This is a randomizer for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.
WARNING: This branch is a modified version of the randomizer. It is not officially supported and may be very unstable. Please refrain from asking questions and from reporting issues in the main Randomizer Discord when using this branch. Instead, you can open an issue on this fork here or contact me directly on discord (RealRob) for any help, report or request.
This branch is based of of Roman971's fork of the randomizer and usually kept up to date with the latest changes in the main Dev fork, with the addition of the following developmental features:
Enemy Drop Shuffle - All (almost) of the enemies in the game will give a shuffled item when killed. Wonderitem Shuffle - Shuffles wonderitems - which include invisible rupees and invisible hit markers. Gossip Stone Shuffle - Play Song of Time to a gossip stone to receive a shuffled item. Enemy Soul Shuffle - Shuffles enemy "souls" into the item pool. Enemies will not spawn into the world until their souls have been collected. Grass Shuffle - Shuffles grass Fishing Game Shuffle - Shuffle the fish from the fishing game. The fish in the pond become items that you will collect upon catching. The fish themselves are shuffled as items that must be collected throughout the world. . Finding a 10 lb (child) 16 lb (adult) and a hylian loach may be turned in to the pond owner for a reward. The fishing rod becomes an item shuffled into the world which must be found before you can fish in the pond.
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- Fix Ganons Castle MQ Logic Error causing occassional generation error
- Resolve compiler warnings.
- Fix GC Maze Gossip Stone in wrong region... again
- Fix generation error w/ no adult trade items shuffled
- Fix generation w/ MQ
- Add golden boulder option to boulder shuffle
- Fix anubis not displaying on minimap tracker
- Add Child KF Deku Babas and Deku Tree/MQ Deku Tree deku babas
- Fix logic issue in MQ Deku Tree
- Increase size of markers on enemy minimap tracker
- Rename Like-like to Like Like across the code
- Enemy drops souls logic review fixes
- Rebuilt entire branch
- Fix BOTW silver rupee softlock
- Fix boomerang/bombchu trail corruption
- Fix duplicate items on GUI
- See you next year No Deku Nut November
- Add key ring colors
- Fix Shadow Temple MQ Spike Wall Skulltula logic
- Fix GTG/MQ ceiling silver rupee wallmaster logic
- Fix fix broken drops crash when changing rooms with deku shield in child spirit.
- Stop breaking dark link
- Add missing Jabu Jabu's Belly MQ Falling Like Like Room wonderitems
- Fix Water Temple MQ After Dark Link Hookshot Wonderitem logic
- Fire Temple MQ Hammer Steps Stalfos logic
- Scrubs misc hint setting broken when disabled
- Fix Custom Song Name display breaking when using the enemy drop minimap tracker
- Update to main Dev 8.1.81
- Various logic fixes
- Fix Jabu Jabus Belly Invisible Enemies Room logic.
- Fix MQ Spirit Child keese logic with fix_broken_actors
- Fix MQ Spirit Big Mirror enemy logic.
- Fix MQ Shadow Invisible Blades SoT blocks trick logic
- Fix DC Upper Lizalfos Region soul logic
- Fix ZF hidden cave logic
- Merge main Dev
- Fix duplicate region "Deku Tree Basement Rotating Spike Room"
- Fix missing fish again
- Merge the rest of Potsanity 3.0. Probably just breaking things
- Fix GC Gossip Stone logic for boulder shuffle
- Fix Deku Baba Sticks/Nut soul shuffle logic
- (Hopefully) Fix generating boss soul shuffle with random settings
- Ganons Castle/MQ enemy logic fixes
- Water Temple enemy logic fixes
- Reverting Dev merge
- Fix crash in MQ DC hallway before lower lizalfos with boulder shuffle
- Temp removing adult bunny hood and dampe all night
- Fix crash when pressing dpad down on equipment screen
- Fix KZ crash - wasn't my fault this time :)
- Add dampe all night setting
- Fix masks rendering when in first person view
- Bunny hood dpad fixes
- Update to main Dev 8.1.13
- Add Adult Bunny Hood setting
- Fix King Dobonko
- Hopefully fix website custom music patching
- Fix broken MQ Deku logic files
- Boulder Shuffle and Soul Shuffle fixes
- Fix a typo
- Various Boulder Shuffle logic fixes
- Fix disabled enemy drop locations giving shuffled items and appearing on minimap tracker
- Fix King Zora boulder flag in boulder shuffle
- Fix dark link in soul shuffle... again
- Fix MQ DC failing to generate
- Fix soul shuffle logic for Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Wallmaster
- New Enemy Soul Shuffle option: Regional
- Add MQ support for Boulder Shuffle
- Fix Boulder Shuffle not obeying "All Locations Reacable"
- Fix Fishing Shuffle progressive items drawing incorrect model after caught
- Fishing LH Adult Fish 1 missing
- Unfix the KZ unfreeze glitch
- Fix boulder resizing hacks
- Properly resize Water Trial red ice boulders
- Some boulder shuffle logic fixes
- Spirit Temple MQ Soul Shuffle Logic fixes
- Fix Hylian loach fishing shuffle logic
- Fix MQ DC Soul Shuffle Logic
- Add King Zora red ice to boulder shuffle
- Don't break the red ice walls...
- Properly resize boulders that replace red ice walls
- Fix sandstorm transitions occassionally crashing
- Don't delete all of the boulders
- Fix burning kak crash in boulder shuffle
- Enemy drops/souls logic fixes:
- MQ Forest Falling Room
- Forest Temple Block Push Room Upper Bubbles
- Forest Temple First Twisted Hallway Wallmaster
- Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot
- Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Flying Pots
- MQ Water Dragon Statue Wonderitems
- Add missing Deku Tree MQ Basement Larva Room Deku Scrub drop
- Fix accidentally removed MQ Water wonderitems
- Boulder shuffle logic fixes
- Fix broken Great Fairy Fountains
- New setting: Shuffle Boulders
- New setting: Fix Broken Actors (replaces Fix Broken Drops)
- Add Bunny Hood preset
- Hopefully actually fix small key text boxes in fishing shuffle
- Smaller fish in fishing game shuffle are no longer considered major items
- Fix certain textboxes not displaying correctly when catching fish in fishing shuffle
- Fix unshuffled Spirit Temple MQ Wonderitems
- Fix fishing shuffle owner rewards not being given if you mash the text boxes
- Update to latest upstream 8.0.10
- New setting: Shuffle Fishing Game Fish
- Fix missing Wallmaster drop in MQ Light Trial
- Fix MQ Spirit Child room not clearing in enemy soul shuffle
- Fix Small Crates in MQ Fire Temple not shuffled
- Fix missing Deku Tree Rotating Spike Skulltula
- Fix missing grass in Lake Hylia
- Fix incorrect overrides spawning in soul shuffle
- Fix anubis spawns in enemy drop shuffle
- Update multiworld coop context version #
- Add souls to plentiful and ludicrous item pools
- Fix enemy minimap markers not displaying properly on some platforms.
- Testing something that will hopeful improve seed generation
- Add grass shuffle texture match contents
- Add MQ dungeons to grass shuffle
- Soul Logic fixes
- DMC Bubble Below Bridge To Fire Temple
- Deku Tree Basement Back Room Near GS Skulltula
- Fix Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 4 not shuffled
- New setting - Grass Shuffle ;P
- Add support for MMR custom music
- Fix Temple of Time Gossip Stone Drops
- Fix Forest Temple Upper Stalfos Drops
- Fix Dark Link drop
- Fix Skull Kids drops
- Fix Spirit Temple Child Bridge Bubble logic
- Fix Forest Trial enemy logic
- Potsanity Changes:
- Add new settings to shuffle empty pots/crates
- All fairy pots are now shuffled
- Update the animation when collecting a major item to spin above the player's head
- Lots of stuff under the hood
- Enemy drop shuffle tracker
- Adds a setting to enable a minimap tracker that displays the enemies that haven't been checked. Enemies display as red dots on the map.
- Soul Shuffle Logic improvements
- Various soul shuffle logic fixes
- Fix Shadow Temple GS Invisible Blades Room soul logic
- Fix Spirit Temple Child Bridge Bubble soul logic
- Fix HF Cow Grotto Skulltula soul logic
- Fix Forest Temple Right Courtyard Balcony Skullwalltula
- Add flame effect to stick/nut upgrade so they are distinguishable
- Enemy soul shuffle logic fixes:
- Forest Temple Map Chest
- GTG Beamos Chest
- GTG Stalfos Chest
- Add MQ enemy soul shuffle logic
- Fix souls and silver rupee save data not initializing properly on some platforms
- Fix enemy souls not defaulting to enabled with only Bosses soul shuffle or starting with souls
- Fix soul menu not displaying correctly on Parallel emu core.
- Add enemy soul shuffle menu
- Fix dark link room not clearing in soul shuffle
- Enemy Soul Shuffle Fixes:
- Fix logic for BOTW Dead Hand Chest
- Fix text for Dark Link soul incorrectly saying Ganondorf Soul
- Forest temple soul logic fixes
- Fix ganondorf not spawning in enemy soul shuffle
- Fix missing souls from enemy drop logic in Ganons Castle
- Add Dark Link to enemy soul shuffle
- Add "Bosses" option to enemy soul shuffle
- Fix broken flags in enemy soul shuffle
- Add new setting 'Enemy Soul Shuffle'
- Enemy Drop logic improvements
- Improve Fire Bubble logic in Enemy Drop Shuffle
- Rebased onto main Dev version 7.1.139
- Enemy Drop Shuffle Fixes:
- Fix logic for Ganons Castle MQ Water Trial Keese
- Rebased onto main Dev version 7.1.118
- Enemy Drop Shuffle Fixes:
- Fix broken logic in Jabu
- Fix "Prevent Guays From Respawning" hack having weird invisible guay hitboxes on the ground.
- New Cosmetic Option - Rainbow Tunic. Might also fix the weirdshot crash
- New Setting - Individual Ocarina Note Shuffle
- Enemy Drop Shuffle Fixes:
- Fix broken Lost Woods Skullkid drop
- New Ice Trap Settings:
- Custom Ice Trap Count
- Allows specifiying a number of junk items to be replaced w/ Ice Traps
- Custom Ice Trap Percent
- Allows specifying a percentage of junk items to be replaced w/ Ice Traps
- Custom Ice Trap Count
- Gossip Stone Shuffle Fixes:
- Add MQ Dodongo's Cavern Gossip Stone
- Enemy Drop Shuffle Fixes:
- Fix MQ GTG Heavy Block Room enemy logic
- New Setting - Key Appearance Matches Dungeon
- When enabled, small keys, key rings, and boss keys will be colored to match their respective dungeons.
- Silver Rupee Shuffle Fixes:
- Prevent items shuffled in silver rupee locations from being collected with boomerang
- Fix "TEXT ID ERROR" message when collecting the final silver rupee from a chest or shop
- New Setting: Gossip Stone Shuffle
- Enemy Drop Shuffle Changes:
- Add skull kid drops
- Add Fast Armos Pushing
- Silver Rupee Shuffle:
- Added Silver Rupee Pouches
- When silver rupees are collected, the text box will indicate how many rupees of that puzzle have been collected
- Enemy Drop Shuffle:
- Added setting under Misc. to prevent guays from respawning
- Bug Fixes:
- Fix bug where freestanding items would duplicate when reloading a room
It is strongly suggested users use the web generator from here:
If you wish to run the script raw, clone this repository and either run
for a
graphical interface or
for the command line version. They both require Python 3.8+.
To use the GUI, NodeJS (v20 LTS, with npm) will additionally need to be installed. NodeJS v14.14.0 and earlier are no longer supported.
The first time
is run it will need to install necessary components, which could take a few minutes. Subsequent instances will run much quicker.
Supported output formats are .z64 (N64/Emulator), .wad (Wii VC, channel IDs NICE/NRKE recommended), Uncompressed ROM (for developmental purposes, offline build only)
and .zpf/.zpfz (patch files, for sharing seeds with others).
This randomizer requires The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time version 1.0 NTSC-US
. This randomizer includes an in-built decompressor, but if
the user wishes a pre-decompressed ROM may be supplied as input. Please be sure your input ROM filename is either a .n64 or .z64 file. For users
playing via any means other than on real N64 hardware, the use of the "Compress patched ROM" flag is strongly encouraged as uncompressed ROMs are
impossible to inject for the Virtual Console and have random crashing problems on all emulators.
For general use, there are four recommended emulators: Project64 (v3.0+), Bizhawk, RetroArch and Dolphin (latest beta). All are race-legal when configured appropriately. In a nutshell the differences are:
- Project64 is the lightest emulator and the easiest to setup, however, you will need the 3.0.0 version or later to run OoTR well (and earlier versions are not permitted for use in OoTR races).
- Bizhawk is the most resource-intensive, but easier to set up than RetroArch and the only race-legal emulator to support Multiworld.
- RetroArch is less resource-intensive than Bizhawk and the only of the three N64 emulators to work on platforms other than Windows, but it can be frustrating to set up.
- Dolphin lets you emulate Wii VC, giving you access to faster pauses. It's also lightweight, available on other platforms than Windows, easy to setup (on Windows at least) and offers good native support with most Gamecube Controller Adapters. It does come with more lag, although that can be mitigated through overclocking (this is not permitted for racing).
Please follow the guides on our wiki carefully to ensure a stable game experience and that the settings requirements for races are met. OoTR can also be run on an N64 using an EverDrive, or on Wii Virtual Console. For questions and tech support we kindly refer you to our Discord.
This program takes The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and randomizes the locations of the items for a new, more dynamic play experience. Proper logic is used to ensure every seed is possible to complete without the use of glitches and will be safe from the possibility of softlocks with any possible usage of keys in dungeons.
The randomizer will ensure a glitchless path through the seed will exist, but the randomizer will not prevent the use of glitches for those players who enjoy that sort of thing, though we offer no guarantees that all glitches will have identical behavior to the original game. Glitchless can still mean that clever or unintuitive strategies may be required involving the use of things like Hover Boots, the Hookshot, or other items that may not have been as important in the original game.
Each major dungeon will earn you a random Spiritual Stone or Medallion once completed. The particular dungeons where these can be found, as well as other relevant dungeon information can be viewed in the pause menu by holding the D-Pad buttons on the C-Item Menu. Note, however, that the unlock conditions for dungeon information are settings-dependent.
As a service to the player in this very long game, many cutscenes have been greatly shortened or removed, and text is as often as possible either omitted or sped up. It is likely that someone somewhere will miss the owl's interjections; to that person, I'm sorry I guess?
With a game the size of Ocarina of Time, it's quite easy for new Randomizer players to get stuck in certain situations with no apparent path to progressing. Before reporting an issue, please make sure to check out our Logic wiki page. We also have many community members who can help out in our Discord.
The OoT Randomizer offers many different settings to customize your play experience. A comprehensive list can be found here.
"Plan"-domizer is a feature that gives some additional control over the seed generation using a separate distribution file. In such a file you can:
- Place items at specific locations or restrict items from being placed at specific locations.
- Add or remove items from the item pool.
- Select items to start with.
- Set specific dungeons to be vanilla vs Master Quest.
- Set which trials are required.
- Set any regular settings.
Caveat: Plandomizer settings will override most settings in the main OoTR generator settings, particularly list-based settings like enabled tricks or starting inventory. For example, if the Plandomizer distribution file contains an empty list of starting items, and the generator settings include additional starting equipment, the player will start with none of them instead. You will have to edit the Plandomizer file to change such settings, or delete completely the line in the Plandomizer file with the given setting to allow the main generator to alter the setting.
See the Plandomizer wiki page for full details.
Save the .ZOBJ file of the desired model in data/Models/Adult
or data/Models/Child
. The file must be in .ZOBJ format (the compressed .PAK files are not compatible), but most Modloader64 models will work. Exceptions are models which are larger than the base Link models (the randomizer will give an error message) and those created on the new pipeline (technically load but the textures get wonky). Please see notes regarding known model files that are floating around in this spreadsheet before asking why a model doesn't work.
Once the models are saved, the program may be opened and the model(s) selected under the Cosmetics
If the model's skeleton is similar enough to Link, the randomizer will use Link's skeleton. If it is substantially different, then a note will be placed on the pause screen to make it clear that the skeleton was changed.
Unfortunately, a few known issues exist. These will hopefully be addressed in future versions.
- The fishing minigame sometimes refuses to allow you to catch fish when playing specifically on Bizhawk. Save and Hard Reset (NOT savestate) and return to fix the issue. You should always Hard Reset to avoid this issue entirely.
- Versions older than 3.0 of Project64 have known compatablity issues with OoTR. To avoid this either update to v3.0 and follow the rest of our Project64 guide or change to one of our other two supported emulators.
- Executing the collection delay glitch on various NPCs may have unpredictable and undesirable consequences.
- This randomizer is based on the 1.0 version of Ocarina of Time, so some of its specific bugs remain.
- New options
Custom (count)
andCustom (%)
for theIce Traps
setting. - New hidden
setting to allow presets to place specific items at specific locations. - New setting to speed up the boat ride in the Shadow Temple.
- New
Require Lens of Truth for Treasure Chest Game
setting. - New option
Market Big Poes
for theMisc. Hints
setting. - New setting
Shuffle Ganon's Tower Entrance
to allow shuffling the boss entrance to Ganon himself.
- Ocarina buttons required to play the Song of Time are now part of the
path of time
goal. - The
Frogs Ocarina Game
misc. hint text box has been moved slightly so it no longer requires reloading the area to reread. - Fix key rings being hinted as small keys when keys are in their own dungeons.
- Fix a crash when pressing down on the D-pad on the inventory screen in some settings combinations.
- Fix a possible void out at the Forest Temple boss door.
- Fix importing settings from older versions on web.
- Fix a Mac-specific issue when loading track .meta files.
- Fix an error in the easy bite fishing hack.
- The randomizer no longer ignores errors when decompressing the base rom or compressing the randomized rom.
- Trade quest items from skipped locations are no longer lost when another trade item is found.
- Fix a crash when dungeon rewards are directly selected as starting items.
- Fix an error with pre-completed dungeon rewards in multiworld.
- Scarecrow's song is now in logic without ocarina buttons if
Free Scarecrow's Song
is on. - Fix a crash that could occur when doing certain sequences of actions in the treasure box shop with shuffled keys.
- Fix the items in the “Haunted Wasteland Checks” Dual hint being listed reverse.
- Fix a crash that could occur on Wii VC when entering the Skull Kid room in Lost Woods as adult.
- The first text box from each carpenter in the Thieves' Hideout is skipped.
- The cutscene that plays when Morpha is defeated has been shortened from around 30 seconds to around 5 seconds.
- The cutscene introducing the arena where Ganon is fought is shortened by 5 seconds and the camera angle after it is improved.
- Now supports custom music written for the Majora's Mask Randomizer.
- New Magic Meter item model to allow magic drops to be shuffled in the future.
- Seeds rolled on display their ID in the top left corner of the file select screen.
- The
tab of the generator has been rearranged for better grouping of settings, and theOne Major Item per Dungeon
setting has been moved there since it was causing frequent failures withRandomize Main Rule Settings
. - Biggoron's text after turning in the Eyedrops has been changed to avoid potential confusion.
- Clarified the hint text for
HF Inside Fence Grotto
. - Farore's Wind now displays which dungeon it will warp Link to.
- Reversed the order of the hints in the
Spirit Temple Adult Lower
dual hint. - Add adult and child trade items to the auto-tracker context.
- Improve Debug menu with new options and menus.
- New load progress and crash screens for Wii VC.
- New cosmetic option
Input Viewer
for showing control stick values and pressed buttons at the bottom of the screen. - Add new options for chest/pot/etc. textures, including
Stone of Agony Unlocks Chest Textures
which gives new functionality to the Stone of Agony. - The name of the currently playing custom music will now be displayed. Can be disabled using a new cosmetic setting.
- New setting to control how dungeon rewards are shuffled.
- The
Links Pocket
location is renamed toToT Reward from Rauru
, and a new setting has been added that controls whether it is skipped. - New option
Specific Rewards
for thePre-completed Dungeons Mode
setting, allowing the user to set dungeons to be precompleted depending on which medallion or stone they have. Not compatible with shuffled dungeon rewards. - New settings to
Include Empty Pots
andInclude Empty Crates
when pots and crates are shuffled respectively. - New settings preset for the No Logic Weekly.
- New plando-only
setting to require a password to start the seed. The password is a sequence of 6 button presses (A and C) shown near the top of the spoiler log.
- A text box has been added when completing the adult shooting gallery without a bow to warn the player that they haven't received the real reward.
- Settings presets can have aliases. Command-line users may use an alias instead of the name to specify the preset.
- The plando-only
setting can now include special items such as songs or keys. - A boss key icon will now be displayed near the small key icon in dungeons where it has been obtained.
- Fairy pots are now included in
Shuffle Pots
. - A message is shown the first time a seed with No Logic is generated, to warn the user that the seed may be unbeatable.
- New hint distribution field
to disable specific goal categories. - Pre-completed dungeons are crossed out in the dungeon overview menus (A or D-left on the inventory screen).
- New hint distribution field
can be set totrue
to override the automatic settings-based behavior of how goal hints are selected.
- Goal hints can now hint items required to defeat Ganon even if they're not required for the rainbow bridge, Ganon's boss key, or the trials. These items will be hinted as being on the "path of the hero".
- Fix a softlock present in the original game when damaging Volvagia's second hitbox during the death cutscene.
- Don't start the trade sequence timer if getting the
ZD King Zora Thawed
item while the Eyeball Frog is in the inventory. - Fix the items on the right side of the mask shop being available without paying for all borrowed masks first.
- The Stone of Agony can now be foolish in Glitched Logic and No Logic, as it already was with the
Hidden Grottos without Stone of Agony
trick enabled. - Fix seeds with Plentiful item pool and no adult trade items selected failing to generate.
- Fix castle courtyard exiting to incorrect area in Ganon's Castle Dungeon ER.
- Fix heart piece count getting zeroed out incorrectly in certain circumstances.
- Business scrubs now take their payment before giving the item.
- The softlock which occurs when collecting a shuffled silver rupee on the ladder in the Bottom of the Well is now fixed by moving the item location so it can't be collected from the ladder instead of disallowing silver rupees on this location.
- Fix inverted cursor in the pause menu when pausing while in first person with the
Uninvert Y-Axis in First Person Camera
cosmetic setting enabled. - Fix some inconsistent tags for wonderitem locations in the
Exclude Locations
list. - Fix swapped
Hideout Kitchen Wonderitem
andHideout Kitchen Stove Wonderitem
locations. - Fix a bug where a foolish hint could be generated for an area despite not having any shuffled item locations.
- Fix a bug where spoiler logs'
fields could be incomplete. - Prevent setting names from overlapping with scrollbars in the GUI.
- Add missing Wonderitems in MQ Jabu Jabu's falling Like Like room.
- Meg will now take less time before respawning after getting hurt.
- The cutscenes for stealing Epona by jumping over a fence are now sped up. Previously, only the cutscene for jumping over the front gate was shortened.
- The cutscenes for pulling and dropping the Master Sword are now sped up.
- The cutscene changing the water level of the Kakariko well is now even faster.
- The cutscenes playing when a blue warp is taken for the first time have been removed.
- Clarified the error message shown when an unshuffled trade quest item is used as a starting item.
- Locations in pre-completed dungeons will no longer be hinted.
- Treasure Chest Game key and silver rupee options are now included in
Randomize Main Rule Settings
. - Pause menu has been modified so that equip swap will work again.
- Major items from pots, crates, etc now display above Link's head while the text box is open.
- Gameplay is no longer interrupted if you receive a junk item from another player in multiworld.
- Removed the potentially confusing Master Sword icon from the Rainbow Bridge page of the adult Temple of Time altar text.
- Blue warps now set time of day each time they're taken, fixing a potential softlock.
- Settings
Minor Items in Big/Gold chests
has been converted into a multiselect so you may granularly make bombchus, shields, or stick/nut capacity appear in big chests.- New shuffle
Shuffle Wonderitems
which allows shuffling items the game refers to as Wonderitems. These items are obtained through a few ways: invisible items which drop when Link touches them (such as the rupees above the Hyrule Castle Town drawbridge), interactable switches (such as the torches on Hyrule Castle which drop items when shot with the slingshot), free multitag which gives an item when a certain set of points are touched (the stepping stones in Kokiri Forest), and ordered multitag where a set of points must be touched in a particular order (the grass stepping stones in Kokiri Forest). Wonderitems will indicate their prescence with sparkles color-coded to the type of wonderitem.
- Hints
- The
Clearer Hints
option now provides clearer hints for the rainbow bridge text on the altar in the Temple of Time. - New option in hint distribution
which combines multiple trials hints into one.
- The
- Fix the
Silver Rupee Pouches
setting not being hidden whenSilver Rupee Pouches Mode
is set toRandom Puzzles
. - Fix an issue in the Co-op hint distribution which caused seed generation failures for some settings.
- Fix bug which causes
Maps and Compasses Give Information
to fail when logic is set toGlitched
. - Put a band-aid on a softlock which occurs when collecting a shuffled silver rupee on the ladder in the Bottom of the Well by disallowing silver rupees on this location.
- You can no longer wear bunny hood while turning adult, then save and reset before leaving the temple of time to keep bunny hood as adult.
- If the GUI fails to load Python, it will now display an error message instead of appearing to load forever.
- Fix bug where specifying custom music sequences via cosmetics plando was incompatible with actively disabling sequences.
- Removing small keys for a dungeon with key rings and
Key Rings give Boss Keys
enabled will now open the boss door instead of giving the player the boss key.
- Settings
- New setting
Key Rings give Boss Keys
makes it so when picking up a key ring for a certain dungeon, you will also get the boss key for that dungeon, if applicable. - New ER setting
Shuffle Gerudo Valley River Exit
allows you to shuffle the one-way exit going down the river in Gerudo Valley. - New setting
Add Bombchu Bag and Drops
which, along with the previous changes ofBombchus in Logic
, makes the first pack of Bombchus you find into a bag which then allows you to purchase bombchus from shops as well as find them hidden in grass or rocks like regular bombs. - New multiselects
Shuffled Child Trade Sequence Items
andAdult Trade Sequence Items
along with toggleShuffle All Adult Trade Items
which have reworked the trade quests for both child and adult. Now you can own multiple trade items for each age at the same time and have multiple trade item locations as shufflable checks.- The Scrub grotto Mask of Truth check will no longer be an always hint if the mask of truth is shuffled.
- Many new SFX shuffle options have been added.
- New
tunic options. - New music option
Speed Up Music For Last Triforce Piece
speeds up the music when you only have 1 Triforce Piece left to find, to drive home the intensity. - New music option
Slow Down Music When Low HP
slows down the music when you're in critical health, to give the feeling of being near death. - New shuffle setting
Shuffle Hyrule Loach Reward
which shuffles the reward you get upon presenting the Hyrule Loach to the fishing hole owner. You can choose to retain the Loach's vanilla behavior or make it easier to catch in several ways. - New shuffle setting
Treasure Chest Game Keys
makes it so the keys from the Treasure Chest Game can be found anywhere in the world rather than just in the game itself, and the chests of the minigame can contain any item. It also makes the shopkeeper sell a random item. - New World setting
Shuffle Thieves' Hideout Entrances
, which requires first shuffling interior entrances, shuffles the Thieves' Hideout rooms into the interior entrance pool. - New shuffle setting
Shuffle Silver Rupees
shuffles the silver rupees into the item pool. To solve a silver rupee puzzle, you will need to find all the associated silver rupees around the world. You can also use the settingSilver Rupee Pouches
to make some or all of the silver rupees grouped into pouches so that, similar to key rings, all silver rupees for any given puzzle will be found in a single item location. - New timesaver setting
Ruto Already at F1
which, in Vanilla Jabu Jabu, makes it so that Ruto is already present on the first floor of the dungeon (in the room with all the orifices you fall down) instead of having to carry her up there to set that flag. - New setting
Key Appearance Matches Dungeon
which changes the models for small keys and boss keys to indicate which dungeon the key belongs to. - New setting
Shuffle Individual Ocarina Notes
, which shuffles items representing each of the 5 ocarina notes into the item pool. You cannot play any note on the ocarina until you find its corresponding item. - New cosmetic setting
Uninvert Y-Axis in First Person Camera
which makes tilting the joystick up or down in first person look those respective directions, instead of the opposite direction. - The setting
Display D-Pad HUD
has been expanded so that the D-Pad can be set to the left of the screen.
- New setting
- Hints
- New
Important Checks
hint type which hints at how many major items are in a given region.- Double Defense and Biggoron's Sword are counted as major for this hint type.
- New Misc. Hint
Frogs Ocarina Game
which tells you what item you'll get from the Zora's River frog minigame. The hint appears in the dialog box that's printed before they jump onto the log. - Add a goal category for the items required to open the Door of Time, if it's closed.
- New
MW Season 3 (WotH)
hint distribution which is similar to theMW Season 3
hint distribution except with Way of the Hero hints instead of goal hints. - New Misc. Hint for unique merchants: Bean Salesman, Medigoron, Wasteland Bombchu Salesman, Granny's Potion Shop.
- Owls are now included in the Warp Songs misc hint and will tell you where they go when enabled.
- New options for hint distributions, both of which are lists of gossip stones defined inside the entry for a hint type:
: When defined, each gossip stone in the list will be excluded from receiving this hint type. For example, ifToT (Left)
is inserted into theremove_stones
list inside the dictionary foralways
hints, then noalways
hint will be placed onToT (Left)
: When defined, gossip stones in this list will be given priority when placing the specified hint type, in the order they're defined. For example, ifToT (Left)
andToT (Right)
are inserted into thepriority_stones
list, in that order, inside the dictionary foralways
hints, the firstalways
hint will be placed onToT (Left)
and the secondalways
hint will be placed onToT (Right)
- New Dual hint for King Zora checks: Unfreezing him and trading the prescription for an eyeball frog.
- The credits music can now be shuffled into the music pool.
- Many hints had clearer hints added and/or were reworded.
- New
Chaos!!! (no goal hints)
hint distribution which is the same as the normal "Chaos" distribution, but without goal hints.
- New
- Other
- When picking up a small key, the text box will now inform you how many you've found total.
- The longstanding vanilla bug where using Din's Fire on a white bubble crashes the game has been fixed.
- There are new chest, pot, and crate textures for Pieces of Heart and Heart Containers.
- Custom music has moved to a new format. See
for more details. - New and improved model for key rings.
- Several new tricks have been added.
- Multiworld plugins now have the ability to show the proper progressive item based on the inventory state of the receiving player.
- Misc.
- Fix an issue where the
path of hearts
goal wasn't enabled in certain circumstances with a Ganon's Boss Key or LACSHearts
goal. - Fix an issue where CSMC chests containing ice traps were not moved correctly.
- Fix the bingosync URL not being referenced correctly.
- The ocarina can no longer be pulled out mid-hookshot via the D-Pad to cancel the hookshot pull.
- Fix the change which makes graveyard grave hole ledges un-grabbable incorrectly applied to other ledges in the graveyard area.
- Fix the file path for custom music on some Linux machines.
- Fix "Spirit Temple MQ Beamos Room Chest" having an incorrect vanilla item.
- Starting with Magic Beans will now properly start you with 10 beans instead of 9.
- A rare softlock when fighting Gohma present in the original game has been fixed.
- A crash when diving and resurfacing in very shallow water present in the original game has been fixed.
- Various miscellaneous logic issues have been addressed.
- A minor bug related to checking time of day access has been corrected.
- Fix a softlock caused by 8-note Sun's Songs when using
Randomize Ocarina Song Notes
, again. - Fix pause screen rendering causing graphical issues on some platforms.
- Fix a long-standing bug where certain fanfares kill the currently-playing backgroud music.
- Fix a bug which would cause the Lost Woods bridge ocarina check, if ocarinas are unshuffled and overworld Entrance Randomizer is disabled, to give a Fairy Ocarina when it should give the Ocarina of Time.
- Disallow excluding the bombchu bowling bombchu refill locations, since this didn't do anything.
- Fix an issue where the
- Hints
- Fix the cryptic hint for Ganon's Castle Boss Key.
- Fix missing punctuation in dual hints.
- Fix a bug in Multiworld Goal hints causing the incorrect path to be generated for the hint.
- Fix a bug which would cause hints to the "Link's Pocket" goal to be generated.
Closed Forest
is no longer changed toClosed Deku
whenShuffle Boss Entrances
is enabled.- A new model is now used for warp songs to differentiate from non-warp songs.
- The model used for Ruto's Letter is now rotated onto its side to better differentiate from other bottles.
- The dummy boss key chest on the wall of Forest Temple's twisted hallway now matches the real version of the chest in the straightened version of the room.
- The Kakariko Well water will no longer be up as adult to facilitate a glitch strategy for entering the well.
- The message table has been extended to allow further developments which require more added textboxes.
- New timesaver setting
Maintain Mask Equips through Scene Changes
which makes it so the currently worn mask will now be preserved when transitioning scenes or resetting. - The ocarina can now be used in some rooms it cannot normally be used in to allow warping out of them.
- Link the Goron will now give you the item reward regardless of which dialog option you choose.
- Models created using the newer ModLoder64 pipeline are now compatible with the randomizer.
- The price of the shield discount after selling the Kakariko guard the Keaton mask is now set at patch time and thus consistent between different players of a seed.
- Add binaries to support Windows on ARM64.
- Priority placement of certain warp songs is now conditional if
Guarantee Reachable Locations
is set toAll Goals
orRequired Only
. - Improve seed generation time.
- The key ring texture has been updated with the normal small key texture, making it shinier.
- D-Pad mask icons will now enlarge when the mask is equipped, similarly to D-Pad boots.
- Fix a vanilla bug where jumpslashing into Bongo Bongo's chamber on the last possible frame will not properly skip the cutscene when it should be skipped.
- Heart Containers and Pieces of Heart will no longer be directly hinted by Way of the Hero or Path hints, which is consistent with Triforce Pieces and Gold Skulltula Tokens.
- Junk items being sent to another world will now float up into the air to indicate this.
- An unnecessary polygon check function is skipped to increase game performance.
- In Triforce Hunt, your current and goal number of triforce pieces are now displayed on the file select screen.
- Python 3.6 and 3.7 are no longer supported.
- Some inescapable entrances are no longer valid targets for Overworld Spawn entrances.
- Using Farore's Wind to warp between dungeons is now considered in logic.
- Various text changes such as singular Temple of Time Altar bridge conditions, grammar changes to region hints, and adding apostrophes to shop items.
- Updated fill error message to add suggestions for resolving the error.
- Updated some trick tool tips for grammar and clarity.
- Various cutscenes removed or shortened, such as Water Temple and Gerudo Fortress gates and scarecrow spawn cutscenes.
- Skulltulas will now pop out of their soil patches instantly (once the bugs enter the hole) instead of waiting 3 seconds.
- The cutscene of the Gerudo's Fortress carpenters running out when you free them will be skipped.
- The cutscene that plays when shooting the sun over Lake Hylia has been skipped.
- The spinning room in the Forest Temple basement now moves faster, and does not lock Link in place while spinning.
- Link is now powerful enough to push armos statues more quickly.
- Plandomizer now allows you to specify locations that are valid but do not exist in your current seed, for example, an MQ-specific location when that dungeon is Vanilla.
- Error messages for conflicting settings have been improved.
- Gossip stone text colors are no longer specified in reverse order.
- Music groups will now add to each other if you have multiple groups of the same name, instead of the last one simply overwriting the others.
- The legacy starting items dictionary has been renamed to
to make it more distinct from the newstarting_items
which is part of the Settings dictionary. - The
item category is now usable for dungeon rewards.
- Fix freestanding items not spawning their overrides when an item with a shared base collectable flag is collected.
- Fix models drawing incorrectly when picking up a duplicated collectible, such as from the Goron City spinning pot.
- Fix junk items from pot/freestanding item locations not being sent to the proper player in multiworld.
- Fix Skulltula House Misc. Hints not hinting the proper locations in multiworld.
Disable Battle Music
has been moved to the main section of the SFX tab.- Nonsense tags in the
Exclude Locations
list were cleaned up. - New tags were added in the
Exclude Locations
andEnable Tricks
lists. - Upgrade to latest Nebular version 10.
- Upgrade to Angular 14.
- Minimum NodeJS version is now 14.15.0.
- Fix visibility issues when using
Randomize Main Rule Settings
- Removed some unnecessary duplication in spirit temple logic.
- In multiworld, outgoing items are now buffered.
- Allows players to continue collecting items if the Multiworld plugin crashes.
- Multiple freestanding/pot items can be sent on the same frame.
- Ice Arrows will now be referred to as Blue Fire Arrows in hints and shop text when
Blue Fire Arrows
is enabled. - Logic now considers the possibility to melt the red ice walls in Ice Cavern with Blue Fire Arrows as adult, then coming back as child and collecting a skulltula with the boomerang.
- Beehives now wiggle depending on the renamed setting
Pot, Crate, & Beehive Appearance Matches Contents
. Item Model Colors Match Cosmetics
is now enabled by default.
- Due to Ice Arrows and Blue Fire Arrows being separate items in the code now, plandomizer authors must use
depending on if the setting is enabled. - In cosmetics plando, empty or non-existant BGM groups will no longer error, instead simply displaying a warning in the cosmetics log.
- New setting
Dungeon Shortcuts
opens shortcuts in blue warp dungeons to the boss room. This is toggleable per-dungeon, and affects glitchless logic. - New setting
Shopsanity Prices
adds additional price range options when Shopsanity is enabled, including "Affordable" which sets all prices to 10 rupees (to match the same option in Scrub Shuffle). Chest Size Matches Content
has been replaced withChest Appearance Matches Content
. Unique textures are applied to chests containing major items, small keys, boss keys, skulltula tokens, and remaining items. An additional option also changes chest sizes like the previous setting.- New cosmetic setting
Disable Battle Music
turns off the battle music from being near enemies, allowing the background music to continue uninterrupted. - New setting
Plant Magic Beans
automatically plants all the Magic Beans from the start. - New setting
Key Rings
which can be enabled per-dungeon to replace all of its individual Small Keys into a singular Small Key Ring containing all the small keys for that dungeon. Key Rings also have their own model. - Setting
Randomize Ocarina Song Notes
can now be set to either "row" of songs individually, i.e. "Frog Songs" or "Warp Songs", in additional to the "Off" and "All Songs" options. - MQ Dungeon settings have been replaced with
MQ Dungeons Mode
which allows finer selection of which dungeons are MQ, or how many are at random. - New setting
Shuffle Boss Entrances
allows boss rooms to be shuffled between dungeons. This is not available in glitched logic. Misc. Hints
has been expanded to a multiple select setting allowing you to fine-tune which set of misc hints to enable or disable.- New setting
Shuffle Frog Song Rupees
allows you to shuffle the rupees you receive from the Zora's River frogs.- These locations are considered "sometimes" hints.
- New setting
Show Seed Info on File Screen
which also allows a user-set message to be displayed. - New settings allow for Rainbow Bridge and Ganon's Boss Key to be obtained upon reaching a certain amount of total heart containers.
- New setting
Easier Fire Arrow Entry
allows you to set the amount of torches that must be lit to open Shadow Temple. - The pause screen info menu has been split into 3 menus, which show icons on the D-Pad indicating which direction leads to which menu. In addition, the menu now tracks the total keys you've found for a dungeon, not just how many you have remaining. The old menu from pressing A still exists as well.
- You can also make it so these menus only appear when holding A along with the D-Pad by disabling
Display D-Pad Dungeon Info
- You can also make it so these menus only appear when holding A along with the D-Pad by disabling
- New setting
Invisible Chests
makes all chests in the game invisible. - New setting
Bonks Do Damage
will deal damage to Link when bonking, includingOne Bonk KO
which will instantly kill him from bonking. - New hint type
Dual Hint
which allows multiple locations to be hinted in the same hint. Hint distros can also use new optionupgrade_hints
to upgrade some hints to Dual Hints. - New
hint distribution which gives all hint types equal likelihood. - New setting
Blue Fire Arrows
gives Ice Arrows the power to melt red ice and mud walls to give them more utility. - New Misc. Hint
Dampé's Diary
which reveals the location of a hookshot. - New item pool setting
makes it so every check will be a major item. Shuffle Dungeon Entrances
has new settingDungeons and Ganon
which puts Ganon's Castle into the pool of dungeons which can be shuffled.- New setting
Pre-Completed Dungeons
which allows some dungeons to be filled with junk and their dungeon rewards given as a starting item. - New setting
for dungeon items makes it so dungeon items such as keys will be placed in the same region as their dungeon. For example, if Small Keys are set to Regional, then Small keys for Forest Temple can be found in the temple itself, Sacred Forest Meadow, Lost Woods, Kokiri Forest, or Deku Tree. Skip Child Zelda
andShuffle Weird Egg
have been combined into one settingShuffle Child Trade Item
.- The Adult earliest and latest trade item settings have been combined into a multiselect
Adult Trade Sequence Item
which allows you to choose whatever items you wish as the starting item for the adult trade quest. - New setting
Minor Items in Big/Gold chests
places shields and bombchus in major item chests when anyChest Appearance Matches Contents
setting is enabled along with it. - New setting
Fix Broken Drops
adds a magic jar drop in GTG and a pot that drops a deku shield in Spirit Temple. These spawns were present in the code already but would not actually spawn due to the respective objects not being loaded. - New settings
Adult Link Model
andChild Link Model
allow you to select a .zobj model file to replace Link's look in-game. For more details see the Custom Models section - New section under SFX labeled
has optionsAdult Voice
andChild Voice
, allowing you to choose to either silence Link or change the voice to feminine to match your chosen player model. Adult and child female voices provided by Maple and shiroaeli in the Discord, respectively. - New Misc. Hints for each of the Skulltula rewards makes it so each of the cursed family members who give a randomized reward will tell you what the reward is before being rescued. This precludes those locations from being conditional always hints.
- New setting
Shuffle Rupees & Hearts
which allows you to shuffle freestanding rupees and recovery hearts in the world. - New settings
Shuffle Pots
andShuffle Crates
which allows you to shuffle items from pots and crates that normally drop an item. - New setting
Pot & Crate Appearance Matches Contents
which changes the pot/crate texture when using one of the above settings, similar toChest Appearance Matches Contents
. - New setting
Shuffle Beehives
which allows beehives found in certain grottos to drop an item.
- New setting
- Shortened the animation for equipping magic arrows.
- You can now use the child trade item (Zelda's Letter, masks, etc) as child using D-Pad Right.
- Red Ice transparency is increased when any Chest Appearance setting is enabled.
- Zelda's text after defeating Ganon now advances automatically.
- Health and Magic potion models in shops will now match your health and magic colors when
Item Model Colors Match Cosmetics
is enabled. - The Gerudo guard on the Wasteland side of the gate will now spawn regardless of settings.
- Several vanilla warp destination messages have been updated to keep consistency with our custom warp destination messages.
- Removed the cutscenes when throwing a bomb at and blowing up the boulder in front of Dodongo's Cavern.
- Certain switches in MQ dungeons have been moved down 1 unit so they are less difficult for Link to walk onto.
- The "Truth Spinner" puzzle in the Shadow Temple's solution is now seeded per seed, so that the correct skull will be consistent across players racing the same seed.
- Migration to latest Angular and Nebular framework versions
- Dark Mode toggle
- Support for modern Node.JS versions (>= Node.JS v16)
- Compatibility with newer Linux builds and ARM based Macs
- Improved mobile design in web mode
- Return the color of the "OK" and "No" options of the warp song prompts to their correct colors in Warp Song Shuffle.
- Horseback Archery will no longer delay ending based on the fanfare.
- Prevent Dead Hand from spawning outside the room collision.
- Magic arrows equipped as adult no longer revert to the Bow after traveling through time to child and back.
- Rainbow Bridge set to vanilla no longer spawns without Light Arrows.
- Fix MQ Shadow Temple making use of shared flags.
- Fix MQ Fire Temple missing the Hammer chest from the map and minimap.
- Add correct default Goals for Ganon's Boss Key when Light Arrow Cutscene is non-vanilla.
- Fix a softlock caused by 8-note Sun's Songs when using
Randomize Ocarina Song Notes
. - Fix slow text when acquiring certain items (Hookshot, Bombchus, etc.)
- Using Farore's Wind as both ages should no longer result in the wrong temporary flags being loaded.
- Fixed issues where
Skip Child Zelda
could give a weapon with no ammo or overwrite starting Triforce Pieces. - Fixed an issue where
item pool combined withStarting Hearts
would result in more Heart Containers being in the item pool than intended. - The Like Like in Master Quest Fire Temple will now return the player's shield when defeated.
- Junk can now be placed on excluded song locations when Songs are set to
Song Locations
and a song is started with. - Fix
GC Medigoron
not being a hintable location. - Fix 1/16th damage not always killing Link when
One Hit KO
is enabled. - Fix ice traps cloaked as major items not giving the slow chest opening cutscenes when
Fast Chest Cutscenes
is disabled. - Tunics and shields can now spawn in any room when the game attempts to spawn them.
- Fix a crash when certain settings related to Light Arrow hints are combined.
- Many minor logic bugs have been corrected.
- Fix a softlock when plandoing starting with less than 10 beans.
- Fix plando negative locations (ex. "!Gold Skulltula Token") choosing Buy items for non-Buy locations.
- Ice traps will no longer be sent to players in the Treasure Chest Game to prevent using deaths to circumvent the game.
- Fixed dragging list items in the GUI not working when the target is empty.
- Recovery hearts in several scenes in MQ dungeon rooms have been fixed to no longer be invisible.
- Added an auto-tracker context area to memory, so auto-trackers can find certain symbols much easier.
- Improve some error messages when running the generator.
- Fix logic parser shortcuts not working right in newer Python versions.
Goron Bracelet
is no longer greyed out as adult on the Equipment subscreen of the pause menu.- Plandomizer
- You can now specify an arbitrary 4-character hexadecimal text ID as a "Gossip Stone" to overwrite text in the game.
- Adjusted how
works in order to remove some redundancy, where it is now placed within the settings dictionary.. Spoiler output now includes a section:skipped_locations
instead which is not used by Plandomizer. - Gold Skulltula Token requirements can be increased above 100 (the pool must also have at least that many).
- Plandomizer will now display an error and inform the user if they have specified conflicting settings within the plando.
- New plando item groups available:
, and#SmallKey
for placing a random one of these dungeon items in a specific location. - Cosmetics plando has added three new groups which songs can be placed in
: Songs placed in this group will be given priority when placing songs.exclude
: Songs placed in this group will be ignored when placing songs.groups
: In here you can place a dictionary where the key is a custom group name and the value is a list of sequences, and use#GroupName
similar to item groups in normal plando to place any song from that group in that location.
- Triforce Hunt changes
- The number of Triforce pieces available per world, which was previously tied to the item pool setting, is now a separate setting.
- Replaced old output option
with four separate options for outputting a patch file, compressed ROM, uncompressed ROM, and a WAD file. - Patch files from the web version of OoT Randomizer version 3.0 can now be used in the offline build. A
patch file will be output in addition to the selected output types. - On the randomizer dungeon info screen, a Gold Skulltula icon appears for dungeons where you have collected all the Gold Skulltulas.
- Maximum heart containers is now capped at 20. Pieces of Heart and Heart Containers collected after 20 will still restore your health but will not add to your hearts.
- Many more "Junk" hints have been added.
Song from Impa
is no longer restricted to a smaller set of items whenSkip Child Zelda
is enabled.- On the File Select screen, trade items that will be reverted on load now show as the item they will revert to.
- Ganondorf will now say that the Light Arrows are in your pocket if they are an effective starting item (e.g. the item given from
Skip Child Zelda
). - The "WINNER!" Piece of Heart will now show the proper player name in Multiworld.
- Hinted item and location for a Gossip Stone hint are now included in the spoiler log.
- One-way entrances are now restricted to one per hint area rather than one per scene.
- You can now receive starting ice traps, either from Impa's item with Skip Child Zelda or with plando.
- Common ER error messages are now more helpful to solving the issue.
- Corrected some goal hint colors.
- Triforce Piece model has been updated so that it is shinier and centered.
- Goal hints are now selected based on their category rather than their parent goal.
- Settings and tricks in the spoiler log have been re-ordered to more closely follow the order in the GUI and use more logical groupings, respectively.
- Fix seed generation for multiworld with random trials.
- Fix seed generation for All Goals Reachable.
- Fix a minor optimization for counting needed Skulltula Tokens.
- Fix some erroneous category tags for locations.
- Allow foolish hints to apply even if an area has an Always hint (but no other types).
- Renamed setting
Enable Useful Cutscenes
toEnable Specific Glitch-Useful Cutscenes
for clarity.
Objective Settings
- New setting
Reachable Locations
replacesAll Locations Reachable
and adds a new option "All Goals" which ensures that all goal items for Ganon's Boss Key and the Rainbow Bridge are reachable, regardless of how many are required by the setting.- For example, if the Rainbow Bridge requires 4 medallions, all 6 medallions will be guaranteed reachable.
- New setting
LACS Condition
to select what goal items are required for the Light Arrows Cutscene, separate from whether Ganon's Boss Key is placed there. (Additional settings are added to control how many.) Ganon's Boss Key
now allows you to set it to the Light Arrow Cutscene (and useLACS Condition
to set its objective) or for it to be directly awarded when meeting a configurable target number of Spiritual Stones, Medallions, Dungeons completed, or Gold Skulltula Tokens. (Additional settings are added to control how many.)- New
Rainbow Bridge
that will choose one of the other options at random (besides Skulltula Tokens), and require the maximum of that goal (if applicable).
- New setting
- New option
Misc. Hints
controls whether the Temple of Time altar and Ganondorf give hints, defaulting on to preserve behavior. Hell Mode disables this setting. - New
hint type for use in custom hint distributions.- Default goals are included for the Rainbow Bridge, Ganon's Castle Boss Key, and Ganon's Trials settings.
- Hints read as "They say that Kokiri Forest is on the path to Twinrova.", where the medallion or stone reward from defeating Twinrova can be used for the bridge or Ganon's Castle Boss Key. Twinrova is not necessarily required depending on other settings. For example, with 2 medallions for the bridge, all medallions accessible without entering Ganon's Castle, and Spirit Medallion on Twinrova, the hint only points to one possible path to building the rainbow bridge.
- Hint distributions can now filter areas from being hinted as foolish, via putting the area names in
. - Various other hint distribution changes for named-item hints, including a new
option forhint_dist_user
that will name the location but not the item. - The dungeon name is now provided when hinting keys.
- Allow special characters (such as the é in Dampé) to appear in in-game hints.
- Certain Unicode characters and control characters like 'Ⓐ' and '⯅' can now be used in hint texts to refer to the corresponding in-game symbols.
- New option
- New
item category for Plandomizer allows placing a random major item. This won't include songs unless Song Shuffle is Anywhere. - New
item category for Plandomizer allows placing the item normally at the location. - New Plandomizer support for defining custom item groups.
- New Plandomizer support for defining custom song note patterns (rhythm is still random).
- Allow Plandomizer to override otherwise randomized settings.
- New
- Added
King Zora Skip
- Adult Link can make a precise jump to climb atop the fence next to King Zora from the audience chamber. - Removed
Forest Temple MQ Twisted Hallway Switch with Hookshot
- This was determined to be a clip and therefore not allowed in glitchless rulesets.
- Added
- Allow Giant's Knife as a starting item.
- Added a file
where one can specify which music files shouldn't be shuffled in with random custom music. - Ruto now knows what kind of medallion or stone she gets in Jabu Jabu.
- Randomized songs' note patterns are now included in the spoiler log.
- Adjust the weather system to fix the fog glitch.
- Disable Sandstorm transitions in certain cases in Entrance Randomizer. In particular, this prevents Sandstorm transitions from triggering strobe effects due to a bug.
- Remove the Door of Time collision while the door is opening.
- Cache chest sizes and colors in the actor to reduce some latency with Chest Size Matches Contents.
Entrance Randomizer
- Smarter replacement of required warp songs when warp songs are shuffled.
- Fix hint area validation to work with shuffled warp songs.
- Fix dungeon entrance hints.
- Correctly consider plando'ed prices in logic, and limit set prices to a range of -32768 to 999.
- Fix duplicating placed shop items.
- Properly randomize starting age and time of day when plando sets it to random.
- Make hints in Triforce Hunt function based on the required number of Triforce Pieces and not the total number (improves Way of the Hero hints as well as compatibility with Guaranteed Reachable Locations set to Required Only).
- Prevent areas hinted as barren from having a location hint.
- Fix trying to place hints when we've run out of stones.
Misc. Seed Generation
- Fixed a bug where importing from a settings string might not choose the correct hint distribution depending on platform or number of custom hint distributions in the Hints folder.
Skip Child Zelda
in Multiworld (with Song Shuffle: Anywhere) now correctly provides items to the right player.Skip Child Zelda
in Triforce Hunt (with Song Shuffle: Anywhere) now avoids starting having already won (by preventing Impa from giving out Triforce Pieces at all if there are more players than Triforce Pieces needed to win).- Fix some potential failures for placing junk.
- Fix disabled song locations getting a general junk item instead of a junk song.
- Fix some spoiler entries for visible ice traps.
- Fix error thrown on some operating systems for capitalized file extensions .N64/.Z64.
- Added Nayru's Love back to the minimal item pool on high damage settings.
- Allow settings with a 'Random' option to be different per-world. (This does not permit settings randomized only by Randomize Main Rules to be different per-world.)
- Updated sometimes hints.
- Renamed some regions, locations, items, etc to match vanilla names. This will make Plandomizer files incompatible between versions.
- Gerudo Training Grounds -> Gerudo Training Ground
- Gerudo Fortress -> Thieves' Hideout (when referring to the interior areas or the carpenter rescue quest)
- Graveyard Composers' Grave -> Royal Family's Tomb
- Giant's Knife and Biggoron's Sword are considered useless in glitchless logic but not in glitched.
- Entrance Randomizer: Prelude of Light and Serenade of Water are considered useless in ER if the only ER option enabled is Random Spawns (which already cannot be placed in certain areas where any items are necessary to escape).
- Entrance Randomizer: Allow Kakariko Potion Shop and Impa's House to have their entrances appear in different areas if all hints are off.
- Entrance Randomizer: When warp songs are shuffled, the confirmation text now shows the actual destination.
- Text Shuffle: Expanded the "Shuffled except Hints and Keys" to include some shop and scrub text, and renamed it to "Shuffled except Important Text".
- Hid the trick list on the GUI when it's disabled.
- Changed internal names for the broken swords.
- Added validation of settings for plandomizer before attempting generation.
- Removed size check for the decompressor.
- Updated presets.
- Updated logic.
- Added internal tracking of what items were where in vanilla OoT.
- Added ability to provide settings through stdin (useful for shell scripting).
- Added a commandline flag to use a preset by name. This still allows supplying additional settings, e.g. to control cosmetics and ROM output.
- Added settings validation for unittests.
- Added unittests for settings presets.
- Use HTTPS for the version check to github.
- New save file screen
- Relevant items are shown before hitting 'Yes' to load, instead of just the hearts, magic, dungeon rewards, and deaths. Icons are solid if the save has the item or faded if not.
- Triforce pieces aren't shown unless the save has at least 1.
- The death counter is now placed at the bottom next to a skull.
- Updated altar text in the Temple of Time
- Now provides rainbow bridge requirements and the shuffle mode of Ganon's Castle Boss Key (info otherwise available in the seed settings). These are always available at the altar regardless of Maps/Compass settings.
- Removed misleading vanilla text from the child altar.
- Various Quality of Life improvements
- Speed up boulder lifting
- Speed up Gold Gauntlet boulder lifting
- Speed up learning Windmill song
- Speed up learning Malon's song
- Speed up Kakariko gate opening and closing
- Twinrova waits for player to reach the top platform before starting, preventing early snipes
- New Cosmetic Plandomizer
- Use a JSON file to set your cosmetics and sound settings.
- We've added lots of new color options to pick from as well!
- Custom settings presets (must be json) can be placed in
to be automatically loaded in the GUI.
- New setting
Kakariko Gate
- Allows configuring how the Kakariko Gate and the Happy Mask Shop will open.
- Default (vanilla) behavior requires showing Zelda's Letter to the guard to open the gate and the shop.
- You can configure the gate to be always open or to open automatically upon obtaining the Letter. Both of these options will also open the Happy Mask Shop upon obtaining the Letter.
- Entrance Randomizer settings overhaul
Entrance Shuffle
setting replaced with the other independent settings here.Shuffle Interior Entrances
: allows a choice of shuffling simple interiors, all interiors, or none.Shuffle Grotto Entrances
: allows shuffling grotto/grave entrances.Shuffle Dungeon Entrances
: allows shuffling dungeon entrances.Shuffle Overworld Entrances
: allows shuffling overworld connections.Randomize Owl Drops
: allows randomizing where the owl drops you from each owl spot.Randomize Warp Song Destinations
: allows randomizing (to any entrance, not just warp pads!) where each warp song takes you.Randomize Overworld Spawns
: allows randomizing (per age) where you start when loading a save in the Overworld.- All these shuffles and randomizations are fixed when the seed is generated; within a seed it will always be the same each time.
- New options for
Shuffle Songs
- This now allows selecting from three options: shuffling in song locations (previously 'off'), shuffling in anywhere (previously 'on'), and shuffling in dungeon reward locations (new).
- The dungeon reward locations are: the 9 boss heart containers, the Lens of Truth chest (BotW), the Ice Arrows chest (GTG), the song reward in Ice Cavern, and the song from Impa in Hyrule Castle.
- In multiworld, as before, only the "anywhere" setting will allow songs to be placed in other players' worlds.
- New setting
Shuffle Medigoron & Carpet Salesman
- Adds the Giant's Knife and a pack of Bombchus to the pool while Medigoron and Carpet Salesman each sell a randomly placed item once for 200 rupees.
- New options for Key and Map/Compass Shuffle settings
- "Overworld Only" will place keys (or maps/compasses) outside of dungeons.
- "Any Dungeon" will allow keys (or maps/compasses) to placed in any dungeon, not just the dungeon they belong to!
- "Dungeon Only" is renamed "Own Dungeon" for clarity.
- Gerudo Fortress Small Keys are configured in a separate setting.
- New options for
Rainbow Bridge
andGanon's Boss Key on Light Arrows Cut Scene
.- Sliders allow customizing the exact number of stones/medallions/dungeons/tokens required.
- Ganon's BK on LACS can now be set to require Gold Skulltula Tokens.
Randomize Main Rules
won't randomize slider values.- Conditional-always hints check for whether 2 or more dungeon rewards are required, as a backstop.
- New setting
Skip Child Zelda
- Skips the Hyrule Castle visit as child, returning Malon and Talon to Lon Lon Ranch and granting Zelda's Letter and the song that Impa provides at the start of the game.
- Depending on the
Kakariko Gate
andComplete Mask Quest
settings, may also start with the gate and shop open and masks available. - Removes the Weird Egg (and prevents
Shuffle Weird Egg
- New setting
Skip Some Minigame Phases
- Allows getting both rewards for Horseback Archery and Dampé Race in a single go!
- Replaces the
Skip First Dampé Race
- New setting
Complete Mask Quest
- Marks all the mask sales complete so that the shop has all masks available to borrow as soon as it opens.
- New setting
Fast Bunny Hood
- Allows manual toggling on/off of the 1.5x speed boost from MM.
- New "Hint Distribution" customization options
- Old hardcoded hint distributions are now defined by json files in
. - Custom hint distributions can be added to this folder, or defined directly in Plando files.
- Many locations that did not previously have item hints now have hints, in case a custom hint distribution makes use of them.
- Using the hint distribution "Bingo" allows setting a "Bingosync URL" to build hints for the specific OoTR Bingo board. Otherwise it's a generic hint distribution for OoTR Bingo.
- Old hardcoded hint distributions are now defined by json files in
- Hint distributions can configure groups of stones to all have the same hint, and can also disable stones from receiving useful hints (give them junk hints instead).
- Tournament hint distribution changes
- Grotto stones are disabled and only provide junk hints.
- Zelda's Lullaby is never considered for Way of the Hero hints.
- Only "always", "Barren", and "WotH" hints have duplicates now.
- "Barren" hints will typically be split evenly between dungeon and overworld areas.
- Number of unique hints of each type are now (not counting seed-dependent hint types like 'always' and 'trial'): 4 WotH, 2 barren, 5(remainder) sometimes.
- The previous Tournament hint distribution has been renamed "Scrubs Tournament".
- New setting
Hero Mode
- Allows playing without heart drops from enemies or objects. Good luck!!
- New cosmetic settings for HUD button colors
- These can all be set independently, defaulting to the N64 colors.
- New cosmetic setting
Item Model Colors Match Cosmetics
- Freestanding models like heart containers, gauntlets, and heart/magic drops will match their respective color settings.
- Tunics are not affected, in order to keep freestanding tunics recognizable.
- Navi Colors section renamed "Misc. Colors"
- Navi and sword trails options are now in this section, along with:
- New "Rainbow" option in all Navi color settings.
- New Boomerang trail inner & outer color settings, including a "Rainbow" option.
- New Bombchu trail inner & outer color settings, including a "Rainbow" option.
- New Mirror Shield Frame color setting.
- Added options to
Background Music
for randomly selecting only from custom music.
Lens of Truth
setting has been removed and replaced with several independent tricks.Lensless Wasteland
: assumes you can navigate the Wasteland to the Colossus without the Lens of Truth.<Area> without Lens of Truth
: assumes you can complete the given area without the Lens of Truth. Note that MQ and Vanilla dungeons have separate tricks.- Shadow Temples are split into two separate areas for these tricks.
- Glitchless logic now requires Lens (or an appropriate trick) for some checks, particularly in Shadow Temple.
- Glitched logic may sometimes assume you can do something without lens regardless of trick settings.
- New tricks
Dodongo's Cavern Vines GS from Below with Longshot
- use the Longshot to avoid the staircase.Forest Temple First Room GS with Difficult-to-Use Weapons
- use a sword or Deku Sticks to jumpslash, or Bombs as child.Spirit Temple Main Room Jump from Hands to Upper Ledges
- make a precise jump without Hookshot or Hover Boots.Water Temple Falling Platform Room GS with Boomerang
- use the Boomerang from the very edge of the platform.Death Mountain Trail Climb with Hover Boots
- get past the boulders without destroying them.Zora's Domain GS with No Additional Items
- use only a jumpslash.Ice Cavern Block Room GS with Hover Boots
- reach the GS with the Hover Boots to jumpslash it.Hyrule Castle Storms Grotto GS with Just Boomerang
- make a precise throw with the Boomerang to send it behind the wall.Water Temple Central Pillar GS with Farore's Wind
- cast inside the pillar before raising the water level. Previously assumed in logic!Water Temple Central Pillar GS with Iron Boots
- unlock the door on the middle level before raising the water.Water Temple Dragon Statue Switch from Above the Water as Adult
- trigger the switch from dry land, then use Iron Boots, any Scale, or a jump dive coming from the river.Water Temple Dragon Statue Switch from Above the Water as Child
- same but for child. The Scale dive is very precise.Goron City Grotto with Hookshot While Taking Damage
- brave the heat, but be quick.Dodongo's Cavern Two Scrub Room with Strength
- position a block correctly and adult can bring a bomb flower to the wall.Shadow Temple Falling Spikes GS with Hover Boots
- make a precise move to get on the falling spikes, then another precise move to grab the token.Deku Tree MQ Roll Under the Spiked Log
- roll at the right time to shrink your hintbox. Previously assumed in logic!Bottom of the Well MQ Jump Over the Pits
- Use a sidehop or backflip to jump over the pits. Previously assumed in logic!Water Temple MQ Central Pillar with Fire Arrows
- Angled torches have hard-to-hit hitboxes. Previously assumed in logic!Forest Temple MQ Twisted Hallway Switch with Jump Slash
- Hit the switch from above with a jump slash, after getting in place with Hover Boots or some glass blocks. Previously assumed in logic!Fire Temple MQ Lower to Upper Lizalfos Maze with Hover Boots
- Hover Boots can get you up from a crate.Fire Temple MQ Lower to Upper Lizalfos Maze with Precise Jump
- You can even jump up from a crate without the Hover Boots!Fire Temple MQ Above Flame Wall Maze GS from Below with Longshot
- Point the Longshot at the right pointin the ceiling to obtain the token.Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Silver Rupees without Song of Time
- Get a boost from a Like Like into a silver rupee, but don't die in the process.Deku Tree MQ Compass Room GS Boulders with Just Hammer
- Jump slash from the top of the vines.Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room as Child without Song of Time
- Throw a crate onto the switch to unbar the door briefly.Water Temple MQ North Basement GS without Small Key
- There's an invisible Hookshot target you can use.Death Mountain Trail Lower Red Rock GS with Hover Boots
- Kill the Skulltula, get on the fence, and then backflip onto the the rock.Ice Cavern MQ Red Ice GS without Song of Time
- Side-hop into the right place and you have a brief amount of time to use Blue Fire.Kakariko Rooftop GS with Hover Boots
- Some tricky movements with the Hover Boots can get you up onto Impa's House.Dodongo's Cavern MQ Light the Eyes with Strength
- You have to move very quickly to light the eyes with a Bomb Flower.Dodongo's Cavern MQ Back Areas as Child without Explosives
- Use pots, Armos, etc to progress through the room. Not relevant without "Light the Eyes with Strength" above, which is much harder for child.Fire Trial MQ with Hookshot
- Hit the target from a precise position with precise aim.
- Removed tricks
Water Temple Boss Key Chest with Iron Boots
Water Temple Dragon Statue with Bombchu
- superseded by the new Dragon Statue tricks.Bottom of the Well Like Like GS without Boomerang
- the Like Like can be permanently killed, so this isn't logically valid.
- Changed Tricks
- Burning the two vertical webs in the Deku Tree basement with bow is now default logic. The relevant trick has been renamed to
Deku Tree Basement Web to Gohma with Bow
to reflect that it now only applies to the web immediately before Gohma. Reach Forest Temple MQ Twisted Hallway Switch with Hookshot
- renamedForest Temple MQ Twisted Hallway Switch with Hookshot
.Fire Temple MQ Boulder Maze Side Room without Box
- renamedFire Temple MQ Lizalfos Maze Side Room without Box
.Fire Temple MQ Big Lava Room Blocked Door without Hookshot
- can be done without damage, so it's now allowed in OHKO.Forest Temple Scarecrow Route
- renamedForest Temple East Courtyard Door Frame with Hover Boots
and can be done in Vanilla or MQ.
- Burning the two vertical webs in the Deku Tree basement with bow is now default logic. The relevant trick has been renamed to
- Tricks can be filtered in the GUI using a new dropdown.
- Easy and Hell Mode presets have been updated to add in the new features and/or tricks as relevant!
- Stealing Epona no longer crashes with the Fast Epona Race setting when you have Epona's Song but no ocarina.
- Bunny Hood speed bonus now applies correctly in cases other than child running at full speed.
- Avoid crashing on some systems when using child items as adult.
- Ensure Ice Traps have valid models if they can be seen.
- Limit Kokiri Tunic RGB values in Glitched Logic to prevent Weirdshot crashes.
- Prevent Gerudo guards from throwing child Link in jail.
- Fix hints not being readable on Mask of Truth setting.
- Prevent Collection Delay from the Carpenter Boss when mashing through the text with an item in hand.
- Gray note songs do not play back when learning them, adding consistency and preventing Sun's Song from causing bugs. With this set of changes to song learning, Sun's Song can now be played right after you learn it and it will function properly.
- Empty Bomb fix improved to work in all scenarios.
- Fast warp song hack now sets transition to white fade for consistency.
- Royal Family Tomb moves out of the way instantly.
- Fix Zelda from being frozen at the start of the final battle.
- Fix (hopefully) any remaining issues fishing on BizHawk.
- Drop Ruto before entering Big Octo room if the miniboss has been defeated.
- Prevent an errant
from showing up in Triforce Hunt. - Move the Stone of Agony indicator above any small keys if both are present.
- Fix model/icon colors in
Item Model Colors Match Cosmetics
not returning to default with a cosmetic patch setting them to defaults. - Ensure Ganondorf always hints one of the first reachable Light Arrows.
- Don't require that child can reach Ganondorf in order for Light Arrows not to be hinted WotH.
- Allow playthrough to collect a second 'Bottle with Letter' as its first empty bottle.
- Fix some issues with
Randomize Main Rules
:- Closed Forest implies starting as child.
- Triforce Hunt won't accidentally place the Boss Key for Ganon's Castle.
- Other conflicts are now prevented.
- Fix a rare issue in ER with using time-passing regions to gain new access.
- Fix a rare issue where settings strings weren't allocated enough bits.
- Fix the version number in the ROM header being potentially wrong after patching.
- Fix the CRC for uncompressed ROMs.
- The seed generator can now retry a few times in case of failure.
- Exclude a line from text shuffle so the Malon race is completable.
- Minor plandomizer fixes and improvements.
- Various logic fixes.
- Most locations and a few items have been renamed to improve spoiler output and standardize.
- This will break settings and distribution files from previous versions that reference these locations and items.
- Reordered locations more naturally in the locations part of the spoiler.
- Default for
Shuffle Weird Egg
is now off. - In-game hints overhaul.
- File 3 has been removed from generated ROMs to free up some space.
- The Zora Sapphire in Jabu Jabu's Big Octo room is now the actual dungeon reward.
- The number of Triforces available in Triforce Hunt now rounds to the nearest whole number instead of the nearest whole even number.
- "No Logic" seeds can now disable locations.
- Cosmetic logs contain the display names of SFX instead of their internal key names.
- Performance improvements to seed generation.
- Generator GUI updated to use node-sass 4.14.1.
- Updated development n64 compilation process to use latest available toolchain.
- Changed some C code to support GCC 10 in development n64 compilation.
- Added decompressor source and updated Decompress binaries.
- returns an error code on failure to interact better with user scripting.
- Plandomizer distribution files are copied to the Output directory next to the Spoiler and Cosmetics logs.
- Mweep.
- Triforce Hunt
- Collect some number of Triforce Pieces to beat the game instead of beating Ganon.
- Multiworld Triforce counts are collective, so once the total is reached across all players everyone wins.
- If enabled via randomizing main rules, the count is always 20.
- Separate Double Defense model
- Now appears as a color-shifted version of the Heart Container, with a transparent interior and prominent gold border.
- Visual Stone of Agony indicator
- When the player has the Stone of Agony, it will appear on-screen above the rupee count when the player is near a hidden grotto.
- The icon vibrates based on proximity to the grotto entrance, similar to the rumble pak.
- A real rumble pak is not required.
- Starting Inventory
- A new tab in the GUI allows setting initial inventory, without having to create a Plandomizer file.
- Items are divided into sections in the GUI based on category.
- Trade quest items, Gerudo Membership Card, Scarecrow Song not included.
- To start with the Gerudo Membership Card, set
Gerudo Fortress
toOpen Fortress
and disableShuffle Gerudo Card
('Main Rules' tab). - To start with the Scarecrow Song, enable
Free Scarecrow's Song
('Other' tab).
- To start with the Gerudo Membership Card, set
- Open Zora Fountain now has an open only adult option.
- Added a new setting
Ice Trap Appearance
to select whether ice traps appear as major items (the default), junk items, or anything. This appearance can affect chest size withChest Size Matches Contents
enabled. - Removed settings
Start with Fast Travel
,Start with Tycoon's Wallet
,Start with Deku Equipment
.- These have been replaced with settings in the "Starting Inventory" tab.
- New settings
Start with Consumables
(enable to start with max Sticks, Nuts, and ammo),Starting Hearts
(changes starting max health). - New list settings
Starting Equipment
(swords, shields, strength, etc.),Starting Items
(c-items),Starting Songs
(songs). - Logic now requires Stone of Agony to access any hidden grotto.
- A new trick
Hidden Grottos without Stone of Agony
will bypass this. - Stone of Agony is now only considered a useless item (for barren areas) when this trick is on and Gossip Stones do not use it.
- A new trick
- Added a new trick
Goron City Spinning Pot PoH with Strength
, which allows stopping the Spinning Pot using a bomb flower. - Hell Mode preset includes both the above tricks.
- Tricks enabled/disabled in a Plandomizer file now take precedence over Tricks in 'Detailed Logic', even if the Plandomizer file has an empty list.
- An empty list means the seed will be beatable without any tricks.
- If there's no
item in the file, the Detailed Logic tricks apply instead. - If there is an
list in the file, it will not be possible to disable any of the enabled tricks (or enabling more) without editing the file.
- Cosmetic heart color setting now applies in the file select screen.
- Cosmetic tunic color setting now applies to the icons in the pause menu.
- Non-Always Location hints cannot be placed for an area that already has a Foolish hint.
- If the location hint is placed first, then it can still appear in a foolish hinted area, however in Tournament hint distribution the Foolish hints are placed first so that cannot happen.
- The location containing Light Arrows will be considered a hinted location if Ganondorf's hint can be reached without them.
- Ganondorf no longer hints at his Boss Key chest contents, except when Light Arrows don't exist (only possible in Triforce Hunt).
- Improved Entrance Randomizer hints.
- Updated Compressor. The GUI progress bar is now granular. If for some reason, the rom won't fit into 32MB, then the compressor will increase the output size.
- Revised some settings tooltips.
- Refactored Logic once again. It now uses helper json rules and rules can reference other rules.
- Disabled settings don't show up in the spoiler.
- Plando will now accept JSON lists for
in the location dictionary to randomly choose between for placement.- Attempts to not exceed item pool values until all the pool counts for the items in the list are reached.
- Plando locations are matched without regard to case.
- "Start with" settings are now handled by the Plando library.
- Further seed generation speed improvements.
- The main search algorithm was renamed Search (from Playthrough) to avoid confusion with the spoiler playthrough.
- General code cleanup and typo fixes.
- Added more Plando unittests.
- Minor stability fix in Plando.
- Spoilers for plando'd seeds now correctly show the tricks enabled for the seed.
- Plando no longer occasionally attempts to place an item on a location where it's not allowed.
- Plando starting items and items set in specific locations now count toward the pool allocation. (Starting items are replaced with junk.)
- Plando now refuses to place more than the maximum amount of bottles, adult trade items, shop items, or total non-junk items.
- Plando no longer places Ice Traps as Junk if
Ice Traps
is set to 'off'. - Other various Plando bug fixes.
- Starting items for adult that auto-equip should do so correctly now. (Non-Kokiri Tunics won't autoequip at the moment.)
- Fixed two chests in MQ Shadow Temple that had swapped names in plando and spoilers.
- Removed (unnecessarily) duplicated/overlapping hints.
- Hints that should come in multiples (duplicates) no longer come in singletons in certain corner cases.
- Randomizing main rules now works correctly.
- Removed a misleading random "trials" value from the non-randomized settings in the spoiler.
- Fix seed values with spaces no longer working.
- Removed a mispasted option description from Gauntlets colors tooltips.
- Major armips fix should prevent some crashes in Dev builds. (Devs: required armips version >= 0.10.0-68-g8669ffd)
- Miscellaneous logic fixes.
- Other bug fixes.
Skip First Dampé Race
- Allows getting both rewards in one race if the 60 second target is cleared
- Rupee Icon Color changes based on your current wallet upgrade
- Improve
Ear Safe
to be less painful Tokensanity: Overworld Only
- Shuffles Gold Skultulla Tokens in the overworld to compliment
Dungeons Only
- Shuffles Gold Skultulla Tokens in the overworld to compliment
- Configurable Skulltula target for the Bridge Requirement
Randomize Main Rule Settings
still allows setting theMQ Dungeon Count
Always Guaranteed Hints
are now determined conditionally based on settingsDefault Presets
are updated to better reflect first time beginner settings- The previous
Beginner Preset
is renamed toEasy Preset
- The previous
- Improve stability of music related features
- Fix "...???" textboxes at the entrance of Great Fairies
- In the unlikely event
Tournament Hints
runs out of hints, the remaining hints are filled with more "Sometimes Good" hints. If those run out as well then it will fill with "Random Locations" hints. - The
Gerudo Valley Crate PoH as Adult with Hover Boots
trick now properly takes OHKO into account. - Minor GUI tweaks
- Improve error feedback in GUI and Rules JSON
- New Electron GUI
- New GUI now utilizes both Python and Node to bring you an even better interface
- Now requires Node (with NPM), in addition to the Python requirement
- Glitched Logic
- New Logic Rules option that takes movement glitches into consideration
- Check out the Wiki for more information
- Entrance Randomizer
- Randomize entrances/loading zones
- Entrances are connected bidirectionally, and only shuffled with other entrances of the same pool
- Ability to randomize entrances (loading zones) among multiple pools:
Dungeons Only
: All Dungeons except Ganon's CastleSimple Indoors
: Dungeons; as well as Houses, Great Fairies, all Open and Hidden Grottos (including small Fairy Fountains and the Lost Woods Stage), and Graves.All Indoors
: Dungeons and Simple Indoors, as well as Link’s House, the Temple of Time, the Windmill, and Dampé’s Grave.All Indoors & Overworld Entrances
: Almost all loading zones connecting overworld areas, including Owls
- Deku Tree, Fire Temple, and Bottom of the Well dungeon entrances are accessible as both ages
- Starting Age Option
- Can now start as child, adult, or random
- Plan-domizer
- Create a custom seed by placing items, hints and/or entrances where you want them
- Customize starting items, item pools, active trials and Master Quest dungeons
- Plandomizer files match the spoiler log JSON format
- Additional Customization
- Additional Background Music Sequences can now be provided to be shuffled in
- Fanfares randomization
- Customizable Heart, Magic Meter, and Gauntlet colors
- Separate inner and outer Navi colors
- Added
Randomize Main Rules
option - Cow Sanity
- Playing Epona's Song for a cow for the first time gives a randomized item.
- Shuffle Magic Beans
- A pack of 10 beans is shuffled into the pool and the Bean Salesman sells a random item once for 60 rupees.
- Cucco Count
- The number of cuccos to be gathered for Anju can be reduced or randomized, and Anju will tell you in-game the target number to catch (similar to 10 Big Poes).
- Enable Useful Cutscenes prevents some useful cutscenes from being skipped
- Re-enables Poes at Forest Temple and Darunia at Fire Temple
- Seeds generation is significantly faster
- Major refactor of logic for performance and ER
- Spoiler log is now in JSON format
- Log files are produced in
during generation to record any errors. - Major Logic Changes
- Desert Colossus Hands are now logically part of Spirit Temple
- Added the ability to enter drain the Lake Hylia water as Adult after beating Morpha using a new Gossip Stone near the Serenade Warp Pad. Entering Water Temple with Gold Scale and Longshot is now always in logic, however no locations are accessible without additional tricks, Keysanity/Keysy, or Iron Boots.
- Disabled Locations will always hold Junk items (except song locations if songs are not shuffled with items)