt "%"
+ Object {
+ $PropName "DialogControls"
+ $ObjectID 109
+ $ClassName "Simulink.dialog.Text"
+ Prompt "%"
+ Name "DescTextVar"
+ }
+ Name "DescGroupVar"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ SID "4836"
+ Ports [8, 1]
+ Position [940, 388, 1090, 612]
+ ZOrder 961
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ SystemSampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "neckPos"
+ SID "4977"
+ Position [160, 353, 190, 367]
+ ZOrder 971
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "4837"
+ Position [160, 258, 190, 272]
+ ZOrder 556
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointVel"
+ SID "4838"
+ Position [160, 453, 190, 467]
+ ZOrder 557
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointAcc"
+ SID "4966"
+ Position [160, 148, 190, 162]
+ ZOrder 969
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "IMU_meas"
+ SID "4840"
+ Position [160, 503, 190, 517]
+ ZOrder 559
+ Port "5"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_rightFoot"
+ SID "4880"
+ Position [160, 553, 190, 567]
+ ZOrder 963
+ Port "6"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_leftFoot"
+ SID "4881"
+ Position [160, 603, 190, 617]
+ ZOrder 964
+ Port "7"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "time"
+ SID "5000"
+ Position [160, 68, 190, 82]
+ ZOrder 973
+ Port "8"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Balancing Controller QP"
+ SID "2355"
+ Ports [21, 1]
+ Position [800, 3, 955, 607]
+ ZOrder 542
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "Balancing Controller QP"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "M"
+ SID "2360"
+ Position [1065, 168, 1095, 182]
+ ZOrder 326
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "h"
+ SID "2361"
+ Position [1065, 213, 1095, 227]
+ ZOrder 327
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "L "
+ SID "3219"
+ Position [1065, 258, 1095, 272]
+ ZOrder 639
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "w_H_l_sole"
+ SID "4384"
+ Position [1065, 348, 1095, 362]
+ ZOrder 837
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "w_H_r_sole"
+ SID "4391"
+ Position [1065, 393, 1095, 407]
+ ZOrder 844
+ Port "5"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "J_l_sole"
+ SID "2357"
+ Position [1065, 438, 1095, 452]
+ ZOrder 550
+ Port "6"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "J_r_sole"
+ SID "4392"
+ Position [1065, 483, 1095, 497]
+ ZOrder 845
+ Port "7"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "J_CoM"
+ SID "4390"
+ Position [1065, 663, 1095, 677]
+ ZOrder 843
+ Port "8"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "pos_CoM"
+ SID "4383"
+ Position [1065, 618, 1095, 632]
+ ZOrder 836
+ Port "9"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "JDot_l_sole_nu"
+ SID "4386"
+ Position [1065, 528, 1095, 542]
+ ZOrder 839
+ Port "10"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "JDot_r_sole_nu"
+ SID "4388"
+ Position [1065, 573, 1095, 587]
+ ZOrder 841
+ Port "11"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "2358"
+ Position [1065, 33, 1095, 47]
+ ZOrder 323
+ Port "12"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointAcc"
+ SID "4969"
+ Position [2050, 103, 2080, 117]
+ ZOrder 863
+ Port "13"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "nu"
+ SID "2359"
+ Position [1065, 123, 1095, 137]
+ ZOrder 325
+ Port "14"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "state"
+ SID "4387"
+ Position [1065, 318, 1095, 332]
+ ZOrder 840
+ Port "15"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "2363"
+ Position [1065, -102, 1095, -88]
+ ZOrder 386
+ Port "16"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "KP_postural"
+ SID "2356"
+ Position [1065, 843, 1095, 857]
+ ZOrder 336
+ Port "17"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "KP_CoM"
+ SID "3328"
+ Position [1065, 753, 1095, 767]
+ ZOrder 644
+ Port "18"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "KD_CoM"
+ SID "3329"
+ Position [1065, 798, 1095, 812]
+ ZOrder 645
+ Port "19"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ SID "2365"
+ Position [1065, 708, 1095, 722]
+ ZOrder 335
+ Port "20"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ SID "2364"
+ Position [1065, 78, 1095, 92]
+ ZOrder 324
+ Port "21"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Compute Desired Torques"
+ SID "4393"
+ Ports [13, 2]
+ Position [1825, -185, 1990, 865]
+ ZOrder 846
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "Compute Desired Torques"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "4410"
+ Position [430, 464, 460, 476]
+ ZOrder 640
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ SID "4411"
+ Position [430, 508, 460, 522]
+ ZOrder 641
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "gradientOneFoot"
+ SID "4412"
+ Position [430, 553, 460, 567]
+ ZOrder 642
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ SID "4413"
+ Position [430, 598, 460, 612]
+ ZOrder 647
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ SID "4414"
+ Position [430, 643, 460, 657]
+ ZOrder 648
+ Port "5"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SID "4415"
+ Position [430, 688, 460, 702]
+ ZOrder 643
+ Port "6"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "gradientTwoFeet"
+ SID "4416"
+ Position [430, 733, 460, 747]
+ ZOrder 644
+ Port "7"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SID "4417"
+ Position [430, 778, 460, 792]
+ ZOrder 645
+ Port "8"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ SID "4418"
+ Position [430, 823, 460, 837]
+ ZOrder 646
+ Port "9"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "tauModel"
+ SID "4395"
+ Position [1235, 553, 1265, 567]
+ ZOrder 412
+ Port "10"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "Sigma"
+ SID "4396"
+ Position [1235, 643, 1265, 657]
+ ZOrder 413
+ Port "11"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "Na"
+ SID "4397"
+ Position [835, 743, 865, 757]
+ ZOrder 414
+ Port "12"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "f_LDot"
+ SID "4420"
+ Position [835, 653, 865, 667]
+ ZOrder 650
+ Port "13"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Add"
+ SID "2367"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [1525, 506, 1580, 719]
+ ZOrder 400
+ ShowName off
+ IconShape "rectangular"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Add1"
+ SID "2368"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [1055, 500, 1090, 855]
+ ZOrder 409
+ ShowName off
+ IconShape "rectangular"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Product
+ Name "Product1"
+ SID "2381"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [1420, 634, 1485, 696]
+ ZOrder 397
+ ShowName off
+ Multiplication "Matrix(*)"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Product
+ Name "Product2"
+ SID "2382"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [915, 734, 975, 796]
+ ZOrder 410
+ ShowName off
+ Multiplication "Matrix(*)"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "QPSolver"
+ SID "4579"
+ Ports [9, 3]
+ Position [565, 452, 760, 848]
+ ZOrder 652
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "QPSolver"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "4580"
+ Position [-480, -106, -450, -94]
+ ZOrder 394
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ SID "4581"
+ Position [-230, -322, -200, -308]
+ ZOrder 395
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "gradientOneFoot"
+ SID "4582"
+ Position [-230, -292, -200, -278]
+ ZOrder 396
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ SID "4583"
+ Position [-230, -262, -200, -248]
+ ZOrder 403
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ SID "4584"
+ Position [-230, -232, -200, -218]
+ ZOrder 404
+ Port "5"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SID "4585"
+ Position [-230, 8, -200, 22]
+ ZOrder 397
+ Port "6"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "gradientTwoFeet"
+ SID "4586"
+ Position [-230, 48, -200, 62]
+ ZOrder 398
+ Port "7"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SID "4587"
+ Position [-230, 88, -200, 102]
+ ZOrder 399
+ Port "8"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ SID "4588"
+ Position [-230, 128, -200, 142]
+ ZOrder 400
+ Port "9"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto"
+ SID "4710"
+ Position [320, -107, 380, -93]
+ ZOrder 737
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ GotoTag "QPStatus"
+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Logic
+ Name "NOT"
+ SID "4625"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [57, -62, 83, -27]
+ ZOrder 723
+ BlockRotation 270
+ BlockMirror on
+ NameLocation "right"
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Operator "NOT"
+ IconShape "distinctive"
+ AllPortsSameDT off
+ OutDataTypeStr "boolean"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "One Foot Two Feet QP Selector"
+ SID "4590"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [-345, -127, -85, -73]
+ ZOrder 721
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "One Foot Two Feet QP Selector"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "4590::1"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder -1
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4590::107"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 98
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4590::106"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 15"
+ Ports [1, 2]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 160]
+ ZOrder 97
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ PortCounts "[1 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "onOneFoot"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4590::108"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 99
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "onOneFoot"
+ SID "4590::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 109
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "onOneFoot"
+ ZOrder 110
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "onOneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 111
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 112
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "QP One Foot"
+ SID "4696"
+ Ports [5, 2, 1]
+ Position [25, -332, 120, -178]
+ ZOrder 736
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ NameLocation "top"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "QP One Foot"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "H"
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+ ZOrder 750
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "g"
+ SID "4686"
+ Position [970, -212, 1000, -198]
+ ZOrder 752
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "A"
+ SID "4687"
+ Position [970, -182, 1000, -168]
+ ZOrder 753
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "ubA"
+ SID "4688"
+ Position [970, -122, 1000, -108]
+ ZOrder 754
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "4708"
+ Position [1360, 13, 1390, 27]
+ ZOrder 762
+ Port "5"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType EnablePort
+ Name "Enable"
+ SID "4689"
+ Ports []
+ Position [1185, -290, 1205, -270]
+ ZOrder 756
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Analytical Solution QP One Foot (unconstrained)"
+ SID "4690"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [1285, -405, 1465, -305]
+ ZOrder 758
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Analytical Solution QP One Foot (unconstrained)"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "H"
+ SID "4690::1"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder -1
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "g"
+ SID "4690::22"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder 13
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4690::108"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 99
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4690::107"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 26"
+ Ports [2, 2]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 160]
+ ZOrder 98
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ PortCounts "[2 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "analyticalSolution"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4690::109"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 100
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "analyticalSolution"
+ SID "4690::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 86
+ SrcBlock "H"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [120, 0]
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 87
+ SrcBlock "g"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "analyticalSolution"
+ ZOrder 88
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "analyticalSolution"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 89
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 90
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant"
+ SID "5006"
+ Position [970, -153, 1035, -137]
+ ZOrder 765
+ Value "-Inf(19,1)"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "MatchSignalSizes"
+ SID "4691"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [1340, -277, 1415, -188]
+ ZOrder 757
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MatchSignalSizes"
+ SourceType "MatchSignalSizes"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Process QP output"
+ SID "4692"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [1550, -421, 1710, 86]
+ ZOrder 759
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Process QP output"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4692::29"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder 20
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "primalSolution"
+ SID "4692::1"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder -1
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "QPStatus"
+ SID "4692::22"
+ Position [20, 171, 40, 189]
+ ZOrder 13
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "4692::66"
+ Position [20, 206, 40, 224]
+ ZOrder 51
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4692::116"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 101
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4692::115"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 27"
+ Ports [4, 2]
+ Position [180, 102, 230, 203]
+ ZOrder 100
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ Parameters "Config"
+ PortCounts "[4 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "f_star"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4692::117"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 102
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f_star"
+ SID "4692::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 126
+ SrcBlock "analyticalSolution"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 127
+ SrcBlock "primalSolution"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 128
+ SrcBlock "QPStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 129
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "f_star"
+ ZOrder 130
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "f_star"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 131
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 132
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "QP One Foot"
+ SID "4693"
+ Ports [5, 2]
+ Position [1140, -251, 1240, -99]
+ ZOrder 751
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/QP"
+ SourceType "QP"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ MultiThreadCoSim "auto"
+ lbA on
+ ubA on
+ lb off
+ ub off
+ computeObjVal off
+ stopIfFails off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f_star_oneFoot"
+ SID "4695"
+ Position [1790, -172, 1820, -158]
+ ZOrder 760
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "QPStatus"
+ SID "4694"
+ Position [1360, -162, 1390, -148]
+ ZOrder 755
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 1
+ SrcBlock "MatchSignalSizes"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Process QP output"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 3
+ SrcBlock "A"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 4
+ SrcBlock "H"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [31, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 34
+ Points [0, -145]
+ DstBlock "Analytical Solution QP One Foot (unconstrained)"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 6
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 54
+ SrcBlock "ubA"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 8
+ SrcBlock "g"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [51, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 33
+ Points [0, -50]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 40
+ Points [0, -75]
+ DstBlock "Analytical Solution QP One Foot (unconstrained)"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 11
+ DstBlock "MatchSignalSizes"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 12
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 13
+ SrcBlock "Analytical Solution QP One Foot (unconstrained)"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Process QP output"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 14
+ SrcBlock "QP One Foot"
+ SrcPort 2
+ Points [44, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 59
+ Points [0, 30]
+ DstBlock "Process QP output"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 58
+ Points [0, -20]
+ DstBlock "QPStatus"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 17
+ SrcBlock "QP One Foot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "MatchSignalSizes"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 42
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Process QP output"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 43
+ SrcBlock "Process QP output"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "f_star_oneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 55
+ SrcBlock "Constant"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "QP Two Feet"
+ SID "4684"
+ Ports [4, 2, 1]
+ Position [20, -5, 120, 155]
+ ZOrder 734
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "QP Two Feet"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
+ Open off
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "H"
+ SID "4673"
+ Position [1460, 1023, 1490, 1037]
+ ZOrder 751
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "g"
+ SID "4674"
+ Position [1460, 1053, 1490, 1067]
+ ZOrder 753
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "A"
+ SID "4675"
+ Position [1460, 1083, 1490, 1097]
+ ZOrder 754
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "ubA"
+ SID "4676"
+ Position [1460, 1143, 1490, 1157]
+ ZOrder 755
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType EnablePort
+ Name "Enable"
+ SID "4677"
+ Ports []
+ Position [1615, 940, 1635, 960]
+ ZOrder 750
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Analytical Solution Two Feet (unconstrained)"
+ SID "4678"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [1690, 850, 1875, 925]
+ ZOrder 758
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Analytical Solution Two Feet (unconstrained)"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "H"
+ SID "4678::1"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder -1
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "g"
+ SID "4678::22"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder 13
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4678::108"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 99
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4678::107"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 24"
+ Ports [2, 2]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 160]
+ ZOrder 98
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ PortCounts "[2 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "analyticalSolution"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4678::109"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 100
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "analyticalSolution"
+ SID "4678::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 86
+ SrcBlock "H"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [120, 0]
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 87
+ SrcBlock "g"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "analyticalSolution"
+ ZOrder 88
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "analyticalSolution"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 89
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 90
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant"
+ SID "5007"
+ Position [1460, 1112, 1525, 1128]
+ ZOrder 766
+ Value "-Inf(38,1)"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "MatchSignalSizes"
+ SID "4679"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [1735, 976, 1825, 1069]
+ ZOrder 757
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MatchSignalSizes"
+ SourceType "MatchSignalSizes"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Process QP output"
+ SID "4680"
+ Ports [3, 1]
+ Position [1920, 824, 2100, 1226]
+ ZOrder 759
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Process QP output"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "analyticalSolution"
+ SID "4680::29"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder 20
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "primalSolution"
+ SID "4680::1"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder -1
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "QPStatus"
+ SID "4680::22"
+ Position [20, 171, 40, 189]
+ ZOrder 13
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4680::116"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 100
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4680::115"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 25"
+ Ports [3, 2]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 180]
+ ZOrder 99
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ Parameters "Config"
+ PortCounts "[3 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "f_star"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4680::117"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 101
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f_star"
+ SID "4680::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 122
+ SrcBlock "analyticalSolution"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 123
+ SrcBlock "primalSolution"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 124
+ SrcBlock "QPStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "f_star"
+ ZOrder 125
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "f_star"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 126
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 127
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [20, 0]
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "QP Two Feet"
+ SID "4681"
+ Ports [5, 2]
+ Position [1575, 1014, 1685, 1166]
+ ZOrder 752
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/QP"
+ SourceType "QP"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ MultiThreadCoSim "auto"
+ lbA on
+ ubA on
+ lb off
+ ub off
+ computeObjVal off
+ stopIfFails off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "QPStatus"
+ SID "4683"
+ Position [1765, 1098, 1795, 1112]
+ ZOrder 756
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f0_twoFeet"
+ SID "4682"
+ Position [2155, 1018, 2185, 1032]
+ ZOrder 760
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 37
+ SrcBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ SrcPort 2
+ Points [0, 0; 23, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 91
+ Points [0, -25]
+ DstBlock "QPStatus"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 62
+ Points [0, 30]
+ DstBlock "Process QP output"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 38
+ SrcBlock "A"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 39
+ SrcBlock "Analytical Solution Two Feet (unconstrained)"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Process QP output"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 40
+ SrcBlock "Process QP output"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "f0_twoFeet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 41
+ SrcBlock "MatchSignalSizes"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Process QP output"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 42
+ SrcBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [20, 0; 0, -10]
+ DstBlock "MatchSignalSizes"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 45
+ SrcBlock "H"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [22, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 90
+ Points [0, -160]
+ DstBlock "Analytical Solution Two Feet (unconstrained)"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 79
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 50
+ SrcBlock "g"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [47, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 89
+ Points [0, -60]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 92
+ Points [0, -95]
+ DstBlock "Analytical Solution Two Feet (unconstrained)"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 47
+ DstBlock "MatchSignalSizes"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 46
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 93
+ SrcBlock "ubA"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 94
+ SrcBlock "Constant"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Name "Switch"
+ SID "4607"
+ Position [225, -133, 290, -67]
+ ZOrder 732
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f_star_oneFoot"
+ SID "4626"
+ Position [245, -297, 275, -283]
+ ZOrder 401
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "onOneFoot"
+ SID "4717"
+ Position [-10, -137, 20, -123]
+ ZOrder 738
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f_0_twoFeet"
+ SID "4627"
+ Position [240, 108, 270, 122]
+ ZOrder 728
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 3
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [61, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 65
+ Points [0, -95]
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 64
+ DstBlock "One Foot Two Feet QP Selector"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 41
+ SrcBlock "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 37
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
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+ ZOrder 44
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ ZOrder 42
+ SrcBlock "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 39
+ SrcBlock "QP One Foot"
+ SrcPort 2
+ Points [41, 0; 0, 95]
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 62
+ SrcBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [40, 0; 0, -115]
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
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+ SrcBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "f_0_twoFeet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 50
+ SrcBlock "NOT"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QP Two Feet"
+ DstPort enable
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 53
+ SrcBlock "One Foot Two Feet QP Selector"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [29, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 79
+ Points [0, -30]
+ DstBlock "onOneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 78
+ Points [121, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 77
+ DstBlock "NOT"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 73
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 55
+ DstBlock "QP One Foot"
+ DstPort enable
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 74
+ SrcBlock "QP One Foot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "f_star_oneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 75
+ SrcBlock "Switch"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Goto"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Name "f_LDot is f_star while on One Foot"
+ SID "4712"
+ Position [910, 482, 980, 698]
+ ZOrder 653
+ NameLocation "top"
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "tau_QP"
+ SID "4408"
+ Position [1630, 608, 1660, 622]
+ ZOrder 425
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f_star"
+ SID "4409"
+ Position [1440, 733, 1470, 747]
+ ZOrder 639
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 293
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Product2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 54
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Add"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Add"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 304
+ SrcBlock "Add"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "tau_QP"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 57
+ SrcBlock "Add1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [253, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 407
+ Points [0, 60]
+ DstBlock "f_star"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 383
+ DstBlock "Product1"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 406
+ SrcBlock "f_LDot is f_star while on One Foot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Add1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 66
+ SrcBlock "Product2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Add1"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ ZOrder 292
+ SrcBlock "Sigma"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Product1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 355
+ SrcBlock "QPSolver"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Product2"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ ZOrder 346
+ SrcBlock "gradientOneFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 351
+ SrcBlock "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 8
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 344
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 348
+ SrcBlock "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 345
+ SrcBlock "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 347
+ SrcBlock "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 350
+ SrcBlock "gradientTwoFeet"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 7
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 349
+ SrcBlock "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 352
+ SrcBlock "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "QPSolver"
+ DstPort 9
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 376
+ SrcBlock "QPSolver"
+ SrcPort 2
+ Points [27, 0; 0, -60]
+ DstBlock "f_LDot is f_star while on One Foot"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 378
+ SrcBlock "f_LDot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "f_LDot is f_star while on One Foot"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 405
+ SrcBlock "QPSolver"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "f_LDot is f_star while on One Foot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Compute angular momentum integral error"
+ SID "3714"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [1250, 289, 1420, 331]
+ ZOrder 835
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "Compute angular momentum integral error"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "3716"
+ Position [-230, 143, -200, 157]
+ ZOrder 1
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "3717"
+ Position [620, 98, 650, 112]
+ ZOrder 80
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "state"
+ SID "4028"
+ Position [50, -147, 80, -133]
+ ZOrder 732
+ Port "4"
+ }
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+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Add"
+ SID "4724"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [-40, 114, -5, 161]
+ ZOrder 902
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ IconShape "rectangular"
+ Inputs "-+"
+ }
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+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "CentroidalMomentum"
+ SID "3718"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [1175, -194, 1325, 259]
+ ZOrder 73
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/CentroidalMomentum"
+ SourceType "CentroidalMomentum"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
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+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
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+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ SID "4422"
+ Ports [1, 2]
+ Position [-120, -229, 5, -51]
+ ZOrder 901
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant7"
+ SID "4425"
+ Position [50, -43, 80, -27]
+ ZOrder 895
+ ShowName off
+ Value "eye(4)"
+ }
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+ BlockType Product
+ Name "inv "
+ SID "4434"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [385, -34, 415, 4]
+ ZOrder 913
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Inputs "/"
+ Multiplication "Matrix(*)"
+ }
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+ BlockType Product
+ Name "inv 1"
+ SID "4723"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [385, 81, 415, 119]
+ ZOrder 914
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Inputs "/"
+ Multiplication "Matrix(*)"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "l_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ SID "4450"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [155, -51, 320, 16]
+ ZOrder 894
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceType "ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.LEFT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "r_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ SID "4475"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [155, 64, 325, 131]
+ ZOrder 899
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceType "ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.RIGHT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "fixed_l_sole_H_b"
+ SID "4476"
+ Position [495, -22, 525, -8]
+ ZOrder 910
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "fixed_r_sole_H_b"
+ SID "4477"
+ Position [495, 93, 525, 107]
+ ZOrder 912
+ Port "2"
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ ZOrder 26
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 23
+ Points [0, 115]
+ DstBlock "r_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 25
+ DstBlock "r_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 24
+ Points [0, -115]
+ DstBlock "l_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 29
+ SrcBlock "r_sole to root_link relative transform"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "inv 1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Get Equivalent Base Velocity"
+ SID "3721"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [810, 21, 1110, 154]
+ ZOrder 75
+ LibraryVersion "1.32"
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Get Equivalent Base Velocity"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder -1
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "J_r_sole"
+ SID "3721::23"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder 9
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "3721::3701"
+ Position [20, 171, 40, 189]
+ ZOrder 26
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos_err"
+ SID "3721::3702"
+ Position [20, 206, 40, 224]
+ ZOrder 27
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "3721::3824"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 149
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "3721::3823"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 20"
+ Ports [4, 2]
+ Position [180, 102, 230, 203]
+ ZOrder 148
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ Parameters "Reg"
+ PortCounts "[4 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "baseVel_equivalent"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "3721::3825"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 150
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "baseVel_equivalent"
+ SID "3721::24"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder 10
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 267
+ SrcBlock "J_l_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 268
+ SrcBlock "J_r_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 3
+ }
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+ SrcBlock "jointPos_err"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ Name "baseVel_equivalent"
+ ZOrder 271
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "baseVel_equivalent"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 272
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 273
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [550, 24, 715, 46]
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+ SourceType "Jacobian"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
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+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.LEFT_FOOT"
+ }
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+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "Jacobian1"
+ SID "3720"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [550, 59, 715, 81]
+ ZOrder 79
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ SourceType "Jacobian"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.RIGHT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Select base to world transform"
+ SID "4027"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [130, -159, 345, -121]
+ ZOrder 731
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Select base to world transform"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "state"
+ SID "4027::1"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder -1
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4027::137"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 128
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4027::136"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 19"
+ Ports [1, 2]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 160]
+ ZOrder 127
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ PortCounts "[1 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "booleanState"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4027::138"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 129
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "booleanState"
+ SID "4027::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 153
+ SrcBlock "state"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "booleanState"
+ ZOrder 154
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "booleanState"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 155
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 156
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "Selector"
+ SID "3722"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [1365, 16, 1405, 54]
+ ZOrder 78
+ ShowName off
+ InputPortWidth "6"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[4 5 6]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Name "Switch"
+ SID "4029"
+ Position [405, -205, 465, -75]
+ ZOrder 733
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ Threshold "0.1"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "intL_angMomError"
+ SID "3753"
+ Position [1450, 28, 1480, 42]
+ ZOrder -2
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 1
+ SrcBlock "jointPos_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [37, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 121
+ Points [0, 115]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 136
+ Points [0, 65]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 131
+ Points [0, 35]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 133
+ Points [0, 50]
+ DstBlock "Add"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 126
+ DstBlock "Jacobian1"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 124
+ DstBlock "Jacobian"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 123
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 90
+ DstBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 127
+ SrcBlock "jointPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Add"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 129
+ SrcBlock "Add"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [757, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 142
+ DstBlock "Get Equivalent Base Velocity"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 141
+ Points [0, 65]
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 16
+ SrcBlock "Get Equivalent Base Velocity"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 18
+ SrcBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Selector"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 19
+ SrcBlock "Selector"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "intL_angMomError"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 25
+ SrcBlock "state"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Select base to world transform"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 27
+ SrcBlock "Select base to world transform"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 28
+ SrcBlock "Switch"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [30, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 138
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 135
+ Points [0, 170]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 139
+ DstBlock "Jacobian"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 130
+ Points [0, 35]
+ DstBlock "Jacobian1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 82
+ SrcBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 83
+ SrcBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 132
+ SrcBlock "Jacobian"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Equivalent Base Velocity"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 134
+ SrcBlock "Jacobian1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Equivalent Base Velocity"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 140
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Equivalent Base Velocity"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant"
+ SID "2371"
+ Position [1020, -63, 1140, -37]
+ ZOrder 383
+ ShowName off
+ Value "ConstraintsMatrix"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant1"
+ SID "2372"
+ Position [1020, -18, 1140, 8]
+ ZOrder 384
+ ShowName off
+ Value "bVectorConstraints"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "From tau_QP to Joint Torques (motor reflected inertia)"
+ SID "4519"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [2145, 66, 2300, 124]
+ ZOrder 862
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "From tau_QP to Joint Torques (motor reflected inertia)"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ ZOrder 591
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointAcc"
+ SID "4998"
+ Position [-415, -107, -385, -93]
+ ZOrder 904
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name " "
+ SID "4536"
+ Position [130, -56, 345, -44]
+ ZOrder 607
+ }
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+ BlockType Constant
+ Name " 1"
+ SID "4651"
+ Position [-555, -134, -290, -116]
+ ZOrder 897
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "(transpose(T*Gamma))^{-1}*I_m*(T*Gamma)^{-1}"
+ SID "4551"
+ Ports [0, 1]
+ Position [-500, -219, -340, -181]
+ ZOrder 871
+ NameLocation "top"
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
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+ SystemSampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
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+ System {
+ Name "(transpose(T*Gamma))^{-1}*I_m*(T*Gamma)^{-1}"
+ Location [223, 338, 826, 833]
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+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4551::156"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 147
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Ground
+ Name " Ground "
+ SID "4551::158"
+ Position [20, 121, 40, 139]
+ ZOrder 149
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4551::155"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 9"
+ Ports [1, 2]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 160]
+ ZOrder 146
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ Parameters "Config"
+ PortCounts "[1 2]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "reflectedInertia"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4551::157"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 148
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "reflectedInertia"
+ SID "4551::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "reflectedInertia"
+ ZOrder 137
+ Labels [0, 0]
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+ SrcPort 2
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 138
+ SrcBlock " Ground "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 139
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 140
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Add"
+ SID "4531"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [65, -209, 110, -16]
+ ZOrder 602
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ IconShape "rectangular"
+ Inputs "-+"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType From
+ Name "From"
+ SID "4654"
+ Position [-460, -158, -375, -142]
+ ZOrder 902
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ GotoTag "jointAcc_des"
+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Gain
+ Name "Gain"
+ SID "4525"
+ Position [-60, -175, 30, -145]
+ ZOrder 596
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Gain "Config.K_ff"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Product
+ Name "Product"
+ SID "4526"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [-170, -239, -135, -86]
+ ZOrder 597
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Multiplication "Matrix(*)"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Name "Switch"
+ SID "4535"
+ Position [390, -138, 440, 38]
+ ZOrder 606
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Name "Switch1"
+ SID "4650"
+ Position [-260, -166, -205, -84]
+ ZOrder 896
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "tau_joints"
+ SID "4522"
+ Position [485, -57, 515, -43]
+ ZOrder 592
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 6
+ SrcBlock "Product"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Gain"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Add"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 23
+ SrcBlock "Add"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 24
+ SrcBlock " "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 41
+ SrcBlock "Switch"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "tau_joints"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 20
+ SrcBlock "tau_QP"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [24, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 62
+ Points [0, -75]
+ DstBlock "Add"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 93
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 52
+ SrcBlock "(transpose(T*Gamma))^{-1}*I_m*(T*Gamma)^{-1}"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Product"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 108
+ SrcBlock " 1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch1"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 109
+ SrcBlock "Switch1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Product"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ ZOrder 114
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 116
+ SrcBlock "jointAcc"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch1"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto1"
+ SID "4495"
+ Position [2400, 31, 2470, 49]
+ ZOrder 856
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ GotoTag "tau_star"
+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto5"
+ SID "4499"
+ Position [2035, 596, 2095, 614]
+ ZOrder 860
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ GotoTag "f_star"
+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SID "2407"
+ Ports [22, 12]
+ Position [1465, -117, 1740, 872]
+ ZOrder 278
+ LibraryVersion "1.32"
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ Location [219, 337, 814, 775]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "2407::28"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder 14
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrix"
+ SID "2407::808"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder 56
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "bVectorConstraints"
+ SID "2407::809"
+ Position [20, 171, 40, 189]
+ ZOrder 57
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "2407::29"
+ Position [20, 206, 40, 224]
+ ZOrder 15
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ SID "2407::1"
+ Position [20, 246, 40, 264]
+ ZOrder -1
+ Port "5"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "nu"
+ SID "2407::22"
+ Position [20, 281, 40, 299]
+ ZOrder 8
+ Port "6"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "M"
+ SID "2407::23"
+ Position [20, 316, 40, 334]
+ ZOrder 9
+ Port "7"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "h"
+ SID "2407::24"
+ Position [20, 351, 40, 369]
+ ZOrder 10
+ Port "8"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "L"
+ SID "2407::26"
+ Position [20, 386, 40, 404]
+ ZOrder 12
+ Port "9"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "intL_angMomError"
+ SID "2407::21"
+ Position [20, 426, 40, 444]
+ ZOrder 7
+ Port "10"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "w_H_l_sole"
+ SID "2407::800"
+ Position [20, 461, 40, 479]
+ ZOrder 50
+ Port "11"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "w_H_r_sole"
+ SID "2407::27"
+ Position [20, 496, 40, 514]
+ ZOrder 13
+ Port "12"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "J_l_sole"
+ SID "2407::841"
+ Position [20, 531, 40, 549]
+ ZOrder 84
+ Port "13"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "J_r_sole"
+ SID "2407::790"
+ Position [20, 566, 40, 584]
+ ZOrder 41
+ Port "14"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "JDot_l_sole_nu"
+ SID "2407::784"
+ Position [20, 606, 40, 624]
+ ZOrder 36
+ Port "15"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "JDot_r_sole_nu"
+ SID "2407::785"
+ Position [20, 641, 40, 659]
+ ZOrder 37
+ Port "16"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "pos_CoM"
+ SID "2407::798"
+ Position [20, 676, 40, 694]
+ ZOrder 48
+ Port "17"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "J_CoM"
+ SID "2407::31"
+ Position [20, 711, 40, 729]
+ ZOrder 17
+ Port "18"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ SID "2407::30"
+ Position [20, 746, 40, 764]
+ ZOrder 16
+ Port "19"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "KP_CoM"
+ SID "2407::32"
+ Position [20, 786, 40, 804]
+ ZOrder 18
+ Port "20"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "KD_CoM"
+ SID "2407::845"
+ Position [20, 821, 40, 839]
+ ZOrder 88
+ Port "21"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "KP_postural"
+ SID "2407::846"
+ Position [20, 856, 40, 874]
+ ZOrder 89
+ Port "22"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "2407::3823"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 570, 320, 610]
+ ZOrder 226
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "2407::3822"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 17"
+ Ports [22, 13]
+ Position [180, 70, 230, 530]
+ ZOrder 225
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ Parameters "Config,Gain,Reg"
+ PortCounts "[22 13]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "gradientOneFoot"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 6
+ Name "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 7
+ Name "gradientTwoFeet"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 8
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 9
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 10
+ Name "tauModel"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 11
+ Name "Sigma"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 12
+ Name "Na"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 13
+ Name "f_LDot"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "2407::3824"
+ Position [460, 581, 480, 599]
+ ZOrder 227
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ SID "2407::824"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder 72
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "gradientOneFoot"
+ SID "2407::822"
+ Position [460, 136, 480, 154]
+ ZOrder 70
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ SID "2407::5"
+ Position [460, 171, 480, 189]
+ ZOrder -5
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ SID "2407::810"
+ Position [460, 206, 480, 224]
+ ZOrder 58
+ Port "4"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SID "2407::827"
+ Position [460, 246, 480, 264]
+ ZOrder 75
+ Port "5"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "gradientTwoFeet"
+ SID "2407::828"
+ Position [460, 281, 480, 299]
+ ZOrder 76
+ Port "6"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ SID "2407::811"
+ Position [460, 316, 480, 334]
+ ZOrder 59
+ Port "7"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ SID "2407::812"
+ Position [460, 351, 480, 369]
+ ZOrder 60
+ Port "8"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "tauModel"
+ SID "2407::815"
+ Position [460, 386, 480, 404]
+ ZOrder 63
+ Port "9"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "Sigma"
+ SID "2407::816"
+ Position [460, 426, 480, 444]
+ ZOrder 64
+ Port "10"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "Na"
+ SID "2407::820"
+ Position [460, 461, 480, 479]
+ ZOrder 68
+ Port "11"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "f_LDot"
+ SID "2407::821"
+ Position [460, 496, 480, 514]
+ ZOrder 69
+ Port "12"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2582
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2583
+ SrcBlock "ConstraintsMatrix"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2584
+ SrcBlock "bVectorConstraints"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2585
+ SrcBlock "jointPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2586
+ SrcBlock "jointPos_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2587
+ SrcBlock "nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2588
+ SrcBlock "M"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 7
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2589
+ SrcBlock "h"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 8
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2590
+ SrcBlock "L"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 9
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2591
+ SrcBlock "intL_angMomError"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 10
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2592
+ SrcBlock "w_H_l_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 11
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2593
+ SrcBlock "w_H_r_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 12
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2594
+ SrcBlock "J_l_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 13
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2595
+ SrcBlock "J_r_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 14
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2596
+ SrcBlock "JDot_l_sole_nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 15
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2597
+ SrcBlock "JDot_r_sole_nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 16
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2598
+ SrcBlock "pos_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 17
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2599
+ SrcBlock "J_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 18
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2600
+ SrcBlock "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 19
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2601
+ SrcBlock "KP_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 20
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2602
+ SrcBlock "KD_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 21
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2603
+ SrcBlock "KP_postural"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 22
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ ZOrder 2604
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "gradientOneFoot"
+ ZOrder 2605
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "gradientOneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ ZOrder 2606
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ ZOrder 2607
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ ZOrder 2608
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 6
+ DstBlock "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "gradientTwoFeet"
+ ZOrder 2609
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 7
+ DstBlock "gradientTwoFeet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ ZOrder 2610
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 8
+ DstBlock "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ ZOrder 2611
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 9
+ DstBlock "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "tauModel"
+ ZOrder 2612
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 10
+ DstBlock "tauModel"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "Sigma"
+ ZOrder 2613
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 11
+ DstBlock "Sigma"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "Na"
+ ZOrder 2614
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 12
+ DstBlock "Na"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "f_LDot"
+ ZOrder 2615
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 13
+ DstBlock "f_LDot"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2616
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2617
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "tau_star "
+ SID "2414"
+ Position [2420, 88, 2450, 102]
+ ZOrder 279
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 303
+ SrcBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "From tau_QP to Joint Torques (motor reflected inertia)"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 324
+ SrcBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Goto5"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 372
+ SrcBlock "From tau_QP to Joint Torques (motor reflected inertia)"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [56, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 447
+ Points [0, -55]
+ DstBlock "Goto1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 389
+ DstBlock "tau_star "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 411
+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [63, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 451
+ Points [0, 410]
+ DstBlock "Compute angular momentum integral error"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 450
+ Points [247, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 493
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 446
+ Points [0, -45]
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 412
+ SrcBlock "Constant1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 413
+ SrcBlock "Constant"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 414
+ SrcBlock "jointPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [81, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 453
+ Points [0, 265]
+ DstBlock "Compute angular momentum integral error"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 452
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 415
+ SrcBlock "jointPos_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [101, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 455
+ Points [0, 210]
+ DstBlock "Compute angular momentum integral error"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 454
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 416
+ SrcBlock "nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 417
+ SrcBlock "M"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 7
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 418
+ SrcBlock "h"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 8
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 419
+ SrcBlock "L "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 9
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 420
+ SrcBlock "Compute angular momentum integral error"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 10
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 421
+ SrcBlock "w_H_l_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 11
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 422
+ SrcBlock "w_H_r_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 12
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 423
+ SrcBlock "J_l_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 13
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 424
+ SrcBlock "J_r_sole"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 14
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 425
+ SrcBlock "JDot_l_sole_nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 15
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 426
+ SrcBlock "JDot_r_sole_nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 16
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 427
+ SrcBlock "pos_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 17
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 428
+ SrcBlock "J_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 18
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 429
+ SrcBlock "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 19
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 430
+ SrcBlock "KP_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 20
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 431
+ SrcBlock "KD_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 21
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 432
+ SrcBlock "KP_postural"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ DstPort 22
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 433
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 434
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 435
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 436
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 437
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 438
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 6
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 7
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 439
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 7
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 8
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 440
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 8
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 9
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 441
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 9
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 10
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 442
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 10
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 11
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 443
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 11
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 12
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 444
+ SrcBlock "Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ SrcPort 12
+ DstBlock "Compute Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 13
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 449
+ SrcBlock "state"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Compute angular momentum integral error"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 533
+ SrcBlock "jointAcc"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "From tau_QP to Joint Torques (motor reflected inertia)"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Dump and visualize"
+ SID "2275"
+ Ports []
+ Position [305, -4, 425, 24]
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+ ShowName off
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ Object {
+ $PropName "MaskObject"
+ $ObjectID 110
+ $ClassName "Simulink.Mask"
+ Display "disp('VISUALIZER')"
+ }
+ System {
+ Name "Dump and visualize"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
+ Open off
+ PortBlocksUseCompactNotation off
+ SetExecutionDomain off
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+ SimulinkSubDomain "Simulink"
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Desired and Measured Forces"
+ SID "3241"
+ Ports [4, 0, 1]
+ Position [260, 313, 435, 387]
+ ZOrder 899
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "Desired and Measured Forces"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_leftFoot"
+ SID "3245"
+ Position [-580, 237, -550, 253]
+ ZOrder 648
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_rightFoot"
+ SID "3251"
+ Position [-580, 337, -550, 353]
+ ZOrder 682
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "f_star"
+ SID "4510"
+ Position [-580, 438, -550, 452]
+ ZOrder 688
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "state"
+ SID "4785"
+ Position [-345, 68, -315, 82]
+ ZOrder 690
+ Port "4"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "state"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType EnablePort
+ Name "Enable"
+ SID "3246"
+ Ports []
+ Position [-338, -30, -318, -10]
+ ZOrder 649
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant"
+ SID "2169"
+ Position [-425, 42, -235, 58]
+ ZOrder 679
+ ShowName off
+ Value "StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOn"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "thresholdContactOn"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant2"
+ SID "3167"
+ Position [-425, 17, -235, 33]
+ ZOrder 681
+ ShowName off
+ Value "StateMachine.wrench_thresholdContactOff"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "thresholdContactOff"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Demux Forces nd Moments"
+ SID "4806"
+ Ports [3, 8]
+ Position [-440, 191, -220, 494]
+ ZOrder 697
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "measured forces l_sole"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "desired forces l_sole"
+ }
+ Port {
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+ }
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+ Name "desired forces r_sole"
+ }
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+ Name "measured moments l_sole"
+ }
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+ Name "desired moments l_sole"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 7
+ Name "measured moments r_sole"
+ }
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+ PortNumber 8
+ Name "desired moments r_sole"
+ }
+ System {
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4808"
+ Position [-620, 67, -590, 83]
+ ZOrder 698
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+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ Name "Demux1"
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+ Position [-500, -159, -495, -26]
+ ZOrder 692
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+ Outputs "[3;3]"
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+ Position [-90, -144, -85, 114]
+ ZOrder 693
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+ Position [-10, -127, -5, -38]
+ ZOrder 694
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+ ZOrder 695
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+ Position [-500, 6, -495, 139]
+ ZOrder 696
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+ SID "4810"
+ Position [-365, -132, -335, -118]
+ ZOrder 700
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+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ SID "4812"
+ Position [75, -112, 105, -98]
+ ZOrder 702
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+ Position [75, -67, 105, -53]
+ ZOrder 704
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+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ Position [-365, 98, -335, 112]
+ ZOrder 705
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+ }
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "error moments l_sole"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Sum3"
+ SID "4825"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [-40, 600, -20, 620]
+ ZOrder 705
+ ShowName off
+ Inputs "-+|"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "error moments r_sole"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "left Foot forces"
+ SID "4800"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [195, -61, 340, 86]
+ ZOrder 691
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLoggingVariabl"
+ "eName','forces_l_sole_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','DataLoggingDe"
+ "cimateData',true,'DataLogging',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struc"
+ "t('MinYLimReal','-176.20127','MaxYLimReal','526.26568','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag',' 0.00000','MaxYLimMag','526.2"
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+ "rue,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.6"
+ "86274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0."
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+ "235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('"
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+ "tyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames"
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+ "2549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0."
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+ "h',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Vis"
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+ ",true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803"
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+ "howContent',true,'Placement',5),struct('MinYLimReal','0.625','MaxYLimReal','4.375','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0"
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+ "039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Ti"
+ "tle','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','non"
+ "e','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement'"
+ ",6)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686"
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+ "ache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0"
+ " 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWi"
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+ "es',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),'TimeRangeSamples','40','TimeRangeFrames','40','Display"
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+ ",false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2"
+ "020a','Location',[135 169 3841 2159])"
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+ Position [195, 339, 340, 486]
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+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLoggingVariabl"
+ "eName','moments_l_sole_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','DataLoggingD"
+ "ecimateData',true,'DataLogging',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{stru"
+ "ct('MinYLimReal','-18.14675','MaxYLimReal','18.61074','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','18.6107"
+ "4','LegendVisibility','Off','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0."
+ "686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623"
+ "529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.71764"
+ "7058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'"
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+ "elNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-55.51989','"
+ "MaxYLimReal','35.88107','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','off','XGrid',true,'"
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+ "509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078"
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+ ",'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{["
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+ "608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.6509803"
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+ "86274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0."
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+ "ines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',4)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','Ax"
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+ "),'TimeRangeSamples','40','TimeRangeFrames','40','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[4 1],'DisplayContentCache',[]),extmgr."
+ "Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('To"
+ "ols','Measurements',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[135 169 3841 2159])"
+ NumInputPorts "4"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "right Foot forces"
+ SID "4819"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [195, 124, 340, 271]
+ ZOrder 699
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLoggingVariabl"
+ "eName','forces_r_sole_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','DataLoggingDe"
+ "cimateData',true,'DataLogging',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struc"
+ "t('MinYLimReal','-36.45598','MaxYLimReal','219.57258','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','219.572"
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+ "nelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-33.68004',"
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+ ",'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.6862"
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+ "lor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.066666666"
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+ "19608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.65098"
+ "0392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0."
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+ "sible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),st"
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+ "06 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529"
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+ ";1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'"
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+ "idth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowCo"
+ "ntent',true,'Placement',5),struct('MinYLimReal','0.625','MaxYLimReal','4.375','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','Ma"
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+ "ckColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039"
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+ "5686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title',"
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+ "isible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',6)},"
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+ "tDimensions',[6 1],'DisplayContentCache',[]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',fals"
+ "e,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a'"
+ ",'Location',[135 179 3841 2127])"
+ NumInputPorts "6"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "right Foot moments"
+ SID "4822"
+ Ports [4]
+ Position [195, 519, 340, 666]
+ ZOrder 702
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLoggingVariabl"
+ "eName','moments_r_sole_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','DataLoggingD"
+ "ecimateData',true,'DataLogging',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{stru"
+ "ct('MinYLimReal','-89.58974','MaxYLimReal','373.15892','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','373.15"
+ "892','LegendVisibility','Off','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',["
+ "0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.6"
+ "23529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717"
+ "647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','o"
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+ ",0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visib"
+ "le','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedCha"
+ "nnelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-90.08017'"
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+ "e,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686"
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+ "lor',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-"
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+ "le','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',"
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+ "019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.6509"
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+ "isible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),s"
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+ "215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-',"
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+ "er','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Pl"
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+ "ble','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',["
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+ "ase',false),struct('Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWi"
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+ "isible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color"
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+ "ct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}"
+ "},'PlotMagPhase',false),struct('Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle'"
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+ "ls','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements"
+ "',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[401 474 1711 1060])"
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+ ZOrder 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux Forces nd Moments"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 2
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+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 16
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+ Points [0, -25]
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+ DstPort 2
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+ }
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+ ZOrder 24
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+ SrcPort 7
+ Points [68, 0; 0, 110; 117, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 25
+ DstBlock "Sum3"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 26
+ Labels [1, 0]
+ DstBlock "right Foot moments"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ Points [0, 180]
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+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ ZOrder 31
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+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 32
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "right Foot forces"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 33
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "left Foot forces"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "desired moments r_sole"
+ ZOrder 34
+ SrcBlock "Demux Forces nd Moments"
+ SrcPort 8
+ Points [40, 0; 0, 110]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 35
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "right Foot moments"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 36
+ Points [0, 35]
+ DstBlock "Sum3"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "error moments r_sole"
+ ZOrder 37
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Sum3"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "right Foot moments"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "error moments l_sole"
+ ZOrder 38
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Sum2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "left Foot moments"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "desired moments l_sole"
+ ZOrder 39
+ SrcBlock "Demux Forces nd Moments"
+ SrcPort 6
+ Points [121, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 40
+ Points [0, 35]
+ DstBlock "Sum2"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 41
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "left Foot moments"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ Name "measured moments l_sole"
+ ZOrder 42
+ SrcBlock "Demux Forces nd Moments"
+ SrcPort 5
+ Points [185, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 43
+ DstBlock "Sum2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 44
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "left Foot moments"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType SubSystem
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+ Ports [3, 0, 1]
+ Position [255, 10, 440, 90]
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+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
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+ Name "Feet Status and Gains"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
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+ ZOrder 646
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4107"
+ Position [5, 127, 35, 143]
+ ZOrder 647
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+ }
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+ Name "state"
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+ Position [5, -6, 35, 6]
+ ZOrder 648
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+ Ports []
+ Position [392, -150, 412, -130]
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+ }
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+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux1"
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+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [195, 86, 200, 184]
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+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
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+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
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+ Position [345, -97, 465, 32]
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+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLoggingVariabl"
+ "eName','feetContactStatus_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','DataLoggi"
+ "ngDecimateData',true,'DataLogging',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{s"
+ "truct('MinYLimReal','0.9','MaxYLimReal','1.1','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.9','MaxYLimMag','1.1','LegendVisibil"
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+ "se,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0"
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+ "86 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','Lin"
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+ "Content',true,'Placement',2)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor'"
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+ "17647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible',"
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+ "hannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),'DisplayLayoutDimensions',[2 1"
+ "],'DisplayContentCache',[]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutosc"
+ "ale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[995 "
+ "541 1565 915])"
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+ SID "4116"
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+ Position [345, 79, 465, 211]
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+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLoggingVariabl"
+ "eName','KP_postural_diag_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','DataLoggin"
+ "gDecimateData',true,'DataLogging',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{st"
+ "ruct('MinYLimReal','8.75','MaxYLimReal','21.25','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','8.75','MaxYLimMag','21.25','LegendVi"
+ "sibility','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.6862745098039"
+ "22 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 "
+ "1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0."
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+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','base_pose_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1'"
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+ "true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','0.625','MaxYLimReal','4.375','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMa"
+ "g','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor'"
+ ",[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0"
+ ".623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.7"
+ "17647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',t"
+ "rue,'Placement',3)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274"
+ "509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411"
+ "764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.71764705882"
+ "3529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','"
+ "LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),stru"
+ "ct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineSty"
+ "le','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Ma"
+ "rker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'"
+ "),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelName"
+ "s',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),'TimeRangeSamples','400','TimeRangeFrame"
+ "s','400','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[3 1],'DisplayContentCache',[]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',"
+ "true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,'Version','2018"
+ "a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[630 446 1920 1048])"
+ NumInputPorts "3"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Base linear and angular velocity"
+ SID "4121"
+ Ports [3]
+ Position [1195, 319, 1280, 441]
+ ZOrder 891
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','baseVel_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','"
+ "DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struct('Min"
+ "YLimReal','-0.04416','MaxYLimReal','0.05054','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility'"
+ ",'On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.6862"
+ "74509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411"
+ "764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803"
+ "921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCa"
+ "che',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 "
+ "1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWid"
+ "th',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Vi"
+ "sible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color'"
+ ",[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLine"
+ "s',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-0.04416','MaxYLimReal','0.05054',"
+ "'YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase"
+ "',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',["
+ "1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.3921568627450"
+ "98 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.074509803"
+ "9215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-'"
+ ",'LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','"
+ "none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struc"
+ "t('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyl"
+ "e','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Mar"
+ "ker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'P"
+ "lacement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-0.04416','MaxYLimReal','0.05054','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag'"
+ ",'10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',["
+ "0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.6"
+ "23529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717"
+ "647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','','LinePr"
+ "opertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Co"
+ "lor',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-"
+ "','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker',"
+ "'none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),stru"
+ "ct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}"
+ "},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('MinYLimReal"
+ "','-0.04416','MaxYLimReal','0.05054','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesT"
+ "ickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.074509803"
+ "9215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.07450980392"
+ "15686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title'"
+ ",'%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','"
+ "Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Colo"
+ "r',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-',"
+ "'LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','n"
+ "one','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'Use"
+ "rDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),'DisplayLayoutDimensi"
+ "ons',[3 1]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','"
+ "Measurements',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[135 478 2065 1412])"
+ NumInputPorts "3"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "CoM Position"
+ SID "2286"
+ Ports [4]
+ Position [540, 245, 645, 380]
+ ZOrder 255
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','pos_CoM_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1','"
+ "DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struct('Min"
+ "YLimReal','-0.15575','MaxYLimReal','0.70056','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','0.70056','Legend"
+ "Visibility','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.68627450980"
+ "3922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.62352941176470"
+ "6 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 "
+ "0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LineP"
+ "ropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('C"
+ "olor',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','"
+ "-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker'"
+ ",'none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),str"
+ "uct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{"
+ "}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-0.14783','MaxYLimReal'"
+ ",'0.63035','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'P"
+ "lotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'Co"
+ "lorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.39"
+ "2156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 "
+ "0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'Lin"
+ "eStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5"
+ ",'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible',"
+ "'on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0"
+ "],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidt"
+ "h',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowConte"
+ "nt',true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-0.08636','MaxYLimReal','0.08883','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','"
+ "MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesT"
+ "ickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.074509803"
+ "9215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.07450980392"
+ "15686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title'"
+ ",'%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','"
+ "Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Colo"
+ "r',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-',"
+ "'LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','n"
+ "one','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'Use"
+ "rDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),struct('MinYLimReal',"
+ "'0.625','MaxYLimReal','4.375','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',t"
+ "rue,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.6"
+ "86274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0."
+ "16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588"
+ "235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('"
+ "Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle',"
+ "'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker"
+ "','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),st"
+ "ruct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineS"
+ "tyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames"
+ "',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',4)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'"
+ "AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745"
+ "098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.074509"
+ "8039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'T"
+ "itle','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','no"
+ "ne','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct("
+ "'Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle'"
+ ",'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marke"
+ "r','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}}"
+ ",'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),'TimeRangeSample"
+ "s','400','TimeRangeFrames','400','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[4 1]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',t"
+ "rue,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,'Version','2018a"
+ "')),'Version','2020a','Location',[135 239 2650 1508])"
+ NumInputPorts "4"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ1"
+ SID "3703"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [915, -462, 955, -438]
+ ZOrder 583
+ ShowName off
+ NumberOfDimensions "2"
+ InputPortWidth "7"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog),Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1 2 3],[1 2 3]"
+ OutputSizes "1,1"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "baseOrientation"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SID "3699"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [915, -502, 955, -478]
+ ZOrder 581
+ ShowName off
+ NumberOfDimensions "2"
+ InputPortWidth "7"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog),Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1 2 3],[4]"
+ OutputSizes "1,1"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "basePosition"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux"
+ SID "4111"
+ Ports [1, 2]
+ Position [945, 320, 950, 400]
+ ZOrder 890
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "2"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "base linear velocity"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux1"
+ SID "4571"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [1040, -349, 1045, -251]
+ ZOrder 878
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux10"
+ SID "4578"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [445, -84, 450, 14]
+ ZOrder 885
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux2"
+ SID "4572"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [1040, -199, 1045, -101]
+ ZOrder 879
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux3"
+ SID "4570"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [1040, 151, 1045, 249]
+ ZOrder 894
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux5"
+ SID "4573"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [1040, -39, 1045, 59]
+ ZOrder 880
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux7"
+ SID "4575"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [445, -379, 450, -281]
+ ZOrder 882
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux8"
+ SID "4576"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [445, -234, 450, -136]
+ ZOrder 883
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux9"
+ SID "4577"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [445, 71, 450, 169]
+ ZOrder 884
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "Config.numOfJointsForEachControlboard"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "torso"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "left_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "right_arm"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "left_leg"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "right_leg"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Desired Torques"
+ SID "2336"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [540, -230, 645, -120]
+ ZOrder 491
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','tauDesired_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1"
+ "','DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struct('"
+ "MinYLimReal','-19.59759','MaxYLimReal','27.79759','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','27.79759','"
+ "LegendVisibility','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.68627"
+ "4509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.62352941"
+ "1764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.7176470588"
+ "23529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%',"
+ "'LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),str"
+ "uct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineSt"
+ "yle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'M"
+ "arker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on"
+ "'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNam"
+ "es',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-7.66225','MaxYLi"
+ "mReal','8.03648','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',t"
+ "rue,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.68627450980392"
+ "2],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.1607843137254"
+ "9;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 "
+ "1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0"
+ "],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidt"
+ "h',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Vis"
+ "ible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',"
+ "[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','Li"
+ "neWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'Sho"
+ "wContent',true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-11.21869','MaxYLimReal','8.29753','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag"
+ "','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0]"
+ ",'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.07"
+ "45098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745"
+ "098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],"
+ "'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','"
+ "none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struc"
+ "t('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyl"
+ "e','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Mar"
+ "ker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')"
+ "}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),struct('MinYLi"
+ "mReal','-51.65238','MaxYLimReal','50.72666','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility',"
+ "'on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.68627"
+ "4509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.4117"
+ "64705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.2745098039"
+ "21569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCac"
+ "he',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1"
+ "],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidt"
+ "h',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Vis"
+ "ible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',"
+ "[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines"
+ "',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',4),struct('MinYLimReal','-5.64312','MaxYLimReal','14.99269',"
+ "'YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase"
+ "',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',["
+ "1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.3921568627450"
+ "98 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.074509803"
+ "9215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-'"
+ ",'LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','"
+ "none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struc"
+ "t('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyl"
+ "e','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Mar"
+ "ker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'P"
+ "lacement',5),struct('MinYLimReal','-0.5','MaxYLimReal','14.5','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','"
+ "LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.68627"
+ "4509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.62352941"
+ "1764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.7176470588"
+ "23529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','','LinePropertie"
+ "sCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1"
+ " 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','Line"
+ "Width',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none',"
+ "'Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Col"
+ "or',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumL"
+ "ines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',6)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','Ax"
+ "esColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.06666"
+ "66666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372"
+ "549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.6"
+ "50980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth"
+ "',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visi"
+ "ble','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',["
+ "1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','Lin"
+ "eWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none'"
+ ",'Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1"
+ "),'TimeRangeSamples','14','TimeRangeFrames','14','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Pl"
+ "ot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,"
+ "'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[811 296 1749 1223])"
+ NumInputPorts "6"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Desired Torques After Saturation"
+ SID "4561"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [540, -375, 645, -265]
+ ZOrder 871
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','tau_star_afterSat_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimat"
+ "ion','1','DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{s"
+ "truct('MinYLimReal','-14.69019','MaxYLimReal','22.24602','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','22.2"
+ "4602','LegendVisibility','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',["
+ "0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.6"
+ "23529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717"
+ "647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','o"
+ "n'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],"
+ "'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth'"
+ ",0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visib"
+ "le','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedCha"
+ "nnelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-10.12731'"
+ ",'MaxYLimReal','6.52875','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'"
+ "YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274"
+ "509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078"
+ "431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.058823529"
+ "4117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color"
+ "',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','"
+ "LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','no"
+ "ne','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct("
+ "'Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle'"
+ ",'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{["
+ "]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-14.66185','MaxYLimReal','8.30827','YLabelReal','','Mi"
+ "nYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor'"
+ ",[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666"
+ "667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.83137254901960"
+ "8 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392"
+ "156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'M"
+ "arker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on"
+ "'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'"
+ "LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',"
+ "0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visibl"
+ "e','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),struct"
+ "('MinYLimReal','-23.11356','MaxYLimReal','33.28118','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisi"
+ "bility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922"
+ " 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;"
+ "1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.27"
+ "4509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePrope"
+ "rtiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color"
+ "',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','"
+ "LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','no"
+ "ne','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct("
+ "'Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'"
+ "NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',4),struct('MinYLimReal','-30.29324','MaxYLimReal','2"
+ "7.04418','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'Plo"
+ "tMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'Colo"
+ "rOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.3921"
+ "56862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0."
+ "0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineS"
+ "tyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'"
+ "Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','o"
+ "n'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],"
+ "'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth'"
+ ",0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent"
+ "',true,'Placement',5),struct('MinYLimReal','0.25','MaxYLimReal','7.75','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMa"
+ "g','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor'"
+ ",[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0"
+ ".623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.7"
+ "17647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','','Line"
+ "PropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('"
+ "Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle',"
+ "'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker"
+ "','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),st"
+ "ruct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{"
+ "{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',6)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelRea"
+ "l','','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 "
+ "1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098"
+ " 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.07450980392"
+ "15686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','"
+ "LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','no"
+ "ne','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct("
+ "'Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle'"
+ ",'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marke"
+ "r','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Pla"
+ "cement',1),'TimeRangeSamples','14','TimeRangeFrames','14','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration('T"
+ "ools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measuremen"
+ "ts',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[701 359 2556 1241])"
+ NumInputPorts "6"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Gain
+ Name "Gain"
+ SID "2289"
+ Position [910, -318, 960, -282]
+ ZOrder 309
+ ShowName off
+ Gain "180/pi"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Gain
+ Name "Gain1"
+ SID "4114"
+ Position [945, 187, 995, 213]
+ ZOrder 892
+ ShowName off
+ Gain "180/pi"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Gain
+ Name "Gain2"
+ SID "4115"
+ Position [985, 366, 1030, 394]
+ ZOrder 893
+ ShowName off
+ Gain "180/pi"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "base angular velocity"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Gain
+ Name "Gain3"
+ SID "2290"
+ Position [910, -168, 960, -132]
+ ZOrder 500
+ ShowName off
+ Gain "180/pi"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Gain
+ Name "Gain4"
+ SID "2291"
+ Position [910, -8, 960, 28]
+ ZOrder 503
+ ShowName off
+ Gain "180/pi"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Joint Position Desired"
+ SID "2334"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [1195, -198, 1280, -82]
+ ZOrder 501
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','jointPos_Desired_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimati"
+ "on','1','DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{st"
+ "ruct('MinYLimReal','-8.36237','MaxYLimReal','29.68131','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','29.681"
+ "31','LegendVisibility','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0."
+ "686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623"
+ "529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.71764"
+ "7058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'"
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+ "ineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0"
+ ".5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible"
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+ "elNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-81.97965','"
+ "MaxYLimReal','72.42484','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'Y"
+ "Grid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.6862745"
+ "09803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.160784"
+ "31372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294"
+ "117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color'"
+ ",[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','L"
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+ "e','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('"
+ "Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle',"
+ "'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]"
+ "}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-78.54318','MaxYLimReal','93.23402','YLabelReal','','Mi"
+ "nYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor'"
+ ",[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666"
+ "667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.83137254901960"
+ "8 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392"
+ "156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'M"
+ "arker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on"
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+ "e','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),struct"
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+ "bility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922"
+ " 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;"
+ "1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.27"
+ "4509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePrope"
+ "rtiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color"
+ "',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','"
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+ "ne','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct("
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+ "otMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'Col"
+ "orOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392"
+ "156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0"
+ ".0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'Line"
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+ "',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowConten"
+ "t',true,'Placement',5),struct('MinYLimReal','0.625','MaxYLimReal','4.375','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLi"
+ "mMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickCol"
+ "or',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.074509803921568"
+ "6 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;"
+ "0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','','L"
+ "inePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struc"
+ "t('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyl"
+ "e','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Mar"
+ "ker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')"
+ ",struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames"
+ "',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',6)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabel"
+ "Real','','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',"
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+ "098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.07450980"
+ "39215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-"
+ "','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker',"
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+ "ct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineSty"
+ "le','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Ma"
+ "rker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'"
+ "Placement',1),'TimeRangeSamples','40','TimeRangeFrames','40','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration"
+ "('Tools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measure"
+ "ments',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[135 204 1853 1049])"
+ NumInputPorts "6"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Joint Position Measured"
+ SID "2333"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [1195, -348, 1280, -232]
+ ZOrder 312
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','jointPos_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1',"
+ "'DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struct('Mi"
+ "nYLimReal','-2.41385','MaxYLimReal','5.58471','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','5.58471','Legen"
+ "dVisibility','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.6862745098"
+ "03922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.6235294117647"
+ "06 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529"
+ " 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','Line"
+ "PropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('"
+ "Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle',"
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+ "','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),st"
+ "ruct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{"
+ "{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-39.61854','MaxYLimRea"
+ "l','58.9684','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,"
+ "'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'"
+ "ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0."
+ "392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;"
+ "1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'L"
+ "ineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0"
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+ " 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWi"
+ "dth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowCon"
+ "tent',true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-39.58369','MaxYLimReal','58.65801','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','"
+ "0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'A"
+ "xesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.07450"
+ "98039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098"
+ "039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Ti"
+ "tle','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','non"
+ "e','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('"
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+ "','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},"
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+ "al','-8.16303','MaxYLimReal','11.36009','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on'"
+ ",'XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509"
+ "803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.41176470"
+ "5882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.27450980392156"
+ "9 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',"
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+ "ineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0"
+ ".5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible"
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+ " 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,"
+ "'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',4),struct('MinYLimReal','-11.45092','MaxYLimReal','7.90757','YLa"
+ "belReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',fa"
+ "lse,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 "
+ "0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0"
+ ".831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215"
+ "686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','Li"
+ "neWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none"
+ "','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('C"
+ "olor',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','"
+ "-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker'"
+ ",'none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Place"
+ "ment',5),struct('MinYLimReal','0.75','MaxYLimReal','3.25','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','Lege"
+ "ndVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509"
+ "803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764"
+ "706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.71764705882352"
+ "9 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','Lin"
+ "ePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct("
+ "'Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle'"
+ ",'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marke"
+ "r','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),s"
+ "truct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',"
+ "{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',6)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelRe"
+ "al','','AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1"
+ " 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.39215686274509"
+ "8 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039"
+ "215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-',"
+ "'LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','n"
+ "one','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct"
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+ "','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Mark"
+ "er','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Pl"
+ "acement',1),'TimeRangeSamples','40','TimeRangeFrames','40','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration('"
+ "Tools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measureme"
+ "nts',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[135 184 3841 2132])"
+ NumInputPorts "6"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Joint Positon Error"
+ SID "2335"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [1195, -40, 1280, 80]
+ ZOrder 504
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','jointPos_Error_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation"
+ "','1','DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{stru"
+ "ct('MinYLimReal','-10.85715','MaxYLimReal','13.2441','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','13.2441'"
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+ "274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529"
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+ "acement',1),'TimeRangeSamples','40','TimeRangeFrames','40','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration('"
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+ "nts',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[135 169 2055 1097])"
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+ Floating off
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Joint Velocity"
+ SID "4122"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [1195, 148, 1280, 272]
+ ZOrder 886
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','jointVel_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1',"
+ "'DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struct('Mi"
+ "nYLimReal','-20.50153','MaxYLimReal','20.29706','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibili"
+ "ty','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.6"
+ "86274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0."
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+ "olor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215"
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+ "6;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%<"
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+ "inedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),struct('MinYLimReal','-20"
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+ "ible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',"
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+ "rker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'"
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+ "le','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Ma"
+ "rker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'"
+ ")}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),'TimeRangeSam"
+ "ples','60','TimeRangeFrames','60','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',"
+ "true,'OnceAtStop',false),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','L"
+ "ocation',[379 354 2309 1288])"
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+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Measured Torques"
+ SID "2338"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [540, 73, 645, 187]
+ ZOrder 495
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','tauMeasured_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','"
+ "1','DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struct("
+ "'MinYLimReal','-13.53306','MaxYLimReal','13.58663','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','13.58663',"
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+ "74509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.6235294"
+ "11764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058"
+ "823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%'"
+ ",'LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),st"
+ "ruct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineS"
+ "tyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'"
+ "Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','o"
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+ "mes',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-4.19072','MaxYL"
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+ "true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.6862745098039"
+ "22],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.160784313725"
+ "49;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647"
+ " 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 "
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+ "ineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'Sh"
+ "owContent',true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-4.21765','MaxYLimReal','4.8762','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag'"
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+ "'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.074"
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+ "98039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'"
+ "Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','n"
+ "one','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct"
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+ "er','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}"
+ "},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),struct('MinYLim"
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+ "on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274"
+ "509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.41176"
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+ "1569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCach"
+ "e',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1]"
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+ ",0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',4),struct('MinYLimReal','-44.89002','MaxYLimReal','34.01019',"
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+ "',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',["
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+ "98 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.074509803"
+ "9215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-'"
+ ",'LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','"
+ "none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struc"
+ "t('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyl"
+ "e','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Mar"
+ "ker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'P"
+ "lacement',5),struct('MinYLimReal','-0.5','MaxYLimReal','14.5','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','"
+ "LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.68627"
+ "4509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.62352941"
+ "1764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.7176470588"
+ "23529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','','LinePropertie"
+ "sCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1"
+ " 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','Line"
+ "Width',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none',"
+ "'Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Col"
+ "or',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumL"
+ "ines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',6)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','Ax"
+ "esColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.06666"
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+ "549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.6"
+ "50980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth"
+ "',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visi"
+ "ble','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',["
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+ "eWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none'"
+ ",'Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1"
+ "),'TimeRangeSamples','14','TimeRangeFrames','14','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Pl"
+ "ot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,"
+ "'Version','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[1266 568 2566 1252])"
+ NumInputPorts "6"
+ Floating off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "Selector1"
+ SID "4118"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [845, 188, 905, 212]
+ ZOrder 889
+ ShowName off
+ InputPortWidth "6+ROBOT_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[7:6+ROBOT_DOF]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
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+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "Selector2"
+ SID "4119"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [845, 348, 905, 372]
+ ZOrder 888
+ ShowName off
+ InputPortWidth "6+ROBOT_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1:6]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Sum"
+ SID "2295"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [210, -45, 230, -25]
+ ZOrder 493
+ ShowName off
+ Inputs "|+-"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Sum1"
+ SID "4827"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [210, 320, 230, 340]
+ ZOrder 896
+ ShowName off
+ Inputs "+-|"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "CoM_Error"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Sum
+ Name "Sum3"
+ SID "2298"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [845, 0, 865, 20]
+ ZOrder 506
+ ShowName off
+ Inputs "-+|"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Scope
+ Name "Torques Error"
+ SID "2337"
+ Ports [6]
+ Position [540, -82, 645, 32]
+ ZOrder 494
+ ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extmgr"
+ ".Configuration('Core','General UI',true,'FigureColor',[0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039 0.156862745098039]),ext"
+ "mgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Sources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLogging',true,"
+ "'DataLoggingVariableName','tauError_DATA','DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingDecimation','1',"
+ "'DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'SerializedDisplays',{struct('Mi"
+ "nYLimReal','-23.63249','MaxYLimReal','27.95301','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.00000','MaxYLimMag','27.95301','Le"
+ "gendVisibility','On','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.6862745"
+ "09803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.6235294117"
+ "64706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823"
+ "529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','L"
+ "inePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struc"
+ "t('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyl"
+ "e','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Mar"
+ "ker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')"
+ ",struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames"
+ "',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-6.49775','MaxYLimR"
+ "eal','5.80954','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',tru"
+ "e,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922]"
+ ",'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;"
+ "0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 "
+ "1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],"
+ "'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth'"
+ ",0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visib"
+ "le','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0"
+ " 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','Line"
+ "Width',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowC"
+ "ontent',true,'Placement',2),struct('MinYLimReal','-8.17969','MaxYLimReal','7.65402','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','"
+ "0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'A"
+ "xesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.07450"
+ "98039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098"
+ "039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Ti"
+ "tle','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','non"
+ "e','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('"
+ "Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle',"
+ "'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker"
+ "','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},"
+ "'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',3),struct('MinYLimRe"
+ "al','-23.22756','MaxYLimReal','25.22297','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on"
+ "','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.68627450"
+ "9803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.4117647"
+ "05882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.2745098039215"
+ "69 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache'"
+ ",{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'"
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+ "0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visibl"
+ "e','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 "
+ "0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0"
+ ",'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',4),struct('MinYLimReal','-66.44849','MaxYLimReal','41.64929','Y"
+ "LabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',"
+ "false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 "
+ "1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098"
+ " 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.07450980392"
+ "15686 0.650980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','"
+ "LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','no"
+ "ne','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct("
+ "'Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle'"
+ ",'-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marke"
+ "r','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Pla"
+ "cement',5),struct('MinYLimReal','0.25','MaxYLimReal','7.75','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','Le"
+ "gendVisibility','on','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.6862745"
+ "09803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.6235294117"
+ "64706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823"
+ "529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863],'Title','','LinePropertiesC"
+ "ache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0"
+ " 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWi"
+ "dth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','V"
+ "isible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color"
+ "',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLin"
+ "es',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',6)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('YLabelReal','','Axes"
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+ "9019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650"
+ "980392156863],'Title','%','LinePropertiesCache',{{struct('Color',[1 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',"
+ "0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visibl"
+ "e','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[1 "
+ "0 0],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 1 0],'LineStyle','-','LineW"
+ "idth',0.5,'Marker','none','Visible','on'),struct('Color',[0 0 1],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',0.5,'Marker','none','"
+ "Visible','on')}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),"
+ "'TimeRangeSamples','90','TimeRangeFrames','90','DisplayLayoutDimensions',[6 1]),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot"
+ " Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configuration('Tools','Measurements',true,'V"
+ "ersion','2018a')),'Version','2020a','Location',[135 169 1990 1170])"
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+ Floating off
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "CoM_Measured"
+ ZOrder 1
+ SrcBlock "pos_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [120, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 2
+ DstBlock "Sum1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 3
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "CoM Position"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 4
+ SrcBlock "Gain"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 5
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [80, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 6
+ DstBlock "Gain"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 7
+ DstBlock "Sum3"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 8
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux1"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Measured"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 9
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Measured"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 10
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux1"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Measured"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 11
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux1"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Measured"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 12
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux1"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Measured"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 62
+ SrcBlock "tau_star"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [41, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 63
+ Points [0, 150]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 102
+ Points [0, 155; 79, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 14
+ DstBlock "Sum"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 15
+ DstBlock "Demux9"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 101
+ DstBlock "Sum"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 64
+ DstBlock "Demux8"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 16
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux8"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 17
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux8"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 18
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux8"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 19
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux8"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 20
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux8"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 21
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux10"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Torques Error"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 22
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux10"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Torques Error"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 23
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux10"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Torques Error"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 24
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux10"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Torques Error"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 25
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux10"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Torques Error"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 26
+ SrcBlock "Sum"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux10"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 27
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux9"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Measured Torques"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 28
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux9"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Measured Torques"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 29
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux9"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Measured Torques"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 30
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux9"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Measured Torques"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 31
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux9"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Measured Torques"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 32
+ SrcBlock "jointPos_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [32, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 33
+ Points [0, 160]
+ DstBlock "Sum3"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 34
+ DstBlock "Gain3"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 35
+ SrcBlock "Gain3"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 36
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux2"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Desired"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 37
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Desired"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 38
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux2"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Desired"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 39
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux2"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Desired"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 40
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux2"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Desired"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 41
+ SrcBlock "Gain4"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux5"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 42
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux5"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Joint Positon Error"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 43
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux5"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Joint Positon Error"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 44
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux5"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Joint Positon Error"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 45
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux5"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Joint Positon Error"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 46
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux5"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Joint Positon Error"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 47
+ SrcBlock "Sum3"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Gain4"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "CoM_Desired"
+ ZOrder 48
+ SrcBlock "pos_CoM_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [67, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 49
+ Points [0, 35]
+ DstBlock "Sum1"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 50
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "CoM Position"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 51
+ SrcBlock "w_H_b"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [77, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 52
+ Points [0, -40]
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 53
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "basePosition"
+ ZOrder 54
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Base Pose"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "baseOrientation"
+ ZOrder 55
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Base Pose"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 56
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux7"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques After Saturation"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 57
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux7"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques After Saturation"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 58
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux7"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques After Saturation"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 59
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux7"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques After Saturation"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 60
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux7"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques After Saturation"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 61
+ SrcBlock "tau_star_afterSat"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux7"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 65
+ SrcBlock "nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [26, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 66
+ DstBlock "Selector1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 67
+ Points [0, 160]
+ DstBlock "Selector2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 68
+ SrcBlock "Selector2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 69
+ SrcBlock "Gain1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Demux3"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "base linear velocity"
+ ZOrder 70
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Base linear and angular velocity"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "base angular velocity"
+ ZOrder 71
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Gain2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Base linear and angular velocity"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_arm"
+ ZOrder 72
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux3"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Joint Velocity"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "right_leg"
+ ZOrder 73
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux3"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Joint Velocity"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 74
+ SrcBlock "Selector1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Gain1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "torso"
+ ZOrder 75
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux3"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Joint Velocity"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_arm"
+ ZOrder 76
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux3"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Joint Velocity"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "left_leg"
+ ZOrder 77
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Demux3"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Joint Velocity"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 78
+ SrcBlock "Demux"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Gain2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "CoM_Error"
+ ZOrder 79
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Sum1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CoM Position"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "state"
+ ZOrder 80
+ SrcBlock "state"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [234, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 81
+ Points [0, 145]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 82
+ Points [0, 150]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 83
+ Points [0, 155]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 84
+ Points [0, 185]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 85
+ Points [0, 55; 742, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 86
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Base linear and angular velocity"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 87
+ Points [0, -160]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 88
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Joint Velocity"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 89
+ Points [0, -190]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 90
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Joint Positon Error"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 91
+ Points [0, -160]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 92
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Desired"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 93
+ Points [0, -150; 1, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 94
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ Points [0, -170]
+ DstBlock "Base Pose"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 95
+ DstBlock "Joint Position Measured"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 96
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "CoM Position"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 97
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Measured Torques"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 98
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Torques Error"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 99
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 100
+ Labels [-1, 0]
+ DstBlock "Desired Torques After Saturation"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ ZOrder 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [100, 0]
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort enable
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+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 4
+ Points [0, 40]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 5
+ Points [0, 135]
+ DstBlock "Desired and Measured Forces"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 6
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 7
+ Points [0, -130]
+ DstBlock "Feet Status and Gains"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 2
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+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 5
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+ Points [165, 0]
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+ DstPort enable
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Visualize eventual QP failures"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 13
+ SrcBlock "ON_GAZEBO\n1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [160, 0]
+ DstBlock "Desired and Measured Forces"
+ DstPort enable
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 14
+ SrcBlock "ON_GAZEBO\n6"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [135, 0]
+ DstBlock "Feet Status and Gains"
+ DstPort enable
+ }
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+ ZOrder 15
+ SrcBlock "From4"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Feet Status and Gains"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 16
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Feet Status and Gains"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ ZOrder 17
+ SrcBlock "From2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Desired and Measured Forces"
+ DstPort 3
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Desired and Measured Forces"
+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Desired and Measured Forces"
+ DstPort 2
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 3
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+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 4
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+ ZOrder 22
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 7
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+ ZOrder 23
+ SrcBlock "From13"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 8
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+ ZOrder 24
+ SrcBlock "From14"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Visualizer"
+ DstPort 9
+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "2344"
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+ ZOrder 582
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ }
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+ PortCounts "[1 2]"
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+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "M_with_inertia"
+ }
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+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4518::124"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 114
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+ ZOrder -5
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 150
+ SrcBlock "M"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name "M_with_inertia"
+ ZOrder 151
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "M_with_inertia"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 152
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 153
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant"
+ SID "4846"
+ Position [50, 142, 255, 158]
+ ZOrder 725
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Name "Switch"
+ SID "4844"
+ Position [310, 69, 380, 231]
+ ZOrder 594
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "M_with_motor_inertia"
+ SID "4517"
+ Position [455, 143, 485, 157]
+ ZOrder 592
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 109
+ SrcBlock "M"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [36, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 114
+ Points [0, 110]
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 113
+ DstBlock "Add motor reflected inertias"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 111
+ SrcBlock "Constant"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 112
+ SrcBlock "Add motor reflected inertias"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 115
+ SrcBlock "Switch"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "M_with_motor_inertia"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "CentroidalMomentum"
+ SID "2345"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [395, 281, 575, 344]
+ ZOrder 223
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/CentroidalMomentum"
+ SourceType "CentroidalMomentum"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ1"
+ SID "2346"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [215, 211, 255, 229]
+ ZOrder 583
+ ShowName off
+ InputPortWidth "6+ROBOT_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[7:6+ROBOT_DOF]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SID "2347"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [215, 186, 255, 204]
+ ZOrder 581
+ ShowName off
+ InputPortWidth "6+ROBOT_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1 2 3 4 5 6]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "GetBiasForces"
+ SID "2348"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [395, 132, 535, 233]
+ ZOrder 222
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/GetBiasForces"
+ SourceType "Get Generalized Bias Forces"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "MassMatrix"
+ SID "2349"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [395, 19, 535, 86]
+ ZOrder 221
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Dynamics/MassMatrix"
+ SourceType "MassMatrix"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "M"
+ SID "4357"
+ Position [750, 48, 780, 62]
+ ZOrder 587
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "h"
+ SID "4358"
+ Position [625, 178, 655, 192]
+ ZOrder 588
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "L"
+ SID "4359"
+ Position [625, 308, 655, 322]
+ ZOrder 589
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 83
+ SrcBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "L"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 82
+ SrcBlock "GetBiasForces"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "h"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 78
+ SrcBlock "w_H_b"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [168, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 5
+ Points [0, 110]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 6
+ Points [0, 145]
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 7
+ DstBlock "GetBiasForces"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 8
+ DstBlock "MassMatrix"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 79
+ SrcBlock "jointPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [157, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 10
+ Points [0, 100]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 11
+ Points [0, 135]
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 12
+ DstBlock "GetBiasForces"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 13
+ DstBlock "MassMatrix"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 14
+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [41, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 75
+ Points [0, 125]
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 73
+ DstBlock "GetBiasForces"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 17
+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [20, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 77
+ Points [0, 115]
+ DstBlock "CentroidalMomentum"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 76
+ DstBlock "GetBiasForces"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 80
+ SrcBlock "nu"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [17, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 74
+ Points [0, 25]
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 22
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 106
+ SrcBlock "MassMatrix"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Add motors reflected inertia"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 107
+ SrcBlock "Add motors reflected inertia"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "M"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Kinematics"
+ SID "4321"
+ Ports [3, 8]
+ Position [-415, 21, -265, 359]
+ ZOrder 837
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "Kinematics"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
+ Open off
+ PortBlocksUseCompactNotation off
+ SetExecutionDomain off
+ ExecutionDomainType "Deduce"
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "nu"
+ SID "4342"
+ Position [-250, 493, -220, 507]
+ ZOrder 857
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "4339"
+ Position [-250, 58, -220, 72]
+ ZOrder 868
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "w_H_b"
+ SID "4336"
+ Position [-250, 163, -220, 177]
+ ZOrder 870
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "CoM"
+ SID "4363"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [60, 321, 225, 359]
+ ZOrder 882
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceType "ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.COM"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SID "4364"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [265, 331, 295, 349]
+ ZOrder 883
+ ShowName off
+ NumberOfDimensions "2"
+ InputPortWidth "7"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog),Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1 2 3],[4]"
+ OutputSizes "1,1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ3"
+ SID "2369"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [-140, 510, -100, 520]
+ ZOrder 833
+ ShowName off
+ InputPortWidth "6+ROBOT_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[7:6+ROBOT_DOF]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ4"
+ SID "2370"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [-140, 495, -100, 505]
+ ZOrder 832
+ ShowName off
+ InputPortWidth "6+ROBOT_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1 2 3 4 5 6]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "DotJNu l_sole"
+ SID "2375"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [60, 382, 235, 443]
+ ZOrder 829
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/DotJNu"
+ SourceType "DotJNu"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.LEFT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "DotJNu r_sole"
+ SID "2376"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [65, 464, 235, 521]
+ ZOrder 831
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/DotJNu"
+ SourceType "DotJNu"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
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+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.RIGHT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto2"
+ SID "4797"
+ Position [360, 371, 430, 389]
+ ZOrder 950
+ ShowName off
+ GotoTag "pos_CoM"
+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "Jacobian com"
+ SID "2378"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [60, 260, 225, 300]
+ ZOrder 835
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ SourceType "Jacobian"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.COM"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "Jacobian l_sole"
+ SID "2379"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [60, 160, 225, 195]
+ ZOrder 828
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ SourceType "Jacobian"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.LEFT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "Jacobian r_sole"
+ SID "2380"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [60, 210, 225, 245]
+ ZOrder 830
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Jacobians/Jacobian"
+ SourceType "Jacobian"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.RIGHT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "l_sole"
+ SID "2405"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [60, 35, 220, 75]
+ ZOrder 826
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceType "ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.LEFT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "r_sole"
+ SID "2406"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [60, 95, 220, 135]
+ ZOrder 827
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceType "ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
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+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.RIGHT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "w_H_l_sole"
+ SID "4350"
+ Position [380, 48, 410, 62]
+ ZOrder 865
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "w_H_r_sole"
+ SID "4367"
+ Position [380, 108, 410, 122]
+ ZOrder 874
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "J_l_sole"
+ SID "4368"
+ Position [380, 173, 410, 187]
+ ZOrder 875
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "J_r_sole"
+ SID "4369"
+ Position [380, 223, 410, 237]
+ ZOrder 876
+ Port "4"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "J_CoM"
+ SID "4370"
+ Position [380, 273, 410, 287]
+ ZOrder 877
+ Port "5"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "pos_CoM"
+ SID "4371"
+ Position [380, 333, 410, 347]
+ ZOrder 878
+ Port "6"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "JDot_l_sole_nu"
+ SID "4372"
+ Position [380, 408, 410, 422]
+ ZOrder 879
+ Port "7"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "JDot_r_sole_nu"
+ SID "4374"
+ Position [380, 488, 410, 502]
+ ZOrder 881
+ Port "8"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [57, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 203
+ DstBlock "DotJNu r_sole"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 193
+ Points [0, -80]
+ DstBlock "DotJNu l_sole"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
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+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ4"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [80, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 206
+ DstBlock "DotJNu r_sole"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 204
+ Points [0, -80]
+ DstBlock "DotJNu l_sole"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [27, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 202
+ Points [0, 15]
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ3"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 188
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ4"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "JDot_l_sole_nu"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ Points [235, 0]
+ Branch {
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+ Branch {
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+ Points [0, 60]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 165
+ Points [0, 50]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 170
+ Points [0, 55]
+ Branch {
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+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 177
+ Points [0, 60]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 270
+ Points [0, 55]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 274
+ Points [0, 80]
+ DstBlock "DotJNu r_sole"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 214
+ DstBlock "DotJNu l_sole"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 258
+ DstBlock "CoM"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 169
+ DstBlock "Jacobian r_sole"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
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+ DstBlock "Jacobian l_sole"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
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+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [116, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 166
+ Points [0, 50]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 168
+ Points [0, 50]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 176
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 175
+ Points [0, 60]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 269
+ Points [0, 60]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 273
+ Points [0, 80]
+ DstBlock "DotJNu r_sole"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 220
+ DstBlock "DotJNu l_sole"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 257
+ DstBlock "CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 167
+ DstBlock "Jacobian r_sole"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 158
+ DstBlock "Jacobian l_sole"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 157
+ Points [0, -65]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 148
+ DstBlock "r_sole"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 147
+ Points [0, -60]
+ DstBlock "l_sole"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 255
+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [27, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 306
+ Points [0, 40]
+ DstBlock "Goto2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 305
+ DstBlock "pos_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "M"
+ SID "2350"
+ Position [-475, -167, -445, -153]
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+ }
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+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ Position [-185, 43, -155, 57]
+ ZOrder 882
+ Port "4"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
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+ SID "4376"
+ Position [-185, 83, -155, 97]
+ ZOrder 883
+ Port "5"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "J_l_sole"
+ SID "4377"
+ Position [-185, 123, -155, 137]
+ ZOrder 884
+ Port "6"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "J_r_sole"
+ SID "4378"
+ Position [-185, 163, -155, 177]
+ ZOrder 885
+ Port "7"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ SID "4379"
+ Position [-185, 203, -155, 217]
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+ Port "8"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ DstPort 3
+ }
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+ }
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+ Name "Joint Torque Saturation"
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+ SID "4843"
+ Position [-35, 54, 25, 66]
+ ZOrder 724
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
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+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto"
+ SID "4728"
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+ ZOrder 722
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
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+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
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+ Name "Saturate Torque Derivative"
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4556::22"
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4556::68"
+ Position [20, 206, 40, 224]
+ ZOrder 57
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+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
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+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 107
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
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+ BlockType S-Function
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+ ZOrder 106
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+ EnableBusSupport on
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+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "uSat"
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4556::119"
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+ ZOrder 108
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ Name "Saturation"
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+ Position [405, 77, 445, 113]
+ ZOrder 546
+ ShowName off
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+ Name "Switch"
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+ Position [310, -5, 365, 195]
+ ZOrder 2
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
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+ }
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+ ZOrder -2
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+ DstPort 1
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+ DstBlock "Switch"
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+ ZOrder 36
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 26
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+ DstPort 1
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+ }
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+ ZOrder 23
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ Name "Compute Base Velocity"
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ ZOrder 9
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+ BlockType Demux
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+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 216
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
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+ BlockType S-Function
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+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "nu_b"
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4215::3848"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 217
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "nu_b"
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+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -6
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+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ Name "Feet Jacobians"
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+ Position [745, 565, 905, 620]
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ DstPort 1
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+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 8
+ DstBlock "Jacobian r_sole"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 11
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+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 3
+ Points [0, -35]
+ DstBlock "Compute Base Velocity"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ DstBlock "nu"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcBlock "feetContactStatus\n"
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Compute Base Velocity"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ Name "Compute base to fixed link transform"
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+ Name "LFoot to base link transform "
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
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+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ Location [219, 337, 814, 775]
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+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4257::93"
+ Position [20, 246, 40, 264]
+ ZOrder 69
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+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "neck_pos"
+ SID "4257::118"
+ Position [20, 281, 40, 299]
+ ZOrder 86
+ Port "6"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4257::3838"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 238
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
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+ Ports [6, 2]
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+ Parameters "Config"
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+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "w_H_b"
+ }
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+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4257::3839"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 239
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+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "imu_H_link"
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+ HideAutomaticName off
+ Inputs "/*"
+ Multiplication "Matrix(*)"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "link_H_root"
+ }
+ }
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+ Position [1250, 260, 1275, 280]
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+ ShowName off
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+ Position [1760, 151, 1840, 419]
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+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
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+ BlockType Constant
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+ }
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+ ZOrder 4
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+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 3
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+ ZOrder 41
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 7
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Inv"
+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [42, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 13
+ Points [0, -165]
+ DstBlock "Fixed base to imu transform"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 14
+ DstBlock "Fixe d base to root link transform"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ ZOrder 26
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 27
+ DstBlock "Fixed base to imu transform"
+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
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+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ Name "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
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+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4857::93"
+ Position [20, 246, 40, 264]
+ ZOrder 69
+ Port "5"
+ }
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+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "neck_pos"
+ SID "4857::118"
+ Position [20, 281, 40, 299]
+ ZOrder 86
+ Port "6"
+ }
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+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4857::3838"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 238
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
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+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "w_H_b"
+ }
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+ DstBlock " SFunction "
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
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+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "imu_H_link"
+ }
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+ Inputs "/*"
+ Multiplication "Matrix(*)"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name "link_H_root"
+ }
+ }
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+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
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+ BlockType Constant
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+ SourceBlock "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
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+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ ZOrder 3
+ Points [0, 165]
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+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 4
+ Points [0, -40]
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 7
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Inv"
+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [42, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 12
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+ }
+ Branch {
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+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ Points [0, 50]
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 23
+ Points [0, -60]
+ DstBlock "Inv"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [57, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 25
+ Points [0, 165]
+ DstBlock "Fixed base to root link transform"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 26
+ DstBlock "Fixed base to imu transform"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ ZOrder 27
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 4
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ ZOrder 29
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType Reference
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+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [180, 22, 345, 53]
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+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ frameName "Frames.LEFT_FOOT"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "Relative transform r_sole_H_base"
+ SID "4306"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [180, 107, 345, 138]
+ ZOrder 899
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Model/Kinematics/ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceType "ForwardKinematics"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
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+ frameName "Frames.RIGHT_FOOT"
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ SID "4318"
+ Position [650, 23, 680, 37]
+ ZOrder 910
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+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ Position [650, 108, 680, 122]
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+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 2
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+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 59
+ Points [0, 85]
+ DstBlock "RFoot to base link transform"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
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+ ZOrder 4
+ DstBlock "LFoot to base link transform "
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 5
+ Points [0, 85]
+ DstBlock "Relative transform r_sole_H_base"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 6
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "LFoot to base link transform "
+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "RFoot to base link transform"
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [51, 0]
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+ ZOrder 12
+ Points [0, 85]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 13
+ Points [0, 37]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 22
+ Points [0, 23]
+ DstBlock "Goto"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 21
+ Points [274, 0; 0, -62]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 70
+ Points [0, -85]
+ DstBlock "LFoot to base link transform "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 31
+ DstBlock "RFoot to base link transform"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 16
+ DstBlock "Relative transform r_sole_H_base"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 17
+ DstBlock "Relative transform l_sole_H_base"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [104, 0; 0, -75]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 69
+ Points [0, -85]
+ DstBlock "LFoot to base link transform "
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 32
+ DstBlock "RFoot to base link transform"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
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+ ZOrder 74
+ Points [0, 85]
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 73
+ DstBlock "LFoot to base link transform "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ Position [10, 2913, 65, 2927]
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+ Position [330, 2497, 380, 2513]
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+ TagVisibility "global"
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+ Name "State Machine"
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+ BlockType Inport
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+ SID "4730"
+ Position [-575, 403, -545, 417]
+ ZOrder 902
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "fixed_r_sole_H_b"
+ SID "4731"
+ Position [-575, 438, -545, 452]
+ ZOrder 903
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_rightFoot"
+ SID "4876"
+ Position [-375, 333, -345, 347]
+ ZOrder 955
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_leftFoot"
+ SID "4877"
+ Position [-375, 368, -345, 382]
+ ZOrder 956
+ Port "5"
+ }
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+ BlockType Demux
+ Name "Demux1"
+ SID "3690"
+ Ports [1, 3]
+ Position [475, 248, 480, 362]
+ ZOrder 695
+ ShowName off
+ Outputs "[ROBOT_DOF,3,3]"
+ }
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+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto1"
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+ Position [540, 183, 645, 197]
+ ZOrder 945
+ ShowName off
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+ TagVisibility "global"
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+ TagVisibility "global"
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+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto3"
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+ Position [-270, 348, -175, 362]
+ ZOrder 953
+ ShowName off
+ GotoTag "wrench_leftFoot"
+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
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+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Goto4"
+ SID "4794"
+ Position [-270, 298, -175, 312]
+ ZOrder 954
+ ShowName off
+ GotoTag "wrench_rightFoot"
+ TagVisibility "global"
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+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ SID "2176"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [330, 295, 430, 315]
+ ZOrder 594
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ SourceType "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ MultiThreadCoSim "auto"
+ externalSettlingTime off
+ settlingTime "Config.SmoothingTimeGainScheduling"
+ sampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ resetOnSettlingTime off
+ firstDerivatives off
+ secondDerivatives off
+ explicitInitialValue off
+ }
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+ BlockType Mux
+ Name "Mux"
+ SID "3689"
+ Ports [3, 1]
+ Position [305, 250, 310, 360]
+ ZOrder 694
+ ShowName off
+ Inputs "3"
+ DisplayOption "bar"
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+ System {
+ Location [219, 337, 814, 775]
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+ SID "2220::58"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder 34
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos_0"
+ SID "2220::82"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder 58
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole"
+ SID "2220::92"
+ Position [20, 171, 40, 189]
+ ZOrder 68
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole"
+ SID "2220::107"
+ Position [20, 206, 40, 224]
+ ZOrder 81
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "2220::97"
+ Position [20, 246, 40, 264]
+ ZOrder 72
+ Port "5"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "time"
+ SID "2220::84"
+ Position [20, 281, 40, 299]
+ ZOrder 60
+ Port "6"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_rightFoot"
+ SID "2220::93"
+ Position [20, 316, 40, 334]
+ ZOrder 69
+ Port "7"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "wrench_leftFoot"
+ SID "2220::103"
+ Position [20, 351, 40, 369]
+ ZOrder 77
+ Port "8"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "l_sole_H_b"
+ SID "2220::101"
+ Position [20, 386, 40, 404]
+ ZOrder 75
+ Port "9"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "r_sole_H_b"
+ SID "2220::108"
+ Position [20, 426, 40, 444]
+ ZOrder 82
+ Port "10"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "2220::3826"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 495, 320, 535]
+ ZOrder 224
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "2220::3825"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 13"
+ Ports [10, 11]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 340]
+ ZOrder 223
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ Parameters "Config,Gain,StateMachine"
+ PortCounts "[10 11]"
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+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "w_H_b"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "pos_CoM_des"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 5
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 6
+ Name "KP_postural_diag"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 7
+ Name "KP_CoM_diag"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 8
+ Name "KD_CoM_diag"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 9
+ Name "state"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 10
+ Name "smoothingTimeJoints"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 11
+ Name "smoothingTimeCoM"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "2220::3827"
+ Position [460, 506, 480, 524]
+ ZOrder 225
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "w_H_b"
+ SID "2220::106"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder 80
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+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "pos_CoM_des"
+ SID "2220::77"
+ Position [460, 136, 480, 154]
+ ZOrder 53
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ SID "2220::67"
+ Position [460, 171, 480, 189]
+ ZOrder 43
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "2220::64"
+ Position [460, 206, 480, 224]
+ ZOrder 40
+ Port "4"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_postural_diag"
+ SID "2220::94"
+ Position [460, 246, 480, 264]
+ ZOrder 70
+ Port "5"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_CoM_diag"
+ SID "2220::112"
+ Position [460, 281, 480, 299]
+ ZOrder 84
+ Port "6"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KD_CoM_diag"
+ SID "2220::113"
+ Position [460, 316, 480, 334]
+ ZOrder 85
+ Port "7"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "state"
+ SID "2220::96"
+ Position [460, 351, 480, 369]
+ ZOrder 71
+ Port "8"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "smoothingTimeJoints"
+ SID "2220::111"
+ Position [460, 386, 480, 404]
+ ZOrder 83
+ Port "9"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "smoothingTimeCoM"
+ SID "2220::3776"
+ Position [460, 426, 480, 444]
+ ZOrder 174
+ Port "10"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 1168
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 3
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 5
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 1174
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 7
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 8
+ }
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+ ZOrder 1176
+ SrcBlock "l_sole_H_b"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 9
+ }
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+ ZOrder 1177
+ SrcBlock "r_sole_H_b"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 10
+ }
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+ Name "w_H_b"
+ ZOrder 1178
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "w_H_b"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ Name "pos_CoM_des"
+ ZOrder 1179
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "pos_CoM_des"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ ZOrder 1180
+ Labels [0, 0]
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+ SrcPort 4
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 1181
+ Labels [0, 0]
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+ DstPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ Name "KP_CoM_diag"
+ ZOrder 1183
+ Labels [0, 0]
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ Name "KD_CoM_diag"
+ ZOrder 1184
+ Labels [0, 0]
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+ DstPort 1
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+ Name "smoothingTimeCoM"
+ ZOrder 1187
+ Labels [0, 0]
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Terminator "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 1189
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [20, 0]
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SourceBlock "utilityBlocks_lib/Holder"
+ SourceType "SubSystem"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyControllers"
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+ SID "4228"
+ Position [30, 267, 60, 283]
+ ZOrder 582
+ Port "2"
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "CoM"
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+ Ports [2, 1]
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+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SID "4230"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [305, 241, 345, 279]
+ ZOrder 580
+ ShowName off
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+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog),Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1 2 3],[4]"
+ OutputSizes "1,1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole "
+ SID "4231"
+ Position [400, 253, 430, 267]
+ ZOrder 583
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ ZOrder 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CoM"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2
+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 3
+ SrcBlock "CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 4
+ SrcBlock "w_H_b"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "xCom2"
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+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [-385, 219, -235, 246]
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+ Name "xCom2"
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+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "4734"
+ Position [30, 267, 60, 283]
+ ZOrder 582
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "CoM"
+ SID "4735"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [110, 230, 275, 290]
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+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
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+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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+ frameName "Frames.COM"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SID "4736"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [305, 241, 345, 279]
+ ZOrder 580
+ ShowName off
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+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog),Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1 2 3],[4]"
+ OutputSizes "1,1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole "
+ SID "4737"
+ Position [400, 253, 430, 267]
+ ZOrder 583
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 1
+ SrcBlock "jointPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CoM"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2
+ SrcBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 3
+ SrcBlock "CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CoM6D -> \nCoMXYZ2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcBlock "w_H_b"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "w_H_b"
+ SID "2241"
+ Position [365, 124, 395, 136]
+ ZOrder 578
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "2236"
+ Position [580, 229, 610, 241]
+ ZOrder 480
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "pos_CoM_des"
+ SID "2234"
+ Position [365, 158, 395, 172]
+ ZOrder 478
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ SID "2235"
+ Position [365, 193, 395, 207]
+ ZOrder 479
+ Port "4"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_postural_diag"
+ SID "2237"
+ Position [580, 257, 615, 273]
+ ZOrder 545
+ Port "5"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "smoothingTime_Joints"
+ SID "3181"
+ Position [365, 403, 395, 417]
+ ZOrder 680
+ Port "6"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_CoM_diag"
+ SID "3316"
+ Position [580, 297, 615, 313]
+ ZOrder 689
+ Port "7"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
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+ SID "3318"
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+ ZOrder 691
+ Port "8"
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ DstPort 1
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+ }
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+ Name "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ SID "4773"
+ Position [965, -162, 995, -148]
+ ZOrder 915
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 615
+ SrcBlock "smoothingTime_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator2"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 11
+ SrcBlock "Switch3"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Reshape"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 614
+ SrcBlock "pos_CoM_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [85, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 629
+ Points [0, 135]
+ DstBlock "Mux1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 628
+ DstBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator2"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 12
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch3"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 10
+ SrcBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator2"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Mux"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 83
+ SrcBlock "Mux"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch3"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 9
+ SrcBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator2"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Mux"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 613
+ SrcBlock "Reshape"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 8
+ SrcBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Mux"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 626
+ SrcBlock "Mux1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch3"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 627
+ SrcBlock "Constant"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Mux1"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Smooth reference joint position"
+ SID "4761"
+ Ports [2, 1]
+ Position [455, -262, 660, -198]
+ ZOrder 931
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Name "Smooth reference joint position"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
+ Open off
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ SID "4762"
+ Position [-65, -97, -35, -83]
+ ZOrder 905
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "smoothingTime_Joints"
+ SID "4763"
+ Position [-65, -42, -35, -28]
+ ZOrder 906
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Goto
+ Name "Go To \"Compute Joint Torques\""
+ SID "4722"
+ Position [300, -35, 385, -25]
+ ZOrder 904
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ GotoTag "jointAcc_des"
+ TagVisibility "global"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator1"
+ SID "2152"
+ Ports [2, 3]
+ Position [90, -120, 240, -10]
+ ZOrder 598
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ SourceType "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ MultiThreadCoSim "auto"
+ externalSettlingTime on
+ settlingTime "0.01"
+ sampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ resetOnSettlingTime off
+ firstDerivatives on
+ secondDerivatives on
+ explicitInitialValue off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ SID "2161"
+ Position [380, -78, 520, -62]
+ ZOrder 492
+ ShowName off
+ Value "Config.SMOOTH_JOINT_DES"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Switch
+ Name "Switch5"
+ SID "2248"
+ Position [575, -113, 630, -27]
+ ZOrder 491
+ ShowName off
+ Criteria "u2 > Threshold"
+ InputSameDT off
+ SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name "Terminator"
+ SID "4656"
+ Position [310, -71, 325, -59]
+ ZOrder 901
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "jointPos_des_smoothed"
+ SID "4766"
+ Position [685, -77, 715, -63]
+ ZOrder 909
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 13
+ SrcBlock "SMOOTH_DES_COM2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch5"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 608
+ SrcBlock "Switch5"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "jointPos_des_smoothed"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 604
+ SrcBlock "jointPos_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [74, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 612
+ DstBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 611
+ Points [0, 132; 400, 0; 0, -82]
+ DstBlock "Switch5"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 605
+ SrcBlock "smoothingTime_Joints"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator1"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 90
+ SrcBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Switch5"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 609
+ SrcBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator1"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Go To \"Compute Joint Torques\""
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 562
+ SrcBlock "MinimumJerkTrajectoryGenerator1"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "Terminator"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_postural"
+ SID "4034"
+ Position [745, -17, 775, -3]
+ ZOrder 705
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_CoM"
+ SID "4035"
+ Position [745, 13, 775, 27]
+ ZOrder 706
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KD_CoM"
+ SID "4036"
+ Position [745, 43, 775, 57]
+ ZOrder 707
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ SID "4041"
+ Position [745, -117, 775, -103]
+ ZOrder 712
+ Port "4"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "jointPos_des_smoothed"
+ SID "4042"
+ Position [745, -237, 775, -223]
+ ZOrder 713
+ Port "5"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 604
+ SrcBlock "Smooth reference joint position"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [34, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 623
+ Points [0, -35]
+ DstBlock "Goto4"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 622
+ DstBlock "jointPos_des_smoothed"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 605
+ SrcBlock "jointPos_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Smooth reference joint position"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 606
+ SrcBlock "smoothingTime_Joints"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Smooth reference joint position"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 610
+ SrcBlock "pos_CoM_des"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Smooth reference CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 611
+ SrcBlock "smoothingTime_CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Smooth reference CoM"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 612
+ SrcBlock "Smooth reference CoM"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [26, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 621
+ Points [0, -45]
+ DstBlock "Selector1"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 620
+ DstBlock "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 613
+ SrcBlock "KP_postural_diag"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Reshape Gains Matrices"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 614
+ SrcBlock "KP_CoM_diag"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Reshape Gains Matrices"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 615
+ SrcBlock "KD_CoM_diag"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Reshape Gains Matrices"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 616
+ SrcBlock "Reshape Gains Matrices"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "KP_postural"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 617
+ SrcBlock "Reshape Gains Matrices"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "KP_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 618
+ SrcBlock "Reshape Gains Matrices"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "KD_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 619
+ SrcBlock "Selector1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Goto7"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "w_H_b"
+ SID "2269"
+ Position [25, 2524, 55, 2536]
+ ZOrder 578
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "nu"
+ SID "2271"
+ Position [340, 2539, 370, 2551]
+ ZOrder 577
+ Port "2"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "state"
+ SID "3201"
+ Position [25, 2870, 55, 2880]
+ ZOrder 647
+ Port "3"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "feetContactStatus"
+ SID "2272"
+ Position [80, 2565, 110, 2575]
+ ZOrder 410
+ Port "4"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_postural"
+ SID "2268"
+ Position [340, 2670, 370, 2680]
+ ZOrder 517
+ Port "5"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KP_CoM"
+ SID "3330"
+ Position [340, 2710, 370, 2720]
+ ZOrder 692
+ Port "6"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "KD_CoM"
+ SID "3331"
+ Position [340, 2750, 370, 2760]
+ ZOrder 693
+ Port "7"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ SID "2274"
+ Position [340, 2790, 370, 2800]
+ ZOrder 323
+ Port "8"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "jointPos_des"
+ SID "2273"
+ Position [340, 2830, 370, 2840]
+ ZOrder 418
+ Port "9"
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 545
+ SrcBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "State Machine"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 546
+ SrcBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "State Machine"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 558
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [67, 0; 0, -45]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 689
+ DstBlock "Compute State Velocity"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 687
+ Points [0, -30]
+ DstBlock "w_H_b"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 559
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 2
+ Points [94, 0; 0, -45]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 686
+ DstBlock "Compute State Velocity"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 685
+ Points [0, -20]
+ DstBlock "feetContactStatus"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 627
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 628
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 629
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 630
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 6
+ DstBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 631
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 7
+ DstBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 632
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 8
+ DstBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ DstPort 6
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 633
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 9
+ DstBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ DstPort 7
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 634
+ SrcBlock "State Machine"
+ SrcPort 10
+ Points [42, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 636
+ Points [0, 45]
+ DstBlock "Goto3"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 635
+ DstBlock "state"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 639
+ SrcBlock "Compute State Velocity"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [22, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 655
+ Points [0, -40]
+ DstBlock "Goto5"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 654
+ DstBlock "nu"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 640
+ SrcBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "KP_postural"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 641
+ SrcBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "KP_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 642
+ SrcBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "KD_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 652
+ SrcBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 653
+ SrcBlock "Update Gains and References"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "jointPos_des"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 671
+ SrcBlock "IMU_meas"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 672
+ SrcBlock "jointPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [31, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 723
+ Points [0, -80]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 692
+ Points [0, -130]
+ DstBlock "Compute State Velocity"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 691
+ DstBlock "State Machine"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 673
+ DstBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 677
+ SrcBlock "wrench_leftFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "State Machine"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 680
+ SrcBlock "wrench_rightFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "State Machine"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 690
+ SrcBlock "jointVel"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Compute State Velocity"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 724
+ SrcBlock "neckPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Compute base to fixed link transform"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "emergency stop: joint limits"
+ SID "4913"
+ Ports [1]
+ Position [305, 211, 430, 239]
+ ZOrder 966
+ BackgroundColor "red"
+ ShowName off
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ Object {
+ $PropName "MaskObject"
+ $ObjectID 111
+ $ClassName "Simulink.Mask"
+ Display "disp('EMERGENCY STOP')"
+ RunInitForIconRedraw "off"
+ }
+ System {
+ Name "emergency stop: joint limits"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
+ Open off
+ PortBlocksUseCompactNotation off
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "4914"
+ Position [150, 238, 180, 252]
+ ZOrder -1
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "ON_GAZEBO\n1"
+ SID "4915"
+ Position [232, 190, 488, 210]
+ ZOrder 553
+ BlockRotation 270
+ BlockMirror on
+ NameLocation "left"
+ ShowName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "ON_GAZEBO\n2"
+ SID "4916"
+ Position [224, 295, 496, 315]
+ ZOrder 555
+ BlockRotation 270
+ BlockMirror on
+ NameLocation "left"
+ ShowName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ SID "4917"
+ Ports [1, 0, 1]
+ Position [285, 229, 440, 261]
+ ZOrder 554
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ System {
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "jointPos"
+ SID "4918"
+ Position [60, 103, 90, 117]
+ ZOrder 552
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType EnablePort
+ Name "Enable"
+ SID "4919"
+ Ports []
+ Position [227, -20, 247, 0]
+ ZOrder 553
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Assertion
+ Name "Assertion"
+ SID "4920"
+ Position [360, 37, 420, 83]
+ ZOrder 207
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "GetLimits"
+ SID "4921"
+ Ports [0, 2]
+ Position [15, 23, 135, 92]
+ ZOrder 560
+ BackgroundColor "[0.513700, 0.851000, 0.670600]"
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/States/GetLimits"
+ SourceType "GetLimits"
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled off
+ limitsSource "ControlBoard"
+ limitsType "Position"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "MATLAB Function"
+ SID "4922"
+ Ports [4, 2]
+ Position [180, 22, 300, 163]
+ ZOrder 205
+ ShowName off
+ LibraryVersion "1.32"
+ ErrorFcn "Stateflow.Translate.translate"
+ PermitHierarchicalResolution "ExplicitOnly"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ SFBlockType "MATLAB Function"
+ System {
+ Name "MATLAB Function"
+ Location [121, 45, 868, 1245]
+ SystemRect [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "umin"
+ SID "4922::18"
+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder -1
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "umax"
+ SID "4922::19"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder -2
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "u"
+ SID "4922::1"
+ Position [20, 171, 40, 189]
+ ZOrder -3
+ Port "3"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "tol"
+ SID "4922::20"
+ Position [20, 206, 40, 224]
+ ZOrder -4
+ Port "4"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4922::3815"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 165
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4922::3814"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 18"
+ Ports [4, 3]
+ Position [180, 102, 230, 203]
+ ZOrder 164
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ PortCounts "[4 3]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "inRange"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "res_check_range"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4922::3816"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 166
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "inRange"
+ SID "4922::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -8
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "res_check_range"
+ SID "4922::3789"
+ Position [460, 136, 480, 154]
+ ZOrder 139
+ Port "2"
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 4
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+ Name "inRange"
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+ SrcPort 2
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+ DstPort 1
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+ Name "res_check_range"
+ ZOrder 78
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+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [20, 0]
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ VariableName "res_check_range"
+ MaxDataPoints "inf"
+ SaveFormat "Structure With Time"
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+ SampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ }
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+ BlockType UnitDelay
+ Name "Unit Delay"
+ SID "4934"
+ Position [320, 48, 340, 72]
+ ZOrder 559
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ InitialCondition "1"
+ SampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ HasFrameUpgradeWarning on
+ }
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+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "index1"
+ SID "4924"
+ Position [55, 137, 95, 153]
+ ZOrder 204
+ ShowName off
+ Value "0.01"
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+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "MATLAB Function"
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Assertion"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 13
+ SrcBlock "GetLimits"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "MATLAB Function"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 14
+ SrcBlock "GetLimits"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "MATLAB Function"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ }
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+ Position [285, 339, 440, 371]
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+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType EnablePort
+ Name "Enable"
+ SID "4927"
+ Ports []
+ Position [172, -15, 192, 5]
+ ZOrder 553
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
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+ BlockType Assertion
+ Name "Assertion"
+ SID "4928"
+ Position [335, 37, 400, 83]
+ ZOrder 556
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ }
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+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "MATLAB Function"
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+ Position [105, 26, 260, 164]
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+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
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+ System {
+ Name "MATLAB Function"
+ Location [121, 45, 868, 1245]
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+ Position [20, 101, 40, 119]
+ ZOrder -3
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "delta_u_max"
+ SID "4929::18"
+ Position [20, 136, 40, 154]
+ ZOrder -1
+ Port "2"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Demux
+ Name " Demux "
+ SID "4929::3815"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [270, 230, 320, 270]
+ ZOrder 165
+ Outputs "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType S-Function
+ Name " SFunction "
+ SID "4929::3814"
+ Tag "Stateflow S-Function 14"
+ Ports [2, 3]
+ Position [180, 100, 230, 180]
+ ZOrder 164
+ FunctionName "sf_sfun"
+ PortCounts "[2 3]"
+ SFunctionDeploymentMode off
+ EnableBusSupport on
+ SFcnIsStateOwnerBlock off
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name "noSpikes"
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name "res_check_spikes"
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Terminator
+ Name " Terminator "
+ SID "4929::3816"
+ Position [460, 241, 480, 259]
+ ZOrder 166
+ }
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+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "noSpikes"
+ SID "4929::5"
+ Position [460, 101, 480, 119]
+ ZOrder -8
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "res_check_spikes"
+ SID "4929::3789"
+ Position [460, 136, 480, 154]
+ ZOrder 139
+ Port "2"
+ }
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+ ZOrder 55
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [120, 0]
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " SFunction "
+ DstPort 2
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+ Name "res_check_spikes"
+ ZOrder 58
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+ ZOrder 59
+ SrcBlock " Demux "
+ SrcPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 60
+ SrcBlock " SFunction "
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock " Demux "
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ BlockType ToWorkspace
+ Name "To Workspace"
+ SID "4930"
+ Ports [1]
+ Position [330, 117, 405, 143]
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+ VariableName "res_check_spikes"
+ MaxDataPoints "inf"
+ SaveFormat "Structure With Time"
+ FixptAsFi on
+ SampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType UnitDelay
+ Name "Unit Delay"
+ SID "4933"
+ Position [290, 48, 310, 72]
+ ZOrder 558
+ ShowName off
+ HideAutomaticName off
+ InitialCondition "1"
+ SampleTime "Config.tStep"
+ HasFrameUpgradeWarning on
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "index1"
+ SID "4931"
+ Position [-65, 121, 75, 139]
+ ZOrder 554
+ ShowName off
+ Value "Sat.maxJointsPositionDelta"
+ VectorParams1D off
+ }
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+ ZOrder 1
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "MATLAB Function"
+ DstPort 1
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+ DstPort 1
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+ DstPort 2
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+ ZOrder 7
+ SrcBlock "Unit Delay"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Assertion"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 1
+ SrcBlock "ON_GAZEBO\n1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstPort enable
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 2
+ SrcBlock "jointPos"
+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [20, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 3
+ Points [0, 110]
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 4
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 5
+ SrcBlock "ON_GAZEBO\n2"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstPort enable
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Outport
+ Name "jointTorques_star"
+ SID "4841"
+ Position [1160, 298, 1190, 312]
+ ZOrder 560
+ VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off
+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 94
+ SrcBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
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+ ZOrder 102
+ SrcBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
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+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ }
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+ }
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+ SrcBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
+ SrcPort 5
+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
+ DstPort 5
+ }
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+ SrcPort 2
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+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 331
+ Points [0, -240]
+ DstBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 286
+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
+ DstPort 14
+ }
+ }
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+ SrcBlock "Robot State and References"
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+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Robot State and References"
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+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 282
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "jointTorques_star"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ ZOrder 98
+ SrcBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
+ SrcPort 7
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+ }
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+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ }
+ Line {
+ ZOrder 204
+ SrcBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Joint Torque Saturation"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ SrcBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
+ SrcPort 6
+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ }
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+ SrcPort 6
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+ }
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+ SrcBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
+ SrcPort 3
+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ }
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+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
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+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Robot State and References"
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+ }
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+ Points [34, 0; 0, -320]
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+ SrcPort 1
+ Points [36, 0]
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 360
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+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 293
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+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 361
+ Points [0, 70]
+ DstBlock "Balancing Controller QP"
+ DstPort 12
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 289
+ DstBlock "Dynamics and Kinematics"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ }
+ Branch {
+ ZOrder 322
+ Points [0, -40]
+ DstBlock "emergency stop: joint limits"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ }
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+ ZOrder 313
+ SrcBlock "wrench_rightFoot"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Robot State and References"
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+ }
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+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Robot State and References"
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+ DstBlock "Robot State and References"
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+ DstPort 1
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+ BlockType Memory
+ Name "Memory"
+ SID "5002"
+ Position [1125, 485, 1155, 515]
+ ZOrder 1286
+ InitialCondition "zeros(Config.N_DOF,1)"
+ InheritSampleTime on
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Robot Visualizer"
+ SID "5014"
+ Ports [1]
+ Position [1465, 245, 1725, 365]
+ ZOrder 1291
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+ SystemSampleTime "confVisualizer.tStep"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ ContentPreviewEnabled on
+ System {
+ Name "Robot Visualizer"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType BusSelector
+ Name "Bus\nSelector"
+ SID "4943"
+ Ports [1, 4]
+ Position [45, 24, 50, 136]
+ ZOrder 1275
+ OutputSignals "w_H_b,basePose_dot,joints_position,joints_velocity"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name ""
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "RobotVisualizer"
+ SID "4939"
+ Ports [4]
+ Position [210, 22, 430, 138]
+ ZOrder 1271
+ LibraryVersion "1.4"
+ SourceBlock "mwbs_visualizers_lib/RobotVisualizer"
+ SourceType "mwbs.Visualizers.robotVisualizer.RobotVisualizer"
+ SourceProductName "Matlab Whole-body Simulator"
+ config "confVisualizer"
+ SimulateUsing "Interpreted execution"
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name ""
+ ZOrder 308
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector"
+ SrcPort 2
+ DstBlock "RobotVisualizer"
+ DstPort 2
+ }
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+ ZOrder 446
+ SrcBlock "In1"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "Bus\nSelector"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
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+ Name ""
+ ZOrder 307
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector"
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+ DstBlock "RobotVisualizer"
+ DstPort 3
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name ""
+ ZOrder 306
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+ SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector"
+ SrcPort 1
+ DstBlock "RobotVisualizer"
+ DstPort 1
+ }
+ Line {
+ Name ""
+ ZOrder 309
+ Labels [0, 0]
+ SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector"
+ SrcPort 4
+ DstBlock "RobotVisualizer"
+ DstPort 4
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "Selector"
+ SID "4963"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [840, 473, 880, 497]
+ ZOrder 1280
+ InputPortWidth "6+robot_config.N_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[7:6+Config.N_DOF]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "Selector1"
+ SID "4975"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [840, 443, 880, 467]
+ ZOrder 1281
+ InputPortWidth "robot_config.N_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1:Config.N_DOF]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Selector
+ Name "Selector2"
+ SID "4976"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [840, 413, 880, 437]
+ ZOrder 1282
+ InputPortWidth "robot_config.N_DOF"
+ IndexOptions "Index vector (dialog)"
+ Indices "[1:Config.N_DOF]"
+ OutputSizes "1"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType SubSystem
+ Name "Subsystem"
+ SID "4955"
+ Ports [1, 5]
+ Position [1190, 427, 1385, 573]
+ ZOrder 1279
+ ForegroundColor "red"
+ BackgroundColor "yellow"
+ TreatAsAtomicUnit on
+ SystemSampleTime "Config.tStepSim"
+ RequestExecContextInheritance off
+ ContentPreviewEnabled on
+ System {
+ Name "Subsystem"
+ Location [-75, -1417, 2485, 0]
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+ Block {
+ BlockType Inport
+ Name "joints torque"
+ SID "4956"
+ Position [-100, 288, -70, 302]
+ ZOrder 1275
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType BusSelector
+ Name "Bus\nSelector1"
+ SID "4942"
+ Ports [1, 4]
+ Position [445, 393, 450, 507]
+ ZOrder 1274
+ ShowName off
+ OutputSignals "w_H_b,s,nu,nuDot"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 2
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 3
+ Name ""
+ }
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 4
+ Name ""
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType BusSelector
+ Name "Bus\nSelector2"
+ SID "5017"
+ Ports [1, 1]
+ Position [295, 156, 300, 194]
+ ZOrder 1286
+ BlockMirror on
+ OutputSignals "joints_velocity"
+ Port {
+ PortNumber 1
+ Name ""
+ }
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "Configuration"
+ SID "4962"
+ Ports []
+ Position [180, 110, 255, 140]
+ ZOrder 1281
+ LibraryVersion "1.684"
+ SourceBlock "WBToolboxLibrary/Utilities/Configuration"
+ SourceType ""
+ SourceProductName "WholeBodyToolbox"
+ RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model"
+ RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
+ ContentPreviewEnabled on
+ ConfigSource "Workspace"
+ ConfigObject "'WBTConfigRobotSim'"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant1"
+ SID "4940"
+ Position [120, 285, 150, 315]
+ ZOrder 1272
+ Value "zeros(robot_config.N_DOF + 6,1)"
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Constant
+ Name "Constant2"
+ SID "4941"
+ Position [120, 320, 150, 350]
+ ZOrder 1273
+ Value "motorsReflectedInertia"
+ VectorParams1D off
+ }
+ Block {
+ BlockType Reference
+ Name "IMUsensor"
+ SID "4938"
+ Ports [4, 1]
+ Position [545, 392, 765, 508]
+ ZOrder 1270
+ LibraryVersion "1.17"
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+ SourceProductName "Matlab Whole-body Simulator"
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+ Block {
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+ }
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+#Finite State Machines
+# Stateflow 80000036
+Stateflow {
+ machine {
+ id 1
+ name "torqueControlBalancingWithSimu"
+ sfVersion 80000036
+ firstTarget 246
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 2
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gains and References/Reshape Gains Matr"
+ "ices/MATLAB Function1"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
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+ viewObj 2
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+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 1
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "diagonalMatrixFromVectorFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 4
+ firstTransition 7
+ firstJunction 6
+ }
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+ id 3
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
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+ treeNode [2 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 2
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function D = diagonalMatrixFromVectorFCN(d)\n\n D = wbc.diagonalMatrixFromVector(d);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
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+ ssIdNumber 4
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+ machine 1
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+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
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+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
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+ machine 1
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+ unit {
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+ }
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+ chart 2
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+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [2 0 0]
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+ id 7
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
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+ id 6
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
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+ chart 2
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 2
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [2 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 8
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gains and References/Reshape Gains Matr"
+ "ices/MATLAB Function1"
+ chart 2
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 9
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gains and References/Reshape Gains Matr"
+ "ices/MATLAB Function"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 10 0 0]
+ viewObj 9
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 5
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 2
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "diagonalMatrixFromVectorFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 11
+ firstTransition 14
+ firstJunction 13
+ }
+ state {
+ id 10
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 9
+ treeNode [9 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 9
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function D = diagonalMatrixFromVectorFCN(d)\n\n D = wbc.diagonalMatrixFromVector(d);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 11
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "d"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [9 0 12]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 12
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "D"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [9 11 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 13
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 9
+ subviewer 9
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [9 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 14
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 13
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 9
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 9
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [9 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 15
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gains and References/Reshape Gains Matr"
+ "ices/MATLAB Function"
+ chart 9
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 16
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute base to fixed link transform/RFoot to "
+ "base link transform/Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ windowPosition [326.89 491.339 161 328]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1280 1024 1.000677131425054]
+ treeNode [0 17 0 0]
+ viewObj 16
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 88
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 3
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "getWorldToBaseTransformFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 18
+ firstTransition 27
+ firstJunction 26
+ }
+ state {
+ id 17
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 16
+ treeNode [16 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 16
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function w_H_b = getWorldToBaseTransformFCN(imu_H_fixedLink, imu_H_fixedLink_0, fixedLink_H_base,"
+ " rpyFromIMU_0, rpyFromIMU, neck_pos, Config)\n\n FILTER_IMU_YAW = Config.FILTER_IMU_YAW;\n \n [w_H_b, w"
+ "Imu_H_base, wImu_H_fixedLink_0] = wbc.worldToBaseTransformWithIMU(imu_H_fixedLink, imu_H_fixedLink_0, fixedLink_"
+ "H_base, rpyFromIMU_0, rpyFromIMU, FILTER_IMU_YAW);\n \n % Correct head IMU with neck positions (HEAD IMU o"
+ "nly)\n if Config.CORRECT_NECK_IMU\n \n wImu_H_wImuAssumingNeckToZero = wbc.correctIMUWithNeckPo"
+ "s(neck_pos);\n wImu_H_base = wImu_H_wImuAssumingNeckToZero * wImu_H_base;\n w_H_"
+ "b = wImu_H_fixedLink_0\\wImu_H_base; \n end\nend\n"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 18
+ ssIdNumber 82
+ name "imu_H_fixedLink"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 0 19]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 19
+ ssIdNumber 83
+ name "imu_H_fixedLink_0"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 18 20]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 20
+ ssIdNumber 81
+ name "fixedLink_H_base"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 19 21]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 21
+ ssIdNumber 85
+ name "rpyFromIMU_0"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 20 22]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 22
+ ssIdNumber 65
+ name "rpyFromIMU"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 21 23]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 23
+ ssIdNumber 88
+ name "neck_pos"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 22 24]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 24
+ ssIdNumber 71
+ name "w_H_b"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 23 25]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 25
+ ssIdNumber 87
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [16 24 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 26
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 16
+ subviewer 16
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [16 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 27
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 26
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 16
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 16
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [16 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 28
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute base to fixed link transform/RFoot to "
+ "base link transform/Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ chart 16
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 29
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gains and References/Reshape Gains Matr"
+ "ices/MATLAB Function2"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 30 0 0]
+ viewObj 29
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 5
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 4
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "diagonalMatrixFromVectorFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 31
+ firstTransition 34
+ firstJunction 33
+ }
+ state {
+ id 30
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 29
+ treeNode [29 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 29
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function D = diagonalMatrixFromVectorFCN(d)\n\n D = wbc.diagonalMatrixFromVector(d);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 31
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "d"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [29 0 32]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 32
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "D"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [29 31 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 33
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 29
+ subviewer 29
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [29 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 34
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 33
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 29
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 29
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [29 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 35
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Update Gains and References/Reshape Gains Matr"
+ "ices/MATLAB Function2"
+ chart 29
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 36
+ machine 1
+ name "Subsystem/MATLAB Function"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 37 0 0]
+ viewObj 36
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 7
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 5
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "frictionModel"
+ }
+ firstData 38
+ firstTransition 43
+ firstJunction 42
+ }
+ state {
+ id 37
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 36
+ treeNode [36 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 36
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function jointTorques = frictionModel(jointVelocities,motorJointTorques,jointFrictionMat)\n\njoin"
+ "tTorques = motorJointTorques - jointFrictionMat*jointVelocities;\n"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 38
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "jointVelocities"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [36 0 39]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 39
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "motorJointTorques"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [36 38 40]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 40
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "jointTorques"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [36 39 41]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 41
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "jointFrictionMat"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [36 40 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 42
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 36
+ subviewer 36
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [36 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 43
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 42
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 36
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 36
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [36 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 44
+ machine 1
+ name "Subsystem/MATLAB Function"
+ chart 36
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 45
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Dynamics/Add motors reflected inertia/Add motor r"
+ "eflected inertias"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 46 0 0]
+ viewObj 45
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 6
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 6
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "addMotorsInertiaFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 47
+ firstTransition 51
+ firstJunction 50
+ }
+ state {
+ id 46
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 45
+ treeNode [45 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 45
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function M_with_inertia = addMotorsInertiaFCN(M,Config)\n\n Gamma = Config.Gamma;\n T ="
+ " Config.T;\n I_m = Config.I_m;\n \n M_with_inertia = wbc.addMotorsReflectedInertia(M,Gamma,T,I_m);\ne"
+ "nd"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 47
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "M"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [45 0 48]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 48
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "M_with_inertia"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [45 47 49]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 49
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [45 48 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 50
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 45
+ subviewer 45
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [45 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 51
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 50
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 45
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 45
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [45 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 52
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Dynamics and Kinematics/Dynamics/Add motors reflected inertia/Add motor r"
+ "eflected inertias"
+ chart 45
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 53
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute State Velocity/Compute Base Velocity"
+ windowPosition [420.256 -293.125 200 760]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1680 1050 1.25]
+ treeNode [0 54 0 0]
+ viewObj 53
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 10
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 7
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "computeBaseVelocityFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 55
+ firstTransition 62
+ firstJunction 61
+ }
+ state {
+ id 54
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 53
+ treeNode [53 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 53
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function nu_b = computeBaseVelocityFCN(J_l_sole, J_r_sole, feetContactStatus, jointVel, Reg)\n\n "
+ " pinvDamp_baseVel = Reg.pinvDamp_baseVel;\n \n nu_b = wbc.computeBaseVelocityWithFeetContact(J_l_sole, J"
+ "_r_sole, feetContactStatus, jointVel, pinvDamp_baseVel);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 55
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "J_l_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [53 0 56]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 56
+ ssIdNumber 8
+ name "J_r_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [53 55 57]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 57
+ ssIdNumber 9
+ name "feetContactStatus"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [53 56 58]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 58
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "nu_b"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [53 57 59]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 59
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "jointVel"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [53 58 60]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 60
+ ssIdNumber 10
+ name "Reg"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [53 59 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 61
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 53
+ subviewer 53
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [53 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 62
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [48.125 43.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 61
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 53
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 53
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [53 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 63
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute State Velocity/Compute Base Velocity"
+ chart 53
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 64
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute base to fixed link transform/LFoot to "
+ "base link transform /Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ windowPosition [326.89 491.339 161 328]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1280 1024 1.000677131425054]
+ treeNode [0 65 0 0]
+ viewObj 64
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 88
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 8
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "getWorldToBaseTransformFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 66
+ firstTransition 75
+ firstJunction 74
+ }
+ state {
+ id 65
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 64
+ treeNode [64 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 64
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function w_H_b = getWorldToBaseTransformFCN(imu_H_fixedLink, imu_H_fixedLink_0, fixedLink_H_base,"
+ " rpyFromIMU_0, rpyFromIMU, neck_pos, Config)\n\n FILTER_IMU_YAW = Config.FILTER_IMU_YAW;\n \n [w_H_b, w"
+ "Imu_H_base, wImu_H_fixedLink_0] = wbc.worldToBaseTransformWithIMU(imu_H_fixedLink, imu_H_fixedLink_0, fixedLink_"
+ "H_base, rpyFromIMU_0, rpyFromIMU, FILTER_IMU_YAW);\n \n % Correct head IMU with neck positions (HEAD IMU o"
+ "nly)\n if Config.CORRECT_NECK_IMU\n \n wImu_H_wImuAssumingNeckToZero = wbc.correctIMUWithNeckPo"
+ "s(neck_pos);\n wImu_H_base = wImu_H_wImuAssumingNeckToZero * wImu_H_base;\n w_H_"
+ "b = wImu_H_fixedLink_0\\wImu_H_base; \n end\nend\n"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 66
+ ssIdNumber 82
+ name "imu_H_fixedLink"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 0 67]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 67
+ ssIdNumber 83
+ name "imu_H_fixedLink_0"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 66 68]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 68
+ ssIdNumber 81
+ name "fixedLink_H_base"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 67 69]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 69
+ ssIdNumber 85
+ name "rpyFromIMU_0"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 68 70]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 70
+ ssIdNumber 65
+ name "rpyFromIMU"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 69 71]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 71
+ ssIdNumber 88
+ name "neck_pos"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 70 72]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 72
+ ssIdNumber 71
+ name "w_H_b"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 71 73]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 73
+ ssIdNumber 87
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [64 72 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 74
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 64
+ subviewer 64
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [64 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 75
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 74
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 64
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 64
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [64 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 76
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/Compute base to fixed link transform/LFoot to "
+ "base link transform /Get Base Rotation From IMU"
+ chart 64
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 77
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/From tau_QP to Joint Torques (motor reflected ine"
+ "rtia)/(transpose(T*Gamma))^{-1}*I_m*(T*Gamma)^{-1}"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 78 0 0]
+ viewObj 77
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 5
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 9
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "computeMotorsInertiaFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 79
+ firstTransition 82
+ firstJunction 81
+ }
+ state {
+ id 78
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 77
+ treeNode [77 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 77
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function reflectedInertia = computeMotorsInertiaFCN(Config)\n \n Gamma = Config.Gamma;\n "
+ " T = Config.T;\n I_m = Config.I_m;\n \n reflectedInertia = wbc.computeMotorsReflectedInertia(Gam"
+ "ma,T,I_m);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 79
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "reflectedInertia"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [77 0 80]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 80
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [77 79 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 81
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 77
+ subviewer 77
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [77 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 82
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 81
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 77
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 77
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [77 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 83
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/From tau_QP to Joint Torques (motor reflected ine"
+ "rtia)/(transpose(T*Gamma))^{-1}*I_m*(T*Gamma)^{-1}"
+ chart 77
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 84
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Joint Torque Saturation/Saturate Torque Derivative"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 85 0 0]
+ viewObj 84
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 8
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 11
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "saturateInputDerivativeFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 86
+ firstTransition 92
+ firstJunction 91
+ }
+ state {
+ id 85
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 84
+ treeNode [84 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 84
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function uSat = saturateInputDerivativeFCN(u, u_0, tStep, uDotMax)\n\n uSat = wbc.saturateInpu"
+ "tDerivative(u, u_0, tStep, uDotMax);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 86
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "u"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [84 0 87]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 87
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "uSat"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [84 86 88]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 88
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "u_0"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [84 87 89]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 89
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "tStep"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [84 88 90]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 90
+ ssIdNumber 8
+ name "uDotMax"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [84 89 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 91
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 84
+ subviewer 84
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [84 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 92
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 91
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 84
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 84
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [84 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 93
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Joint Torque Saturation/Saturate Torque Derivative"
+ chart 84
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 94
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/State Machine/STATE MACHINE"
+ windowPosition [326.89 491.339 161 328]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1280 1024 1.000677131425054]
+ treeNode [0 95 0 0]
+ viewObj 94
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 86
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 13
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "stateMachineMomentumControlFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 96
+ firstTransition 120
+ firstJunction 119
+ }
+ state {
+ id 95
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 94
+ treeNode [94 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 94
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function [w_H_b, pos_CoM_des, jointPos_des, feetContactStatus, KP_postural_diag, KP_CoM_diag, KD_"
+ "CoM_diag, state, smoothingTimeJoints, smoothingTimeCoM] = ...\n stateMachineMomentumControlFCN(pos_"
+ "CoM_0, jointPos_0, pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole, pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole, jointPos, ...\n "
+ " time, wrench_rightFoot, wrench_leftFoot, l_sole_H_b, r_sole_H_b, StateMachine, Gain, Config)\n \n "
+ "[w_H_b, pos_CoM_des, jointPos_des, feetContactStatus, KP_postural_diag, KP_CoM_diag, KD_CoM_diag, state, smoothi"
+ "ngTimeJoints, smoothingTimeCoM] = ...\n stateMachineMomentumControl(pos_CoM_0, jointPos_0, pos_CoM_fixed_"
+ "l_sole, pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole, jointPos, ...\n time, wrench_rightFoot, wrench_"
+ "leftFoot, l_sole_H_b, r_sole_H_b, StateMachine, Gain, Config);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 96
+ ssIdNumber 37
+ name "pos_CoM_0"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 0 97]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 97
+ ssIdNumber 54
+ name "jointPos_0"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 96 98]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 98
+ ssIdNumber 64
+ name "pos_CoM_fixed_l_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 97 99]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 99
+ ssIdNumber 77
+ name "pos_CoM_fixed_r_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 98 100]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 100
+ ssIdNumber 69
+ name "jointPos"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 99 101]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 101
+ ssIdNumber 56
+ name "time"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 100 102]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 102
+ ssIdNumber 65
+ name "wrench_rightFoot"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 101 103]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 103
+ ssIdNumber 74
+ name "wrench_leftFoot"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 102 104]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 104
+ ssIdNumber 71
+ name "w_H_b"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 103 105]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 105
+ ssIdNumber 52
+ name "pos_CoM_des"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 104 106]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 106
+ ssIdNumber 46
+ name "jointPos_des"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 105 107]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 107
+ ssIdNumber 43
+ name "feetContactStatus"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 106 108]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 108
+ ssIdNumber 72
+ name "l_sole_H_b"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 107 109]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 109
+ ssIdNumber 78
+ name "r_sole_H_b"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 108 110]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 110
+ ssIdNumber 55
+ name "StateMachine"
+ paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 109 111]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 111
+ ssIdNumber 66
+ name "KP_postural_diag"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 110 112]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 112
+ ssIdNumber 82
+ name "KP_CoM_diag"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 111 113]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 113
+ ssIdNumber 83
+ name "KD_CoM_diag"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 112 114]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 114
+ ssIdNumber 67
+ name "Gain"
+ paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 113 115]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 115
+ ssIdNumber 68
+ name "state"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 114 116]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 116
+ ssIdNumber 81
+ name "smoothingTimeJoints"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 115 117]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 117
+ ssIdNumber 86
+ name "smoothingTimeCoM"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 116 118]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 118
+ ssIdNumber 85
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [94 117 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 119
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 94
+ subviewer 94
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [94 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 120
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 119
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 94
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 94
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [94 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 121
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Robot State and References/State Machine/STATE MACHINE"
+ chart 94
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 122
+ machine 1
+ "LAB Function"
+ windowPosition [369.958 -65.92 200 534.4]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1366 768 1.25]
+ treeNode [0 123 0 0]
+ viewObj 122
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 9
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 14
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "checkInputSpikesFCN"
+ }
+ supportVariableSizing 0
+ firstData 124
+ firstTransition 129
+ firstJunction 128
+ }
+ state {
+ id 123
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 122
+ treeNode [122 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 122
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function [noSpikes, res_check_spikes] = checkInputSpikesFCN(u, delta_u_max)\n\n [noSpikes, re"
+ "s_check_spikes] = wbc.checkInputSpikes(u, delta_u_max);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ fimathString "fimath(...\n'RoundMode', 'floor',...\n'OverflowMode', 'wrap',...\n'ProductMode', 'KeepLSB', "
+ "'ProductWordLength', 32,...\n'SumMode', 'KeepLSB', 'SumWordLength', 32,...\n'CastBeforeSum', true)"
+ fimathForFiConstructors FimathMatlabFactoryDefault
+ emlDefaultFimath FimathUserSpecified
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 124
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "u"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [122 0 125]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 125
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "delta_u_max"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [122 124 126]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 126
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "noSpikes"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [122 125 127]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 127
+ ssIdNumber 9
+ name "res_check_spikes"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [122 126 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 128
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 122
+ subviewer 122
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [122 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 129
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [40.125 31.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 128
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 122
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 122
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [122 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 130
+ machine 1
+ "LAB Function"
+ chart 122
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 131
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/One Foot Two Fee"
+ "t QP Selector"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 132 0 0]
+ viewObj 131
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 5
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 15
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "robotIsOnSingleSupportQP_FCN"
+ }
+ firstData 133
+ firstTransition 136
+ firstJunction 135
+ }
+ state {
+ id 132
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 131
+ treeNode [131 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 131
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function onOneFoot = robotIsOnSingleSupportQP_FCN(feetContactStatus)\n\n onOneFoot = wbc.robot"
+ "IsOnSingleSupportQP(feetContactStatus);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 133
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "feetContactStatus"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [131 0 134]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 134
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "onOneFoot"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [131 133 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 135
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 131
+ subviewer 131
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [131 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 136
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 135
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 131
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 131
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [131 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 137
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/One Foot Two Fee"
+ "t QP Selector"
+ chart 131
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 138
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ windowPosition [352.761 488.141 161 328]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1280 1024 1.000677131425054]
+ treeNode [0 139 0 0]
+ viewObj 138
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 82
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 17
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "momentumBasedControllerFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 140
+ firstTransition 178
+ firstJunction 177
+ }
+ state {
+ id 139
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 138
+ treeNode [138 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 138
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function [HessianMatrixOneFoot, gradientOneFoot, ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot, bVectorConstraintsOneF"
+ "oot, ...\n HessianMatrixTwoFeet, gradientTwoFeet, ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet, bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet, "
+ "...\n tauModel, Sigma, Na, f_LDot] = ...\n momentumBasedControllerFCN(feetContactStatus, "
+ "ConstraintsMatrix, bVectorConstraints, jointPos, jointPos_des, nu, M, h, L, intL_angMomError, w_H_l_sole, w_H_r_"
+ "sole, ...\n J_l_sole, J_r_sole, JDot_l_sole_nu, JDot_r_sole_nu, pos_CoM,"
+ " J_CoM, desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM, KP_CoM, KD_CoM, KP_postural, Reg, Gain, Config)\n "
+ " \n [HessianMatrixOneFoot, gradientOneFoot, ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot, bVectorConstraintsOne"
+ "Foot, ...\n HessianMatrixTwoFeet, gradientTwoFeet, ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet, bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet, ...\n"
+ " tauModel, Sigma, Na, f_LDot] = ...\n momentumBasedController(feetContactStatus, ConstraintsMatrix, "
+ "bVectorConstraints, jointPos, jointPos_des, nu, M, h, L, intL_angMomError, w_H_l_sole, w_H_r_sole, ...\n "
+ " J_l_sole, J_r_sole, JDot_l_sole_nu, JDot_r_sole_nu, pos_CoM, J_CoM, desired_pos_vel_acc_"
+ "CoM, KP_CoM, KD_CoM, KP_postural, Config, Reg, Gain);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 140
+ ssIdNumber 66
+ name "HessianMatrixOneFoot"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 0 141]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 141
+ ssIdNumber 64
+ name "gradientOneFoot"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 140 142]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 142
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "ConstraintsMatrixOneFoot"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 141 143]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 143
+ ssIdNumber 52
+ name "bVectorConstraintsOneFoot"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 142 144]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 144
+ ssIdNumber 69
+ name "HessianMatrixTwoFeet"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 143 145]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 145
+ ssIdNumber 70
+ name "gradientTwoFeet"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 144 146]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 146
+ ssIdNumber 53
+ name "ConstraintsMatrixTwoFeet"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 145 147]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 147
+ ssIdNumber 54
+ name "bVectorConstraintsTwoFeet"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 146 148]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 148
+ ssIdNumber 57
+ name "tauModel"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 147 149]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 149
+ ssIdNumber 58
+ name "Sigma"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 148 150]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 150
+ ssIdNumber 62
+ name "Na"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 149 151]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 151
+ ssIdNumber 63
+ name "f_LDot"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 150 152]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 152
+ ssIdNumber 13
+ name "feetContactStatus"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 151 153]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 153
+ ssIdNumber 50
+ name "ConstraintsMatrix"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 152 154]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 154
+ ssIdNumber 51
+ name "bVectorConstraints"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 153 155]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 155
+ ssIdNumber 14
+ name "jointPos"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 154 156]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 156
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "jointPos_des"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 155 157]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 157
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "nu"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 156 158]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 158
+ ssIdNumber 8
+ name "M"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 157 159]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 159
+ ssIdNumber 9
+ name "h"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 158 160]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 160
+ ssIdNumber 11
+ name "L"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 159 161]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 161
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "intL_angMomError"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 160 162]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 162
+ ssIdNumber 42
+ name "w_H_l_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 161 163]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 163
+ ssIdNumber 12
+ name "w_H_r_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 162 164]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 164
+ ssIdNumber 77
+ name "J_l_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 163 165]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 165
+ ssIdNumber 38
+ name "J_r_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 164 166]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 166
+ ssIdNumber 32
+ name "JDot_l_sole_nu"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 165 167]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 167
+ ssIdNumber 33
+ name "JDot_r_sole_nu"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 166 168]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 168
+ ssIdNumber 40
+ name "pos_CoM"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 167 169]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 169
+ ssIdNumber 16
+ name "J_CoM"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 168 170]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 170
+ ssIdNumber 15
+ name "desired_pos_vel_acc_CoM"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 169 171]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 171
+ ssIdNumber 17
+ name "KP_CoM"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 170 172]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 172
+ ssIdNumber 81
+ name "KD_CoM"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 171 173]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 173
+ ssIdNumber 82
+ name "KP_postural"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 172 174]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 174
+ ssIdNumber 20
+ name "Reg"
+ paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 2
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 173 175]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 175
+ ssIdNumber 47
+ name "Gain"
+ paramIndexForInitFromWorkspace 1
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 174 176]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 176
+ ssIdNumber 19
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [138 175 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 177
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 138
+ subviewer 138
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [138 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 178
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [36.125 25.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 177
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 138
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 138
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [138 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 179
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Momentum Based Balancing Controller\n"
+ chart 138
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 180
+ machine 1
+ windowPosition [369.958 -65.92 200 534.4]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1366 768 1.25]
+ treeNode [0 181 0 0]
+ viewObj 180
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 9
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 18
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "checkInputRangeFCN"
+ }
+ supportVariableSizing 0
+ firstData 182
+ firstTransition 189
+ firstJunction 188
+ }
+ state {
+ id 181
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 180
+ treeNode [180 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 180
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function [inRange, res_check_range] = checkInputRangeFCN(umin, umax, u, tol)\n\n [inRange, re"
+ "s_check_range] = wbc.checkInputRange(umin, umax, u, tol);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ fimathString "fimath(...\n'RoundMode', 'floor',...\n'OverflowMode', 'wrap',...\n'ProductMode', 'KeepLSB', "
+ "'ProductWordLength', 32,...\n'SumMode', 'KeepLSB', 'SumWordLength', 32,...\n'CastBeforeSum', true)"
+ fimathForFiConstructors FimathMatlabFactoryDefault
+ emlDefaultFimath FimathUserSpecified
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 182
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "umin"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [180 0 183]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 183
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "umax"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [180 182 184]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 184
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "u"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [180 183 185]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 185
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "inRange"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [180 184 186]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 186
+ ssIdNumber 8
+ name "tol"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [180 185 187]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 187
+ ssIdNumber 9
+ name "res_check_range"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [180 186 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 188
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 180
+ subviewer 180
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [180 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 189
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [40.125 31.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 188
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 180
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 180
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [180 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 190
+ machine 1
+ chart 180
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 191
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angular momentum integral error/Select ba"
+ "se to world transform"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 192 0 0]
+ viewObj 191
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 5
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 19
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "footOnGround"
+ }
+ firstData 193
+ firstTransition 196
+ firstJunction 195
+ }
+ state {
+ id 192
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 191
+ treeNode [191 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 191
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function booleanState = footOnGround(state)\n\n % output: a boolean variable whose value is 1 "
+ "if the foot on ground is left\n % foot, and 0 if the foot on ground is the right foot. If both feet are on\n "
+ " % ground, the variable is setted to 1.\n\n % states in which right foot is on ground: 9,10,11,12 (HARD COD"
+ "ED)\n booleanState = 1;\n\n if state == 9 || state == 10 || state == 11 || state == 12\n\n booleanS"
+ "tate = 0;\n end\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 193
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "state"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [191 0 194]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 194
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "booleanState"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [191 193 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 195
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 191
+ subviewer 191
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [191 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 196
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 195
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 191
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 191
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [191 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 197
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angular momentum integral error/Select ba"
+ "se to world transform"
+ chart 191
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 198
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angular momentum integral error/Get Equiv"
+ "alent Base Velocity"
+ windowPosition [357.12 483.496 167 391]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 1280 1024 1.041666666666667]
+ treeNode [0 199 0 0]
+ viewObj 198
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 10
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 20
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "getEquivalentBaseVel_FCN"
+ }
+ firstData 200
+ firstTransition 207
+ firstJunction 206
+ }
+ state {
+ id 199
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 198
+ treeNode [198 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 198
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function baseVel_equivalent = getEquivalentBaseVel_FCN(J_l_sole, J_r_sole, feetContactStatus, joi"
+ "ntPos_err, Reg)\n\n if feetContactStatus(1) == 1\n \n pinvJb = (J_l_sole(:,1:6)'*J_l_so"
+ "le(:,1:6) + Reg.pinvDamp_baseVel*eye(6))\\J_l_sole(:,1:6)';\n baseVel_equivalent = -pinvJb*J_l_sole(:,7:e"
+ "nd)*jointPos_err;\n else\n pinvJb = (J_r_sole(:,1:6)'*J_r_sole(:,1:6) + Reg.pinvDamp_baseV"
+ "el*eye(6))\\J_r_sole(:,1:6)';\n baseVel_equivalent = -pinvJb*J_r_sole(:,7:end)*jointPos_err;\n end\nen"
+ "d"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 200
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "J_l_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [198 0 201]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 201
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "J_r_sole"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [198 200 202]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 202
+ ssIdNumber 9
+ name "feetContactStatus"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [198 201 203]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 203
+ ssIdNumber 10
+ name "jointPos_err"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [198 202 204]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 204
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "baseVel_equivalent"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [198 203 205]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 205
+ ssIdNumber 8
+ name "Reg"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [198 204 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 206
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 198
+ subviewer 198
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [198 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 207
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 206
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 198
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 198
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [198 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 208
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute angular momentum integral error/Get Equiv"
+ "alent Base Velocity"
+ chart 198
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 209
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP Two Feet/Anal"
+ "ytical Solution Two Feet (unconstrained)"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 210 0 0]
+ viewObj 209
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 6
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 24
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "analyticalSolutionQP_FCN"
+ }
+ firstData 211
+ firstTransition 215
+ firstJunction 214
+ }
+ state {
+ id 210
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 209
+ treeNode [209 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 209
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function analyticalSolution = analyticalSolutionQP_FCN(H,g)\n\n analyticalSolution = wbc.analy"
+ "ticalSolutionQP(H,g);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 211
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "H"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [209 0 212]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 212
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "analyticalSolution"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [209 211 213]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 213
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "g"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [209 212 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 214
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 209
+ subviewer 209
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [209 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 215
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 214
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 209
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 209
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [209 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 216
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP Two Feet/Anal"
+ "ytical Solution Two Feet (unconstrained)"
+ chart 209
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 217
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP Two Feet/Proc"
+ "ess QP output"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 218 0 0]
+ viewObj 217
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 14
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 25
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "processOutputQP_twoFeetFCN"
+ }
+ firstData 219
+ firstTransition 225
+ firstJunction 224
+ }
+ state {
+ id 218
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 217
+ treeNode [217 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 217
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function f_star = processOutputQP_twoFeetFCN(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,Config)\n"
+ "\n f_star = processOutputQP_twoFeet(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,Config);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 219
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "analyticalSolution"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [217 0 220]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 220
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "primalSolution"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [217 219 221]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 221
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "QPStatus"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [217 220 222]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 222
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "f_star"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [217 221 223]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 223
+ ssIdNumber 10
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [217 222 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 224
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 217
+ subviewer 217
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [217 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 225
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 224
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 217
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 217
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [217 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 226
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP Two Feet/Proc"
+ "ess QP output"
+ chart 217
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 227
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP One Foot/Anal"
+ "ytical Solution QP One Foot (unconstrained)"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 228 0 0]
+ viewObj 227
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 6
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 26
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "analyticalSolutionQP_FCN"
+ }
+ firstData 229
+ firstTransition 233
+ firstJunction 232
+ }
+ state {
+ id 228
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 227
+ treeNode [227 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 227
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function analyticalSolution = analyticalSolutionQP_FCN(H,g)\n\n analyticalSolution = wbc.analy"
+ "ticalSolutionQP(H,g);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 229
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "H"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [227 0 230]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 230
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "analyticalSolution"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [227 229 231]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 231
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "g"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [227 230 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 232
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 227
+ subviewer 227
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [227 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 233
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 232
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 227
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 227
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [227 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 234
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP One Foot/Anal"
+ "ytical Solution QP One Foot (unconstrained)"
+ chart 227
+ }
+ chart {
+ id 235
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP One Foot/Proc"
+ "ess QP output"
+ windowPosition [422 539.941 189 413]
+ viewLimits [0 156.75 0 153.75]
+ screen [1 1 3600 1200 1.180555555555556]
+ treeNode [0 236 0 0]
+ viewObj 235
+ ssIdHighWaterMark 14
+ decomposition CLUSTER_CHART
+ type EML_CHART
+ chartFileNumber 27
+ disableImplicitCasting 1
+ eml {
+ name "processOutputQP_oneFoot"
+ }
+ firstData 237
+ firstTransition 244
+ firstJunction 243
+ }
+ state {
+ id 236
+ labelString "eML_blk_kernel()"
+ position [18 64.5 118 66]
+ fontSize 12
+ chart 235
+ treeNode [235 0 0 0]
+ superState SUBCHART
+ subviewer 235
+ ssIdNumber 1
+ decomposition CLUSTER_STATE
+ eml {
+ isEML 1
+ script "function f_star = processOutputQP_oneFoot(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,feetContact"
+ "Status,Config)\n\n f_star = processOutputQP_oneFoot(analyticalSolution,primalSolution,QPStatus,feetContactS"
+ "tatus,Config);\nend"
+ editorLayout "100 M4x1[10 5 700 500]"
+ }
+ }
+ data {
+ id 237
+ ssIdNumber 7
+ name "analyticalSolution"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [235 0 238]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 238
+ ssIdNumber 4
+ name "primalSolution"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [235 237 239]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 239
+ ssIdNumber 6
+ name "QPStatus"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [235 238 240]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 240
+ ssIdNumber 14
+ name "feetContactStatus"
+ scope INPUT_DATA
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [235 239 241]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 241
+ ssIdNumber 5
+ name "f_star"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ }
+ frame SF_FRAME_NO
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [235 240 242]
+ }
+ data {
+ id 242
+ ssIdNumber 10
+ name "Config"
+ machine 1
+ props {
+ array {
+ size "-1"
+ }
+ type {
+ primitive SF_DOUBLE_TYPE
+ isSigned 1
+ wordLength "16"
+ }
+ unit {
+ name "inherit"
+ }
+ }
+ dataType "Inherit: Same as Simulink"
+ linkNode [235 241 0]
+ }
+ junction {
+ id 243
+ position [23.5747 49.5747 7]
+ chart 235
+ subviewer 235
+ ssIdNumber 3
+ linkNode [235 0 0]
+ }
+ transition {
+ id 244
+ labelString "{eML_blk_kernel();}"
+ labelPosition [28.125 13.875 102.544 14.964]
+ fontSize 12
+ src {
+ intersection [0 0 1 0 23.5747 14.625 0 0]
+ }
+ dst {
+ id 243
+ intersection [1 0 -1 0 23.5747 42.5747 0 0]
+ }
+ midPoint [23.5747 24.9468]
+ chart 235
+ dataLimits [21.175 25.975 14.625 42.575]
+ subviewer 235
+ drawStyle SMART
+ slide {
+ sticky BOTH_STICK
+ }
+ executionOrder 1
+ ssIdNumber 2
+ linkNode [235 0 0]
+ }
+ instance {
+ id 245
+ machine 1
+ name "MOMENTUM BASED TORQUE CONTROL/Balancing Controller QP/Compute Desired Torques/QPSolver/QP One Foot/Proc"
+ "ess QP output"
+ chart 235
+ }
+ target {
+ id 246
+ machine 1
+ name "sfun"
+ codeFlags ""
+ linkNode [1 0 247]
+ }
+ target {
+ id 247
+ machine 1
+ name "rtw"
+ linkNode [1 246 0]
+ }
diff --git a/library/simulink-library/Utilities/utilityBlocks_lib.slx b/library/simulink-library/Utilities/utilityBlocks_lib.slx
index c4fb101f..0a85f1c1 100644
Binary files a/library/simulink-library/Utilities/utilityBlocks_lib.slx and b/library/simulink-library/Utilities/utilityBlocks_lib.slx differ