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home, sweet $HOME

├── .config                    // XDG_CONFIG_HOME
   ├── alacritty
      └── alacritty.yml
   ├── aria2
      ├── aria2.conf         // aria2 websocket JSON RPC and event hooks
   ├── autostart
   ├── bash
      └── bashrc             // bash alias
   ├── environment.d
      └── pam                // environment variables
   ├── fcitx5
      └── conf
          └── clipboard.conf // clipboard paste primary
   ├── fish
      ├── conf.d
         └──     // fish shell alias
      ├── fish_plugins       // fisher packages
      └── fish_variables     // color scheme
   ├── fontconfig
      ├── conf.d
         ├── 10-replace.conf
         └── 30-color-emoji.conf
      └── fonts.conf
   ├── gebaar
      └── gebaard.toml       // kde flavored gestures
   ├── git
      └── config
   ├── gtk-3.0
      ├── bookmarks
      ├── gtk.css
      └── settings.ini       // GTK window button order
   ├── htop
      └── htoprc
   ├── mpv
      └── mpv.conf           // hwdec, window size, screenshot file name, etc
   ├── npm
      └── npmrc              // npm local prefix
   ├── nvim                   // neovim
      └── init.vim
   ├── octave
      └── octaverc
   ├── Phonon
      └── mpv.conf           // hwdec for phonon-mpv
   ├── powerline
      └── themes
          └── tmux           // powerline segments in tmux
   ├── python
      └──            // write python_histroy to $XDG_STATE_HOME
   ├── systemd                // systemd user service
      └── user
          ├── aria2.service
          ├── chromium-dbus-proxy.service // prevent chromium from using dark mode
          └── ssh-agent.service
   ├── tmux
      └── tmux.conf          // minial powerline-enabled tmux config
   ├── touchegg
      └── touchegg.conf      // kde flavored touchpad gestures
   └── vim
      └── vimrc
   ├── yarn
      └── config
   ├── yay
      └── config.json
   ├── chromium-flags.conf    // kwallet, overlay scrollbars, vaapi, ozone wayland
   ├── code-flags.conf        // -> electron-flags.conf
   ├── electron-flags.conf    // ozone wayland
   ├── ksmserverrc            // disable session restore
   ├── kwinrc
   ├── plasmashellrc          // clipboard actions
   ├── purposerc              // cleanup kde's share menu
   ├── user-dirs.dirs
   └── user-dirs.locale
├── .gnupg
   ├── dirmngr.conf           // openpgp key server
   ├── gpg-agent.conf
   └── gpg.conf
├── .local
   ├── bin                    // global `bin`
      ├── aria2-dl           // CLI tool for sending `aria2.addUri` to JSON RPC
      ├── btw                // print a blue Arch
      ├── chromium-dbus-proxied // use `chromium-dbus-proxy`
      ├── color-test         // test terminal colors
      ├── firefox            // bwrap ~/.mozilla
      ├── krita              // im module and xwayland scalling
      ├── kwindesktopctl     // script to switch virtual desktop in kde
      ├── syucnt             // count how many times you've `pacman -Syu`'d
      ├── telegram-desktop   // use kde dialog
      ├── thunderbird        // bwrap ~/.thunderbird, enable wayland
      ├── yd                 // simple GUI wrapper for `ydcv`
      └── yt-dlp-wrapper     // `yt-dlp` GUI wrapper for clipboard actions
   └── share
       ├── applications       // modified desktop entries (for icon or description)
       ├── dbus-1
          └── services
              └── org.telegram.desktop.desktop // telegram-desktop dbus activation
       ├── icons              // custom icons
       ├── kio
          └── servicemenus
              └── unzip.desktop // unzip as gbk or jis in dophin
       ├── konsole            // konsole color schemes
       ├── solid
          └── actions        // disable gwenview's `import photos`
       └── yakuake
           └── skins
├── LICENSE                    // WTFPL

the file tree above can be generated by tree -aL 4 -I .git

  • let bash read ~/.config/bash/bashrc:

    # /etc/bash.bashrc
    [ -r $RCFILE ] && . "${RCFILE}"
    unset RCFILE
    export HISTFILE="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}/bash/history"
  • let pam_env read user env file:

    # /etc/pam.d/system-login
    session    required           user_readenv=1 user_envfile=.config/environment.d/pam
  • recommended fonts:

  • install fisher before using my fish_plugins

  • install phonon-mpv-git to get rid of vlc in KDE 6

  • (deprecated) install touchegg for touchpad gestures support of libinput

  • (deprecated) gebaar for gestures support of libinput

  • install ydcv-rs and kdialog before using the script yd

  • install package yt-dlp and kdialog before using the script yt-dlp-wrapper

  • some custom icons comes from varlesh/breeze-extra

  • Yakuake theme: a modified version of Breeze Prefect Dark

  • install powerline to use powerline in tmux & bash

  • install powerline-vim to use powerline in vim

  • install vim-airline and vim-airline-themes to use airline in neovim

  • which KDE Plasma config file to find: shalva97/kde-configuration-files

  • KWin hide titlebar for maximized windows:

    kwriteconfig6 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true
    qdbus6 org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure
  • KDE Plasma toggle widgets "locked" state

    qdbus6 org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell evaluateScript "lockCorona(!locked)"
  • KDE Plasma change "Meta" key behavior

    # default behavior, open application launcher
    kwriteconfig6 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.plasmashell,/PlasmaShell,org.kde.PlasmaShell,activateLauncherMenu"
    # activate "Overview" effect
    kwriteconfig6 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.kglobalaccel,/component/kwin,org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component,invokeShortcut,Overview"
    qdbus6 org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure