I have no plans to continue maintain this repo.
Dado Validators is an extension of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator class provided by .NET 4. Additional, Mono is supported since v1.0.0 of Dado.Validators.
- Styling by Class Name: Dado Validators doesn't rely on non-breaking spaces or inline styles, but rather entirely on the class name.
- Invalid Class Name: Invalid class names are assigned to the validator only when the validation event returns false.
- Default Error Messages: All validators have default error messages.
Compare: Compares the value entered by the user in an input control with the value entered in another input control, or with a constant value. |
Custom: Allows custom code to perform validation on the client and/or server. |
Email: Checks if the value of the associated input control is a valid email address. |
File Type: Checks if the value of the associated input control has an acceptable file extension by resctriction or allowance. |
Image: Checks if the value of the associated input control meets exact, minimum, and maximum height and width constraints. |
Length: Checks if the value of the associated input control meets minimum, and maximum text length constraints. |
Phone: Checks if the value of the associated input control is a valid phone number. Allows speficication of extensions or whether to allow them at all. |
Range: Checks if the value of the associated input control is within some minimum and maximum values, which can be constant values or values of other controls. |
Regular Expression: Checks if the value of the associated input control matches the pattern of a regular expression. |
Require Field: Makes the associated input control a required field. Added support for CheckBox and CheckBoxLists. |
Time: Checks if the value of the associated input control is in a valid time format. ie: HH:mm, h:mm tt, h:mmtt, h:mm, hh:mm tt, hh:mmtt, hh:mm |
Type: Checks if the value of the associated input control is of a specified .NET type. ie: Boolean, Byte, Char, Decimal, Double, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte, Single |
Zip Code: Checks if the value of the associated input control is a valid zip code. |
URI: Checks if the value of the associated input control is a valid a well formatted URI, either relative, absolute, or both. |