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ROS Tools for Windows

HenrikasRS edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

Viper.Net SDK comes with a handful set of tool that allow to quickly access device functions. Check Downloads section for the newest version of ROS Tools for Windows.


This application is a straightforward way to access device data - when connected to Rubedos VIPER™ (or any other ROS master) it displays available data topics. Selecting a specific topic it starts rendering the data output. The tool is a remote copy of original [ROS RViz application] (

  1. URI of the Rubedos VIPER™ device. Usually it starts with "http://" then precedes with device IP and default port of 11311. Use network discovery function if you don't know the IP address.
  2. Network discovery. Press the button to open a dialog which scans devices on local network. Usually it takes about 1-2 mins to find all devices.
  3. IP of the machine that runs RVizWin. Select specific IP to receive callbacks if PC has more than one.
  4. When connected device information details are displayed here.
  5. A list of topics. Contents depend on currently activated applications on device.
  6. Device configuration. Available only when connected, actual configuration sections appear based on active application list.