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What is a router?

What is a router?

Backbone routers are used for routing your applications URL’s when using hash tags(#). In the traditional MVC sense they don’t neccesarily fit the semantics and if you have read “What is a view?” it will elaborate on this point. Though a Backbone “router” is still very useful for any application/feature that needs URL routing/history capabilities.

Defined routers should always contain at least one route and a function to map the particular route to. In the example below we are going to define a route that is always called.

Also note that routes intepret anything after “#” tag in the url. All links in your application should target “#/action” or “#action”. (Appending a forward slash after the hashtag looks a bit nicer e.g.

{% highlight html %}

Activate route
Activate another route

{% endhighlight %}

Please note: * Prior to Backbone 0.5 (released 1. July 2011) a Router was called a Controller. To avoid confusion, the Backbone developers changed the name to Router. Hence, if you find yourself using an older version of Backbone you should write Backbone.Controller.extend({ * });

Dynamic Routing

Most conventional frameworks allow you to define routes that contain a mix of static and dynamic route parameters. For example you might want to retrieve a post with a variable id with a friendly URL string. Such that your URL would look like “”. Once this route was activated you would want to access the id given in the URL string. This example is implemented below.

{% highlight html %}

Post 120
Post 130

{% endhighlight %}

Dynamic Routing Cont. “:params” and “*splats”

Backbone uses two styles of variables when implementing routes. First there are “:params” which match any URL components between slashes. Then there are “*splats” which match any number of URL components. Note that due to the nature of a “*splat” it will always be the last variable in your URL as it will match any and all components.

Any “*splats” or “:params” in route definitions are passed as arguments (in respective order) to the associated function. A route defined as “/:route/:action” will pass 2 variables (“route” and “action”) to the callback function. (If this is confusing please post a comment and I will try articulate it better)

Here are some examples of using “:params” and “*splats”

{% highlight javascript %}

routes: { “/posts/:id”: “getPost”, // Example “/download/*path”: “downloadFile”, // Download “/:route/:action”: “loadView”, // Load Route/Action View }, getPost: function( id ){ alert(id); // 121 }, downloadFile: function( path ){ alert(path); // user/images/hey.gif }, loadView: function( route, action ){ alert(route + “_” + action); // dashboard_graph }

{% endhighlight %}

Routes are quite powerful and in an ideal world your application should never contain too many. If you need to implement hash tags with SEO in mind, do a google search for “google seo hashbangs”.

Remember to do a pull request for any errors you come across.

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