An iOS-powered crowd control machine. Requires an iOS device, a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino.
iOS uses CoreML to detect people's faces. Angles are calculated and sent to a Raspberry Pi via socket connection, which routes the angles to an Arduino which controls the sentry's motors. A button connected to the Raspberry is used to turn the whole thing on and off.
The whole thing is currently just a prototype, with the Arduino only handling a single servo motor that moves in the X axis. I'll update this README as the project progresses.
Things you need to do to run this:
- Change the socket IP address at the iOS project / Raspberry python file to match your Raspberry's IP
- Change the USB port at the Raspberry's python file to match your Arduino's
- Change the pins at the Arduino file to match your actual build (Current: servo at pin 9 and buzzer at pin 11)
- The Raspberry listens to commands from a Dream Cheeky Big Red Button: . You might want to edit the Raspberry's python file to stop this interaction if you do not want to use this button.
Detailed instructions TODO
- Arduino: Add an Y axis servo, a trigger-pulling servo, and a Nerf gun
- iOS/Raspberry: Change socket connection to a bluetooth connection
I borrowed some AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer code from Thanks!