{ "_schema": { "columns": { "asd": { "config": { "derivativeFn": "const derivative: Derivative = async ({ row, ref, db, storage, auth, logging }) => {\n logging.log(\"derivative started\");\n return \"ASDSAD\";\n};\n\nexport default derivative;\n", "listenerFields": [ "transcript" ], "renderFieldType": "LONG_TEXT" }, "fieldName": "asd", "index": 4, "key": "asd", "name": "ASD", "type": "DERIVATIVE" }, "chatGptInstructions": { "config": { "defaultValue": { "type": "static", "value": "The following text is a speech to text transcript. It needs a refinement. Follow this rules: 1 - Output only the refined version. Without making any comment or introduction. 2 - Fix grammar, syntax, and flow. 3 - Keep the language of origin. Do not translate it. 4 - If you can't process just output \"ERROR\" in capital letters. Here is the text to refine:" } }, "fieldName": "chatGptInstructions", "index": 3, "key": "chatGptInstructions", "name": "Chat-GPT Instructions", "type": "SIMPLE_TEXT", "width": 285 }, "imagePath": { "config": { }, "fieldName": "imagePath", "index": 0, "key": "imagePath", "name": "Image Path", "type": "URL" }, "location": { "config": { }, "fieldName": "location", "index": 2, "key": "location", "name": "Location", "type": "GEO_POINT" }, "transcript": { "config": { "derivativeFn": "// Import any NPM package needed\n// import _ from \"lodash\";\nconst fs = require(\"fs\");\n\nconst derivative: Derivative = async ({ row, ref, db, storage, auth, logging }) => {\n logging.log(\"derivative started\");\n const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require(\"openai\");\n\n const openaiApiKey = await rowy.secrets.get(\"OpenAI_Whisper\");\n const configuration = new Configuration({\n apiKey: openaiApiKey,\n });\n const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);\n const resp = await openai.createTranscription(\n fs.createReadStream(row.audioPath),\n \"whisper-1\"\n\n );\n return resp;\n\n\n\n}\n\nexport default derivative;\n", "listenerFields": [ ], "renderFieldType": "LONG_TEXT" }, "fieldName": "transcript", "index": 1, "key": "transcript", "name": "transcript", "type": "LONG_TEXT" } }, "functionConfigPath": "_rowy_/settings/functions/location_ideas", "lastUpdatedGitHubUser": { "email": "redacted@gmail.com", "username": "redacted@gmail.com" }, "rowHeight": 65, "subTables": { }, "webhooks": [ { "active": true, "conditions": "const condition: Condition = async({ref, req, db, logging}) => {\n // WRITE YOUR CODE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE. DO NOT WRITE CODE/COMMENTS OUTSIDE THE FUNCTION BODY\n logging.log(\"condition started\")\n \n return true;\n // WRITE YOUR CODE ONLY ABOVE THIS LINE. DO NOT WRITE CODE/COMMENTS OUTSIDE THE FUNCTION BODY\n}", "endpoint": "redacted", "lastEditor": { "displayName": "An", "lastUpdate": 1685804456938, "photoURL": "https://lh3.redacted.com/a/redcactedfc" }, "name": "Field Annotation", "parser": "const basicParser: Parser = async({req, db, ref, logging}) => {\n // WRITE YOUR CODE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE. DO NOT WRITE CODE/COMMENTS OUTSIDE THE FUNCTION BODY\n logging.log(\"basicParser started\")\n \n // Import any NPM package needed\n // const lodash = require('lodash');\n \n // Optionally return an object to be added as a new row to the table\n // Example: add the webhook body as row\n const {body} = req;\n return body;\n // WRITE YOUR CODE ONLY ABOVE THIS LINE. DO NOT WRITE CODE/COMMENTS OUTSIDE THE FUNCTION BODY\n}", "type": "basic" } ] }, "audit": false, "collection": "location_ideas", "description": "", "id": "locationsIdeas", "name": "Locations Ideas", "rules": { "create": [ "ADMIN", "OWNER", "ARE" ], "delete": [ "ADMIN", "OWNER", "ARE" ], "read": [ "ADMIN", "OWNER", "ARE" ], "update": [ "ADMIN", "OWNER", "ARE" ] }, "sameRuleForSubCollections": false, "searchIndex": "", "section": "Other", "tableType": "primaryCollection", "thumbnailURL": "", "_searchEnabled": false }