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Rob Stewart committed Apr 28, 2012
0 parents commit 1ad6545
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41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
This hack is really just a programming excercise :-)

What data: The List event 2012

What I've done with it
- I've written a Haskell program that...
- Transforms the XML into RDF
- Defines a schema for The List specific fields
- Reuses ontologies for field e.g. location (wg84pos)
- Serializes the RDF into the Turtle file format

In addition...
- The program goes out to to the The List web API to grab more info
about locations
- Goes out to Linked Geo Data and discovers the nearby pubs to the
venue (within 100 metres)

Why?! have I done it?
- Linked Open Data is *really* awesome.
- It'd great to have The List on the cloud of linked open data
- ... on this map:
- (More exposure on the semantic web for The List events!!)
- Venue location info is disambiguated, so all kinds of interesting
information can be sought from the semantic web (finding pubs is just
a proof-of-concept).

- list_mappings.hs <- the Haskell code to generate the turtle file
- list.ttl <- the file generated
- README <- this file

What next?
- You can install a SPARQL endpoit.. point it at the .ttl file, and
you have a *semantic search endpoint* for free out-of-the-box.
- Get in touch with me.. I'd happily add more (
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions list_mappings.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Text.XML.HaXml.Parse
import Text.XML.HaXml.Posn
import Text.XML.HaXml.Combinators
import Text.XML.HaXml
import Data.RDF
import Data.RDF.TriplesGraph
import Text.RDF.RDF4H.TurtleSerializer
import Network.HTTP.Base
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe
import Network.HTTP
import Text.RDF.RDF4H.TurtleParser
import Network.URI hiding (URI)
import Data.List.Split

main :: IO ()
main = do
let fname = "../../data/live/chs2012-list-events.xml"
f <- readFile fname
let (Document _ _ root _) = xmlParse fname f
let rootElem = CElem root noPos
events = (tag "ives:IvesMessage" /> elm) rootElem
triples <- mapM eventTriples events
let prefixes = (PrefixMappings fringePrefixMappings)
(rdfGraph::TriplesGraph) = mkRdf (concat triples) Nothing prefixes
outh <- openFile "list.ttl" WriteMode
hWriteRdf (TurtleSerializer Nothing prefixes) outh rdfGraph
hClose outh

eventTriples :: Content a -> IO Triples
eventTriples event = do
let id = eventID event
subj = unode (s2b $ fringeResource ++ id)
ks = Map.keys mappings
topLevelTriples = concatMap (\k -> genTriple subj event k mappings ) ks
venTriple = venuTriple event
tagTriples = eventTagTriples event
putStrLn $ "Processing event: " ++ id
locationTriples <- processEventLocation event
return ([venTriple] ++ tagTriples ++ locationTriples ++ topLevelTriples)

genTriple :: forall a. Subject -> Content a -> Node -> Map.Map Node (FilterLookup a) -> [Triple]
genTriple subj event k mapping =
let obj = objectFromXml event mapping k
in case obj of
Nothing -> []
Just obj -> [triple subj k obj]

data FilterLookup a = URI (CFilter a) | Literal (CFilter a) | TypedLiteral String (CFilter a)

objectFromXml :: Content a -> Map.Map Node (FilterLookup a) -> Node -> Maybe Node
objectFromXml event map k =
let (Just filterLookup) = Map.lookup k map
in case filterLookup of
(URI filt) ->
let s = extractTxt filt event
in case s of
"" -> Nothing
_ -> Just (unode $ s2b (fringeResource ++ urlEncode s))
(Literal filt) ->
let s = extractTxt filt event
in case s of
"" -> Nothing
_ -> Just (lnode (plainL $ s2b s))

extractTxt :: CFilter a -> Content a -> String
extractTxt xmlFilter event =
let c = xmlFilter event
in case length c of
1 -> let (CString _ s _) = head c
in s
_ -> ""

findNearbyPubs venue vid = do
let latFilter = tag "venue" /> tag "latitude" /> txt
longFilter = tag "venue" /> tag "longitude" /> txt
lat = extractTxt latFilter venue
long = extractTxt longFilter venue
query = "" ++ lat ++ "," ++ long ++ "/1000/class/Pub.n3"
rdf <- httpCallForRdf query
case rdf of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right g -> do
let subj = (unode . s2b) vid
pred = unode . s2b $ fringeProp ++ "neabyPub"
linkTriples = map (triple subj pred . subjectOf) (triplesOf g)
return (linkTriples ++ triplesOf g)

-- |Takes a generated uri and makes simple HTTP request,
-- asking for RDF N3 serialization. Returns either 'ParseFailure' or 'RDF'
httpCallForRdf :: String -> IO (Either ParseFailure TriplesGraph)
httpCallForRdf uri = do
let h1 = mkHeader HdrUserAgent "hsparql-client"
h2 = mkHeader HdrAccept "text/rdf+n3"
request = Request { rqURI = fromJust $ parseURI uri
, rqHeaders = [h1,h2]
, rqMethod = GET
, rqBody = ""
response <- simpleHTTP request >>= getResponseBody
return $ parseString (TurtleParser Nothing Nothing) (B.pack response)

fringeResource = ""
fringeProp = ""
lodeProp = ""
geonamesProp = ""
wg84posProp = ""
linkedGeoData = ""

thelist = ""
thelistProp = ""

fringePrefixMappings :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString
fringePrefixMappings = Map.fromList $
[ (s2b "fringe", s2b fringeResource)
, (s2b "fringeprop", s2b fringeProp)
, (s2b "lode", s2b lodeProp)
, (s2b "gn", s2b geonamesProp)
, (s2b "wgs84_pos", s2b wg84posProp)
, (s2b "lgdo", s2b linkedGeoData)

mappings :: forall a. Map.Map Node (FilterLookup a)
mappings = Map.fromList
[ (unode (s2b (lodeProp++"atTime")), Literal (tag "Event" /> tag "Schedule" /> tag "Performance" /> tag "StartDateTime" /> txt)) -- TODO typed literal as date
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"title")), Literal (tag "Event" /> tag "Title" /> tag "MainTitle" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"description")), Literal (tag "Event" /> tag "Description" /> tag "Plain" /> txt))

venuTriple :: forall t. Content t -> Triple
venuTriple event =
let id = venuID event
s = unode (s2b (thelist ++ (eventID event)))
p = unode (s2b (lodeProp ++ "atPlace"))
o = unode (s2b id)
in triple s p o

venuID :: forall t. Content t -> String
venuID event =
let filter = tag "Event" /> tag "Venue"
(CElem (Elem _ attrs _) _) = head $ filter event
(_, vid) = attrs !! 1
in show vid

eventID :: forall t. Content t -> String
eventID event =
let filt = tag "Event"
(CElem (Elem _ attrs _) _) = head $ filt event
(_, eid) = attrs !! 0
in show eid

eventTagTriples :: forall t. Content t -> [Triple]
eventTagTriples event =
let filt = tag "Event" /> tag "Property" /> txt
propsS = extractTxt filt event
props = parseProperties propsS
in map (eventTagTriple event) props

eventTagTriple :: forall t. Content t -> String -> Triple
eventTagTriple event prop =
let s = (unode (s2b (thelist ++ eventID event)))
p = (unode (s2b (thelist ++ "tag")))
o = lnode (plainL $ s2b prop)
in triple s p o

parseProperties :: String -> [String]
parseProperties s = splitOn "," s

processEventLocation :: forall t. Content t -> IO [Triple]
processEventLocation event = do
let vid = venuID event
let uri = vid ++ "?format=xml"
request = replaceHeader HdrUserAgent "user-agent" (getRequest uri)
response <- simpleHTTP request >>= getResponseBody
let (Document _ _ root _) = xmlParse "" response
let rootElem = CElem root noPos
venue = tag "venue" rootElem
ks = Map.keys locationMappings
subj = unode (s2b vid)
triples = concatMap (\k -> genTriple subj (head venue) k locationMappings ) ks
return triples

-- Uncomment these lines when LinkedGeoData API is working :-/
-- pubTriples <- findNearbyPubs (head venue) vid
-- return (pubTriples ++ triples)

locationMappings :: forall a. Map.Map Node (FilterLookup a)
locationMappings = Map.fromList
[ (unode (s2b (thelist++"venueName")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "venue_name" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"altName")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "alt_names" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"previousName")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "previous_names" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"address")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "address" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"town")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "town" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"region")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "region" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"countryCode")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "country_code" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"postalCode")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "postal_code" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (wg84posProp++"lat")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "latitude" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (wg84posProp++"long")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "longitude" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"radius")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "radius" /> txt))
, (unode (s2b (thelist++"vidType")), Literal (tag "venue" /> tag "vid_type" /> txt))

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