All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist
For Sublime Text 4, should also work on version 3.
To install manually, from the menu go to Preferences > Browse Packages. Then download this repository to a new directory called "Theme - Rose Pine" inside the "Packages" directory.
This package is also available on Package Control.
This package consists of both Color Schemes (for syntax highlighting) and Themes (for the application UI). For the best result select a matching combination for both:
"theme": "Rosé Pine.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Rosé Pine.sublime-color-scheme",
The three palettes are available for each:
- Rosé Pine
- Rosé Pine Moon
- Rosé Pine Dawn

The themes use the same implementation using Sublime's "extend" feature. Any changes to Rosé Pine.sublime-theme
are immediately reflected in the other derived themes.
For the color schemes, update the template file and synchronise the others using this command:
npx @rose-pine/build -t template.sublime-color-scheme -o .