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The QEWD-JSdb DOM Database Model

Rob Tweed
15 December 2020, M/Gateway Developments Ltd

Twitter: @rtweed

Google Group for discussions, support, advice etc:

About this Document

This document provides background information on the Persistent XML Document Object Model (DOM) NoSQL database model that is included with QEWD-JSdb.


About the DOM Database Model

The DOM database model is an implementation of the W3C XML DOM API. The implementation is currently somewhere between W3C's Levels 2 and 3 in terms of its standards adherence, but is sufficiently complete to integrate correctly with the 3rd-party Node.js XPath module which is a dependency of the DOM API implementation.

Unlike the usual XML DOM implementations, it is implemented in the persistent storage provided by QEWD-JSdb, rather than in-memory. This means that the documents can be stored as pre-parsed XML DOMs, and can be searched at any time in-situ within the database using standard XPath queries.

In effect, the QEWD-JSdb DOM model provides you with a Native XML Database. One of the most well-known of such products is MarkLogic which has evolved from its original XML database roots.

A good resource for learning about the XML DOM APIs, how they work and how they can be used is the W3Schools XML DOM Tutorial. The only difference is that the examples in those tutorials will be working with in-memory XML DOMs, whereas you'll be using DOMs in database storage.

Before proceeding it is recommended that you first read and complete the basic QEWD-JSdb tutorial. This will ensure you understand what's going on in the QEWD-JSdb and why!

Source Code for the DOM APIs

Like all the QEWD-JSdb APIs, they are written in JavaScript and are built on top of the standard QEWD-JSdb APIs. They are all Open Source APIs, and you are free to inspect and use the code as you wish, in accordance with the Apache 2 license under which they are made available.

Find the DOM source code here.

Starting the Viewer Application

Make sure you start the viewer application so you can see in real-time the changes made to your IRIS Global Storage.

To start the viewer application, use the URL:


Replace the x' with the IP address or domain name of the server on which you're running the IRIS Docker Container.

Initially it won't show much, but don't worry, it will automatically spring into life!

Enabling Use of the DOM APIs

You can create and maintain a DOM at any QEWD-JSdb Document Node Object.

Having instantiated the Document Object Node object, you must enable its use of the DOM APIs. For example, from within a QEWD-Up back-end message handler module:

    doc = this.documentStore.use('jsdbDom', 'demo')

or when using the jsdb_shell REPL module:

    doc = jsdb.use('jsdbDom', 'demo')

The QEWD-JSdb Document Node object will be augmented with a dom property object, via which you can invoke the DOM APIs, eg:

    documentNode = doc.dom.createDocument();

The DOM APis allow you to:

  • build and manipulate a DOM from scratch, entirely using the APIs
  • ingest the text of an XML document and convert it to a DOM, after which it can be manipulated using the DOM APIs
  • output a DOM as XML text which, for example, can then be saved as a file

The DOM APIs can also be used with JSON. For example, you can:

  • ingest JSON and represent it as a DOM, after which it can be manipulated using the DOM APIs
  • output a DOM as a corresponding JSON text which can then be saved as a file.

Building a DOM Programmatically

You can build a DOM, representing an XML Document, completly from scratch, using the DOM APIs. In this tutorial, I'll show you how.

Getting Started

You can do this in a back-end QEWD REST API method or interactive message handler, but you can also do it interactively using the jsdb_shell Module, which is what I'll describe here.

Start the Node.js REPL:

    cd ~/qewd-jsdb

and load the jsdb_shell Module:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell')

Then instantiate a QEWD-JSDB Document Node Object for a Document (ie IRIS Global) named jsdbDom, and a subscript of demo:

    var doc = jsdb.use('jsdbDom', 'demo')

Next, enable it to behave as a DOM:


At this point, if you look in the viewer application, you won't see a Global named ^jsdbDom yet.

The documentNode

The first step is to create the (initially empty) DOM Document:

    var documentNode = doc.dom.createDocument()

If you take a look in the viewer application, you'll see that the following Global nodes have been created:


Every DOM has a notional top-level node, known as the documentNode, under which everything else is attached. It won't appear in the actual XML text: you can try this by displaying the output from the output() DOM API method:


You won't get anything displayed. However, we can interrogate the DOM to see what it currently contains.

The createDocument() method returned a pointer to the documentNode. However, having created a new DOM Document, we can also access its documentNode using:

    var dnode = doc.dom.documentNode

All DOM Nodes have several mandatory properties, in particular nodeType and nodeName.

Let's see what they are for our documentNode:

    // 9

    // #document

A DOM can, of course, only have one documentNode.

If you look in the viewer application at the Global that represents our DOM, you'll see how and where these properties are stored.

Adding an XML Tag

There are two ways to add an XML Tag to our DOM:

  • the low-level way, using the primitive DOM API methods
  • the high-level way, using a single method that, behind the scenes, uses the appropriate primitive DOM API methods to create a tag and attributes and attach it to the DOM

Low-Level APIs

First let's look at the low-level way. You add a tag by:

  • creating an Element node (createElement())
  • optionally, adding attribute name/values to the Element (setAttribute())
  • optionally adding text content to the Element (textContent())
  • append the Element to an existing Node in the DOM (appendChild() or insertBefore())


So, first create an XML Element Node named myTag. This will be the equivalent of creating:

    <myTag />

Type this:

    var el = doc.dom.createElement('myTag')

If you look in the viewer application you'll see what's been created:


You can see that a second Node has been added, representing the Element.

Yet, if you output the XML:


you'll not see anything. That's because, whilst the Element has been created within the DOM, it hasn't actually been attached to one of its nodes. This is an important feature when working with the DOM: nodes can exist within it, yet can be unattached to anything.

We can check its properties:

  • Element nodes have a nodeType of 1:

      // 1
  • Its nodeName is the actual tag name:

      // myTag
  • Element nodes have another property: tagName, which, unsurprisingly, is the same as the nodeName property:

      // myTag


You don't need to attach the Element until you've added any attributes and text content, but the order of these steps doesn't really matter. if we attach the Element to the DOM now, the benefit is we'll be able to view the effect of all the subsequent steps by using the output() method.

Currently the only node that exists is the documentNode, so that's where we attach our Element:

  var elx = dnode.appendChild(el)

Now try this:


    // <myTag />

There we go! Our XML document has begun to exist!

Only one Element node can be attached to the DOM's documentNode, and it's known as the documentElement - the top-most tag in an XML Document.
You can access a DOM's documentElement using:

  var docEl = doc.dom.documentElement

All other tags in an XML document are descendents of the documentElement.

Add Another Tag

We can now add another tag to the DOM and append it as a child of the documentElement:

    var el2 = doc.dom.createElement('myChildTag')

    // alternatively we could have used
    //  docEl.appendChild(el2)


    // <myTag><myChildTag /></myTag>

We can tidy up the output - instead of streaming the XML, we can specify a number of indents, eg let's say 2 indents:


which will now output:

      <myChildTag />

Building out a basic DOM is no more than these steps: creating nodes and appending them to a parent tag, eg we could continue with:

    var el3 = doc.dom.createElement('mySecondChildTag')
    elx = el.appendChild(el3)
    var el4 = doc.dom.createElement('myGrandChildTag')
    elx = el3.appendChild(el4)

which will now output:

      <myChildTag />
        <myGrandChildTag />


An XML tag can optionally have one or more attributes. Let's add one to one of our Elements now. We use the Element Node's setAttribute() method:

    var attr1 = el2.setAttribute("foo","bar")

and see what's happened:


      <myChildTag foo="bar" />
        <myGrandChildTag />

Let's add another two attributes:

    var attr2 = el2.setAttribute("hello","world")
    var attr3 = el2.setAttribute("id","firstTag")

Let's check what those two commands did:


      <myChildTag foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
        <myGrandChildTag />


An XML Tag can also optionally have text content, ie between its opening and closing Tag. Let's add text to the myGrandChild tag:

    el4.textContent = "Some text content"

      <myChildTag foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Some text content

So these steps are how to create XML Tags along with their attributes and text content

High-Level Method for Tag Creation

Every Element has an additional method: appendElement() which combines all the steps covered above. appendElement() takes a single argument which is an object defining:

  • tagName (mandatory)
  • attribute name/value pairs (optional)
  • text content (optional)

So let's repeat the previous steps, but using appendElement() instead.

First, clear down your previous DOM:


Then do the following:

    var documentNode = doc.dom.createDocument()
    var el1 = documentNode.appendElement({tagName: 'myTag'})
    var el2 = el1.appendElement({
      tagName: 'myChildTag',
      attributes: {
        foo: 'bar',
        hello: 'world',
        id: 'firstTag'
    var el3 = el1.appendElement({tagName: 'mySecondChildTag'})
    var el4 = el3.appendElement({
      tagName: 'myGrandChildTag',
      text: 'Some text content'

Then see the results:


      <myChildTag foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Some text content

So we've created the very same XML Document, but much more simply!

The Persistent DOM

As you've seen when you looked at the viewer application, the QEWD-JSdb DOM is persistent, being stored in a Global: in our case it's the ^jsdbDom Global.

So this take a look at what this means in practice.

Exit from the Node.js REPL that you've been using: type CTRL & C twice.

So you've now disconnected from IRIS.

Now restart the REPL and re-connect:


    > var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell')

Do this again:

    var doc = jsdb.use('jsdbDom', 'demo')

And now see what happens when you do this:


Yes, your DOM is still there!

Navigating the DOM

The DOM APIs allow you to navigate within the DOM to access individual Tags, Attributes and Text Content. You can then edit or remove them, or add further content.

We've already seen how you can access the documentNode and documentElement.

For example:



Navigating Between Adjacent Elements

Every Element Node has a number of properties to allow you to navigate to other adjacent ones:

  • firstChild
  • lastChild
  • nextSibling
  • previousSibling
  • parentNode

For example:

    var el1 = doc.dom.documentElement

which will return:


Next try:


which returns:


Alternatively we could do this:

    var el2 = el1.firstChild

and again we get:


Or navigate in the other direction:

    var el2 = el1.lastChild

which gives us:


Note the way that the properties and methods can be chained, for example:


which returns:


We can also navigate up the DOM's hierarchy by using the parentNode property. Start here:

    var gc = el1.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild

Now go up to its parent:


and up another level:


That's the top-most XML Element. What happens if we try to go up another level?


That returns undefined. Try this though:


As you can see, you get:


because you've reached the DOM's documentNode

Try going any higher and, not surprisingly, you'll get errors.


Clearly, the properties above are useful for moving around within adjacent Elements, but it's a laborious way to get to a particular node that you might want to access.

So the DOM provides other methods. For example, we could get straight to that myGrandChildTag Element like this:

    var nl = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('myGrandChildTag')

What's returned (ie nl) is a somewhat unusual data structure, unique to the DOM and known as a NodeList. It behaves like an Array, but is actually a live object - reflecting the actual content of the DOM if it is subsequently changed. For those interested in how this is implemented in QEWD-JSdb, it uses a JavaScript Proxy Object whose properties and methods directly access the IRIS database when they're invoked, so they always return what's actually in the DOM at the time they're invoked.

Try this:



So it found 1 Element Node with a tagName of myGrandChildTag.

To access the Element Node, use nl[0] as if it's an Array, eg:



So we could have done this:

    var gc = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('myGrandChildTag')[0]

gc is now the Element Node object we want


There's another way to navigate the DOM to specific Elements, which is available for any Tags that have an id Attribute. The id is deemed to be a special attribute name, and each id value within a DOM is unique. The id Attributes are specifically indexed, so they provide a rapid route to get to a particular Element.

If you remember, we added an id Attribute to one of our Tags:

      <myChildTag foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" />

We can get directly to this Element as follows:

    var mc = doc.dom.getElementById('firstTag')

Because ids are unique, the getElementById() method returns the matching Element Node Object. If the specified id doesn't exist, it returns a null.

Interrogating and Manipulating the DOM

You'll often want to know about features or details about the part of the DOM you're currently in.

Typically that will mean you want to find out about:

  • An Element's Child Elements
  • An Element's Attributes

Child Elements and Child Nodes

Typically you'll want to know whether the current Element has Child Elements, and, if so, access them.

To illustrate how you can do this, try the following.

First, let's remind ourselves what's currently in our DOM:


      <myChildTag foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Some text content

Next, let's get pointers to two of the Tags in our DOM:

    var tag1 = doc.dom.getElementById('firstTag')
    var tag2 = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('mySecondChildTag')[0]

We can see from the listing of our DOM that the first Tag does not have any Child Nodes, while the second one does. So how can we find this out from the DOM itself? Try this:





Now let's try this. First get the 'myGrandChildTag' tag, eg:

    var tag3 = tag2.firstChild


    // myGrandChildTag

We can confirm that this tag has no Child Elements:



But if we try the hasChildNodes() method:



That's because whilst the myGrandChildTag Tag does not have any Child Elements, it does have text content, which, in DOM terms, means it has a child Text Node. Everything in the DOM is represented as Nodes!

Typically, we'll not just want to know if a particular Tag has Child Elements, we'll want to access those Child Elements.

There are two ways to do this:

  • using the childNodes property
  • using the childElements property

The childNodes property will return all of the immediate Child DOM Nodes of an Element. Those Child Nodes can be both Child Elements and Text Nodes.

The childNodes property (like the getElementsByTagName() method) returns a NodeList of Child Nodes. This can be treated as an Array, but is a live data structure, reflecting the DOM content each time one of its properties or methods is invoked.

The childElements property will return all the immediate Child Element DOM Nodes as an actual Array. It is therefore not a live data structure. Its properties and methods reflect the DOM content when the childElements array was constructed.

In practice the difference between a NodeList and true Array is unlikely to be noticeable, unless the DOM is highly dynamic and subject to change while you're interrogating it.

Let's see them in use.

Our second tag has Child Elements:


    // mySecondChildTag


    // true


    var children = tag2.childNodes

    // 1


    // myGrandChildTag

And let's try this grandchild tag:

    var grandChildren = children[0].childNodes

    // 1


    // 3   ie text


    // 'Some text content'

So let's compare this with the childElements property:

    var children = tag2.childElements

    // 1


    // myGrandChildTag

    var grandChildren = children[0].childElements

    // 0  - because it doesn't have any Child Elements, just a child Text Node



Typically you'll want to know whether the current Element has any Attributes, and, if so, access them.

To illustrate how you can do this, try the following.

First, let's remind ourselves again what's currently in our DOM:


      <myChildTag foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Some text content

Next, let's get pointers to two of the Tags in our DOM, one with Attributes and one without:

    var tag1 = doc.dom.getElementById('firstTag')
    var tag2 = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('mySecondChildTag')[0]

Now interrogate the DOM about their Attributes:


    // true


    // false

The attributes Property

We can get all of the Attributes for a Tag using the attributes property:

    var attrs = tag1.attributes

What's returned is something known as a Named Node Map, again something unique to the DOM, and just like Node Lists, Named Node Maps are active structures, and once again implemented here as a Proxy Object which accesses the IRIS data every time one of its properties or methods is invoked, therefore reflecting the latest content in the DOM.

A Named Node Map has several specific properties and methods.

We can find how many Attributes were found using its length property:


    // 3

To access a specific Attribute, you use the item() method, specifying the index value as its argument. Attribute items are numbered from zero. What is returned is an Attr Node object. The most important properties of an Attr Node are its name and value:


    // foo


    // bar

Of course you could find out its DOM nodeType:


    // 2  ie an Attr Node

and we can find out the Element it belongs to by using the Attr's ownerElement property:


    // myChildTag

You can also find out if the Attr is an id attribute or not:


    // false


    // true

Returning to the attributes Named Node Map, you can also apply its getNamedItem() method to return the Attr Node for the Attribute with the specified name, eg:


    // firstTag


    // bar

Of course, if all you want is an Attribute's value, you could also use the somewhat simpler Element Node's getAttribute() method, eg:


    // firstTag

You can also add an Attribute using the attributes' setNamedItem() method. This requires you to create an Attr Node, assigning it both a name and value, and the provide this Attr Node as the setNamedItem()'s argument. Try it out:

    var attr1 = doc.dom.createAttribute('class')
    attr1.value = 'bingo'


      <myChildTag class="bingo" foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Some text content

Using setAttribute() to Set and Change Attribute Values

You'll probably be thinking that it's a lot easier to use the Element Node's setAttribute() method, which is quite true, ie:

    tag1.setAttribute('x', 100)

      <myChildTag class="bingo" foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" x="100"/>
          Some text content

setAttribute() is also a simple way to change the value of an existing Attribute, eg

    tag1.setAttribute('x', 200)

      <myChildTag class="bingo" foo="bar" hello="world" id="firstTag" x="200"/>
          Some text content


You may also find that the Named Node Map returned by the attributes property is overkill if all you want is the names and values of all the Attributes in an Element. QEWD-JSdb provides a custom method: getAttributes() which you may find convenient. Try it out:

    var attrObj = tag1.getAttributes();

    // { class: 'bingo', foo: 'bar', hello: 'world', id: 'firstTag', x: 200 }

As you can see, getAttributes() is a Getter method that simply returns the attribute names and values as an Object.

Removing Attributes

Removing an Attribute can also be done either using the attributes' removeNamedItem() method, or by using the simple Element Node's removeAttribute() method, eg:


      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Some text content

Inserting Elements


So far you've seen how new Elements can be added to the DOM by appending them to a parent Element Node. Of course, if the parent Element already has one or more existing Child Elements, the new one will be appended as a new lastChild.

What if you want to add a new Element as a firstChild, or in the middle of a set of existing Child Elements? To do this, you can use the insertBefore() method.

First, create a new Element Node, eg:

    var newTag = doc.dom.createElement('myInsertedTag');

Let's insert this before the myGrandChildTag Tag:

    var gc = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('myGrandChildTag')[0]
    gc.insertBefore(newTag, gc);

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
        <myInsertedTag />
          Some text content

The insertBefore() method is a bit strange in terms of its syntax. It can actually be applied by any Element, and it is the two arguments that actually specify the insertion point in the DOM:

    anyNode.insertBefore(newElement, ElementToInsertBefore)

So we could have used this and the result would be the same:

    doc.dom.documentElement.insertBefore(newTag, el4);


Something that neither appendChild nor insertBefore make easy is the insertion of a new Element between an existing parent Element and its existing Child Elements: in other words adding a new intermediate layer in an existing DOM hierarchy.

It can be done, but it involves removing the Child Nodes, appending the new Element to the now childless parent Node, and then re-appending the Child Nodes to the new Element.

To save you all that hassle, you can use QEWD-JSdb's custom DOM method: insertBeforeChildren(). First, create the new Element:

    var newTagx = doc.dom.createElement('intermediateTag');

Get the Element that you want to be your new Tag's parent node, eg:

    var par = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('mySecondChildTag')[0]

and now insert your new Element:


      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          <myInsertedTag />
            Some text content

In the listing you can see the myInsertedTag Element has been inserted between the mySecondChildTag Element and what were previously its Child Nodes.

This turns out to be a really powerful method for making what would otherwise be really complex and difficult-to-implement changes to a hierarchical structure.

Removing Elements


You may need to remove Elements from a DOM. To do so you use the removeChild() method. You need to be careful, however: when you remove an Element, you are actually detatching it (and any of its Child Nodes) from the DOM tree. By default, it will still exist in the DOM, but it's just disconnected from anything, so won't appear when you output the DOM as XML for example. However, the QEWD-JSdb version of the removeChild() method allows you to optionally specify that the removed Element (and its sub-tree of Child Nodes) is permanently deleted from the DOM.

The removeChild() method is applied to the parent Element of the Element you want to remove.

For example, in your DOM that represents this XML:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          <myInsertedTag />
            Some text content

to remove the intermediateTag Element (and its sub-tree of Nodes), you would apply removeChild() to its parent mySecondChildTag Element, eg:

    var parTag = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('mySecondChildTag')[0]
    var imTag = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('intermediateTag')[0]

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
      <mySecondChildTag />

If you look in IRIS, you'll see that the removed Nodes are still in the Global - they've just been detached from the DOM tree, so don't appear in the XML when listed.

Just to prove this, you can get them back:


and as if by magic, they re-appear:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          <myInsertedTag />
            Some text content

Of course, you could have re-attached them to any of the DOM Nodes if you'd wanted - something you might want to try out. You'll also notice that the links between the removed Nodes were still in place, so the entire sub-tree was recovered.

Now let's repeat the removeChild(), but this time we'll physically delete them from the QEWD-JSdb storage (ie from the IRIS Global):

    parTag.removeChild(imTag, true)

If you look in the viewer application at the ^jsdbDom Global, you'll see that the detached Nodes have all been deleted, and now you won't be able to re-attach them.


As you've seen, removeChild() removes not only the specified Child Node but also its entire sub-tree on descendent Nodes.

What if you just want to remove the Child Node, but retain all its Child Node, effectively moving them up a level to replace the removed Child and become Child Nodes of the parent?

You could do that, but it would require a laborious and potentially tricky sequence of detaches and re-attaches. However, to save you all that bother, QEWD-JSdb provides a custom method called removeAsParent().

So let's go back to our previous DOM:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          <myInsertedTag />
            Some text content

Suppose we want to remove the intermediateTag Element, but retain its Child Nodes, so they now become Child Nodes of the mySecondChildTag Element. We could do that as follows:

    var imTag = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('intermediateTag')[0]

The result is this:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
        <myInsertedTag />
          Some text content

Note that the detached intermediateTag Element is still in the DOM. To permanently remove it, add true as an argument, ie:


You'll have probably realised that the removeAsParent() method reverses the effect of the insertBeforeChildren() method that was described earlier.

Handling Text

You've seen near the start of this Tutorial how Text can be added to an Element, either using the low-level textContent property or as a property of the argument provided to the appendElement() method.

textContent is a read/write property. So in our example DOM:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
        <myInsertedTag />
          Some text content

we could get the textContent of the myGrandChildTag Element:

    var gcTag = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('myGrandChildTag')[0]

    // Some text content

We could replace the text:

    gcTag.textContent = 'Some different text'

Or we could add text to the myInsertedTag:

    var iTag = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('myInsertedTag')[0]
    iTag.textContent = 'Hello World!'

The DOM will now appear as:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Hello World!
          Some different text

If you look at the XML DOM API you'll discover there are other ways to manipulate text, using Text Nodes. These are fully supported in QEWD-JSdb, and allow you, for example, to create multiple Text Nodes within an Element. Feel free to experiment with these methods. However, in my experience, the textContent read/write property is sufficient for all your likely needs.

Other XML Nodes

So far we've been focusing on XML Elements and their associated Attributes and Text. There are, of course, a number of other,optional XML Tags (represented, of course, as Nodes in the DOM):

  • Processing Instruction
  • Document Type
  • Comment
  • CDATA Section

Processing Instruction

The most common so-called Processing Instruction you're likely to want to add to a DOM is the standard XML Declaration which is at the start of an XML Document, eg:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

QEWD-JSdb provides a custom method for adding this:

    var xd = doc.dom.createXMLDeclaration()

This creates the XML Declaration tag and inserts it before the documentElement Node.

Although unlikely to be needed, you can modify the version and/or encoding by specifying them as arguments:

    doc.dom.createXMLDeclaration(version, encoding)

By default, the version is 1.0 and the encoding is utf-8.

If you need to create other Processing Instructions, do so using:

    var pi = doc.dom.createProcessingInstruction(target, data)

You then need to append or insert the resulting Processing Instruction Node into the appropriate place in your DOM.

Document Type Definition

You can add a Document Type Definition (DTD) to your DOM by using the createDocumentType() method, eg:

    var dt = doc.dom.createDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId)

The QEWD-JSdb version of this method recognises a number of common names, mainly for HTML/XHTML documents, eg:

    var dt = doc.dom.createDocumentType('html4_strict')

This is shorthand for:

    var name = 'HTML';
    var publicId = '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN';
    var systemId = '';
    var dt = doc.dom.createDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId)

Shortcuts exist for:

  • html4_strict
  • html4_transitional
  • html4_frameset
  • xhtml1_strict
  • xhtml1_transitional

You must append or insert the returned DocumentType Node into your DOM. Normally you would use insertBefore() to add it before the documentElement Node.

You can interrogate the DOM to access its DocumentType Node (if present), by using its docType property, eg:

    var dt = doc.dom.docType;

and view its name:


    // HTML

Note that if you apply an HTML DTD to your DOM, the behaviour of the output() method changes. All Element (Tag) names will be converted to lower case, and certain Tag Names, if recognised as relevant HTML tags, will be displayed as void tags, eg input and link tags will be shown without an explicit closing tag, eg:

    <input type="text">

rather than

    <input type="text" />


You can add Comment Nodes to your DOM using the createComment() method, eg:

    var cmnt = doc.dom.createComment(text);

You then append or insert the returned Comment Node to the appropriate Element Node, eg.

    var cmnt = doc.dom.createComment('This is my comment');

When output the Document would appear as:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Hello World!
          Some different text
        <!--This is my comment-->

CDATA Section

You can add CDATA Section Nodes to your DOM using the createCDATASection() method, eg:

    var cdata = doc.dom.createCDATASection(text);

You then append or insert the returned CDATA Section Node to the appropriate Element Node, eg.

    var cdata = doc.dom.createCDATASection('Some <CDATA> data & then some');

When output the Document would appear as:

      <myChildTag class="bingo" hello="world" id="firstTag" />
          Hello World!
          Some different text
        <!--This is my comment-->
        <![CDATA[Some <CDATA> data & then some]]>

Ingesting XML

You aren't limited to programmatically-generating DOMs. QEWD-JSdb's DOM implementation includes a parser module which includes method for ingesting:

  • XML from a file (parseFile())
  • XML from a text variable (parseText())

The parser module makes use of the standard Node.js sax module for parsing the file or text input, and its events trigger the QEWD-JSdb COM methods which store the parsed XML as a persistent DOM in IRIS.

parser is available as a property of a QEWD-JSdb DOM, eg in a back-end REST API method or interactive message handler method:

    var doc = this.use('jsdbDom', 'demo');
    var parser = doc.dom.parser;


To ingest XML from a file and parse it into a QEWD-JSdb DOM, use the parseFile() method. This takes two arguments:

  • filepath: the file path of the XML file to be ingested
  • callback: a function that will be invoked when the parsing has completed. This function has a single argument: the QEWD-JSdb DOM object that has been created.

You can try it out. You won't be able to use the parseFile() method interactively in the Node.js REPL, but you can run it via a script file.

You'll find an example XML file in the IRIS container's ~/qewd-jsdb directory. Also in that directory you'll find a JavaScript script file named loadxml.js which will parse the example file's XML contents into a QEWD-JSdb DOM.

Take a look at the contents of the loadxml.js file:

    cat ~/qewd-jsdb/loadxml.js

It should look like this:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('exampleDom');
    var filepath = '/home/irisowner/qewd-jsdb/example.xml';
    doc.dom.parser.parseFile(filepath, function(dom) {

Shell into the IRIS Docker Container and run the loadxml.js script:

    cd ~/qewd-jsdb
    node loadxml.js

After a second or two you should see the XML listing:

      <foo location="Drumcondra">
        <bar name="Cat and Cage">
          pub 1
        <bar name="Fagan's" owner="John" tied="true">
          pub 2
        <offlicense name="oddbins" />
        <bar name="Gravedigger's">
          pub 3
        <bar name="Ivy House">
          pub 4
      <foo location="Town">
        <bar name="Peter's Pub">
          pub 5
        <bar name="Grogan's">
          pub 6
        <bar name="Hogans's">
          club 1
        <bar name="Brogan's" owner="James" tied="false">
          pub 8
        <bar closed="yes">
          pub 9
        <offlicense name="unwins" />
          <bar name="Robin Hood">
            pub 10
            <beer name="guinness" />
            <beer name="tetleys" />
            As yet un-named pub
          <ccc />

Take a look in the viewer application and you'll find this DOM's data in a Global named ^exampleDOM

You can now access it and use the QEWD-JSdb DOM API methods on it within the Node.js REPL, in a REST API method or in an interactive message handler. For example, in the REPL:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('exampleDom');

and you can now access it via doc.dom, eg:

    var fooTags = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('foo');
    ... etc


To ingest a stream of XML from a text variable and parse it into a QEWD-JSdb DOM, use the parseText() method. This takes two arguments:

  • text: the variable containing the XML to be ingested
  • callback: a function that will be invoked when the parsing has completed. This function has a single argument: the QEWD-JSdb DOM object that has been created.

You can try it out. You won't be able to use the parsText() method interactively in the Node.js REPL, but you can run it via a script file.

In the IRIS Container's ~/qewd-jsdb directory you'll find a file named loadtext.js which is an example JavaScript script file.

Take a look at the contents of the loadtext.js file:

    cat ~/qewd-jsdb/loadtext.js

It should look like this:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('exampleDom2');
    var xml = '<xml><foo hello="world">Some Text</foo></xml>';
    doc.dom.parser.parseText(xml, function(dom) {

Shell into the IRIS Docker Container and run the loadtext.js script:

    cd ~/qewd-jsdb
    node loadtext.js

After a second or two you should see the XML listing:

      <foo hello="world">
        Some Text

Take a look in the viewer application and you'll find this DOM's data in a Global named ^exampleDOM2

You can now access it and use the QEWD-JSdb DOM API methods on it within the Node.js REPL, in a REST API method or in an interactive message handler. For example, in the REPL:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('exampleDom2');

and you can now access it via doc.dom, eg:

    var fooTags = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('foo');
    ... etc

Querying DOMs using XPath

XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document. The XPath language is based on a tree representation of the XML document, and provides the ability to navigate around the tree, selecting nodes by a variety of criteria.

XPath is normally implemented to use an in-memory XML DOM. However, because QEWD-JSdb's core DOM APIs conform to the XML DOM standard, the standard Node.js XPath module has been able to be used with QEWD-JSdb's persistent DOMs: the XPath module isn't even aware that the actual DOM data it is handling is actually stored in an IRIS database!

QEWD-JSdb integrates the XPath module directly into the DOM's object, so it's immediately available to you without doing anything else.

Try out XPath

Let's use the DOM you created in the previous section above: the one created from the example.xml file. You can even try out XPath in the Node.js REPL.

First load the jsdb_shell module and enable DOM access to the ^exampleDom Global in IRIS:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('exampleDom');

Let's try a simple XPath query, finding all foo Elements (ie Tags) anywhere in the DOM:

    var fooTags = doc.dom.xpath('//foo')

What's returned is an Array of Element Nodes, each one being a foo Element that it's found in the DOM. There should be three. Let's check:


    // 3

and you can then inspect each member of the Array, eg:


    // foo


    // { location: 'Drumcondra' }

You could then try finding all bar Elements that are an immediate Child of a foo Element, anywhere in the DOM:

    var barTags = doc.dom.xpath('//foo/bar')


    // 9


    // bar


    // { name: "Fagan's", owner: 'John', tied: true }

You can apply any valid XPath query to a QEWD-JSdb DOM. The returned result will always be an Array of Nodes that matched the query. If you're not familiar with XPath, take a look at this [list of examples]((

Extending DOMs with UserData

The XML DOM API includes a little-known feature which allows user-defined data to be associated with a DOM Node. The so-called userData consists of key/object pairs. This feature allows the functionality of a DOM to be considerably enhanced. For example, you are no longer restricted to Element Nodes having just Attributes and Text properties. They could be adapted to be something on which you store any arbitrary objects, all within a hierarchical structure.

QEWD-JSdb has implemented the relevant XML DOM APIs:

  • setUserData(): add a key/object pair to a DOM Node
  • getUserData(): retrieve the object for a specified key from a DOM Node

It also implements several additional Node methods to make the use of userData flexible, easy and very powerful:

  • getUserDataKeys(): returns an Array of keys (if any) in a DOM Node
  • hasUserData(): returns true of an object exists for a specified key in a DOM Node
  • deleteUserData(): deletes the object for a specified key in a DOM Node

The DOM Object (eg doc.dom) also includes a method named walk(). This recurses through all the Element Nodes in a DOM and invokes a function that you specify for every Element that is found. You could use this to access and retrieve userData stored at each Element in the DOM tree.

Let's try these out in the Node.js REPL.

We'll start by creating a new DOM with a few Elements. For simplicity, we won't bother adding Attributes or Text to them (though we could if we wanted to). We could do this quickly and easily by creating a Node.js script file that we then execute. Create a file in your QEWD system's installation directory (eg ~/qewd or C:\qewd) named userdataDOM.js containing:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('userDataDom');
    var xml = '<xml><foo><bar /><bar /></foo></xml>';
    doc.dom.parser.parseText(xml, function(dom) {

Run it as follows:

    node userDataDOM

and you see this:

        <bar />
        <bar />

OK so now we have this simple DOM, let's add some userData to the foo Element. We'll do these subsequent steps in the REPL, so start it up:


    Welcome to Node.js v14.5.0.
    Type ".help" for more information.

Then load the jsdb_shell module and enable access to the DOM we just created

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('userDataDom');

Get a pointed to the foo Element:

    var foo = doc.dom.getElementsByTagName('foo')[0]

Now we'll create an object:

    var obj = {hello: 'world', foo: 'bar'}

and add it as userData to the foo Element, using a key of test:

    foo.setUserData('test', obj)

Now take a look in the viewer application at the ^userDataDom Global that is storing the DOM's data. In Node 3 (representing the foo Element) you'll see this:


The ud subscript denotes userData.

So the userData has definitely been saved correctly against the foo Element!

Now try listing the DOM:


Once again, all you'll see is the XML:

        <bar />
        <bar />

userData isn't actually shown or retrieved when you output the DOM as XML.

Let's try some of the other userData methods though.


    // [ 'test' ]


    // true


    // false

    var data = foo.getUserData('test')

    // { foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' }

You can add as many key/Object pairs to a Node as you wish. So we could do this:

    obj = {more: 'data'}
    foo.setUserData('more', obj)


    // [ 'more', 'test' ]

    data = foo.getUserData('more')

    // {more: 'data'}

And we could delete the userData with the more key:



    // [ 'test' ]

We could now write a script that uses the DOM's walk() method to recurse through all the Elements in the DOM and retrieve any userData it finds.

The walk() method is invoked as follows:

    doc.dom.walk(params, fn);
  • params: an optional object you can define for use within fn

  • fn: a function that is invoked every time an Element is found in the DOM. This function has a single argument:

    • params

    Its context (ie this) is the Element Node that has been found.

So let's write our script. Name it walk.js:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
    var doc = jsdb.use('userDataDom');

    var fn = function(params) {
      console.log('Element: ' + this.tagName);
      var keys = this.getUserDataKeys();
      var _this = this;
      keys.forEach(function(key) {
        var data = _this.getUserData(key);
        console.log('userData for key ' + key);
        console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
    var params = {};
    doc.dom.walk(params, fn);

And then run it:

    node walk

and you should see:

    Element: xml
    Element: foo
    userData for key test
      "foo": "bar",
      "hello": "world"
    Element: bar
    Element: bar

Now try adding more userData to some of the other Elements in the DOM and see what it looks like when you re-run the walk.js script!

The DOM is normally thought of as a means of handling XML, but QEWD-JSdb's persistent DOM storage, coupled with the userData functionality means its applicability can be re-thought: it becomes a way of managing hierarchical data, all of which can be queried using XPath!

Using JSON with the DOM

So far we've seen the DOM used as a means of representing an XML Document. However, as mentioned in the previous section above, the DOM isn't restricted to representing XML, even though that's what it was originally designed for. It can be used to represent any hierarchical dataset, with the benefits that:

  • once represented in DOM format, you can use the DOM API methods to manipulate and modify its content in very sophisticated ways

  • you can query the database using XPath.

Now, the hierarchical structure that has largely superceded XML is JSON. So that begs the question: can JSON be represented as a persistent DOM? The answer is yes. The trick is essentially to represent each property name within a JSON document as a DOM Element, and store values of leaf properties as Text Nodes.

QEWD-JSdb provides you with a JSON parser which will ingest JSON documents and save them as a DOM. Like the XML parser, it's provided as a method of the DOM Object (eg doc.dom) named parseJSON():


It takes a single argument: an in-memory JavaScript/JSON Object.

You can parse and store a JSON Document in your QEWD REST API Methods, interactive message handler functions, or in the REPL using the jsdb_shell module.

For example, using the REPL, try this:

    var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell')
    var doc = jsdb.use('jsonDom')
    var json = {foo: {bar: {hello: 'world'}}}

You could check to see how your JSON is being represented in the DOM:


          <hello type="string">

You'll see that the JSON conversion to a corresponding XML structure is probably fairly intuitive. Notice the data typing that is done automatically based on the JSON data type in the incoming JSON Object.

Let's try something a bit more complex:

    json = {foo: {bar: {hello: 'world', accept: true, x: 10, colours: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green']}}}

and you'll see it's representing this new JSON as:

          <hello type="string">
          <accept type="boolean">
          <x type="number">
          <colours type="array">
            <val type="string">
            <val type="string">
            <val type="string">

How do we get it back as JSON again? For that we use the outputAsJSON() method:

    var obj = doc.dom.outputAsJSON()
    console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2))
      "foo": {
        "bar": {
          "hello": "world",
          "accept": true,
          "x": 10,
          "colours": [

One word of warning: don't assume that this capability means that you can use it to output any XML document as a corresponding JSON document. You'll get some JSON out, but it may be somewhat mangled! That's because the outputAsJSON() method is expecting to see that stylised XML format that it uses to represent a JSON document.

Now, we've seen in the basic QEWD-JSdb APIs that you can use the setDocument() and getDocument() methods to save JSON to an IRIS Global and retrieve it again. Why, then, would you use the QEWD-JSdb DOM to save and retrieve it instead? It seems an unnecessary overhead.

The answer is that for most general situations, the basic setDocument() and getDocument() methods are perfectly adequate, and are also more performant and use much less IRIS Global storage than the DOM for representing the JSON.

However, there are three potential benefits of using the DOM for JSON:

  • handling deep JSON with deep hierarchies and long property names:

    IRIS Globals have a very strict, and actually quite low, limit on the total subscript length for an individual Global Node. setDocument() maps each property name in a JSON hierarchy to a correspondingly-named subscript. In a deeply nested JSON hierarchy and/or if property names are long, it's possible to hit this IRIS subscript length limit.

    By comparison, as you'll have seen when you inspect DOM storage in IRIS, each Node is represented in a flattened structure, with each Node containing pointers to its surrounding Nodes. It doesn't matter how deep the hierarchy of Nodes is, or how long the property name (represented as the nodeValue value) is.

    So, if your JSON document is beyond the capabilities of setDocument(), use the DOM to store it.

  • if you need to manipulate, modify or navigate the JSON content. The DOM API methods you've tried out in this tutorial will allow you to perform such tasks with ease, and allow you to perform complex transformations that would be otherwise very difficult to achieve by any other means.

  • if you need to interrogate or run queries on your JSON, as soon as it's in the DOM, you have all the capabilities of XPath at your disposal. The ability to apply XPath queries to JSON is a very powerful and intriguing capability!


That concludes this tutorial on the use of the QEWD-JSdb DOM Data Model.

I hope you agree, it's a very powerful technology, and a great use of IRIS's Global Storage. For XML Documents, its benefits are clear. However, the trick is to not believe that the DOM is limited to XML. With the ability to customise the DOM content with userData, and the ability to map JSON to the DOM, the capabilities of the QEWD-JSdb's persistent DOM are limited only by your imagination.

And remember that, at the end of the day, in IRIS terms, although the DOM is being stored in simple low-level Global Nodes, there's nothing to stop you adding your own IRIS Object mappings to the DOM Globals, opening up even more opportunities to further make use of the stored DOM data in IRIS itself!