zero-users is an ansible project to perform linux user management with minimum configuration with built in validation. Users, created using zero-users, can ssh into servers using key based authentication.
Ansible: A working installation of ansible is required. See installation details here.
- Automated user creation, deletion on configurable server groups
- Sudo access management
- Builtin configuration validation
Note: The documentation is divided into multiple files and directory. Configuration files & directories may contain useful info specific to the area. Please check for file at configuration directories and comments in variable files before making changes.
- Define servers in an ansible inventory file. See examples in the inventory/ directory
- Define users, sudo access permission in the variable file here
- Place the users ssh public key here
$ ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/production.ini site.yml
- validate_mode: When validate_mode is passed as true, the playbook does configuration validation and skips all real tasks. Default: False. Sample execution:
$ ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/production.ini -e validate_mode=true site.yml
- remove_home: When remove_home is passed as true, the home directory of users being deleted is also deleted. Default: False. Sample execution:
$ ansible-playbook -v -i inventory/production.ini -e remove_home=true site.yml