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Added some function comments, fixed typos
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Rob Stewart committed Apr 28, 2012
1 parent 1ad6545 commit 0be6b65
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 14 deletions.
34 changes: 20 additions & 14 deletions list_mappings.hs
Expand Up @@ -18,24 +18,28 @@ import Network.URI hiding (URI)
import Data.List.Split

-- 1) Reads The List xml data
-- 2) Processes the file, generating triples
-- 3) Write the RDF graph in memory to a turtle file
main :: IO ()
main = do
let fname = "../../data/live/chs2012-list-events.xml"
let fname = "chs2012-list-events.xml"
f <- readFile fname
let (Document _ _ root _) = xmlParse fname f
let rootElem = CElem root noPos
events = (tag "ives:IvesMessage" /> elm) rootElem
triples <- mapM eventTriples events
let prefixes = (PrefixMappings fringePrefixMappings)
let prefixes = (PrefixMappings listPrefixMappings)
(rdfGraph::TriplesGraph) = mkRdf (concat triples) Nothing prefixes
outh <- openFile "list.ttl" WriteMode
hWriteRdf (TurtleSerializer Nothing prefixes) outh rdfGraph
hClose outh

-- Maps over the elements for each event, creating a triple
eventTriples :: Content a -> IO Triples
eventTriples event = do
let id = eventID event
subj = unode (s2b $ fringeResource ++ id)
subj = unode (s2b $ thelist ++ id)
ks = Map.keys mappings
topLevelTriples = concatMap (\k -> genTriple subj event k mappings ) ks
venTriple = venuTriple event
Expand All @@ -44,6 +48,7 @@ eventTriples event = do
locationTriples <- processEventLocation event
return ([venTriple] ++ tagTriples ++ locationTriples ++ topLevelTriples)

-- Generates a triple to be added to the RDF graph.
genTriple :: forall a. Subject -> Content a -> Node -> Map.Map Node (FilterLookup a) -> [Triple]
genTriple subj event k mapping =
let obj = objectFromXml event mapping k
Expand All @@ -52,8 +57,10 @@ genTriple subj event k mapping =
Just obj -> [triple subj k obj]

-- Dictates wether the xml element data should be transformed into a URI resource or a literal
data FilterLookup a = URI (CFilter a) | Literal (CFilter a) | TypedLiteral String (CFilter a)

-- Only adds a node if there exists data for each given element in the xml
objectFromXml :: Content a -> Map.Map Node (FilterLookup a) -> Node -> Maybe Node
objectFromXml event map k =
let (Just filterLookup) = Map.lookup k map
Expand All @@ -62,7 +69,7 @@ objectFromXml event map k =
let s = extractTxt filt event
in case s of
"" -> Nothing
_ -> Just (unode $ s2b (fringeResource ++ urlEncode s))
_ -> Just (unode $ s2b (thelist ++ urlEncode s))
(Literal filt) ->
let s = extractTxt filt event
in case s of
Expand All @@ -78,7 +85,7 @@ extractTxt xmlFilter event =
_ -> ""

-- | Finds nearby pubs to the venue, within 100 metres
findNearbyPubs venue vid = do
let latFilter = tag "venue" /> tag "latitude" /> txt
longFilter = tag "venue" /> tag "longitude" /> txt
Expand All @@ -90,7 +97,7 @@ findNearbyPubs venue vid = do
Left e -> error (show e)
Right g -> do
let subj = (unode . s2b) vid
pred = unode . s2b $ fringeProp ++ "neabyPub"
pred = unode . s2b $ thelistProp ++ "neabyPub"
linkTriples = map (triple subj pred . subjectOf) (triplesOf g)
return (linkTriples ++ triplesOf g)

Expand All @@ -109,9 +116,6 @@ httpCallForRdf uri = do
response <- simpleHTTP request >>= getResponseBody
return $ parseString (TurtleParser Nothing Nothing) (B.pack response)

fringeResource = ""
fringeProp = ""
lodeProp = ""
geonamesProp = ""
wg84posProp = ""
Expand All @@ -120,16 +124,18 @@ linkedGeoData = ""
thelist = ""
thelistProp = ""

fringePrefixMappings :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString
fringePrefixMappings = Map.fromList $
[ (s2b "fringe", s2b fringeResource)
, (s2b "fringeprop", s2b fringeProp)
listPrefixMappings :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString
listPrefixMappings = Map.fromList $
[ (s2b "list", s2b thelist)
, (s2b "listProp", s2b thelistProp)
, (s2b "lode", s2b lodeProp)
, (s2b "gn", s2b geonamesProp)
, (s2b "wgs84_pos", s2b wg84posProp)
, (s2b "lgdo", s2b linkedGeoData)

-- TODO - it is this mapping that needs scaling up to match every element in The List xml data!
mappings :: forall a. Map.Map Node (FilterLookup a)
mappings = Map.fromList
[ (unode (s2b (lodeProp++"atTime")), Literal (tag "Event" /> tag "Schedule" /> tag "Performance" /> tag "StartDateTime" /> txt)) -- TODO typed literal as date
Expand Down

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