This Java package was automatically generated by Swagger Codegen.
See the examples directory for some simple rokka specific examples.
A thin wrapper package for using this to make some things easier would be welcome. We're happy to help.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
and this to the dependencyManagement section
Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn install
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
()FIXME: how to load from the remote repository)
compile "io.rokka.client.codegen:rokka-client-codegen:0.1.0"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/rokka-client-codegen-0.1.0.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
Please follow the installation instruction and see the examples directory.
If you checked out the git repo, adjust io.rokka.examples.Config with your API Key and default organization, run mvn install
and do
java -cp target/lib/*:target/rokka-client-codegen-0.1.0.jar io.rokka.examples.ListStacks
(and replace ListStacks
with CreateStack
or UploadImage
for the other examples)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AdminApi | createMembership | PUT /organizations/{organization}/memberships/{email} | Add a rokka user into an organization. |
AdminApi | createOrganization | PUT /organizations/{organization} | Register a new Organization. |
AdminApi | createOrganizationOptions | PUT /organizations/{organization}/options | Update options for an organization. |
AdminApi | createUser | POST /users | Register new user. |
AdminApi | deleteMembership | DELETE /organizations/{organization}/memberships/{email} | Remove a user from an organization. |
AdminApi | getMembership | GET /organizations/{organization}/memberships/{email} | Get information about organization membership of a rokka user. |
AdminApi | getOrganization | GET /organizations/{organization} | Get information about an organization. |
SourceimagesApi | createSourceImage | POST /sourceimages/{organization} | Upload new source images. |
SourceimagesApi | createSourceImageMetaDynamicWithName | PUT /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/dynamic/{metaName} | Adds or updates a specific dynamic meta data for an image. |
SourceimagesApi | createSourceImageMetaUser | PUT /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/user | Replace the image meta data with new information. |
SourceimagesApi | createSourceImageMetaUserWthName | PUT /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/user/{metaName} | Adds or updates one user meta data field for an image. |
SourceimagesApi | deleteSourceImage | DELETE /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash} | Delete a single source image. |
SourceimagesApi | deleteSourceImageMetaDynamicWithName | DELETE /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/dynamic/{metaName} | Deletes a specific dynamic meta data. |
SourceimagesApi | deleteSourceImageMetaUser | DELETE /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/user | Deletes all user meta data. |
SourceimagesApi | deleteSourceImageMetaUserWithName | DELETE /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/user/{metaName} | Deletes user meta data for a specified field. |
SourceimagesApi | downloadSourceImage | GET /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/download | Download original source image binary. |
SourceimagesApi | getSourceImage | GET /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash} | Get information about a source image. |
SourceimagesApi | getSourceImageMetaUser | GET /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/user | Get all user meta data. |
SourceimagesApi | getSourceImageMetaUserWithName | GET /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/user/{metaName} | Get user meta for a specific field. |
SourceimagesApi | listSourceImages | GET /sourceimages/{organization} | Get all images of an organization, with paging. |
SourceimagesApi | listSourceImagesByBinaryHash | GET /sourceimages/{organization}/binaryhash/{binaryHash} | Get all images in this organization that match a binaryhash. |
SourceimagesApi | patchSourceImageMetaUser | PATCH /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/user | Update the specified meta data fields for an image. |
SourceimagesApi | restoreSourceImage | POST /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/restore | Restore source image including previously set metadata. |
SourceimagesApi | sourceimagesOrganizationHashCopyPost | POST /sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/copy | Copy a single source image to another org. |
StacksApi | createStack | PUT /stacks/{organization}/{name} | Create a new stack. |
StacksApi | deleteStack | DELETE /stacks/{organization}/{name} | Delete a stack. |
StacksApi | getStack | GET /stacks/{organization}/{name} | Get a single stack. |
StacksApi | listOperations | GET /operations | Listing all available operations that can be used in stacks. |
StacksApi | listStackOptions | GET /stackoptions | List all available options that can be set on stacks. |
StacksApi | listStacks | GET /stacks/{organization} | Get all stacks of an organization. |
- ListSourceImagesResponse
- ListStacksResponse
- Membership
- Organization
- OrganizationDefinition
- OrganizationOptions
- Role
- SourceImage
- Stack
- StackDefinition
- StackExpression
- StackExpressionOverrides
- StackOperation
- StackOperationDescription
- StackOptions
- User
- UserDefinition
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api-key
- Location: HTTP header
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.