Asynchronous Redis client in Swift 3.
Currently supports the following:
- Asynchronous operation
- Has a "generic" mechanism that allows sending any Redis command that returns a result
- Utility functions to send GET, SET, AUTH commands
- Support for PubSub commands: PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE
- Mechanism to extend with more commands
- Provides a RedisResponse class which encapsulates possible responses from Redis: String, Int, Data (BulkString), Error, Array
Blatanly missing:
- Error checking still needs work.
- Source code definitely needs more documentation
- SSL connectivity not tested.
- A single RedisInterface object can only subscribe to a single channel (workaround: use two RedisInterface objects)
Add the SwiftRedis source files to your project. Create a RedisInterface object, call connect() and then issue Redis commands.
let redis = RedisInterface(host: <host-address String>, port: <port Int>, auth: <auth String>)
// Queue a request to initiate a connection.
// Once a connection is established, an AUTH command will be issued with the auth parameters specified above.
// Queue a request to set a value for a key in the Redis database. This command will only
// execute after the connection is established and authenticated.
redis.setValueForKey("some:key", stringValue: "a value", completionHandler: { success, cmd in
// this completion handler will be executed after the SET command returns
if success {
print("value stored successfully")
} else {
print("value was not stored")
// Queue a request to get the value of a key in the Redis database. This command will only
// execute after the previous command is complete.
redis.getValueForKey("some:key", completionHandler: { success, key, data, cmd in
if success {
print("the stored data for \(key) is \(data!.stringVal)")
} else {
print("could not get value for \(key)")
// Queue a QUIT command (the connection will close when the QUIT command completes)
redis.quit({success, cmd in
print("QUIT command completed")
To understand high-level usage: check the Unit Tests for usage of the RedisInterface() class.
To understand internals and learn how to extend this: examine the Unit Tests for the lower-level classes (RedisConnection, RedisCommand, RedisParser, etc.)
Note that in order to run the unit tests, you'll need to specifiy host/port/auth details in the ConnectionParams class.