I'm using switch 1 and switch 2 Both switchs are placed on the dashboard to control relay on IO board The problem occured in both switch, so I'll explain only switch 1 *Advance setting for switch -Retrieve on/off value using method -subscribe for timeseries This is bcos, when I open 2 same dashboard on different PC,I want both switch state to be updated Let say, when I click switch1 to ON, on PC A, same switch on PC B must be updated to ON -RPC set value method - setSw1Value -Parse value function - return data ? true: false -Convert value function - if(value) return {'DO11': '1'}; else return {'DO11': '0'}; When swicth1 on PC A click to ON - IO board will receive v1/devices/me/rpc/request/xxx {'DO11':'1'}, three times with different $request_id(xxx,yyy,zzz) If dashboard browser is increase to 3 browsers v1/devices/me/rpc/request/xxx {'DO11':'1'} will appear 4 times with different $request_id In case of TB original switch, eventhough the opened browser is 2 or 3, IO board only receive twice of v1/devices/me/rpc/request/xxx {'DO11':'1'} with also different $request_id -- I dont understand why twice, why not once on every switch operation - then IO board will switch ON the relay and publish v1/devices/me/telemetry {'DO11':'1'} on every v1/devices/me/rpc/request/xxx {'DO11':'1'} for timeseries updating purpose When switch1 on PC A or B, clicks to OFF - same flow happened as above From my observation, with 2 browsers opened, when I click rapidly ON-OFF-ON-OFF, may be caused by time lag, switch1 will go ON/OFF without stop....eventhough I stop clicking the switch In case of original TB switch, bcos it's only send request twice(should be once?),non-stop switching didn't occurred. Very difficult to explain...but non-stop switching did occur everytime I click ON/OFF rapidly ....didn't occur if clicking is done slowly with time lapse, let say every 1 second